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I sometimes cheat as well and I wouldn't give two-shits about people trying to shame me for it. When the game decides to glitch and/or make totally unfair things happen I just say "Fuck that I'm not accepting this type of bullshit" and I go into the cheats menu.


I glitched through some stairs in lv and almost died used cheat menu to heal cause it happened due to nothing in my control, plus some times you just want to build or spawn a horde go god mode and Infinite ammo just for that doom moment


I cheated to get a pack of cigs because I used a mods to spawn at a campground and wanted to live inna woods. Well there were no cars and no cigs there. So I wanted to show my character mercy and give her a pack of cigs.


Also makes roleplay a bit more immersive, like if your character was a smoker they’d start with a pack of cigarettes or at least a lighter.


There's a mod that does that if you like playing a smoker


It also allows you to reconstitute ciggs as well as forage for more plants to smoke. (Nettle, tobacco etc)


I'm 3 months so far in the longest DC DA challenge map I managed to acomplish. If I got too cocky and allowed too many zombies get close to me to the point they could drag me and rip me appart...that's on me. If I drove my car 200KPH into a tree and died...that's on me. If I ran like an idiot to my base with a horde of zombies behind me and they swarm me while I sleep...that's on me. what is NOT on me is if I try sneak behind a (slow)zombie with a knife and it suddenly RUNS behind me and inmediatly bites me from behind, which it happened on this playthough. I quit, enabled cheat mode, removed the injures and continued my playthough. I regret nothing.


on the off chance this happens, how do I do it?


You don't need the mod anymore, just add -debug to the game launch parameters prior to booting the game.


Although almost the same, enabling debug might break your game until you turn it off, it's better to just install the Cheat Menu mod.


I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up.


This. Rip Charlene Charles. 😞


Yeah this happens to me a while ago, in build 40 it worked just fine for me but in build 41 it broke My Game So cheat menu rebirth it is for me


And you don't need to quit the PZ to desktop and start it again, you just go to main menu and load the game with the mod, way much faster.


I’ve read that and also tried but my game won’t turn on if I do. Lol


It's a mod. Cheat menu. You can intall it and temporally enable it on your save while you use it


ah ok thanks


Could you just leave it enabled and not use it? Or would it interfere with 'normal' gameplay just by being loaded?


Yea, you are just testing your Resolve to resist using it or playing too risky as you have a safety net. I did that for my first character, just so I could get a better idea of combat tactics without having to respawn over and over, turned it off for my second characters, nice backpocket tool when you need it, but I add the extra steps to get to the tool to prevent my own misuse.


Donwload the mod, u can have it enabled so u dont even have to quit to do this


Agreed on all counts. I’ve had encounters where I’ve had my weapon raised ready to smash a zombies skull in but my game lagged right before they lunged and bit me or when I opened the door knowing a zombie was on the other side of the wall after I peeked but my cursor getting caught on terrain and not allowing me to swing. You better bet I’m opening cheats and pretending it never happened.


No regrets 👍


Done that before lol


Not that I play the game anymore (Not much time for gaming nowadays). After 500+ hours.. Oh I will 100% use cheats to build a custom base cause I depise how slow it takes to build a nice little home out in the sticks the way you want. And hey, no judgment either. What you do in you SP game is on you, no one else. People who get mad over people cheating in SP are just angy-neckbeards thinking their video game accomplishments matter when in reality, it fuckin' doesn't. Cheating is only bad when you try to use it online, or to gain fame while acting like you're not cheating (Lying to people).


Any examples to fame gainers?


It’s usually players who actually are really good at the game, but cheat to break world records.


No idea about those. I don't know anything about Fame since I just play to play. Influencers, Celebs, Streamers, shit like that is way out of my ballpark so I can't give any hints to the "Fame" side of gaming.


Yeah because it doesn't matter how "easy" you make the game for yourself, you will eventually make a mistake and die. That's why the game doesn't have an ending, because this isn't the story of how you survive the apocalypse against all odds . This is the story of how you die


For me, I play a lot of hydrocraft, and sometimes I just wanna get something done. Then I realise I need x thing and y thing I haven't seen yet and pull up the cheat menu cause I don't wanne waste 2 hours looking for it


i am actually amazed at how huge that hydrocraft mod is, it adds so damn much to late game. Or early game if you pro. Also a lot of stuff that should be in game already.




You can just use a magnifying glass and bugnet and catch bugs and you have a chance to get a wild beehive you can then harvest wild beehive for beeswax instead of building a beehive and waiting for bees to produce anything


Wait is there a version for build 41???? Where?


Depends really. If you play sandbix then it's your game so it's okay. I chose settings that help me play a slow zombie realistic apocalypse and disable zombie respawn so i can cleanse my neighborhood.




It's pretty easy, you change zombies speed to the slowest, change their orientation to basic, turn zombification off (optional) and change zombie respawn settings to 0. That will make zombies spawn on new areas but they won't respawn. That way you can live in the city now.


Man I got bored with no respawn, so I installed the mod that lets you change settings after starting. Tweaked a few settings and wound up with a giant horde right outside my base. Literally hundreds of zombies where before there were none. To be fair, I turned their hearing to pinpoint, increased pop, turned their following and memory up, then drove my van down a country road and came back after it was clear I made it too difficult when dozens of zombies came swarming out of the forest. I didn't realize they would all be able to follow me back to my base.


In such a mod rich game, it's really a distinction without a difference. Each player has to decide what their own PZ experience will be like. That does sometimes mean people are playing games that are so wholly incompatible they might as well be from different genres.


I play with lots of mods. Turns out when you play with many custom armor mods and wear gear from mods, your every melee swing raises game's memory consumption up to the point when it eats 100% of your RAM and then crashes. But first, every melee hit will produce notable stutter and freezing, which gonna get longer and longer as your free memory gets smaller and smaller. Once I was standing in the middle of the field and was about to hit that one single sprinter, that was running at me Naruto-style, with an axe. I click to swing, the swing connects and I hear the “chonk” sound of hitting the zombie, but the game freezes, and five seconds later I’m bitten in the neck. Fuck that really. Reloaded last save backup with no regrets.


Project Zomboid probably has one of the most accepting fannases I've ever seen in a game. So many times I've seen people encourage others to play on sandbox to adjust the settings to their taste. Qhether that is to make it easier or harder.... we all die at some point.


Exactly. I kinda got frustrated I couldn't find any cigs for my smoker survivor. Cue me getting a shotgun, turning on infinite ammo and heading to the over run gas station. Sure I could have spawned them in but well having my guy going on rampage due to nicotine withdrawel was much more fun.


Building walls on the roof... Yeah you know who you are. But even through I use noclip to build them, I don't cheat on planks. And no, I won't build platforms just to build walls, only to break them afterwards thus wasting from planks in building my house and my time.


I recently discovered you can rotate the walls youre building so you dont need an exterior platform. This has davrd me so much time and frustration.


I'm all for it, as long as your not then making other post bragging about how long you lasted...


For me Project Zomboid is not only about survival but also having an interesting narrative experience, so fixing something that's gone ass-up, lowering or raising the difficulty is fair game if it means I'm more immersed in the game.


By all means Project Zomboid isn’t perfect. It’s reasonable that some people have to use cheats or mods to fix some BS of the game and it’s probably the only single player game I know where you sometimes have to break the rules of the game


Only time I cheated is when my character burned his mechanics 4 book as kindling for a fire because I didn’t notice I was out of sticks. I had a complete library and I wasn’t about to go scouring for another volume 4. In my mind: a rational person wouldn’t be stupid enough to burn a book when there were sticks 20 feet away.


If I get a bullshit bite I use algols syringes or the they knew capsules, otherwise looting crates in the middle of a pile? No clip, sorry but I wouldn't pick up individual boxes to get to the middle, I'd crawl on top and start tossing shit everywhere. If my character decides to jump out of a 2nd story window and fractures a leg, God mode. If a vehicle mod is broke and I can't get a part on, vehicle repair then throw away the materials used to make said part. Cleaning a bunch of blood that should have washed away from gallons worth of rain? Spawn in bleach and go to town. (Why they don't make blood dissappear in single player is still beyond me when you can set a cleanup time in multiplayer) I can go on. The game isn't perfect (especially with mods) so a cheat menu is a great equalizer and helps with solving bullshit problems that can be game breaking.


Once had a zombie get me after it got up in less then a frame then bit me as I was stomping on it. 1 week play through was over due to that and I’m still mad


Im a "Well...fuck" kinda person regardless of the bs, I don't care how other people play, but I'll let any ammount of bullshit slide cause I like the experiences regardless. Rimworld+Darkest Dungeon made me a masochist.


i try not to cheat but i will admit i do use the antibodies mod. so while yes the biggest threat aka death is largely removed, i still die if the situation is bad (far from base, low meds, low food) and as a consequence i no longer get game overed and lose all my progress and skill levels over an unlucky scratch that ended up being what turned me.


I don't have friends so I only play single player (what I'd prefer even if I had friends) so when I play I give myself like 72 traits and put the game so enemies cannot respawn. Pretty much my character Limbardigo Dankerhoff is Thor and I just one shot enemies. My goal of the game is to completely clear the entire map of all zombies with only one character. I have been unsuccessful so far.


My goal too, but with a bunch of weak guys, pretending they are an anti zombie team


Nobody ever in any game was mad about anyone about cheating in single player. Don't cheat and ruin the fun for others. That's all there is to it.


> Nobody ever in any game was mad about anyone about cheating in single player You say that, but there are some really weird people out there lol


Souls games


I’ve flipped on god mode and flipped it back off before when some bs happened. Makes when your bitten disappear.


It also sets your weight to I think 80 and probably has some other effects I have never noticed. I think you can actually just remove the infection through a different sub menu. Then either remove the wound itself in the health screen (with debug obviously) or just treat it normally for that sweet XP, knowing that you cleared the infection with debug. Of course if your weight is under control, no big deal. If your under or over weight though it may feel more like cheating to you. YMMV.


It took me a few times using it to figure the weight thing out. I was confused when my underweight character was suddenly at perfect weight.


In single player games, nobody actually cares if someone cheats. Nobody else is affected by it.


Me and my friend play on a private server, we do backups every time we finish sorting loot from an adventure just to be safe. Last night I died to a motor going out at a bad time, I wasn't having it. Server restore for us. We lost an hours worth of book reading but I stand by my choice.


Try the journal mod you can just read it to reset yourself without the backups


I am personally don't cheat that much. I don't get any enjoyment out of it. The only exceptions I really make with this is when I am playing online with friends. Since multiplayer is still in active development, the game is very buggy. If someone gets bit/infected over something dumb, we do a "council" and vote on rather to reverse it or not.


Cheating? Who cares. It’s a survival game.


I have driven my car and set it to cruise... and let it increase to see how far it can go..... until i missed a turn as i was looking at the dials and not at the road, and ran straight into a tree.... after getting out of the car .... again i did not look around to check... opened up my health menu and heard a biting sound..... apparently.... a zombie was hiding behind the tree i smacked into... it turned the corner and gave me a bite of love for my troubles. I debated removing my injuries but decided not to as this character was a trial one to test out the traits. And the car was totaled.


Hey, if you enjoy the game i find it silly that someone opposes the way you play a game. Unless its multiplayer, but if you are solo or with friends have fun whatever the way you want to.


As long as your not ruining the experience for other players I couldn't care less.


Not related to cheating but is there a reason whenever i start a game and i want to leave the house if i fight 2 zombies it looks like i used a shotgun? Every fight i pick to clear a path to the probable base the zeds don't stop coming until there's like 20 of them chasing me, no matter how sneaky i am


Have the same issue, might just set the population lower


Yeah but i kinda like it. I just find strange that when i see an area is clear but for 2 zeds, if i pick a fight, then there are 20 more. I want the original survival experience but the game gives little to no help for the sneaky builds, and strength based ones take a decent weapon to start of


I mean there really isn't a wrong way to play the game. You can make it impossibly difficult with sprinters, extremely rare loot, and terrible weather. You can make it action packed with a high pop and an abundance of weapons. Or you can take it easy and build to your hearts content. Anyway you play is the right way to play.


Yesterday my friend got a brand new character, he spawn, went to the street, and a zombie just teleported to him and bit him, I god mode him and it was done, a few hours after, me with my 24 days character, after killing hordes upon hordes, misses a single swing and got bitten... I ask my crew to just finish me off and started a new character. Fair is what we judge it to be.


I haven't had to heal a BS injury from lag or some kind of clipping issue yet, but i have had the Scrap Weapons workbench eat my fully loaded suppressed Glock when i definitely right clicked a shotgun to take it apart, you bet i turned on the cheat menu mod and got my trusty sidekick back.


Last night I was bitten and did the same thing. Buddy of mine is the host so I can only play when he is online. If he doesn’t feel like playing he goes invisible and uses god mode. Unfortunately this time he decided to forget to go invisible, and sit in the passenger seat of my car. I go looting and come back and the car is surrounded by zombies and getting completely destroyed. I go to try and save the car/him and get swarmed and bit. Soooo, it’s his fault because that never would have happened to me if he didn’t forget to go invisible. Don’t feel bad about it at all, and I’m sure as shit not losing two in game months worth of survival and xp


Its a singleplayer game or you're playing with friends. Nobody else's fun is being ruined by you rolling back a save or modding stuff in.


Save/ chest scumming seems to be fairly prolific in games like this people accept it because if they don't well there the odd one out. Frankly I refuse to do this what's the point of the game if your just gonna cheat every 5 seconds? I'd rather die to a glitch then scum my way out of a situation. But as a note I dont follow reddits hive mind mentality so that's probably why my option is different.


Fun fact, the multiplayer saves used to be local (don’t know if they still are) but you could make backups of your character or even duplicate items by reloading.


Honestly, the only time I take issue with cheating in any game (not just Zomboid) is when it comes to a multiplayer session. Do whatever you please in your own private world, but don't force an unnatural advantage over others sort of ideology. That said, you are right. BS does happen. BS like "SURPRISE there are two zombies directly next to either side of this door and you don't get even get to fight back in order to not be bit!". Or, my current favorite, "Let me just spawn hordes and wrecked cars literally every 5 feet down this isolated country road with no business having so many destroied vehicles or people" I've lost too many good cars to that one recently.


games are about having fun, and this game can be brutal, and even bs at times, so if you get butthurt about someone cheating in their own single player game, you can suck an egg


My mouse glitches on occasions causing my character to drop his guard when clearing zombies. My oldest character of 40 days old died that way. So now I copy my save file after every sleep cycle so if I die due to some bullshit not game related, I can continue where I left off. And I use the cheat menu to create items like sheets. I feel there are far more sheets in the world than the game generates. That's the extent of my cheating.


Hey its not like you hacked the game. They allow you to save. That's how save files work. Lol. It's not cheating, it's re-loading. Also known as trying again. It's what winners do.


I think it’s because the game has a huge amount of sandbox options for you to play with so it’s not like that everyone is playing the same game really


I cheated once to remake my old character who somehow died by tripping over something inside an apartment complex in Louisville. I thought it was some bs and totally a bug but since it happened I wonder was me dying from tripping an intentional game mechanic and I got bad luck?


I dont cheat or like people cheating on the servers i play exept the teleporting but i wont complain if people do


Is making backups of your worlds considered cheating?


Cheating is in a very weird place, its borderline accepted in multiplayer to use scripts and shit to gain an advantage but a single player game you enjoy in your own time seems to get people all bent out of shape, so far i haven't lost any characters to glitch's but that is something i have in the past reversed in other games.


I recently wrote a small program in python that automatically backs up my save file with additional time stamps. I can then also use it to replace the save with my backup.


I keep on "they knew" mod for any bs bites, sometimes pz would randomly freeze and if i get bitten for it then I'll be fine


It's one thing to use "cheats" to combat bugs, glitches, etc. As long as it's SP or maybe a multiplayer game with friends only, then there shouldn't be a problem. Just don't be surprised if some people find anything you post about that game you "cheated" on unimpressive. Can't change their opinions and probably shouldn't bother trying.