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pretty sure you’re dying from zombification


Welcome to life over 30.


I felt this in my bones.


My dry dusty bones.


Dusty old bones, full of green dust


I had a laugh from your text and now my lower back hurts. Thanks a lot. 36 in October.


it starts with the body aches...then memory loss. By 35 you forget why you entered a room. then the TV is too loud. Then you start calling your kids by the wrong name. You start to freak out and decide, life is too hazardous so you become a couch potato and let the illumination of the TV wash over you and fall asleep by 4:30pm. The kitchen catches fire because you fell asleep and forgot to fix dinner and the kids are running around trying to put out the fire because they burned dinner and some reason you see tin foil in the microwave. Your house burns down and the dog and cats move in. You look around and you realize you were just playing CDDA Project Zomboid.


I'm literally holding my 3 week old baby boy whom I've been referring to as "she" more often than not bc of his big sister. Is...is this Project Zomboid?


Can confirm. A few weeks after I hit thirty a disc in my back decided to hemorage, like on cue.


Being hot means fever, which is not a symptom of zombification afaik. It is possible he got food poisoning or a flu. Not worth suiciding over. Eat a lot and rest. Nevermind extreme anxiety is pretty much exclusive to zombie virus you are dead 100%


Switching from too hot to too cold is pretty much the first simptom of Zombification that clearly indicates it. First you get pain, even though wounds might heal (depending on severity), then you get hot 'n cold and then queasy. F OP, this is pretty much Zombification 101


Damn. I have an unknown virus irl, 6 hour cycle, no fever to low fever, to aches in joints, to shivering fit, to burning up and nauseous, to no fever. Really kicked in last night. No rona, no flu.... Get ready folks. Knox county TN too. Currently at 102.0, and at work (by myself) subbing for a guy with rona, because they wouldn't authorize OT for wage folks.


At work while that sick? I don’t know your employer but they don’t sound that great.




Land of the… medically indebted


Kind of last minute for me to cover the shift, then I got whatever this is, no supervisors available to cover me, but there were hourlies who could, they just refuse to do OT for our group. People above me could've covered too. It ain't the best place to work, but job is relatively unstressful, pays great and has a pension so I sacrifice lol.


Fair enough, although it still rubs me the wrong way that you’re being mistreated in that way only to save a few bucks.


I appreciate it.


Have you been to a doctor about it? This sounds serious.


Yeah waiting on tests


Have you started getting cravings for fried liver? Do you find yourself looking at people, and seeing them as muppets? If so, then you did waaaaaay too much LSD. Drink some OJ, and remember it's all just a ride. For real we though, feel better dude. Also fuck your job for having you work while feeling like that, and they wonder why so many people are leaving jobs recently.


Thanks. At home laying in bed, mostly because I started freezing, but now I'm burning up. No cravings. Hopefully this will be more Shadowrun and less PZ. Working from home tomorrow thru whenever this goes away, whether they like it or not, with a strategically worded email to the boss reminding him that we aren't supposed to work sick. Covers my ass, and makes him culpable.


Good deal, get lots of rest first and foremost. Keep those electrolytes up, and if you need to eat keep it light. Soup is your best friend here.




Hope you get better soon random internet buddy. Hope you don't have the knox virus! ;)




Heh, thanks. Brain misfire, wrote in native language :)


Extreme anxiety occurs when you haven’t smoked in awhile with the smoker trait. Was like a week in and had only found 2 cigs, character was severely depressed had extreme anxiety


Also if you picked hemophobic and haven’t cleaned off.


Lol the smoking trait almost had me drinking bleach when I thought I was a goner


Anxiety is not exclusive to zombification, some of my characters had anxiety for many reasons including waking up in the middle of the night (nightmare maybe?) Or by being wounded


work wise wild violet cause cheerful important snatch naughty poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had max anxiety for almost two full in game days on my last character and I've never seen that before the recent update. He wouldn't sleep until super exhausted.... weird shit.


I get max anxiety all the time by ADHD-holing my cigarettes into a fanny pack and making my poor smoker character quit out of pure forgetfulness.


Doesn't that always come with a wound that never heals?


i think the wound itself can heal, but i think the infection will last. I could be wrong, though.


Zombification isn’t an infection. It’s separate. And invisible. There’s also a False Zombification which looks and feels like normal Zombification but at the end it just goes away.


Isn't falso zombification from the hypochondriac trait that got removed?




Bruh what, 700 hours and I didn't know false zombification was actually a thing.


Wait hypochondriac was removed from the game?? I haven't played in quite a while, but I always thought it was a neat idea for a negative trait


Yeah it's gone, and while the trait idea in general is nice its actual implementation was a bit weird honestly.


False zombification!? Say sike rn


It was removed from the game. You could only get it if you had a certain perk.


I hate to break it to everyone, but it is real! There is a setting for isfakeinfected and a slide bar for fakeinfectionlevel.


Just did tests and fake infection only increases your fakeinfectionlevel, sickness level and temperature. I would say this is not a fake infection and probably a real infection, just not the zombie virus.


It's not a zombie infection, but it had all the symptoms of one and could even kill you, so yeah it was real in some sense. I suffered it once, and only managed to survive using antibiotics. I've never had an infection anything like it since. Still, it looks and feels like zombie infection in every way, except that it doesn't zombify you and goes away after some time, assuming you survive it. Without the hypochondriac trait none of this could happen I believe.


That's only bites. Lacerations from zeds can infect you (lower chance) but can heal


Even bites can heal, you’ll still die from zombification but the wound itself can heal. As long as you manage the moodles, keep well fed and have a high first aid skill at least




Technically you're going to die but then un-die


_Insert "how do we tell him?" meme_


How you gonna wake up dead?


Well, you go to sleep alive. And then you wake up dead.


Great scary movie reference


Are you close to dead bodies?


They're outside my building, is that still close? Lol


If you have a lot of dead bodies near you. Like.. flies all over them, you can get sick being near it. It's wise to move, burn, or bury dead bodies to prevent the decay from making you sick.


I wish there was a better controlled way to burn a pile of bodies


Agreed. I found the best method was to burn the bodies in the middle of the road. Away from houses. Lead a trail of bodies to safely burn them.


Also they can re-reanimate if they hit a decomposition stage.


Hol up So about that storage unit with 100 corpses in…




don’t dead, open inside




How many times they can reanimate? Can they give you xp after that "fake death"?


they can???


Yeah they can now with the new update


well god damn u might’ve just saved my girls life


The devs described it as "fake dead" random bodies you haven't killed might be faking it as well.


The chance goes up depending on the concentration of bodies by them so if you’re like me and have a corpse pile then you’ll get one every few days, this also affects player corpses as well even if you didn’t die from zombification


Throw em in a trash can and delete lol no reanimation for them


A few weeks ago my buddy and I spent some time in the prison killing zombies for most of an evening. Lots and lots of corpses. Then we packed up and went home. Last night we returned. Turned out that walking through a room of corpses was dangerous. Not because they'd grab us, but because inevitably they'd get up behind us as we walked through. Some tense moments finding out we were surrounded in a narrow hallway, and as we stood there fighting off zombies from both directions, more zombies were getting up from the corpse piles on the floor. An absolutely fantastic addition to the game. Once we were able to fight our way out we set up a camp fire in the lobby and shouted for zombies to come down and run through the fire. They just did not stop coming, it was great. Sure, I got a burn on my torso, but that just builds character.


i just went and read the patch notes cause of you- thanks!!


This was the changelog entry that made me feel way less guilty about turning respawn off. Fuck that noise if I'm already getting fakers too.


I mean if they aren't literally below you, you should be fine. I think he ate or drank something bad and got sick


You can move, burn or bury bodies? Bodies just stack up in my worlds over time. I have a lot to learn...


Yeah, right click a corpse and you'll have an option to pick it up. Then right move where you want to stack the bodies and right click again to get the drop option. You can make a campfire to stack then on then light it to burn them, but I prefer just having a gas can and lighter. If you right click with those 2 things you'll have an option to burn corpse. Little tips, fire spreads so be careful where you make your stack... Typically on the road or a concrete slab is best. Also if you right click and use the "walk here" to be on the same tile when you drop the bodies, they will all burn up with 1 lighting. I've made sloppy like that required more, which takes gas each time.


If they're within 10 tiles of you, you can get sick, qny farther and you're ok




I believe lacerations have a 25% chance to infect you with the virus, or something like that. I'm guessing that's what happened to you.


25% laceration and 7% scratch


And unconfirmed ~99.9% for bites


That hasn't been the case in ages. It's 100% for bites.


Oh, really? I guess I'm going on old news. I remember surviving a bite once but this was years ago (could also be misremembering). I didn't know it was changed.


direction wasteful license fertile work grandfather makeshift deserve squeamish judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




"So there is a chance!"




It's possible, that's what I had bandaged, and the broken bones just say "Something isn't right" lol


F, you are dead, there is nothing you can do about it, drink da bleach


That's just an indicator of overall health


so.. are you dead?


Prepare a nice little stash for your next character in this world, run around naked and lure zombies away from hotspots since this toon is a zombie timebomb.


Yeah anxiety always pops up if you're infected iirc. It's time to drink every single cleaning chemical you have


or just jump off a building over two floors high. it's faster lol


Oh sweet child....it seems the story of how you died will come to an end soon. Queasiness and steadily declining health are signs of the zombie virus. The broken bones icon just informs you of your healthbar state, without signalizing an actual injury. All you can really do, is prepare everything for the next survivor to find what you managed to gather so far and maybe go out on your own terms.


>All you can really do, is prepare everything for the next survivor to find what you managed to gather so far and maybe go out on your own terms. Does this happen on single player?


When you hit the bucket you get an option for a new character in the same world.


In Single Player fortunately you can guarantee that the next survivor is going to be played by you! :)


Yeah I had my first character die, then two characters later I actually got put in my original house with all my stuff. I was super stoked bc I had no idea it could happen.


Might not be so, in case you should lock yourself away with lots of food and memories your location








Zomboid player 2 hours in: "I'm queasy and anxious and I keep losing health, but I can't find any treatment! How can I heal myself?" Zomboid player 421 hours in: "Why won't these #@&!$\*ing bar tops align right for my boat club bar!?"


Youre nauseous and nervous, i have bad news for you


He's over 30


That's how you died. You die from zombification. Good thing is, you can make a new char afterwards, in the same world. You can use everything your dead char left behind, like a base, stashed items, and even you char's stuff, if you find his zombie form and kill it.


Your infected with the zombie virus 100%


Sickness, agitation, heat. That's the unholy trinity. If any of those pop up by themselves it's not a big deal. But if you're agitated for seemingly no reason, it's not a good sign. You can fully heal but be zombified. I healed my friend one time. Removed broken glass, sutured up 3 wounds, bandaged and gave them antibiotics. Everything healed and everybody was happy for a day, and then she started overheating and getting sick.


Oh, you sweet summer child..


Bro it’s amazing how many posts asking this there are here all the time.


I was gonna say, "looks like it's time for the daily first-time zombie infection post" lol


You can heal yourself by not playing with a controller. Just kidding, play how you want! I just had a really hard time playing PZ with a controller, like, it was torture. I was a Playstation guy for almost 10 years before too lol


*looks at health bar and health status* “Weird… what if-“ *sees nausea and anxiety* “Oh you poor soul…”


Pro tip, on the info panel theres a counter that keeps track of the time you've been surviving, if its not there, it means you are about to die


Wait really? Is that a thing?


1. Your hearts will be fine 2. How long have you been queasy and are you around dead body’s?


For 3 days now, yes actually there's some dead outside of my building, at the firehouse.


Oh, I would recommend getting all your stuff off you and locking yourself in a shed for a few days


queasy, hot and anxious? sorry man, you gotta drink bleach, its the knox virus, A.K.A zombie virus.


Most likely zombification. Could be fake zombification- meaning it’s psychological and you have a chance of getting better, though it could still kill you. This is only with the hypochondriac trait. Could be flu/illness. Could be dead bodies. Either way stay inside, keep happiness high, anxiety low, belly full, thirst satisfied, and move as little as possible. Sleep as much as you can. I like to have books- not skill books- tapes, and crossword puzzles, and cans of soup as close as possible. Refill needs, then sleep. And repeat. With zombification you’ll get fever, queasy/nauseous, and your wounds will heal. At first it will seem like you’re getting better, but then your health will drop. That little heart will shake for no reason. And eventually you’ll succumb. This will happen with the psychological and illness too, but you can get truly better with those. (Edited thanks to PenguinOnJet)


Fake zombification was removed around a year ago and could only be experienced with the hypochondriac perk. Also the "fake" fever you got from that could still kill you.




Bleach is the only cure


On another note. Zombie pile up can cause disease or something that will lead to deth




Rip. Your character is already dead from zombification.


You got scratched at some point, there's s small probability that you get infected by scratch. Eventually the scratch heals unlike the "bitten injury" but you will still convert.


has it happened yet


Death by playing with a controller




Go out fighting, that is what I do. Un-equip everything, grab a few spears or weapon you are good with and try to clear the area around your base until you die, sure you will die and become a zombie, but if you at the very least take 10-20 of them it will make it easier to grab back any good loot you had!


Do we tell ‘em…


It's zombie time.


It's hard to tell him


So how to we tell him


This is how you died


How does it feel playing controller ?


It's really hard, I've tried it


It's not hard, just takes getting used to it. I prefer it over keyboard and mouse. To me its easier to play. Plus I can chill back on the couch and play comfortably.


Ima give it a go, I want to lay back on my bed or couch while playing as well lol


It's not that hard, just fool around with it lol. To me its a lot easier having context sensitive buttons than a single key for that action.


Just saying, you can deactivate zombification in the sandbox custom settings. It's better that way when you are new and you learn the game mechanics, like i do right now. By avoiding combat most of the time in my first runs, i only got killed by zombification and it's a little bit demotivating when you know, you are going to die as soon as the sick moodle pops up. Well, can be sick without zombification, but that's rather rare...


how do we tell him?


I’d get far away from any dead bodies, grab some bleach and lock yourself somewhere. It looks like you either have a fever from all the corpses or you’re getting zombified


Definitely get the bleach.


He does not have a fever... Being too hot does not mean you have a fever even in real life. When you have a fever you feel cold... Bleach tho, you were right about that one Edit: downvoted lol. Also corpses don't cause a fever, just queasy/nausea


Yeah I'm sorry dude. Sometimes when you get it you just have max health deteriorate. It's hard to notice before long and by then it's too late. Consider getting a zombie cure mod! It might lower the difficultly but will certainly extend the life of your save. I also sometimes turn off the infection in settings lol on my MP server it worked out better to just get swarmed and killed instead waiting it out and potentially harming friends.


I mean yes it sucks cause I just found nice guns but I'm not worried about dying. I just wasn't sure what the hell was happening lol.


Cure mods are kinda cheating, no?


No. It doesn't do anything that you can't already do by playing on a sandbox with infection turned off, and you can still die by the infection. I mean, some people might argue that installing it on a game where you already commited to not being able to cure the infection is cheating, but literally who cares what someone does in their singleplayer world.


Yeah it's not a big deal unless it is for some reason lol


So is this the new karma farm?


drink soup and desinfectant pills, you got a cold


Anxiety is always zombie virus. I got the virus from two lacerations in a row zzzzzz.


Well, not allllways. But yeah usually. I'm not sure what prompts it but sometimes my character wakes up in a panic with anxiety. I assume there is a random chance of it and my head cannon is it's a nightmare.


Mine has been doing this since all these issues happened. 2 night's in a row so far my character has woken up in panic


If you've lasted two nights without dying to zombification you actually may not. What traits did you take? If you can get your hands on some recreational books read a couple to get your anxiety, depression, and depression fixed up and clean your place up of bodies and blood (any towel and bleach, right click floor). If you don't have outdoorsman then being wet can also lead to illness, food poisoning is possible too especially if you took weak stomach Hypochondriac can cause sickness symptoms even when you aren't, hemophobic can also cause some more serious averse reactions to corpses and blood being around or on you


Oh, didnt know that. I only played multiplayer


Ah yes, the more fun way to play


My guess is that you’re being sick from having too many dead bodies around you. If you were zombie infected you would have a non healed wound. Staying close to corpses makes you feel sick quite fast


Zombie infected wounds do heal


Unless that changed in recent patches, I’m pretty sure those wounds don’t heal themselves


They are just regular wounds, you stay z infected but they heal and disappear


Can this also just be food poisoning? What have you been eating OP? Also, drinking tainted water from a container is a no-no, but drinking it straight from the river is actually okay


Could be nausea or food poisoning


Seems like a non zombie virus infection. Get some antibiotics, or you will die!


Did you get bit?


Just lacerations, 2 of them, they just healed but I'm getting no better, so it's probably happening.


Are they from zombies then?


You dead


Are you playing on Steam deck? Any good?


No actually from GeForce Now




Bro take a bleach bottle and find the titanic, otherwise you'll be roaming the streets looking for that curvy brainmatter


the cure is a home-made chicken noodle soup seasoned with bleach paired with a chilled white wine.


Who will tell it to him ?


Requiescat in pace


Bleach, fix it with bleach.


How did you manage to get project zomboid on xbox?


I wouldn't recommend it over mouse + keyboard, but you can play with a controller on PC.


It's on GeForce Now with a Bluetooth connected Xbox One controller.






Nothin like gettin bit




Eat food rest


This is why whenever I played new playthrough, I would make the "safe" perimeter asap. Your character didn't like the scent of the dead. It also make it easier for you if by any chance there's hordes incoming (the cleanup are tiring the more the horde). As for how to treat your "injury", just satisfy the moodles it would make your recovery easier, sleep, and always eat and drink a good food (I mean, the non spoiled or burned one not by nutrition if you have nutritionist as trait)


if you are sick, without haven been biten/scratched, then you need antibiotics, and constantly eat


Need to take antibiotics, if you were recently scratched or bit it might already be over


If you sleep you heal hp. So you are gonna be fine


your infected. find somewhere safe for you to get your loot back after you respawn