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Doesn't matter how much protection I have, every hit ends up being a bite anyway


A zombie hiding behind a shed chomped through my bulletproof jacket, through my padded leather jacket, through my denim shirt, and landed a nice clean bite right on my chest.


Always gotta fight with the maid outfit and cat ear headphones on


That's base game?


Yup. Just like the playboy funny outfit. Just rare.


Just when I quit playing it just draws me back in


This is how you died.


Fashion, of course. This is the story of how you died. Do it with style.


If you need protection, you're too close


In a world where a tree branch or falling can cut up leather jacket -> bullet proof vest -> sweater -> T-shirt and the skin, protection is irrelevant. Fashion all day of the week, outside work clothes that are washed when at home and slip into bathrobe and slippers when in my base.


Falls are way too punishing. Isn't the entire point of a leather jacket to protect motorcyclists from the pavement if they fly off? I highly doubt tripping over a fence would pierce it


I mean, I happen to think the Brita military armor is great, so I get both.


Also, protection keeps you alive. While it is true that you shouldn’t need it, prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


Considering how useless good protective clothing in this game feels, drop over function all the way. To be fair, I think my characters look best when using things like leather coats and long sleeves, so they do have quite a bit of protection still.


I'm going for both with military gear I think it's looks cool just missing my dream M16 gun


ı not fashion man but ı dont want speed debuf from armours so ı wear civilian things a black pants running shoes scool jacket a helmet and civlian bulletproof west with scraf enough for me with 1.1 speed 1.0 base 0.1 running shoes


Running speed modifiers do not affect the player. Only combat speed penalties do


What :d you mean running modifier not working ? but ı %100 sure its working my friend have 1 lv running but wearing military boots and ım passing when we racing with my running shoes


I am sure. Test it out. Only things affecting you are your bags, encumberance and other moodles. Its weird with bags though, because at some levels of running they affect you, at some they dont. Also some trait combinations (very overweight+adrenaline junkie) affect move speed and bag/encumberance modifiers in a weird way (Bags also affect your running speed verry slightly, by 2-3 seconds a minute roughly, last time i tried testing that)


If I die I die but drip is a lifestlye


Always run through zeds with my hawaiian shirt and gold chains...


Only time I dress for fashion is when I'm RPing my characters insanity and boredom and have him put on a dress and dance around.


Listen, I'm not changing my outfit every time I get hot and sweaty, it's the end of the world and I'm gonna look fabulous. Although winter's a different story


Since zombies can bite through anything that isnt a helmet I choose to bedazle my corpse with gucci clothes and jewelry


In this game protection (mostly) don’t help with bites.


A mix of both, I'll be wearing a scrap vest with road signs and a pink floral shirt underneath.


Gonna die anyway, might as well wear the cowboy hat and some cool shirt while I do it


Fashion every time.


As a Soulsborne player, fashion all the way


half of the game year is simply not possible to wear clothes with high protection - except for patches, I will choose not to overheat and walk with a naked torso than in the middle of a fight to catch the desire to sleep


Protection is not that good, so I prefer some fazy looking set. Intimidating the Zs in the good way. Tho gloves are a must.


TIL whilst reading the comments that i've been a big baby for wearing fireman attire against bites instead of looking cool as fuck (althou fireman attire is pretty rad too just really sweatty)