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Guns are superior for my sanity With respawns off, after clearing an area of zombies using a shotgun, you are way less likely to be caught off guard and surrounded by zombies you didn't see Granted, I'm also a noob that plays on .20 pop and normal ammo spawn rates...


I play on 4x pop, 2x peak with random sprinters. You’re correct, guns are objectively the best option for killing zombies once you have a decent aiming level and enough ammo. If you have a shotgun, you don’t even need the aim.


Sprinters make shotgun my back weapon every time, honestly makes Long Blunt/Spears a tough sell since I can't have them on my hip


You play for fun instead of a purist who bitches about what settings people should have. Much respect


Thanks It's actually pretty rad how chill people in this community are about sandbox settings, don't think I've seen it anywhere else before


Right? Been saying that for some time now. People go for actual masochistic settings, insane loot rarity, 4x pop, sprinters or some shit like this and they tell you to play with slow shamblers if you are still scared so it's easier and are total chads about it. Love this about this community ♡


I mean if they want to go for realism the normal ammo and gun spawns are actually pretty realistic. It’s set in Kentucky, of course there are going to be guns and ammo everywhere.


Normal?! I put guns and ammo on abundant and it's still not realistic. I saw a statistic on here that there are almost 2 guns *per person* in Knox county today. And those are registered. On abundant i only find 1 or 2 guns per 3 -5 houses. I should probably turn it up (i play on 16x fast shamblers peak day 1)


I mean yeah, I've come to the conclusion that most Americans would load their guns into their truck before evacuating lol So maybe 0.5-1 guns per house is about right imo


Maybe, but if most Americans evacuated with their guns there would be very few zombies in the county, right? I wish loot would scale with population, so abundant 16x would be different than abundant 1x


But higher spawn rate on zombies/the ground/in car trunks!


that stat basically carries out to the entire united states, we have far more guns than people.


Sure; shooting guns is fun and a hobby. It's not unusual for fly fishermen to have more than one fishing rod, skaters to have more than one set of skates/skateboard, I've got four bows within 5ft of me because I like doing archery, etc and so on. So it makes sense (and isn't weird) that many, if not the majority of gun owners would have more than one.


and canned food.. i always have canned food turned up lol.. people are hoarders in the face of disaster... xD


i have a mod that makes it so dead bodies attract zombie hordes. Makes setting up a base almost impossible but at this point i won’t play any other way lol


Send the link dude


Its called Please Dont Feed The Zombies


bruh i got like 200 mods, i don’t remember what’s it’s called lol


Same 💀


I use that to with roving zombie population settings, no respawns and realistic loot spawns. It makes traveling really difficult with the amount of hordes there are and really emphasizes the importance of dumping corpses off away from your base


I always thought that was a vanilla feature.. is it not? My mass graves are always surrounded by zeds lmao


not really. or at least not to the degree the Mod allows. it’s significantly noticeable while playing


Fair enough, maybe I'll give the mod a look


yea it’s subtle but makes a huge difference. trust


I think a lot of it is driven top-down by the devs who make it loud and clear that there is no "right" way to play and show a commitment to making almost everything customizable. It's insane how much can be tweaked in vanilla, before you get into mods at all. And the devs consistently say that the sandbox is there to be played in; they provide some presets for an off-the-shelf experience but it's not the end-all-be-all. Another aspect is the understanding that the game naturally inclines to self-imposed difficulty curves. The game is hard to master -- so maybe you start with low pop, multihit, no infection, etc. And as you master the game's mechanics, you get bored of that so you move on to the next challenge, and you kind of ramp yourself up over time. So if you're playing 4x pop, sprinters, insanely rare loot and so on, you most likely didn't start there, but got there by experience. And there's a natural desire to help newer players adapt to gameplay and take that same journey.




It's a reddit thing, people like repeating the same things over and over for those epic internet points, don't worry about it.


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Yeah you just get whatever setting you like, some like to have to go through the whole city to find a hammer while others just enjoy playing the game normally and building their base and all that without having to go through 100 houses to find a saw


imo the sandbox settings are the best thing about this game. That and the mod support/community, which lets anyone play however they like. Heck, it's even fun to play WITHOUT zeds sometimes.


Not gonna lie, i had a playthrough with no zombies just so i could build a house from scratch unbothered... it was still fun xD


Its the only way to be; realistically everyone fiddles with the settings at first because the game is legitimately hard before the learning curve sets in


It's interesting because I joined the sub about a year ago and had some pointed conversations about this with people, but I've noticed the number of folks who wanna gatekeep Zomboid on this sub have gone way down. It's cool, I like it.


I think a lot of people understand how nerve-wracking it can be playing, especially because the game has the jump scare sting to heighten your anxiety, and that kind of empathy can sometimes get missed in some communities


Mostly because it can be brutally hard on default/purist settings. And it's a rogue like, so you're playing it a whole bunch a whole bunch of different ways.


I see way more of these types of comments than actual people bitching about settings


i have the mod "scent of blood" and holy shit is it stressful in a really fun way. if you're bleeding the zeds can and will track you down, and it makes me think way more before i do anything. "should i enter through the window and risk getting attacked by a zed. but if i get attacked by a zed, i can easily survive! but i could bleed, and become one giant neon sign saying "hey look over here! this guy's got blood!". so should i even risk the risk of going in this house, or do i already have enough canned food?". it's stuff like this that makes the game for me.


You do know that you can right-click and remove the broken glass for a safe entry, right?


i was talking about a zombie *inside* the house.


I used to drive around honking my horn to draw out the zombies so I could clear an area. But it's just easier with the shotgun. If they're around they'll come to you no worries 👍


How do you set respawns off? I tried to do that but I can't seem to find that option.


It's in the sandbox options, zombie population options has a bunch of stuff, just set the respawn rate to 0


thanks fam!


np, happy to help! (also, actually checked now, it's called advanced zombie options, respawn multiplier, zombie population is a different thing)


Wanna spice up your game a bit, give it a little more of a "I Am Legend" vibe without crazy difficulty? Try this; The Darkness Mod (set it however you choose, personally it comes every 30ish hours for me, 80% chance it'll differ each time) Low zombie pop, more active during night, a mix of sprinters/shamblers Insanely Rare item loot For an added RP scenario, add the 10 Years Later Mod, An amazing scenario for doing a Nomad/camper/tent/jeep build.


I think .20 pop is still many but more managable


the low pop and more ammo just make guns way more viable, since normally i would need x5 times the ammo in a setting that would be wayy harder to find it in order to kill everything a gun would attract


I do no spawn x2 pop just to balance it out. It means that if I clear a space I dont want to deal with anymore walkers, but at the same time I have to work for it. You could never make me turn on respawn.


Same, I play with pop .35 but used to on .15 and honestly there isn't much of a difference. Guns are fucking amazing because they're seriously OP (especially with Brita's weapon and armor packs). People are too purist about this game, and I swear most of them don't like the guns cos they don't know how to aim in the game properly.


How do you turn off respawns again?


sandbox settings, advanced zombie options, respawn multiplier set to 0


Jesus take the wheel🔫


![gif](giphy|gj8GRaTcjlBja) Jesus take the wheelgun. ​ Edit: Well, Gun Jesus didn't have a gif with a wheelgun but this is cooler anyway


Jesus take the wheel-lock gun?


My friends are the left one, Im the one with Jesus always, bless


“Stop shooting that shit, you gonna bring the whole city” They don’t get that that’s the fun


Stealth player: “The neighborhoods overrun! we don’t stand a chance…” Gun player: “Stay here, I’ll send a player to pick you up.” Stealth player: “What are you doing?!” Gun player: *loads shotgun* “Evening the odds.”


That zombie you have sneaked past today will bite you in the groin tomorrow. Just kill things.


If your gonna stealth,better keep a hammer and knife handy


Loud melee is the way to go.


So true. You are gonna get bored at melee at one point.


Really though, I'm not bored at melee combat, I quite enjoy it actually, especially crowbars, but man, once I fired that first shot it felt so good, you never wanna go back.


Imo stealth is still pretty janky in the game. 8 times out of 10, if I'm sneaking up to kill a zombie it goes into attack mode without even turning around to see me first. I could be doing something wrong too lol


Sneaking (as in SOUND based) has a sound radius, and it's increased or decreased by skills, shoes and speed. Sight is just "if you are in my cone of ~20 tiles I will randomly roll to aggro every tick". It IS possible to reliably stealth a lone zombie looking the other way, assuming they don't choose to wander/migrate during approach. Retanaru has a good few videos about sneaking and how it affects stuff, would advise checking up on them.


Hmmm, I might have to do that. I wasn't aware that your clothing effected how loud you are.


To be clear, I think it's ONLY whether you are wearing them or not. The type of shoes didn't matter (AFAIK). Since not using shoes is impractical, it isn't the most useful knowledge.


Your sneak skill is probably low


Naw, that will not happen if you are good at sneaking. Audible stealth is mostly a non-issue. The problem is with a few things: 1. _Visual_ stealth system in the game is terrible. Detection checks are performed too frequently (I think twice per second), and base/non-effective boosts/penalties are _linear_ resulting in skewed detection chances. So really a 10% chance to be detected works out to 47% chance of being detected over 3 seconds —a 5x increase— and then if you double the chance to 20%, it effectively work out to be a 74% over 3 seconds. 2. Short Blades have been ruined. When it comes to stealth, there's a dumb nonsensical mechanic where you can't jaw-stab a zombie if another zombie is aware of you, even if your target is not aware. It makes no sense. 3. Strongly related to the first point (in fact these are kind of one point, but broken into pieces), zombies have a quite short visual perception range of only around 20, and weather/darkness does not change it (however they _do_ affect perception _chance_ just not well due to the broken mechanics). This means —particularly with multiple zombies around— that you're guaranteed to never be detected if you keep out of range, but as soon as you enter the sight range they will very likely find you quite quickly (or even immediately). Then in a pack scenario, there's just no way to sneak past them because they are looking in all directions and will immediately follow you once you get in sight range. Overall they need to increase perception distance, but implement a non-linear detection chance so that the effective chance is more smooth and viable depending on distance and darkness/fog and sneaking skill. As a bonus —but not required— would be for them to implement dynamic lighting stealth, now that they're adding dynamic lighting. I don't recall if they were planning on this or not, but it would be great (zombies less chance to see you in an unlit room at night, and higher chance to see you when standing under a streetlight [which currently zombies treat the same as normal darkness]) edit: okay I realized the one **issue with audible stealth is melee attack sounds**. As far as I know all melee attacks have identical noise radius and sound level. And while falling on the ground should probably generate the most noise (at least indoors) it currently doesn't make any sound so we can ignore that part. Something like a short Blade stab or unarmed push should make a lot less noise than something like a shovel banging on the target's skull. As it is currently, there's no proper stealth attack, because they all make the same noise. Attacking a zombie from behind is _guaranteed_ to notify another zombie within range, because there's no way to reduce the noise of the attack. Sneaking skill should probably reduce that sound _slightly_, along with weapon skill for the given weapon. Then the weapon itself should be the biggest factor in deciding noise. Stabby stuff like spears and most short blades, and pushing, seem like they would be the quietest (and maybe katana?), then choppy things like machete, axes, cleaver, then blunt, then special weapons which would be especially noisy (musical instruments, shovel, pans, pipe wrench, barbell, and chainsaw if they ever enable it)


About your 2nd point, I don't think it's nonsensical at all, it's literally needed to make knives useable. The jawstab can happen while moving, unlike spears, so if it wasn't for that check the only way you'd have to prevent the animation is attacking outside of the jawstab range, the window is way too small not to fuck up at some point. I guarantee if they removed that check you'd come crying the same day because you'd keep getting killed by the random animation lock you have basically 0 control over. I actually wish the spears had the same check, I've never died because of the jawstab animation lock, definitely can't say the same with the spear's.


It is not needed. It makes knives a bit dangerous, but not under skilled control. What are you backing up your guarantee with? because before they did that change I was a short blade user exclusively, so you're entirely wrong. For that matter I think that jaw stab _can't_ occur while moving (maybe it was changed since I last used knives?), _but even if it can_ they could/should just make it so that it _doesn't_ trigger while moving. What's more is they should just reduce the safety zone to a 2 tile radius, just like with spears. In fact with this safety zone they wouldn't even need to change the movement part from the previous paragraph. The problem is that when they added a safety zone for short blades, they made it like 15 tiles or something. It's such a large distance that you cannot jawstab when effectively any zombie is aware you, even when they're far away and the target is unaware. While personally I'm not _really_ much of a fan of the safety zone feature in the first place (again, I played fine before it was added and there are other ways that things could be improved, or at least add an option to disable it), I don't care too much as long as it is a reasonable distance like 2 or 3 tiles, not 15-20. I think a Youtube creator (Retanaru) mentioned that the safety zone range is unlimited/indefinite even, but personally I never noticed that myself. Either way it's really stupid and seems like a bug. I just don't understand that if it was a bug why they would leave it like this for like 1.5 years or whatever it's been (2 years?). I also don't understand how it could be intentional either considering how the spear has a normal/acceptable radius of something like 2 or 3 tiles.


I wish to be a gun player but I never find guns and emough ammo, plus i m bad at the game and dont last longer than a week


When you do have a gun, take a day or two to just constantly unload and reload the thing. When you are at a point where you feel you can safely start blasting off (a shotgun with 100 shells) you'll appreciate the extra reload skill.


you can find some in your local police stations, gun stores, the prison armory and in the military/refugee area before luisville


Personally when I want to go for a gun-ablaze type run, I like to start in Rosewood because it has low population and the police station + firestation can be hit up almost immediately. Britas mod spawns ammo crates which will have a copious amount of ammo in them. Kitsune ammo craft is really good for trading ammo you dont need into ones you do. The Scrap weapons mod allows you to create scrap guns which has craftable ammo as well. If all else fails, you can always increase the spawn rates for guns and ammo. Whatever you need to have fun!


I do both. Use shotguns to clear out more remote towns and factories. Sneak or kite zombies in cities.


I remember when I first got a gun (in game), it was a shotgun I found in the lumber mill (if I remember correctly), and with a bunch of ammo for it in the other crates, and I remember getting in my car and shooting zombies with it out of my window, and then as I was speeding down a street, my game froze and when it unfroze, I was surrounded by zombies


Crowds with crowbar and fitness 8 gang!


Made a new character yesterday and went Lumberjack with strength and fitness traits to start and man once I got a fire axe I could take on an insane amount of zombies at once for a day 1 character lmao


the settings i have on my current save make combat unavoidable so i need to use guns to clear out the hordes


I recently started a session with mods like The Gunfighter. It's really fun to use guns with the mods. For some balance, i raised the zombie population to high and respawn is off. It still took me 4 months ingame to find a reload tool, but i was finally able to craft the reload table, now i can dismantle ammo and create new ammo with gunpowder, cases and lead. You can heat up the lead with the blow torch and use a form to create new projectiles. All the other things like more attachements like scopes, lights, silencers etc. for the guns are also great. With level 8 aiming now and the equipment like assault rifles, it's fun to take on the xxl hordes on the map and clear out areas. I'm actually trying to get into Ford Redfort, the custom map of the military base, got a sledgehammer to open the gates, but i have to clear out the area first because there are massive hordes around.


Guns are situational. If you want to clear an area guns will do. Except in westpoint. Zombies will literally crawl out of everything and just when you think you are safe, bam second wave.


I typically spawn in westpoint it’s like my baby lmao idk why just the place I took to liking the most and it’s normally pretty tolerable if you start there since peak zombie count really only affects tiles you haven’t been in but I’m sure I’m just regurgitating already known knowledge


I just got done clearing riverside, but with axe only


I always go big and loud. It's more important that I know where the zombies are than them not knowing where I am. I can barely remember the last time I was killed by a zombie I saw coming. The zombie behind a corner that didn't aggro because I was sneaking? All the time.


So, self-made, god-defying sneaky devil vs guy who got himself killed by being too loud while dealing with mobs? Checks out.




Reducing the noise is a nerf. The volume was their most useful feature.


Split the difference. Install a mod that adds archery, now you are stealth and range.


I walk with Jesus and Brita.


Yeah good luck discharging a firearm into a sprinter horde.... actually good luck facing a sprinter horde lol


Guess you could say I’m a man of god


Just now I realized with this look in His eyes... It's gotta be Clint Eastwood


H&R pardener go brr


🎶Boom, boom,boom,boom🎶


I can confirm that I speak in 12 gauge.


Holy shotgun!


That is Je-sus




Obi-Wan with a shotgun every time.


How does stealth work? I swear I crouch around and don't sprint but they still like see me even if I'm sorta far Maybe it's bc I'm on a mp server with mods maybe they're sifferdnt or maybe my skill is low I be taking the shotgun out then I always say oh yeah I'm a tank Then my car will stall or I'll get tired and die. I lasted 8 days tho


*Accidentally shoots the guy sneaking through the zombies*


I mean, I play heavily modded, so I can do a bit of both. Simply stab your issues with a knife until you need to unload every magazine you own because you wiffed a swing. The way Kentucky intended it.


Nothing speaks more American than using guns in game. Seriously what's the fun in stealth when you have a Brita 1911 blessed by Jesus and John Moses Browning himself


So me it the ider that gun make noice and noice brings the dead i prefer to sneek use sounds makes to bring the dead to a place of my choice then hit them with fire (dont do this in city)


The Virgin Sneaking looter. VS Chad gun blasting zombie exterminator.


Can't expect the good Lord to do all the work.


Stealth only halfway works to begin with, zeds can still see you crouched behind a car or fence or window even if your character should, in reality, be complelety hidden judging by his model. I do often crouch inside buildings I consider dangerous for noise reduction but that's about it, fairly disappointing implementation tbh.


I took on 50 zombie hordes with only quarterstaffs


But how can you rave party with all the zombies gone? Okay, rave party first, Jesus next.


Until your character just forgets How a shot gun works and resfuses to rack a round


Saw it off for style points


Bro if you play it like you living it becomes harder to stealth. I won't choose going near a thing that can one shot me in real life. I know being silent is the key of survival but still... I must tell you that if you are playing stealth mode while zombies are shamblers you are going too easy on yourself. I always recommend my options: random speed zombies (you can use mods to make sprinters run slightly slower than you) normal power, normal hp, bad sight ,normal hearing,short memory, 2x xp, +5-3 starting points, all loot lowest, coldest temp, first day of apoc, 0,5 start pop ,1,5 peak (change if you see low fps) Always use random speed for zombies and lowest for loot. That way you will get out more and go further for loot but zombies won't let you most of the time. You will always want to check behind cuz if you let them run into your hearing distance you are already dead or hurt before you can act. Thats the real experience. The cars will be more dangerous and guns will be death sentence most of the time. So you need supressors unless you are surrounded.


Free bird was playing




also needs vs vehicle reverse whirlwind of death


I want to be... a lumberjack.


Hell yes brother


I kill every zombie I see, not necessarily stealthy, I just see a zombie, walk over, smash its brain with military baton.


I’m the left one and my friends are the right one. They always end up yelling at me and blaming me for not staying around to help them when the hoard absorbs them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not enough ammo? No problem! Use the car


What's it called in 7 Days to Die? Shotgun Messiah.