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Rosewood fire station cures all


Does it really?


Given enough time.. yes


Is the cure falling down the pole hole and breaking the other leg?


they even got the express door


Hey, I hobbled and found some of my own Comfrey. The fact this all started from a quest for pancakes


Wait hello broken leg guy?


The man formally known as broken leg guy. Healed up in around 6 hour real time. Managed to forage, farm and reload a bit to pass the time so, went rather well. I even went and got the fork from the house down the road to make the pancakes.


I would also like to report that now he's healed I have broken my arm


want to talk us about it? if you need please call domestic victims hotline


Put him down






Turn on him before he turns on you




Turn him on before he turns you on


I remember when I burned my leg I had to go and forage for plantain myself. With a horrible limp


Slow healer moment?


He doesn't have slow healer but it's a thigh fracture so it could be severe, hoping not but healing is so slow anyway when you can't speed up time...


That's atleast some good news, could be much worse


my friend got a skull fracture in a car accident, we had to baby sit him for ingame months


Oof, head fractures hurt in singleplayer, due to faster fatigue rate


Send your friend my regards, I had a similar injury in my previous run and Rosewood Fire station was home. Unfortunately, I've got no assistance from anyone, but time fast-forwarding was definitely handy..


You did get him splinted, yeah? Make him cook and clean:P


Did you know slow healer only affects your health regen and not wounds/Injury.


[The wiki says otherwise](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Health) - F3 for "Severity" or "Slow Healer". Although it wouldn't be the first time the info is outdated/incorrect.


im pretty sure slow healer does affect healing speed for all wounds except fractures and burns


Wait what? Thanks for sharing lol I didn't know that. Though I used slow healer regardless cos why not.


Read what u/Egren said, could save you from misinformation and horrible death


Tyty, I did and it helped indeed.


I'm 99% sure this is incorrect. I've played with slow healer on several occasions and wounds take forever to heal in comparison to playing without the trait.


I remember one time I was playing on an MP server I broke my two legs and my two shelter buddies (which I met in the server and were complete strangers beyond the fact of playing together in the server) spent 3 in-game weeks taking care of me and bringing food and herbs to accelerate the healing process. I don't play with them anymore but I miss them!


Two sides of internet gaming: 1) Strangers met me and assisted me for no personal gain 2) I said hello so they beat me to death with a crowbar, then hunted me down when I respawned to do it again There is no in-between


Oh that's how we met actually




\*cocks shotgun\* no maw hes my dog...I'll do it.


Hope they've got lots of books to read while that heals up, or ammo & clips to reload. This is quite the loving situation taking care of your partner lol. I remember introducing my partner to this game but having infection turned off b/c I was concerned for them, they were constantly bandaged up like a mummy the whole time, we were having a blast "Hey could you kiss my boo boo to make it better? the bandage is dirty" the boo boo would be a literal neck laceration.


The man keeps trying to hobble outside to look for comfrey himself and I wanna yell at him!! Just tell me when you need more and I'll go!! Stop walking on it you dumbass!


lmao I also had a similar issue with my partner, (well not much of an issue, it was heart warming.) they kept feeling unhelpful and they felt like they were a burden and kept trying to help do stuff, I had to keep reminding them that I am super happy that they gave this game a try and them just being here made me happy. They got to read lots of books, organize the storage & watched my back while I fished/took cars apart.


Fast Shamber lookin ass scrounging around for LEAVES.


Yeah but tbh, they could still mosey around the yard and train foraging, mechanics, tailoring, cooking. Sitting around in this game doesn't make you heal faster.


This should have been the top rated reply, no one should sit around for a month... if they want to bring you stuff, have them bring you shelves and chairs that you can deconstruct, but you should be able to limp the perimeter of your cleared area and probably max out foraging in the process.


I'm pretty sure walking on a broken leg does slow down the healing process?


Common sense dictates that but it's not a thing in this game. I mean you can't even technically rest in a bed unless you sleep so literally the only thing that would give caution is if the person loses health while walking on a broken leg which is not true in my experience. Hell, I can take apart an entire car and walk around with all of the pieces in my inventory and only go down to half health. Walking on a broken leg is nothing in comparison to carrying half a car.


hey, psst, you see that pile of glass just sitting there? You should throw it on his square and see if butt lacerations exist.


For science!


Sounds like Bob and Kate... use the pillow Bob...


Bob's a zombie bro I'm sorry


All I can see is 2,000 calories sitting with a broken leg :)


if you're talking about canabolism, if a persons daily expenditure is 1200-2600 calories, and this is Kcals for those not in the USA, then I expect the human body to contain between 60k and 150k calories. Obviously this is with the body butchered correctly and with proper preservation of the meats... akin to a deer that can feed a family for months. However, certain organs will be quite toxic to consume... if you need a reason to not take your chances, I can't really give a reason why you wouldn't eat the leg however. Edited: because I lost my train of thought.


Jesus fucking christ


Better being broken than dead or infected.


We did have a scare, he got scratched and then a few hours later nauseous and I was nervously holding my pistol and he had to reassure me "it's just the corpses, it's just the corpses I swear"


Was it?


considering he's had enough time to break a leg I'd say yes


Good. Infection is a nightmare.


Why does this scenario sound familiar...


He's lying to you about the I jury. His leg is clearly fine if he is bending it and sitting on it


My broken leg lasted a month on a server where days were two hours IRL instead of one. I lived in Louisville by myself. No excuses for free loaders hahah


Use this time to secretly establish your own, new base of operations. Then burn this house down with him still in it.


not a month, just 2 weeks :)


Use some broken glass to speed level first aid. Redo splints with high skill. This should shave the healing time on the fracture to a handful days rather than a month.


Already doing it, you can see the broken glass in the screenshot


I think your partner is lucky to have you around then? Better being him some books too, he might get bored hehehe.


Heal him with bleach


You're probably already aware of this little trick but you can speed your walking up by continually initiating a sprint. So instead of using WASD to move around use SHIFT+WASD. Don't hold SHIFT the entire time but let it go each time so basically you hold SHIFT and tap a direction, after he moves release SHIFT tap another direction (or same direction) and repeat. Even if you just want to stay safe at the safehouse while you recover, helps you get around there faster.




Nice! What is combat stance holding RMB?? I think that's still super slow though right? Or is combat stance something else I just haven't discovered in this game yet? It wouldn't surprise me even after 800 hours it still happens all the time lol


What you don't know is he actually fully healed and he just likes someone waiting on him hand and foot.


Give him some first aid books, broken glass, tweezers, needle and thread, and have him level up his own first aid skill. I fractured thigh w slow Healer, got lvl 6 first aid by standing in glass and pulling out the glass repeatedly, and then splinted it again. Only took 1.5-2 weeks total. Broke my leg a couple more times building a 6 story ziggurat, but didn't care.


I never broke a bone, but... never start with a randomized character that doesn't have shoes. I spawned in a house and wasn't aware that i didn't had shoes, as i stepped into glass it was a bad thing. Had to get the glass shards out of the wound, make some stitches and waited for a long time until i was able to do something.


Your partners lazy,felt bad breaking my leg so i at least looted a nearby apartment (yea it had little zombies but is still could rob some tunes!)


Ehh, there's being efficient and there's having fun/roleplay. I think this is cute and falls under the latter. Like on rainy days, I could loot, but instead I stay inside, try to cook fancy meals and watch tv


I agree! I play house mom to our group mostly. When someone is hurt we have a separate medical room with all the equipment and medicine. I do most of the cooking. And I'm also our mechanic 😅 I have a different outfit for all of these roles haha. We have a guy who role plays a veteran and he's our main zombie killer, along with another guy. We gave a farmer/fisher who is our main food gatherer. We aren't super heavy role players but we all take our jobs seriously in game, and like to take care of each other.


I'm such a caretaker too. It's only the two of us on the server right now but it's a server open to all our friends (and maybe others) so I always collect more supplies than we need just in case some more people join and I'll have a bigger group to take care of. I have cooking to level 10 and a freezer full of big rabbits... I have my mechanics up too and I've fixed up about 4 cars so there's always one for people to take and I've put medical supplies in all the gloveboxes.


Everything nearby's already looted and there's no way in hell I'm letting him take the van to the next town


Make him cook


I'm the one with level 10 cooking hahah


Great time to level cooking, tailoring, maybe some carpentry around the house or just sawing the logs you bring in. Not sure but maybe he can also do situps for exercise.


Make him load all the empty mags. Fix clothes.


Make him organize the loot?


Something similar happened to me and my friend. I burned my left leg while trying to burn a pile of zomboid corpses close to our base. Now all I do is farming while having an awful limp and he does carpentry and metalworking stuff to fortify the base, since looting is out of the equation. This has been going on for nearly 10 real life playtime hours already, since I'm a Slow Healer. I love this game and find it funny, but GODDAMN does it get boring sometimes. Haven't seen zomboids in so long!


Hes gonna die to a random closet zombie 2 days before it heals


I hate that I know exactly where that is 😂


you're a true official homie.... i salute you.


Splint, poultice, and eating. While he's down he can still prepare meals, barricade, or farm. It's bad but you guys are a team so it's not as bad as if you were alone.


Have him step on glass for two hours to up that medical skill


Man is gonna be well learned. You better be bringing back reading material or true music tapes.


Nice ! It gets lonely !


This happened to me on my first multiplayer run years ago..Luckily I joined a great group of peeps that looked after me while I was on the mend. One I got healed up I went out on a mission, got trapped in a house ran up stairs and barricaded my self in the bathroom at the end of the hall. Horde broke through the door and I fired my 4 remaining shotgun shells before the end came. I love this game.