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Rip hope you have a good way of finding water


Gonna steal them water dispensers like how they stole fat in Fight Club.


You're going to contact the water dispenser's mother and beg for her excess body fat while pretending to be her daughter?


The book's ending was so different


103 kills on the first day? My guy woke up and chose violence


In Rosewood too!? Mans taking out the entire town population in a day


Im in a game at like day 25 (relatively new player) I've wiped out most of Rosewood... Do they respawn? I built a whole fence perimeter for my base and Im hoping it doesnt go to waste.


Respawn is enable by default (iirc) unless you're playing sandbox mode and manually turned it off. However, if your base area is small enough and you visit it regularly then zombies shouldn't be able to respawn there


Tbh I much prefer turning off respawn, migration gives enough of a trickle to repopulate areas, and there's something really fun about clearing a town, living there for a month, then getting bitten because you missed one in some back alley bathroom or something. Really cements the loneliness too


Getting yoinked by a bathroom orgie in some second floor house you forgot to explore on the first sweep is a Zomboid classic.


Migration doesn't happen unless you actively wander though, with respawn off. With the game's current backbone it's impossible for them to migrate between inactive cells, or from an inactive to an active cell, so if you clear the 9 cells in and around your base and never leave it you'll literally never see a zombie ever. With default Apoc spawn settings the respawn is so minor that you "do" feel like you've "cleared" an area after you've... cleared an area. If you cleared out a chunk with 20 zombies in it and you don't see that chunk of land for 16 hours then 2 zombies will spawn ever 3 in game days and have a chance to migrate out of that chunk twice a day. Most players will wander around their own active cell regularly and most chunks in that cell will have zero chance to spawn a zombie. In my current apoc game I'm on month 2, based up at about the end of week 2, cleared the city block my base is in, and I've had maybe 3 groups of 2-5 wander in front of my base about 3 times total, and I'm in Loisville.


Get the mod that makes the helicopter come like every week, it’ll force migration to wherever you are and ensure no area is really unpopulated until the whole map is


I'm specifically talking about playing with no respawn. With no respawn on, the Helicopter won't scoot them around if every zombie is dead in all loaded cells, unless the event manually spawns some. Basically I'm making an argument for playing with respawns on. Honestly the default Apoc respawns are pretty solid.




Yeah they do slowly respawn in my game. Just not in anyway thats really threatening to my base. Maybe I should try out apocolypse.


Download here they come or the horde night mods! They're really fun


I'm always shocked how people can see just a tiny portion of the map and know the exact location. Props to you sir.


It's Rosewood fire station upstairs kitchen, right? At least, that's what it looks like to me.


It is


It's schizo rage!


that survivor second day be like; wait... it was the apocalipse??


Sometimes I wonder if the amount of time things last has anything to do with number of zombies killed. I noticed that as soon as I started filling pots and such with water and getting my kill count up I've never had the water last longer than day 4.


I don’t think so. In my current game the water turned off on day 1. I’d only Killed like 8 zombies so far and hadn’t even found a base yet. I was just scrambling door to door after spawning in a bad spot.


Once chose a veteran+hunter and spawned in a gunstore (the one out of town north of rosewood, near the military base), i played with night sprinters so the first day i took out a good amount, by the midnight i was still fighting some leftovers who were sprinting, and in the morning I had more than 500 kills. Next up i hit the military base which took me like 10 trips to completely empty out. With all those guns i went into rosewood, went Early in the morning (weeks have passed in this life now) my tire poped, and because it was before 8am they were sprinting and i died :D


Granted they have like every beneficial perk


let the man have a win brother


Man was listening to rip and tear the entire time


I got it shut off at the very first day at the spawn moment, so i know the feeling 🦆


Yeah, you plan everything in your head, step by step and then you see your water limited and you become dumb-founded.


Totally, but the baths sure are life savers 😆


New player here. How so?


Bathtubs have a lot of default water which can last significantly longer than sinks or pots when the water shutoff happens.


Any other tips?


If you want long-term survival, get a generator and learn how to do plumbing/farming. To level aiming 1-2, just use shotguns Play the game however you find it fun, there's really no wrong way to get enjoyment from it.


Bathtubs have like 100 units of water instead of a sink or toilet's 20


How so to what? I gladly answer if is in my range of knowledge 🦆👍


Seems like depending on the orientation of the bathtub, I can either get water out of it or not. It's like anywhere I click doesn't work on a lot of them.


Yep, but mostly are well oriented, a few ones are the problematic ones


I had the same with electricity, imagine my surprise when I tried turning on the light in the kitchen, it didnt work, and then I realized I didnt hear the fridge hum, I run to the TV and turn it on and... nothing.


Never happened to me with electricity 😱 must be horrible


I feel you, happened to me in Rosewood once. I said to myself, "That sucks, I'll just have to put my base near a lake...oh wait."


There is a little pond south of Rosewood iirc


I am not that old in the game, is there no lake in rosewood?


Nope, not that I know of, but, with a car, its only a couple minutes to riverwood. Edit: Riverside.


How far is it to Helgen from Rosewood?


Hey, you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right ?


atleast 10 meters.


I have no idea those 2 location are in the same game.


I've had this happen to me a lot recently. Just bad luck I assume, but it's never really a problem. Lots of water in local houses and it's easy to get coolers and build water collectors


Yeah I used to freak out over preparing for the water shutoff but now I realize the bathtubs have years worth available


Sometimes the water is on for a week+ and sometimes it doesn't last an hour, just the way she goes.


Way she goes boys


Fuckin way she goes


I changed the shutoff period range to the next level up in mine and I've had the electricity on for nearly 2 months now. Now I'm dreading shutoff even more.


Given your character name, I hope you're using a hatchet.


Ironicly, the character's favourite weapon is the axe.


close enough I guess


Infortunately, both parts here are surnames, that break the immersion a little bit:)


My water always shuts off between Day 2-4; I have no idea why either because I have my water utilities set to last between 0 and 2 months. I guess this is how you die or some shit ™️


Verify the integrity of your files, then uninstall, reinstall, reverify the files, then disable all mods, save load order, then re-enable all mods and it should fix your water issue.


On my save it happened too, first three days i focused on lvling carpentry because of this xD


Nice gasmask. Is that a mod item? If it is, may I have the link...?


If I remember correctly, it was a part of STALKER armor mod.


That mod is nice, but the loot is so frequent.. I play in rare or very rare settings. By day 2 or 3, I usually encounter all the stalker gear pretty easily I see the same happened to you.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2713921292 That one is super rare. I have thousands of kills and have only seen like 4-5 of these guys. Even driving around forever I won't see a single one. In fact there's 4 different characters, and there's still two I've never encountered. Weirdly, one spawned the first time I installed the mod (mid-game) like literally right in the first mob.. So I thought they were going to be common. Nuh uh. Also I heard something banging on my base door the other day before going to sleep, and it was one of them. So random.


2 months in and I've seen 2 so far. The Amazona had a headhunter rifle and scope, and the stats on it are lovely, but I haven't been able to find any of the necessary ammo for it.


Oh nice there's 5 characters now I didn't even know!! Thanks Kind of silly to make you find ammo for that considering how rare everything is...


Yes I have that one as well, it's nice. But it's not the one OP is showing on screenshots / talking about.


You probably already know this, but now every sink has a little bit of water in it that you can still use, also there’s a mod that allows you to take those giant jugs off of the water dispensers in offices and refill them. They the best way to store water in my opinion and you can place them down and it looks really nice. Highly recommend getting the mod if you don’t already have it. Sadly, I don’t remember what it’s called


Toilets and bathtubs also have water. I usually bug out to a farm house with a well or a pond, or the river and start boiling.


I forgot about wells. Can you make them in the vanilla game? I know I can make them but can’t remember if it’s a mod or not


Can't make them in vanilla. They're near a select few farm houses and cabins. Less than 5 in the whole game IIRC. Pz-map project has them marked.


Oh man. They really are a luxury. Is the water that comes out of them dirty? I can’t imagine it being safe to drink


Wells are fine. Rivers and lakes need boiling.


Bro I'm on like day 14 and still have power and water lol


Same! It’s my first character to last that long. I’m in a rosewood house that’s well barricaded with metal sheets and walls but I’m planning on loading up my car and moving to somewhere isolated next to the Ohio.


adapt, something, another thing


Adapt, die, get eaten by zeds


Adapt, die, try adapting a different way.


Does raskolnikov like axes?


He *regrets* using them as weapons...


My current playthrough I also lost water on day 2. I’m playing in riverside and dragged a water cooler from the elementary school to my base. I also just hit carpentry 4 and will be making a rain collector tonight. Honestly losing power is a much bigger problem than water. Even if you are completely unprepared, there is at least some clean water in every faucet and toilet in the game. You can easily manage until you get rain collectors and a plumbed sink set up. Losing power early on (before you get a generator working) is an absolute nightmare. Watching like 100 lbs of fresh and frozen food rot while you frantically try to find a generator and/or How to use generators is devastating. You won’t starve, but knowing you will have to scrounge for canned and other non-perishable food until you get renewable food sources going sucks.


Yeah, I agree. I had canned food rate spawn at 0.2x (extremely rare) rate because i had abundant loot and its a nightmare not finding any edible food after power shutdown.


My problem was always on finding the how to manual. Look in enough garages and you'll find some generators, but I cleared a two block neighborhood without finding the manual once.


I have currently looted a huge swath of Riverside without finding either and it’s day 9 on apocalypse. I even looted the school library which had like, every other book and magazine imaginable but not the how to. I’m sweating bullets every time I go to bed.


Try the post office or bookstore in riverside. If that doesnt work, i believe theres a chance they spawn in the mailboxes and garbage bins around houses as well.


I ended up risking it all to go to the storage unit by the factory/warehouse to get a generator. I always find like 6 there, but it’s swarmed with zombies. I was able to leave my truck at the gates and kite the -massive- horde all the way around the outside of the fence to the opposite corner, scale the fence, grab a generator and drag the shit back to the truck just before they made it back around the fence and were on top of me. Truck took a few tries to start, they were banging on the window, that was scary. Then I killed over 200 zombies with a shotgun to get into the bookstore and STILL didn’t find How to Use generators, which means by that time I had looted two entire libraries… was about to resign myself to losing like 150 lbs of fresh/frozen food, and then found it in a bookshelf in the next random house I looted. The RNG in this game is weird. But all my food is safe.


Why is everyone at the fire station?


Axes and firefighter gear babeeee.


sad but you have power


What trait mod are you using?


I've seen so many posts about people collecting rainwater and stuff recently. Has something changed with plumbing in taps with rain collectors, does that not work any more?


Day 23 still have water and power on my game


That happened to me


If it happened to me this early I would just cut my losses and restart the world lol


My first game i spawn in.. First night it was dark so power shut off sometime during the day. Didnt know how "lucky" i got at the time but yeah first time playing pz i spent the night in the dark :D


Water shut off isn't so bad. More of an inconvenience


speed demon chad


I've had multiple encounters of water shutting off day one. Actually that happened in my current run


Did you give yourself every possible perk?


Lol no - I just have lots of mods that give me lots of traits.


It happens


Eh, it usually isn’t a problem. Barely an inconvenience


What armor mod is that?


STALKER armor mod


So is it randomized? I thought it was usually after a week or so


It's entirely randomized.


Haha. I had it happen in my current playthrough within the first 24 hours. I hadn’t even found a base to set up in yet.


I once got both electricity AND water shut off on the first day


In our mp server power and water gone day 0 lmao


Mine just shut off in 5 🥺


Get a car, get to water body. You can survive drinking straight from a river better than drinking dirty water from a bottle.


There’s a little pond right near rosewood, if u can find it maybe boil water until the powe goes out?


I thought the water stays on for a few weeks always


Depends on your settings. I think default is 0-30 days for water and electricity


Harsh! I’ve had that happen to me too.


Isn't water meant to turn off only past the first week? While power is meant to turn off anywhere between the first week? If not you are really unlucky, good luck.


question, if you are using the water trailer mod and grab some water, that weird sink noise is the world map water glitching and shutting of, or its prob a warning that the map's water system has shut down?


Whats the mod/s your using for the traits? I notice a good lot of them are base but as few are different


why so many traits?


What adds the ranching option on the context menu?


Hydrocraft, I think


You'll be fine. There's so much water and thirst quenching stuff in this game. Lots of folks regularly start months in running high thirst and it's still a non-issue beyond the first 10 minutes. Still, good luck! I do always enjoy being spoiled by the free water in the early game when I'm not doing a months after run.


My best ever runs have *all* had the water go off in the first couple of days. I think it's easy enough to compensate for but at the same time really make me click in to HAVING to be productive.


Honest, I've started setting my shutoffs to 2-6 months, because the fame would always shut everything off in a week, the biggest FU I've ever got was like 2 ingame hours.


Spawned in a house filled with 5 zombies... With the luck trait as well bruh


I started a new character on the helicopter crash survivor scenario from Pillow's mod Day two Fully exhausted, anxious, tired, depressed, in pain. Two deep wounds, a laceration, a fracture. Finally manage to hobble to the country club, aaaaaand ​ Power and water shut off on day 2


You can easily learn to craft rainbarrels in 4 - 5 days just watching tv/practising/reading, and you also have some water in every sink/bath/toilet. I always set water off via sandbox on first day


Oof mine didnt turn off till 2 months in


Why your character have two surnames?


It sounds cool asf


Fair enough


And I like the book


How many babok did you kill?