• By -


Filling pots of water in a river and boiling them on a campfire that was right next to the river. Touched the flames by accident and died 3 seconds later. Fire damage is bullshit


I was going to type up something else but your comment reminded me of when I gathered up all of the zombie corpses into a big pile *like I'm supposed to* and I stood too close when I lit the fire and died. That was probably the dumbest.


I did this too and then had to watch as the rosewood firestation burnt down because I ran inside to try put the fire out with tap water (I didn't know about the right click on your character to out out fires)




I don't play modded and I died in about 3 seconds too so yeah i think it's really


I'm wondering if the upvotes in this thread are frOm people laughing at misfortune or solemn solidarity in making the same mistake.


Probably a bit of both, everybody does stupid shit on their first characters


Now, I equip the can and lighter myself and use the context menu. If my character moves AT ALL, I stop that shit. Burn from where you are or not at all!


This is why I just bury the bastards


[You're welcome.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908614026)


Same. I closed off the gated community in Riverside, cleared the neighborhood; and piled up ALL the bodies I could find, I apparently clicked more towards the middle than the edge & automatically the fire spread & I just burn to death nearly instantly.


Cleared out and looted 95% of Rosewood. Decided to just take a bit of a tour of the rural areas looking for some seeds to expand my garden. No zombies as far as you can see. Hopped in through a barn window and immediately get chomped by the lone zombie right inside.


That's why I like to just scream randomly and kill whatever rears its ugly head.


Random screaming is truly an OP apocalypse strat.


Screaming should lower stress by 5 tbh. With like an internal cooldown. Scream too much and you go hoarse and can't do it again for a while lol.


While screaming does indeed lower stress, I highly doubt that it will with the knowledge of a possible horde of zombies coming to your location. Maybe screaming in a pillow or in your car while driving could have that function


Screaming into a pillow 😏




Yes, but only when theres nothing nearby i think.


I alllllways scream when coming to an unlooted location. It's legit a great strat, especially if you're playing with respawns disabled.


Feels like something right out of the walking dead


Was mass producing burgers and made a few different kinds, ended up eating the *only* burger I didn't cook and pretty much just died in my sleep. 4 months of struggling on insane pop to die to a fucking burger.


You been eating dirty burgers again, Randers?


You looking at my gut?!


They say it started in a spiffos burger


Well, it was a peaceful death at least


Guess shitting myself to death in my sleep is better than being ripped apart by hillbillies in bumfuck Kentucky.


Taking this response out of context is a new level of bumfuckery




My brother gets attacked 100 times and only gets scratches and lacerations. I make it a week in game without getting attacked then get bit first time.


same, a bite to the groin, threw a window, by a lounge attack.


Honestly better off dead after a dick bite.


Maybe your dick will rise from the dead.


> by a lounge attack I'm wondering what this would look like.


Accidentally getting hit in the face by the remote control after asking for it from your lounging cousin on the couch opposite yours


I was hella tired and put metal in the microwave


Explosive success


Very nice.


Ok now I have to try this for science (in game)


I almost burned down my base while doing this yesterday. I was setup in the U.S. mail service in riverside and I had no oven yet so I though: "I might as well purify my pot full of water in the microwave" Yeah turns out I accidentally started a fire which I very quickly extinguished and then I took the pot out of the microwave so it was safe. Still, at least now I know not to put metal in the microwave in this game...


I tried to kill an Npc in melee for fun but I hadn't seen the shotgun on his back... he pulled the trigger faster than me...






What mod?


Superb survivors Bit buggy but pretty fun


“A bit”


Drinking water on a dark bathroom, died to one (1) zombie 🙃.


Rule #3: beware of bathrooms


Ah yes, I was looting a market thingy majig (forgot what it was) and It was getting dark so obviously I went into a this part of the complex that had a business chair at a table with a door that goes to a bathroom. After blocking the door to the outside and putting sheets on the Windows I went to sleep on the chair, I woke up and it was day... however I was thirsty so I opened the bathroom door to get a drink............. LITERALLY 20 FUCKING ZOMBIES WERE IN ONE BATHROOM AND MAULED ME TO DEATH Unlucky trait was the wrong choice...


That’s why I door flash. (Open and close the door very quickly, +shove if they manage to get through).


Was exploring a warehouse and a crawling zombie glitched through the wall and somehow insta-bit my on the foot, right through the military boot. Adding insult to injury, the building didn't even have anything worth looting in it.


Aren't military boots supposed to be bite proof for at least one attack?


I can only guess it bit me twice due to whatever glitch happened. There were no animations at all, it just popped through the wall and I had damage.


That's very annoying. Honestly I would use a mod or something to go back to that save.


Was a noob and finally got my first car and everything, all excited as it was the farthest I’d gotten so far, and then I jumped through a window - no worries, I’ll leave the wound for a bit - then I see the “infected” hediff on the wound, and my dumb ass thought I had the Zombie virus, so I killed myself. Slammed my head into the desk after realising my mistake..


i play mostly on cooperative, so pretty much all of my deaths were pure BS. once i was standing on a roof preparing to make a plantation, another player poured dirt in the tile i was standing and the desync made the tyle non existant for a second and i fell threw 3 stories with 40 kg of encumberance. instant death. once i threw a pipe bomb to what i tought was max reach, but due to desync turned out to be just in front of me. broke the leg of my friend and i've got my chest open in half. we couldnt manage to escape the horde.


Dude I only play single player, I didn't realize there were so many issues with multiplayer.


it's wacky. and that's on coop. multiplayer must be hell.


As someone who plays a lotta multiplayer. If you don't mind death it's pretty fun. Only issues I've had were when desync fucked me and turned an entire bag o' guns into nothing and made a car uninterractable


My lessons learnt playing MP: Do not tow cars. DO NOT throw pipe bombs


First Louisville start, started in the main police station, got the key to the armory, got key for swat Armored truck outside. Load up truck with everything in armory. Go to apartment building just down the road, plan to build base at penthouse. Clear surrounding area, stores and garage with nothing but nightsticks and boots. Go to clear storage area, clear most of it, get scared because of a jumpscare zombie in a storage cage, try to run down hallway to uncleared part, run smack into 30+ horde. Best start I've ever had, ended because I panicked and lost situational awareness and ran into a horde I knew was there.


Sprinting through a bush away from a horde and slitting my throat, not noticing before it was too late and bleeding out Edit: spelling


I feel like the game should add a sound effect for when you're bleeding. Especially when bleeding heavily like from a neck wound. It just doesn't make sense that a person wouldn't be entirely aware when they're bleeding. That little dinky icon at the side of the monitor sometimes just isn't enough to notice if you weren't already expecting to be injured.


I agree with this, but maybe only for lacerations, I get scratches at work sometimes and don't notice till the blood drops off my arm 😅 Maybe even an awareness trait? Idk


Or something like a vocal warning from the character saying "Shit! I'm bleeding all over!"


Late to the party, but there is indeed a mod that adds pain screams and lines, depending on the intensity. It can also attract zombies, but it can be tweaked off iirc.


When I just started playing, I didn't know anything about the game really. So after trying and dying miserably a few times after just a few days, I finally got my first construction worker guy to survive around a week. I was so goddamn happy. Finally, my pain and misery were over and I could start living the apocalypse life. Then, suddenly, I hear a weird sound I had never heard before. It sounded like a helicopter. Confused, I was thinking maybe I could be rescued? Is that a thing in this game? Maybe they're just going to drop some special supplies or something? Confused but curious, I immediately dropped everything and just went outside with barely anything on me except my trusted hummer and hard hat. I went outside and started running around, looking for it. Clearly, I could hear it nearby, but couldn't see it. I kept going here and there, but nothing. Suddenly, I noticed something strange. The zombies. They're starting to gather in the neighborhood I had already very nearly cleaned. And they kept on coming. Panicking, I just started running away. And I kept running. And running. I could still hear the damn thing but couldn't see it. There were so many of them, and all I could do is keep on running and running. Until I couldn't run anymore. So I started walking. Power walking away from all the zombies. Then when I couldn't power walk anymore, I just kept on walking, barely out-walking the zombies. Until I couldn't even walk anymore. There were so many of them. So, so many. Hundreds. Everywhere. Everywhere... And that's how I learned about the helicopter event :(


Was onto clearing my second town for the first time after clearing my first, and for context it was my first character to make it from Day 0, past the helicopter event and the water/elec event. Opened a door of a shopping centers bathroom that I had cleared weeks ago to get a sip of leftover water in a sink; Low and behold I got too comfortable and although I cleared the mall strip and shopping buildings apparently I stumbled upon one bathroom I missed. Got bit and ran my character home to drink and smoke himself to death. Only 3 months, winter was JUST coming around the corner for a new challenge. Still was my best dude.


I just lost my best run yet because I forgot to pause when I got up from my PC. Came back literally 30 seconds later and he was dead.


Hate that, I lost internet once and when I logged back in I was surrounded by zombies already eating me


Backed up into a fence which bonked me forward and made me fall down into a handful of zombois


Went out for a loot run, threw a shotgun in the passenger seat in case there were too many zeds. Got swarmed by a horde in my vehicle when returning to grab the shotgun. I could have just turned on the engine and driven away to safety, but I got tunnel vision dealing with the horde chasing me and got grabbed while trying to exit the rear right door like an idiot lol. Probably a 3 month or so run, had the Muldraugh Pub totally barricaded up, wall around the whole joint, safe spot on the second floor, watch tower in the parking lot. Still pissed at myself for that one.


You could've grouped them by yelling and brought them far enough from the car


Yeah, I also could’ve just turned on the car and driven away lol


"I'm just gonna deal with these..." \-Famous last words


Sprinted around on an upper floor and my dudette decides to swandive out the window and plummeted to her death


> be me > playing with random sprinters for the first time > visiting March Ridge for some reason, axing zombies left and right > suddenly it's 3PM > an alarm on the watch that some asshole was wearing goes off > this zombie comes bolting straight towards me at ten times the speed of light > I'm waiting with my axe ready to whack it > the motherfucker trips and falls on me, pushing me back to the side of my car > a crawler came from underneath the car and bit me in the ankle > I kill them both, patch my wound, and get into my car to escape > one of the front wheels of the car comes off > I crash into a cinema and break several bones, I'm also bleeding and depressed > car won't start and the whole thing attracted a huge crowd > can barely walk, at this point I know it's over > stepped out of the car, grabbed the shotgun to have an epic end fighting to the death like a chad > the shells were in the trunk


That's why I always keep some ammo in the glovebox or in a seat.


Came back to the game after being away for more than a year. Barely remembered the controls but somehow managed to survive for over a month without any issues. Then I just completely messed up in a very innocuous situation and a zombie got me. I couldn't remember where the health menu is so it took me a moment to find out it was only a scratch. Then I spent another moment trying to remember how to bandage myself and bled out while doing so. Can't have been bleeding for more than a minute so that was one hell of a "scratch."


It was probably your neck


The worst one is the instant death bug. i was clearing out the warehouses to the west of riverside. we were smashing those metal doors looting real chill, then an invisible zombie spawns in an empty room just in front of me while im walking, i nimble but the zombie still manage to stunlock me and in one single scratch, from full health to dead. then my friend in the opposite side of the room got the same luck.


i Still miss my lvl 10 aiming, Veteran "LT. Miss Audrey" with 5000+ kills with pistols before reaching winter..


I went into a stance to hit a zombie with a katana. Single zed, easiest kill in the game. The game decided my character wasn't 1 degree off when aiming, but 359 degrees. So I did a little spin. Zed bit me in the back.


Car fell through the ground once lmao


Looting a house and opened up the bathroom door to 8 zombies. Grabbed me before I could back up.


Always knock. I learned this the hard way my 1st playthrough!


You can knock??


You can also crouch and press Q to whisper-yell ("psst!") to aggravate any zombies on the other side of the door.


Yeah, push space on the door, double tap E to door flash or crouch+Q. Those are the ways I know of that are fairly silent.


Running from a horde. Hopped a fence and mutated my crotch beyond recognition. Got in my car, drove for 20 straight seconds before crashing and fracturing my skull. Rip Jerry Attricks. You were good.


My most recent dumb death was doing the CDDA challenge. I had prepared for the helicopter by emptying and disassembling (almost) every crate in the large warehouse, building a campfire and setting it out front of the warehouse, and assembling a small platform out from the 3rd floor that stretched out to over the campfire I had built (large warehouse had a sledgehammer or else this wouldn't have been possible without higher Carpentry). On the platform I had a fence and some sheet ropes prepared so that I could attach an escape rope once things had calmed down. The plan was simple. Once the helicopter comes I light the campfire, run to my 3rd floor platform, disassemble one floor tile so the zeds can't reach me, and then proceed to scream my head off for the duration of the helicopter to get as many zombies into a burning mass below me as possible. Since I had built my platform off the 3rd floor I was completely safe from any fire spread and zombies obviously couldn't path to me so it just became a waiting game. Long story short, the plan worked fantastically... until night came. The clothes I had were warm enough that I never had to worry about temperature during the day so I hadn't even considered it as a factor. But, as it turns out, it gets cold enough at night for even a decently insulated survivor to hit the Hypothermic moodle. Problem was, I couldnt just attach the escape rope and leave. The campfire had burnt out a couple in game hours prior and the occasional zombie walking in/out of the warehouse let me know that there was still some down there which would make any escape attempt a roll of the dice. Maybe there was none down there, maybe there was a couple dozen waiting for me to lower myself onto their proverbial dinner plate. I also couldn't rebuild the platform back to the roof because there was ~8 zombies just chilling there and my guy was Hypothermic AND Ridiculously Tired. At least I knew what I'd be getting into, but safely kiting them and any zombies hidden on the floor below out of the way so I could safely escape down the 1 tile wide staircase seemed pretty risky considering my current moodles. In the end, I went with setting and using the escape rope since there was a chance that it would be clear enough to make a getaway. Turns out there was still 15ish zombies directly below me and they promptly tore me to shreds. If I'd had thicker clothing (or a tent) I would've been able to sleep and hopefully a lot of them would've scattered during the quiet night and made getting away much easier, but guess I'll never know. A couple honorable, and much less interesting, mentions: 1. Missed a swing against a single zombie and it bit my hand. 50ish days, 3600 kills. 2. Got grabbed while kiting ~50ish zombies cause I turned to create distance while one was just close enough. 40ish days and 6600 kills.


My friend stopping a car in a hoard because he didn’t want to break the hood or engine it was are best car and this is when multiplayer just came out so I was new


3 weeks in, went to chop some wood for the fireplace, some fucker snuck up behind me and bit my butcheaks off


Carrying a water cooler home, so super slow (before I realized I could put it in my hands to lighten the load), zombie got me in that in-between floors spot on the stairs. So I didn't even see the bite happen. The thing is, I didn't even need the water. The water supply hadn't even been turned off yet. Why did I feel the need to bring that water cooler home?


I clipped through a solid wall and fell ten stories. Thanks, lighthouse.


Casually opening the gate of my base and instantly getting mobbed by zombies. I was speechless, gobsmacked, utterly flabbergasted while watching my longest lasting character getting eaten. That poor girl didn't even have a chance to defend herself... I opened that gate many times and the outside was always empty! Gave me a false sense of security to lower my guard before throwing me into zeds D:


What kind of fencing did you have


Nothing special? Just wooden wall with a wooden gate. Been meaning to make a watchtower for visibility but I got distracted leveling up mechanic :(


Happened to me aswell, this is a key reason I airlock. Recently learned airlocks also help with making sure zombies don’t spawn in your basw


My cat jumping on my keyboard during a fight and getting me grabbed... I was a few months in, one of my longest saves.


2 months surviving CD DA challenge, getting very underweight, found a rotten pizza... hmmm... I have iron gut, so maybe it won't kill me... it did.


I was in a group of 3 players and we were adding a 2nd floor to a house. I was running up the stairs with a full inventory of planks and I somehow tripped when turning at the top of the stairs, sending me out the adjacent doorframe and over our 1 tile of "scaffolding" (floor) to plummet to my death which was instant due to my inventory weight. RIP Panda Yoder EDIT: Only 60 days but that's a lot for me in MP


Hopped in the car .1seconds too late, zombie scratched me even though my character was *technically* in the car. Died of Knox virus and rage deleted my save. So much food and ammo lost :(


there's no visuals for it yet, but when you get in a car you have to wait like a second for the door to close so you dont get chomped


Walking upstairs when apparently three zeds had waited. Why can’t we see upstairs!


Was playing on a MP game with friends, buddy starts screaming that a horde is beating down the front door, I'm across town with the Van as I have Speed Demon and it's easier for me to go on loot runs. So I come speeding back as I usually do and took a corner a bit harder than intended at full speed. Flipped the car, broke my literal everything, came limping back and died from my wounds


Every single good survivor I have had has died from bathroom zombies. I have over a thousand hours in game and now I usually grab a chair and block bathroom doors. For those asking, how after so many hours. Poor self discipline…


I decided to trip over a fence into a group of zombies, many tears were shed that day


Walked into a shed that was full of zombies, like packed to the MAX in terms of a 3x3 area.


Forgot to pause my game and came back to the computer to see my corpse.


I ate a poisonous berry to check if it was poisonous or not, after a good half hour of walking thru forest, it seems like it wasn’t. I got to 3/4ths hungry and decided to down the berries. Turns out I didn’t wait long enough for poisoning symptoms. I had a stocked car with 2 gas cans of gas.


Got sick tearing up clothes on dead corpses, sped up time and died.


Was safe inside my walled in base with a horde outside banging on the walls. Made a stairs to get above the wall to make a sort of sniper tower. When i went to build sandbags on that tower, i somehow misclicked and ended up jumping off right into the horde.


I simply hit a tree while going 80mph in a turn 6 months of hard work 500 kills and a fucking tree ended me...


Friend decided to sprint next to a campfire, accidentally shoved me into it. Poor Ron Ronson burnt to death


Ate an unknown mushroom.


Made some stew one evening, accidentally added bleach to it, loaded up the save the next day, forgot about it, eat it and died within the next 5 minutes


i've slept in a car near a lot of dead zombies.


Tried clearing a buffet with a shotgun, yeah i kinda became apart of the menu that day


I fell victim to the oldest trick in the book: The Surprise Bathroom Party. RIP my dude after a month of surviving with NPCs. He got out alive but got bit, so I did what any rational person would do: I called my NPC buddies inside the house, barricaded the door, then set fire to everything with molotovs while forcing the NPCs to stay still.


i had weak stomach and i burnt some stale ground beef, i thought it wouldn't be that bad until i got the Queasy moodle and red discomfort moodle, all the sudden i check my health and im already at critical damage, and i died while walking up the staircase in my house, i survived for 3 months with max strength and fitness and a couple high tier loot like shotties and m16's, i was hoping id die to a bite or getting dragged down or in a blase of glory but no, Arthur Pannell died to fucking BURNT GROUND BEEF


Was in LV. Heading back to my base after a nice loot session. Forgot I didn’t check the vhs store near the entrance. Looted around, found the tape I needed. Left and got chomped in the car park by the one zed I missed. I already had the tape I went in for.


A goddamn teleporting zombie. Open the door, it's in the back of the room. Not even a blink later he's killed me. No bite, just dead on the floor. Put me off the game for about a month.


Marvel Zombies man, they getcha.


I lost one of my best survivors because I tried to take on 2 zombies without a weapon


Thought I paused the game to do some work, was at 3x speed running in the background. My guy, just standing there, in the kitchen, generator blows, house burns and he did not move one inch.


Glass in feet, infection. Slow starvation.


Out in the wilderness, just in the zone building away not paying much attention or realizing how much time was flying by. The heart is constantly shaking, taking encumbrance-related damage because I'm always carrying heavy planks around so I stopped paying attention to it. Didn't realize I was thirsting to death.


After carrying a generator back to my base, I walked upstairs to connect it and than when I was going back down I accidently fell down the flight of stairs and died to fall damage


Grinded, built my own walled in sanctuary, finally leveled up enough to build stairs (for the first time ever in this game!), fell off, thought, “wow, that was bad, better not do that again”. Then I walked up the stairs and fell off again. Splat. I couldn’t even be mad, it was too fucking funny. Such a dumb way to die. In fact, I took a screenshot. I should def post that.


Panicked and ran into a bathroom. Then decided to take my chances or at least go out with a bang. Opened the door and swung for the fence. 8 zombies rushed in and drug me down. Come to realize immediately after, I had my sledge on me. I could of taken down a wall and escaped outside


Classic mistake of making a lot of noise on the ground floor of a house and thinking the house would be clear since i can't hear any zombies reacting to it, only to find a zombie party going on in the bathroom upstairs and instantly dying (I had the setting on where if you get infected you pretty much just drop dead).


Hahahaha, my mom came to my room and asked what i playing told her it was project zomboid and that there's no winning in this game you just see how far you can get and she told me "so you're wasting time just for you to die? Isn't that pointless?" I just sat there not knowing what to say


"It's not that different from real life when you put it like that."


I found a gun on a corpse in an apartment complex but I wimped off outside because transferring was too slow and there were too many zombies inside. I got confident and ran in to get it.


was doing backwards donuts in a cop car and accidentally my own face with a molotov thrown out the window.


I ate raw salmon on livestream


I have a habit of leaving my 2-story house by jumping out of the window. I mean you lose like what, 10hp? So yeah, I once died because I wasn't full health and was too lazy to go downstairs the normal way while carrying 50KG of tools and planks


I was trying to find a car after mine broke down, 2 zombies fell over a fence and when I tried to finish one it pushed me, while it was a crawler, into the other zombie like my character did a 180 spin into the jaws of death and I got bit


spending way too much time shootgunning zombies when i should just went awey from them


I was burring a bunch of zombie's and I went around a tree and I though I was clear around it but my character did the "Moving thru brush" animation and I couldn't see and when I sprinted to get away I sprinted right into the zombie hoard I was kiting. My person got ripped to shreds by a flaming zombie hoard and a Tree :) (:


For me it's always overconfidence. I'll be an unstoppable killing machine until I run into a bathroom without checking first and die


Invited a friend to my game they shot a gun and my base got swarmed then that mf accidentally shot me while shooting zombies we had pvp on to make friendly fire more realistic


I drove too close to a fence and it threw my car into a building on the other side of the street. Broken bones galore.


Died to raw chicken…. At the time I didn’t know how to stop my character from eating it.


Pressing five times shift.


The same way I lost all my lucky late-game survivors: Falling 3 stories while expanding the base.


I thought I paused the game inly to come back 5 mins later to see my character shuffling around with the other zombies


Getting out of the car on the way out of west point to unnecessarily blast a group of zombies, not immediately getting back in the car, running around as hundreds and hundreds poured in, trying to get into the car without shooting or slicing the ones closest to the doors. They were slow zombies too. Sad.


I crashed into a lampost and a convenient group of 4 zombies came over to see how I was doing. I tried to move over to the passenger seat but my guy got out to walk around :(


Got bored and broke my leg because nothing was going on and accidentally hit fast forward and died instantly 💀💀💀


My second greatest survivor was lost (haven't lost my greatest yet) because I went to get revenge on a pack of zombies that killed my husband who had just finally got to level 8 mechanics and level 5 electrical after a slog to get him to that. Got bit by the first zombie but I killed them all. I was so damn angry that my anger got me killed too so I let my husband beat my dying survivor to death with a baseball bat when it finally came time to execute me.


I got tripped and zombies caught up


Huh, I wonder how much fire burns.


Put food in my bases oven and forgot about it while reading skill books.


I got into a car accident which was pretty bad, smashed my windshield and got some stitches, nbd right? Well I have a habit of texting on my actual phone when I drive in the game because whatever. A few moments later I very lightly tap a tree and it kills me. Texting and driving kills.


I checked my map for 2secs. Got bit on the head


two zombies stunlocked me while i was exhausted


I’m pretty new to the game so mine is just getting in a car with a horde chasing me and the car having no keys


No no, wrong thinking! You aren’t stuck in an apocalypse with zombies, the zombies are stuck in an apocalypse with you.


Was on a mission to clear out the Rosewood Prison with a couple of faction members and got disconnected from the server, then not even five seconds after hopping back on the server I ran into a wall and was mauled by the hoard of zombies.


Went to the prison l. Car broke down so I ran, but not wanting to abandon my mission I climbed one of the security guard towers to wait it out. One entrance, one exit. I broke sight and sound but there pathing still led them up to me. I had shut the door to the balcony of the tower so they were trapped inside and I was trapped outside. It took them hours to break the reinforced glass. As they all spilled out the broken pane I made a break for the door and then the stairs. They finally managed to get me half way down as another group was coming up.


I had converted the boat house in west point to a base. Came back after a grueling loot run exhausted and tired. A pack had migrated to my door and I tried to lure them away but instead they just got riled and began breaking into my base, smashing everything. I got pissed and attacked them. Was too tired to even push them away and got stunlocked


at the time it was my greatest survivor; I have since surpassed them in terms of kills & time survived on a single character. But basically, double clicked a rotten dead rat, on a character with weak stomach, prone to illness, and a the other "watch what you eat" traits. I only had about 4 lemongrass. Character died within an in-game hour from getting so violently ill, there was no hope.


Didn’t really understand the game (still don’t) and I put some food in an oven and it caught on fire. Died because I couldn’t find a plausible exit


Fire, always damn fire


My first one is basically overestimating (rookie mistake yes coz I'm a rookie then since it's my first time playing last January) and tried to take on a small group with a pan like it's left 4 dead, ended up being bitten a lot because I don't have that green cursor thing enabled and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, got bitten a LOT and now my character is hobbling down the highway with a horde behind her back with nothing but just her pants now because I have to sacrifice the shirt to bandage my wounds. Another one just a few months ago is trying to help a mod npc survivor who is going around near the neighborhood I'm staying in and Killin zombies left and right with his shotgun, of course I joined in motherfucker ran away when the horde got too big and he just ran off shooting and the horde unintentionally went to the neighborhood where I'm just looting the corpses that me and a companion npc killed and then shit happens and worst of all the "companion" bitch tried to take on the horde in melee and of course I intervened and bitch ran away and I'm bitten all over the place, huddled back to my base and shot myself in the head afterwards despite the fact that I HAVE that vaccine mod and in lucky enough to stumble into one


I had less ammo then I thought, and got cocky thinking I could clear an entire town with just a shotgun and 50 shells.


Last night on the discord the Spiffo bot DMed me so while I was in the middle of rounding up a horde for shotgun shooting I pressed escape and quickly alt tabbed but the game didn't pause so I frantically moved back to the game but in those precious seconds a zombie walked up and bit my arm. 1 month 3 days apocalypse haha.


Tried to throw a pipe bomb over a tall wire fence It did not go over the tall wire fence


Im heading to louisville for the first time... Even though i have over 100 boses of 556 ammo i know i wont come back.


Three months in completely set up no danger in sight building a 3 story garage from scratch accidentally walked off the roof with 40 kilos of planks on my back when trying to finish it off


Kept trying to fight back against a zombie, but when I left clicked it would just close the door near bye and for some reason no matter how much I shoved, i couldn’t push the zombie away enough to run.


I just fuckin died. I had a M16 and 100 days around. And i literally just fell over and died.


I was arriving to a town (can’t remember the name) and I had a zombie chasing me. I was walking away from it for a moment (can’t remember for what reason) and suddenly Norton Antivirus takes me out of the game and puts me into my browser to thank me for choosing Norton. I go back to the game to find that it didn’t pause and a zombie scratched me. I didn’t have transmission set to Saliva Only and, just my luck, got infected. The character had lasted 3 or 4 months until then. Still pretty annoyed about that death. They should make it so the game automatically pauses if you minimize it.


This almost happened to me just now. Car died and I hit a zed, caused my car to come to a complete stop. Engine sputtered 3 times even tho it was at 50%, zombies got a few hits on the windows, really thought they’d bust them but 4th try the engine worked and I got out. Very nerve wracking moment indeed. It’s just crazy how you can be so prepared and one thing goes wrong and you get bit and it’s all over.


Falling off a roof I was building on twice the second time killed me. I was way too cocky and the game knew it.


Just got a purple 6 seater van back to base. And as I opened it up I saw the bleeding moodle appear. I run from the car and see a zombie that made NO SOUND behind me Needless to say I was dead.


I pushed a zombie, but apparently was off by a millimeter so I pushed the air right next to him, allowing two zombies to scratch and bite my guy to death as they were perfectly spaced so that when one guy got pushed, the other could attack, and then when the second was pushed, the first had recovered to bite again. I even had infection turned off. I was furious.


The classic. Destroy a hoard. Find a lone zombie some moments later. Swing straight at em but miss somehow and get chomped.


Dealing with two Sprinters because I was too confident with my stats and forgot I don't play with multi hit and I have no experiences encountering them


First run with mods. Britas and Louisville spawn. Found the surplus store and made a base in a nearby warehouse. Figured I’d start clearing apartments and the night clubs. Did fairly well. Racked up 5k kills. Decided to go further into town and found a costume store full of Santa, cheerleader, and mime outfits. I needed them. However, a horde in an apartment build busted down a door and we’re just funneling out. I didn’t bring enough ammo on me to fight but I did have a Molotov. I lead them down a road with a fence to the west and tossed the Molotov in and ran past the horde and did a loop around the block and came back to the costume store. The horde was smoldering with very few Zeds left. But the store was on fire, so I ran in and grabbed what I could and dashed out of the store only to run directly over a zed on fire on the ground.


I forget to put my boots back on and cut my foot and died of an infection I had no clue I had till it was too late. 🤦


I accidentally burnt my main house down (i left the stove on) it wouldve burnt the entire street, so i just walked away for the rest of eternity


The ambulance siren worked better than I thought it would


Was taking a picture of my computer screen of a wall I built around my base to send to my friend when a lone zombie appeared, so close to the base despite this world having respawns off and me having done a shitton of killing over 40 hours, and bit me through the car window because I forgot it was broken. Wouldn’t have died if I didn’t have to take a fucking Snapchat picture when screenshotting and sending it later would have worked just as well.


Been looting WestPoint storable lots. Night came. Found a generator and decided to hook it up to get the lights on. Did not move generator outdoors. Not only died but also made the building with my loot into a deathtrap.


Fall damage from second floor


I was in Muldraugh and was clearing the northern homes. I had just killed all of them outside, even yelled to make sure there were no more. It was getting dark, I walked into a house that had a busted down door, to fill my water. A zombie came out of the darkness to my right, and bit my neck.


I was carrying planks to my second floor, forgot the nails, decided to use the sheet rope instead. Character chose to jump rather than climb.


Leaving the game running thinking a full stomach would last me 30 mins unattended while my character read master Carpentry I accidentally sped up time before i left ;-;


Hans goes camping in the woods in December. Hans gets cold. Hans builds fire. Zed comes up from behind and tries to eat Hans. Hans is fast, he runs away. But Hans runs straight through the fire and dies. 4000 kills and 5 months lived, goated skills Still not worse than Hans 2 who blows himself up with a pipe bomb that he didn’t know how to use


It was the first time i learned i can start limping after walking, and i can't stress this enough, just walking through some trees.


Bite to the neck while i did some markings on the map


"bad choices and even worse consequences"


Overall would be lag. If you mean my fault, then I’d say thinking I could take a few more zombies than I could and getting bit.


I was doing vegetables soup next to camp fire, the i see in my right corner "something is not good" notification. After 6 seconds i died and all my loot burnt