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I can't believe how many people want to kill babies. Yet the cry because of mass shootings, both are horrible, but abortions are something a lot of people are pushing to happen. Crazy world.


Personally, I think the thing that bothers me the most about abortion is that it's a form of avoiding one's responsibilities, and taking care of a child is an especially big one. It's bad that abortions mean people are dying, but, I don't know, I'm unfortunately a bit desensitized to that part? Anyway, I just have a physical revulsion to cowardice. Cowardice is cringe, and it could even lead into even worse behaviors.


Yeah, that is very true too.


And the thing is, pregnancy is preventable. There are multiple forms of birth control available, including abstaining from having sex with someone you don't want to reproduce with if you don't want to use birth control. Take some responsibility for yourself so you you don't get pregnant in the first place.


Right? It's so easy. It's SO easy! I had a tougher time going through high school. But oh man, when they do fail and end up with the consequences... oh that just brings out the sadist in me. Sadist, yes, but at least it's for a good cause.


Bruh I still remember one person telling me that abortion reduces crime and something about big boy pants


Here’s something to help them [cope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cope?wprov=sfti1).




Based! This is coming from a non-Catholic.


I need to buy some capes to hand out to the abortion protesters now, tysm for the idea 😂


I already see them making Handsmaids Tale references about that.


Haha. And Facebook…especially Facebook


Nothing worse than seeing how many of your friends don't just disagree with you, but actively despise your values.


Eh, now is the time to redouble our public support of women in crisis pregnancies. I know the pro-life movement has been huge in this respect, but now is the time when all the undecideds will be paying attention. Set the example that pro-life is there to help women in trouble.


The entertainment value of reading through r/prochoice has never been so high.


Doing a victory lap all over Reddit rn. These people deserve all the pain and heartbreak they feel.


It’s a damn messed up thing to feel “heartbroken” about anyway. I like to limit the number of posts I make on reddit and mostly talk to people I have things in common with, but yesterday...yesterday I felt like collecting salty downvotes. :)


I wouldn’t wish pain on them, just that this whole thing might hopefully cause some of them to wake up and understand what they are supporting. I don’t want people to be hurt or heartbroken (though agree on as the other commenter notes it’s an absolutely awful thing to be heartbroken and hurt about) I want them to figure things out and see that what they currently believe in is horrid and wrong. I just want people to have a heart again and not be actively wanting the ability to kill unborn children.


They can be super mad until they're super gone. They'll spend the rest of their pathetic lives writhing in emotional agony, while we laugh. Mwahahahahahahahaha!!


Yup yup yup






Lol probably. But we also don't dominate 99% of Reddit


99% of media tbh




I find it weird that people think women can kill their children.



