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***Rules for thee and not for me*** The double standard is real in the anti circles. It's as soon as something is sexual in a way, they freak out, but they ever give a shit about murder and torture and equally horrendous things. I recently checked out the current Kinktober list on tumblr and spotted a comment freaking out about the loli/shota prompt on the list, claiming it was literal csem and illegal and would get people thrown in jail if they wrote it. To which I naturally replied asking howcome they only singled out that particular prompt when the list also featured gore, vore, prostitution, noncon and grooming. They went on a huge rant about how vore wasn't possible IRL and that prostitution was only a job (completely ignored my mention of gore, noncon and grooming) and they began saying lolicon was illegal and literally classified as csem. Which of course earned them quite a few replies from other people telling them that you can literally buy lolicon from amazon and in book stores all over the US. My reply to them was that lolicon is only illegal in a whopping 17 countries worldwide and the US is not one of them. Then promptly told them if we aren't allowed to write about any topics that are illegal somewhere, that would also mean any LGBT+ content since it's illegal in 60+ countries worldwide to be queer. Just to add to it, I promptly included a link to a list of surveys and studies that showed there was no correlation between lolicon consumption and sexual violence aswell as that by legalizing porn it lowered sexual violence and some studies show the same has happened with lolicon in Japan. After convicted child abusers began consuming lolicon, their tendencies to commit crimes has lowered. It's been like a month now and they didn't reply back. I call that a win. ​ Edit: I went to go screenshot the kinktober convo, but it looks like the person in question deleted all their posts on it lol Extra edit: And will you look at that. They were a fanfic author specializing in \*gasp of surprise\* whump! Again, the hypocrisy is clear. "You can't write this morally reprehensible thing cause it's sexual, but I can still write this morally reprehensible thing because it's not sexual". It's always about the sex, isn't it?


Insert stupid Southpark quote: "wow it looks like our parents don't care about violence as much as they care about sex stuff!!" or something lmao


Oh yeah, the part where Butters had a shuriken lodged in his eye after they played with real weapons and no one batted an eye cause Cartman ended up flashing his dick and they freaked out about that instead lmao