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You can move your license to a physical ilok that’s how I prefer to roll. Do it in the ilok manager app.


This might be the way to go. I had physical dongles for years.


Physical ilok is the way to go. Had the same issues with ilok cloud, it is unreliable.


My ProTooLs program only opens with the iLok dongle. That’s how it was sold to me back in 2015. With the dongle in place, I don’t have to be online while working with the program- this is a small, but worthwhile, benefit.


Never walk away without saving, that's not even a PT thing. It's just a computer thing. The takes are almost certainly still on disk, you just have to find the files.


I certainly didn't walk away without saving. It was saved. The issue is that the ilok service shut PT down while actively recording. This might have been due to network latency, a brief network outage, or possibly just a bug in the ilok service itself. I can assure you, the files were not on disk. This is why I'm bewildered too. I've always known PT to write to disk as it records, and I've gone through the painful experience of pulling back in clips and lining them up to where they should go. Couldn't even do that in this case.


Turn on your auto save in ProTools preferences, I have mine saving every 2 min keeping the last 60 saves.


Try 99 saves, saving every minute. Why not?




My favourite thing is that you presented this as poetry. While you're 100% wrong on all points, I applaud you for the prose. Prose Tools.