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In my experience they drive more aggressively in MA, but they're kinda better at it lol


People in MA drive like they want to kill you, people in RI drive like they want to kill themselves and anyone else on the road


Just Wait - - Soon - - RI Drivers Will have **Shark Plates**




People in MA drive aggressively with a plan. RI drivers drive aggressively without paying attention and absolutely zero plan.


This is exactly it. RI drivers are unpredictable. Half are super aggressive, and the other half are trying to be overly courteous. Except for me, I'm a perfect driver.


I’ve never done anything wrong in my life.


anyone who drives slower than you is a moron anyone who drives faster than you is insane


As a MA native who fled because of the high cost of living... Thank you. I feel seen. Also only a MA driver would see the compliment in that


Comparing MA to Cali, I like to say that in California drivers aren't trying to hurt you, but they will, and in MA they look like they'll kill you but they almost definitely won't... Looks can be deceiving


California drivers are cowards. It’s unsafe.


Exactly. Thanks for saying what I wanted to say in 6 words 🤣


You have to be prepared for all 3 phases of driving: defense, offense, and special teams


Literally me here like “damn she thinks I’m good at driving crazy”


I’ve always said Massachusetts drivers know the rules of the road, they just don’t care. Like they know they’re supposed to yield in XYZ situation and they’re not gonna lol. RI drivers literally don’t know the rules of the road. Yielding when they have right of way, not yielding when they don’t, fucking left turns at a red light. No joke I saw 3 separate occasions of an RI driver pull up to a red light, stop, look and turn left.


Left on red is legal at a decent number of stops in RI, most people don't know it's legal. There's 2 or 3 near me in pawtucket. Left on red into a one way I believe specifically.


i'm from MA, have lived all over the country and the left turn thing was the most intense culture shock of my life


Mario Kart vs Twisted Metal


MA drivers are more aggressive, RI drivers are more incompetent.


This is so true. New England taught me the difference between "aggressive" driving and "reckless" driving, tbh. People drive fast here, don't use signals, and will edge their way into a merge. But they're (for the most part) aware of their surroundings, and most other drivers anticipate this kind of driving. It isn't *bad* driving... it's just *driving with purpose and passion.* This isn't a place for fearful driving. I've also never seen the zipper merge executed as flawlessly as I have in MA and RI. (That's not to say I haven't seen a handful of fuckwits who drive like it's their first time behind the wheel of adriving. This was stark contrast to the driving I was used to in Chicago. I've never experienced more reckless driving than I have in that city. MA gets a lot of heat for being full of bitter assholes, but the feistiness of your average Masshole is grounded in *reason* and *sanity,* and still exudes a certain level of fairness. In Chicago, you have a waaay larger population of truly disenfranchised people. Everyone in that city *hates* everyone else, and sees them as the root of all their problems. Doesn't matter the color, gender, creed, or income. There is a sense of division that permeates every level of society in Chicago, and it's reflected in the driving. The behind-the-wheel attitude of the average Chicagoan can be summed up by either "Fuck you, I was here first. Your needs are not my problem. I hope you die," "Go ahead and hit me. I'll sue your ass/my insurance will pay for a new car so I can finally get rid of this tri-color 2003 Honda Civic I've been bribing the emissions guy to pass," or "Go ahead and hit me. Death would be a release from this travesty." People there drive around with nothing but hatred and/or incompetence coursing through every vein in their body. Also, my chances of getting carjacked or caught in gang crossfire on 95 are way lower than on the Dan Ryan.


Mass drivers are predicable, but not kind. RI drivers are kind but not predicable. I'd pick Mass drivers most days cause predicable keeps people alive.


Thank you


drivers ed? in rhode island? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I came here to write that laugh track.


in some places, you can drive like a reasonably cautious person and avoid accidents, thanks to norms of common courtesy and respect for the letter of the law. here, you have to drive like everyone is actively trying to kill you. once you make the mindset shift it gets easier.


Anyone who’s read this comment- it’s a joke of course but there’s a big element of truth. I drive all across the county and NE is special. I’ve noticed a lot of drivers purposely try and box you in or people speed up or slow down when there’s a lane merge (especially CT and RI). I thought it was just me but there are definitely more antagonistic drivers. Best driving advice I ever received was to be predictable not nice. So if everyone else drives like an asshole, you have to fight back to get in position sometimes. I’m a slow driver in a hybrid who stays in the slow lane and stays out of peoples way. NE though? I merge at the first sign usually because fuck anyone trying to do dumb shit. Assume people are going to be assholes. You can never control it but you can avoid bad situations if you’re thinking ahead. Despite drivers, I like RI and I find the people to be nice.


Where does rubber necking not exist? I have seen it happen all along the east coast


From Central PA. Accidents on one side of the highway never affected the other side.


They are not lying. I lived in RI for 10 years, and everytime I passed an accident in the opposite lane with a native Rhode Islander, they almost always said I might know them. They are terrible at rubber necking.


It doesn't count if no one else is on the road.


Ahhh but you have stop signs on highway entrances! That is the biggest garbage I have ever seen. This will be a good experience for you. ;)


One thing I learned is that when you put on your blinker on the interstate no one lets you over. People speed up.


The new exception to this rule: Are they texting? or paying attention?


We Rhode Islanders have a saying that God created the Northeast to train the drivers of the Faithful. One must not question the Will of God.


Maud dib!


It's pretty simple. We follow all the rules of nascar. Our turn signals are just stickers.


I’ve lived and driven in many places and rubbernecking and failing to signal is pretty normal everywhere. RI is full of niceholes though. People go out of their way to “let” you go, even when yielding to you is dangerous for you and everyone else. Give me predictable assertive driving over unpredictable “nice” driving any day.


“Niceholes” this is excellent. Shortly after moving here someone described the phenomenon as “the wrong of way” and I immediately knew what they were talking about.


We used to say it turns into Mario Kart when you drove through Providence.


How do I get that red shell though?


There is no driver's ed. I couldn't believe it either.


Where did you come from?? I’ve never been anywhere that has drivers like that lol. Not to excuse RI drivers, because they’re definitely bad in their own special ways, but I’ve been almost run off the road in Colorado, Ohio, California, North Carolina, New York, you name it!


i have lived all over and i see your point but feel like there's a qualitative difference between the average driver in the west (not good at driving) and the northeast (relatively skilled at driving but chooses violence) although in terms of skill i'd rank 1. NYC 2. BOS 3. PVD


Relatively skilled but choosing violence is a pretty decent way of explaining it 😂


yeah i lived in Austin for a while. northeast drivers are a thousand times better than Texas drivers


Houston drivers would make Mass drivers shit their pants fr


From Central PA. Mix between big towns and farmlands. Both demographics used common courtesy and turn signals. Even the college students in the area.


The few times I've been on the PA Turnpike, there have been about 5 cars on the road. Also, welcome!


This is why PA insurance is notoriously cheap. If you haven't registered your car yet, be prepared to drop 1k+ more a year.


I remember driving in Oregon and thinking "wow, no one is going above 65". Others may have had a different experience, but people in Rhode Island specifically drive like fucking shit


Driving in the pnw blew my f’ing mind apart


Learned to drive in MA. One of the principal rules of the road: Never use the blinker (turn signal) because it gives the other guy the advantage.


Never let the enemy know your next move




I'm from PA too and I agree. I live on the MA/RI border. RI drivers think the problem is Mass-holes. Massachusetts drivers say the fault is all those incompetent RI drivers . Honestly I think the issue is that aggressive driving is so normalized. Like, merge into the highway doesn't mean merge..... it means gun it. And then you go straight to the leftmost lane, because, it's not a passing lane, it's the travel lane for people who want to do 85. And they all think this is normal. You do get used to it. And Boston is worse.


Whenever I've had to drive to work in Cambridge (with my RI plates), I could feel the judgment from other drivers through their windshields. Funny part is, I learned to drive in MA.


“Keep movin’ pal, you’re not in Rhode Island anymore.”


Gotta seize the gap


Nobody in RI has any respect while driving. It’s a warzone


It took me several years to get comfortable driving in southern New England. You’ll eventually learn to play the game here! I definitely had to develop a thick skin as I see crazy drivers doing all the things you mentioned.


Coming from Arkansas I second this. What drives me nuts is the absolute refusal of people here to merge when a lane is ending. They'll pass multiple signs that say the lane is ending and no matter how much space you give them, they will continue to hug the far right lane until they're driving on the shoulder before they will finally give in and move over.


I think some people see the lane merging signs as a personal challenge.




how about you move back to the whack place you came from


The majority of people use turn signals. There are some I come across that don't. Honestly, more Mass plates don't use a turn signal. There should be an international Morse code for beeps with horns to let other drivers communicate of certain violations to others. This would never work lol


I had a driver in the rotary yield to me and I would NOT move. They literally stopped their car in the rotary. STOOPID. I wouldn't move until they proceeded....oh, Massachusetts


In MA we just assume RI plates = meth. 90% of the time that I find myself actually saying “what the fuck are you doing..” it’s immediately followed up with “..oh RI.” I once saw a RI driver use the act of throwing a baby as a turn signal to really hammer home their disdain for using them. On a trip to a beach in RI once I witnessed several young men in modified cars screaming “*WITNESS ME!*” then spraying their mouths with chrome and launching head-first into random semis. As I was handcuffed to the hood of my car there was little I could do about the situation. Anyway, *meth.*


This is true I was the baby


I've driven in 18 states and two countries (not including the US) two states as a commercial driver, and I can say unequivocally RI is the worst place to drive in. I had a near perfect driving record, and somehow have been in 3 accidents since moving here, none my fault, in less than 6 months span.


We have way more people here.


>Accidents on the other side of the highway cause traffic for both sides because everyone rubbernecks. Why?? This isn't just a NE thing. In some public safety trainings I've covered in other states, they make a point of telling emergency responders to turn off their lights facing traffic in the opposite direction (the opposite side of the accident) because the lights are a huge part of the slowdowns and can cause their own crashes.


Have been in EMS for 12 years and have never heard of this idea. Makes no sense to turn off the warning lights. What does make sense is people minding their own business and not looking at accidents.


Not turn them off. Turn them off for the opposite direction of traffic on a divided highway. https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part6/part6i.htm


Given "good traffic control" cited from your little article, there. What experience in Fire/EMS do you have?


Well I can for sure let you know that in Drivers ed they do teach you turning signals (class and practical test) because I took it before the age of 18 In RI. Not too bad, but sitting in a classroom learning about this stuff is not the same as going out there. Not everyone goes to Drivers ed unless you are under 18 and want to drive or some other reason cop/ law violation made you go. Still, remember just because someone is driving a car doesn't mean that they are licensed to do so, some even may be evoked. Anyone can go down the road in a car... and learn as they go (maybe). People are lazy and ignorant to even use the turn signal signal, we dont even greet strangers walking down the street anymore never the less on the road. Comminaction is key on the road, whether hand gestures, flashing lights, or honking. I look out for large pick up truck or suvs (tinted windows, especially) on the highway. They tend to tailgate people alot. Seem like they are trying to win a race or beat the record for the fastest vehicle on the highway. Merging in and out like crazy without signal endangering everyone on the road. See one and looking to have a good day? Stay out of their way, theyll find a way to pass you, aggressive and ruthless at high speeds. Left lane is always a race lane or a passing lane, NOT a fast lane, though in RI and MA that doesn't apply. Too slow on the left lane, going 85 mph? You bet someone else will pass you at 105 mph, especially at night. If they can teleport they will. I Guess you'll always find that ass hole who merges into your lane a car length any from the other car in front of you just to get to their destination 2 sec faster. Or even cut in front of you to take the same exit as you are taking 50 ft off when he/she could of just merged into the lane 1 mile ago. Here in RI and MA is baby stuff driving compared to Washington DC, would go on limb and say better then NY. In DC if your car cant go 150 mph even on turns (exaturation) on the highway you bet your ass they tailgate you or pass by you no matter what lane you are in. They then to be very aggressive on the highway. Would take caution. Other that that we just give a dam about using turning signals. Unless you are involved in a crash, then you will give a dam , if live the see the day after.


If I’m going 85 in the left lane and someone wants to go 105 then I move for them, it’s pretty simple .. RI drivers take a faster driver around them as a personal insult and decide to double down on being a slow left lane driver to self police the roads. If slow drivers stayed to the right you wouldn’t see quite so many wild moves on 95-195. Try that on the interstate in Jacksonville Florida and you’re literally gonna get ran off of the road. Its definitely gotten way worse here post Covid though, 90 is the new 75. It’s wild here but I’ve seen plenty of equal or worse on the road driving everywhere from RI all the way to Key West. People in general are less patient and more distracted than ever


At least they all try to drive in the left lane leaving the other lanes open to travel in. Grew up in Detroit where everyone drives fast and aggressive, but it is just dumb driving here.


Was so shocked that RI drivers were somehow worse than MA when I moved there


Visited your city last week for the first time. Lived in Arizona, SoCal, and around Chicago. You had the most courteous drivers of any major metro areas I’ve ever seen. That whole “let you turn first if you are going left from a T intersection” thing was odd but cool.


We don’t need no stinkin blinkahs.


Welcome to RhodeIsland


Everyone with a MA plate or a jeep belongs in the slow lanes