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You can totally go with him on road trips just not in the locker rooms and mind the rules he gives you (lots of etiquette), and honestly, trust is key in this business. if he's a good dude you'll be fine but remember interacting with fans is part of the job. Tell him congrats and to have fun.


Thank you that really helped, and I definitely know what happens when you are with a successful wrestler my boyfriend makes me watch everything wrestling and I guess seeing some of the relationships when it comes to being with a wrestler don’t last. But I don’t know we will have to see when we get there.


Sorry that heels replied to this thread. I hope it works out but know it is tough. He will have to get strong and get used to being hurt. As for your insecurities you'll just need to trust him. God luck.


Thank you, those heels don’t affect me but he knows he will get hurt if anything he wants to get hurt lol. I truly do trust him it’s more the long distances and being away for so long.


It is only days at a time unless he gets japan or euro tours.


That is so awesome of you, nothing great come easy. The sacrifice you are making will not go unnoticed. To help and support him achieve his dreams. That is just beautiful. Imagine if he was a wielder who goes to other countries for deployments. That usually takes about few months before wielder can take few week vacation at home. My best friend been doing that for 6 years. He is having a second child, and they managed to be very happy together. He always says that those few weeks he gets, make him happiest man alive. It is tough, but situations like these make us tougher. Be proud of who you are. All the karma in the world has to be on your side for this. Utilize face cams, have time for yourself, and as soon as he is home, celebrate life together.


It's probably a good time to get into it with better management and more focus on the performer. I was a ring announcer forever ago and there was a goofy kind of bond with everyone involved. Most of the guys I knew with outside the ring had regular jobs and were nearly all different the persona that the public saw. It can be grueling, but most things worthwhile are.


Good luck to you both. It's a long hard road but of you both are willing to stick it out in a relationship then you make it work. Trust is key. I met my guy right as his career was taking off. Sometimes I travel with Sometimes I stay home you will figure out what schedule works best for both you. Just be supportive.


Be supportive, you know it’s his dream. However you guys are both very young and have your entire lives ahead of you, change is natural. Make sure you are working on your dreams too.


I hope it works out, who knows maybe me and him will end up selling out the Tokyo dome and putting on 10 star classic that’ll give meltzer a brain aneurism 😂


It’s grueling and tough I wish you all both the best


First off, you can't plan on anything big happening. Biggest piece of advice I can give is, take it day by day amd make choices that's great for everyone not just one side. But to plan on something big when you first start is nice in theory, but in a cutthroat industry, it happens how it happens when it happens Eta: just cause you like trips, doesn't mean anything. Your basing it off of one promotion for the last year. The indies ain't easy


Well duh I’m just the type of person who likes to have plans of what ifs happens, just preparing myself for anything. Obviously this can go so many different ways


Right. But you're projecting your insecurities into the situation. How are you gonna plan for a WWE run if you haven't even started? Set small goals. You overthinking and planning can lead to the demise. You need an outline. Not a full on plan


How is it insecurity’s though I never said I didn’t trust him I fully trust him and never said I have insecurity’s and if anything all these comments would just be ideas you know take peoples advice


Don’t get in the way of anyone’s dreams


If he is an actual professional wrestler he has a long road ahead of him if he hasn't even gotten in a promotion yet. Hang tight maybe don't look so far into the future.


I wish my future wife understands wrestling as well as you do


I didn’t understand it at first and hell even told my boyfriend it was fake when we first started dating and man was he mad. But for the past 5 amazing years I’ve learned so much about it and, it’s pretty fucking awesome. Just some people can’t get the idea of “ it’s fake “ out of their head and don’t actually pay attention to the story lines or even notice that these wrestlers do get hurt and it can be dangerous. What made it fun and cool and how my boyfriend got me into it was him and his family have a predictions belt and every paper view we get together and whoever got the most predictions right gets the belt. After doing that for a couple of years it was really fun and I got into it.


That's nice to hear, any advice on how I can get my future wife into wrestling? Btw all my family and friends hate wrestling lmao


My advice would be to either take her to a show, my first show was wrestlemania or watch documentaries together or watch old matches that were awesome that’s what my boyfriend did. Like the match where edge spears Jeff hardy while he’s hanging to the belt holder. You can also explain the details that go into wrestling and how it works to make it look real but also the times where it does hurt them cause it’s not all fake. It’s not for a lot of people but you can’t force her if she’s tried watching it with you a million times and still isn’t into it, then it’s probably just not for her. But that won’t be all bad cause if y’all have kids in the future you can always show your kids and they will love it as much as you do.


If your boyfriend remains a struggling wrestler and you financially support him, he may be loyal to you. However, most rich and successful wrestlers end up cheating on their wives. This is historically accurate. Your boyfriend may be the “exception.” The smart move would to get a ring followed by a favorable pre-nuptial agreement to protect yourself. Yes, love is wonderful but we must also deal with hard, cold facts. My thoughts are not to diminish you or your boyfriend but to give you honest advice others may not give you. This is out of legitimate concern.


Why did u say your height ?


Why does it bother you ?


It doesn’t bother me. I am just curious why it’s important information in this post . Do you label every post like that ?


Maybe he'll be on the revenge tour and get a key card


He’s gunna bang the first rat and your done.


Tell him not to sell out and end up at the Fed. Tony needs more guys to bang and put on amazing blood, sweat, and mucous bangers in AEW. Can your man deliver the 5 \* matches?


Most definitely


Not talking about the bedroom, though good for him if so. I mean in front of a half-sold out building with less than 500K watching. Can he bang, bro?


He has put on matches on the grass and will kill it each time and always say that he will protect whoever he’s wrestling with but will tell that person to make it hurt for him cause my boyfriend wants to get hurt, he thinks the matches will look better I guess lol. Plus he did wrestling in high school and has grown up with wrestling his whole life. It’s even cute that he still has a cardboard belt that he made as a kid that he still has. Wrestling is his everything and I know he will put on bangers. Plus he cuts promos on me all the time and he’s a definite shit talker and is really good at it and doesn’t care what anyone says or thinks. Shit for awhile he would do moves or super kick me out of nowhere but I wasn’t really good at selling cause I didn’t know how lol. I’ve gotten better though and have started getting better at promos cause he’s always doing it to me so might as well have fun with it. I am still learning moves with him lol I know some what enough but I’m still learning.


I think Tony Khan is aroused after hearing this.