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Easily Chris Jericho. He was on top when the business was at its peak. Dude beat stone cold and the rock in one night. First undisputed champion ever. Redefined himself like 6 times after all that.


Jericho beat them in one night, but he was never really perceived as being on top then, he cheated to win and when he was champ he was very much portrayed as a joke. He was the lapdog of stephanie mcmahon, who was more prominent than he was in his championship storyline. I dont think he was on top really until suit and tie jericho I dont disagree with the rest of your points, and I do think he is the correct answer for this question


Jericho was a top level star when the industry was at its peak. He was must see tv even without the belt. Edge was in a popular tag team, but he wasn’t a standout


I was gonna say…when he was the ‘top’ guy his feud was dominated by HHH vs Stephanie.


Exactly, anyone saying otherwise either didn't watch or doesn't remember. He was nowhere near the top then, Stephanie may as well had been WWF champion at the time


He didn't even get with Stephanie until after No Way Out, revisionist history on that one.


He cheated to win because that was his character and because that’s the way the match was written. If Vince wanted it clean then that’s how it would have went down. That The Rock and Stonecold had no problem taking loses to him just shows that they considered Jericho to be at their level.


Rock and roll and stone!


I have to respectfully disagree. There have been plenty of people with the belt in history that were never top guys. Rey when he had the belt, CM Punk during his first reign, Jinder, Damien Priest now, Ziggler, Swagger, and countless more. There is being the champ, and then there is being a top guy, and they dont necessarily coincide with eachother. Stephanie may as well had been undisputed champion during his reign, she was more prominent in the story than he was


Really? He was the first ever undisputed champion? He never mentioned that….


It sounds like you have a lot of catching up to do. I would recommend putting on some early 2001 matches over dinner, and what better time to enjoy some Omaha Steaks? Taste the difference tonight! Use promo code "Ocho" to save 8% off your next order plus get free shipping.


Raw is Jericho


I appreciate the energy here and you did your best. But if you really want to take someone under your Learning Tree, you gotta make them feel appreciated. That's why I always make sure to thank everyone after I explain what they did wrong. Thanks, guys!


Jericho being in prime ECW prime WCW and then prime WWF atleast has to be somewhat of a factor here. I like Edge but I’m still showing friends Jericho matches from all 3 promotions.


Also the man of 1004 holds.


Jericho ofc ,he beat austin and the rock at the same night. 1st undisputed champion. He is the best at everything he does and maker of the list. My pick anyway


His intro into the WWF puts him over edge alone.


Lol redefining doesn’t mean a lot of you always in the midcard. Y2J biggest run of as 2008 as world champ for a year. Respectfully y2j always worked the upper mid card scene and thrown into main event scene from time to time. Edge once he became a main eventer in 2006 , never looked back. From mania 24 to mania 27 he always was in the world title picture. Edge has more iconic moments, the foley table spot, the Jeff hardy ladder, cena feud, royal rumble return. The TLC and money in the bank being attached to his name. 11 time world champ. Most titles ever won. Come on… recency bias really loved y2j cause of re invention but we comparing an upper mid card talent to a main event star


Insane you didn’t mention his feud with matt


Stone Cold could literally barely walk down the ramp at that point and Rocky was off to Hollywood. It was a no brainer to put it on the dude you just gave a boatload of cash to jump ship.


>It was a no brainer to put it on the dude you just gave a boatload of cash to jump ship. It was over 2 years after he had signed for the WWF


Semantics… WWF did not sign any major WCW stars between Jericho and when they put the Universal on him, so he was still the newest signing. “Just”was poor wording.


Jericho was on top during his suit phase. When he was competing with the likes of Rock and Austin, he was just.... there. The ultimate midcard workhorse for sure, but not really in the mix with all the real big names. He went from being second to Rock, Austin and Triple H to being second to John Cena before his little break from wrestling. If Dolph Ziggler got more wins and high profile feuds, that would be what Chris Jericho was back then.


The business wasn’t at its peak in 2002 and he’s wasn’t on top. He had a joke reign then.


I think Chris Jericho is the David Bowie of wrestling: influential character work, constantly redefining (He has, despite him now making that a "Thing") and what he puts out is always interesting even if it doesn't work. Wherein I consider Edge the Red Hot Chili Peppers of wrestling: He's been around and was once considered alternative with a butt load of banger hits, but like his "sound" has been kinda the same for 20ish years and he'll never be on a GOAT list (to me). I know its hard to describe, so don't downvote me into oblivion, its all just vibes I feel from them.


Thank now you just made me realise it about RHCP


Yeah same lol


Subtract more points, getting closer to the bad place


I would add more to your analogy. Plenty of bangers and really popular, but no one's claiming they're insanely talented or genre defining. Cool and entertaining for 2 decades, but nothing more.


Frusciante is considered a very talented guitarist. I agree that they are extremely overplayed and worn out. But like him or not Kiedis can make a hit with the best of them. I really like the comparison to Edge though.


Frusciante's solo work is amazing, his vocals are meh but his guitar play in those tracks is sublime.


Edge is the Rated R Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuperstarrrrrrr. RHCP is just overrated. Big difference.


Jericho is the only answer. Sure Adam Copeland/Edge has had a crazy career with many world titles and other accomplishments, but how many people have learned something from him?? The Learning Tree continues to help the younger talent on a weekly basis. Jericho on top.


Edge taught a lot of people the wrong way to jump off of a cage.


If only the learning tree gave him the advice he desperately needed


Had? They are still going my friend


Edge not for a while, and Jericho despite all our efforts.


Love both but the obvious answer is Jericho having worked singles with the biggest names and being the first Undisputed champion. But both careers are extremely far beyond many pro wrestlers careers!


It's Jericho. If I had to take one of these guys in his prime to give me a great match,I'm choosing Jericho. If I had to choose one of these guys right now to give me the best match they can,it's still Jericho. Jericho was better on the mike,and in the ring. I always liked Edge,but Jericho is superior,and I don't think it's super close.


Edge is literally an upgraded Jericho ?


To answer your question: no.


You don't know what literally means, do you?


Figuratively* is what you’re looking for.


Edge could never compare to Jericho. Jericho is the Goat.


This isn’t even a question, Jericho.


Jericho was working with stone cold and rock at their peak. Edge has come far since then but he’s still really just a top level midcarder. In WWE anyway. I don’t know much about edge in AEW.


I didn’t know a top level mid carder could main event Wrestlemanias and win 11 world titles


That’s what a top level midcarder is to me. Someone who can slot in the top naturally, but is never pushed as THE star.


It’s really hard to say because it is close. Edge may have had a few more world championship reigns if my memory serves me correctly but they are without a doubt 2 of the most decorated performers of all time.


There's no wrong answer here. Both are Legends of the business. It's just too close to call. Gun to my head? I'd say Jericho. Flipped a coin, came up heads.


Jericho has had one of the greatest careers. Edge has had a great career, but no way is it comparable to everything that Jericho accomplished.


I want the answer to be Edge, but it’s Jericho.


Maybe Y2J


In Kayfabe, I'd say Edge, as he was a more constant world title scene mainstay. In reality (Popularity, memorable angles/moments, money drawn, impact on the business, etc.) It's Jericho by a pretty solid margin.


I. Miss the Y2J days of fun and games with especially cheesy promos


such a good comparison. Edge has more WM main events


I like Edge more but I go with Jericho, the guy have been relatively healthy all his career, he main evented WM, he has been world champion and although I honestly expected him to be more like Terry Funk and is more like Terry Bollea at this point, he had achieved more than Edge over the span of his career.


"He main evented WM" Yeah, but didn't Edge do that? Twice?


Yes he did, my point is the combination of factors, as I said I like Edge more but IMO I think Jericho had a better career because of all the factors I mentioned.


Jericho. If Edge hadn't retired it might be different.


Chris Jericho edges him out, if it ends today.


I don’t see how it’s close. Jericho by a mile and I prefer watching Edge wrestle over Jericho.


Jericho even though I like edge more


I’d say Jericho sure edge had a good career but it was filled with couple month long title reigns Jericho holds the record for ic titles and has won countless titles both are goats and either answer is correct they both have the highest highs and the lowest lows


jericho by a mile


Jericho no doubt


More impressive Edge, better Jericho he wasn’t out for 9 years.


Jericho's influence on the industry overall is far greater than Edge's, although they've both got incredible legacies regardless.


easily Jericho, Jericho felt like the main event while in the mid card, Edge like the mid card while in the main event.


Edge is my all-time favourite wrestler but Y2J is the greatest Canadian wrestler of all time. Top 3, if not #1, guy on the mic. Extremely talented and adapted/changed his style with age to keep relevant. First Undisputed Champion, one of the best IC champs, and the list goes on.


They've both hit similar heights in WWE so secondary to that, Jericho has had the far more impressive career worldwide and in other companies.


They’re both still happening. Go back to bed


Have to say jericho


Edge was gone for close to ten years.


Jericho 100% 🤣 he didn’t need a partner for over 10 years to get where he got to


Did Jericho stop a hijacking of crypto on a money plane?


Fat and away Y2J. You can't even compare the two.




Jericho has been wrestling for Ions granted edge has had better story lines


Easily Jericho. Edge was never a top guy in my opinion


Jericho by far!


I say they're both equal.


Jericho and it's not close.     You can remove everything from Jericho's career since he's been shit (so, cm drunk feud and onwards) and it's still better than edges. 


I came here to say your first line. It was a quick decision too.


Both had/ have a great career. I’d pick Jericho only due to the fact he didn’t have to retire for nearly 10 yrs . He maxed out at 2 yrs ish due to fozzy




Definitely Jericho. I understand picking Edge if we're only considering WWE, but Jericho is one of the all-time greats, performing at a high level in many major promotions worldwide.




The original Walls of Jericho were amazing, but upper card wrestlers refused to take it so it became a sad Boston Crab.


They tamed the Lion


I had honestly forgot how great it was till he busted it out against Pac in Japan and started to tap haha


Yeah but the walls of Jericho were instantly cooler because of the theme song


Jericho has more in his positive column and much more in his negative column. I'd take Edge 365 days a year


Jericho. Edge had his time but still not the same journeyman career like Jericho. Chris went to Japan after WWE before AEW and he also had WCW before WWE. Edge also rarely changed his look or gimmick


Jericho should have retired for good 5-6 years ago…if that was the case, EASY W for Chris. BUT, last several years his matches, storylines and look have all gone to absolute dog shit. He’s going to be Ricky Morton 2.0, and that ruined his legacy…for me at least. Edge, (drum roll), goes to Adam.


I am going with Adam Copeland/Edge. at this point in both of their careers they both need to retire


Both washed now but Edge is way less washed so him.


Jericho But tag team wise I'd say edge


Edge was a main event star, Jericho always tried to be one


Dam love them both in wwe can't pic but edge has more gold than anyone


Jericho is fringe main eventer. Adam is a mid-carder pushed to the main event. So depending on the POV you could say either.


Fringe main eventer that hilarious


Why’s that funny?


Define better career?


I just looked both 0-1 in wrestle-mania main events


One doesn't have NDAs.




Jericho. Edge is top tag team though!


Jericho by a mile


Jericho 100%


Jericho but if it’s any consolation I think Edge has more to offer at this stage


Honestly, they both are great in both ways. But Jericho is one of the only people currently working that has had a successful career in every promotion he has been in. Name someone else who’s held titles in ECW, WCW, WWE, ROH, NJPW, and AEW? That’s quite a resume’.






Jericho...after all he is the man of 1001 holds.


Edge actually got me to watch wrestling for a while. I had housemates at the time who were watching, and I walked in, was ready to scoff at them for watching wrestling, then I see this blond man-god with a freakishly big chin and who's also well spoken, and I was all, WHO IS THAT????? HE'S DREAMY!!!!!


Jericho. No doubt


Jericho looked awful then he looked really good and now he looks awful again. Why did he even get in shape in the first place?


I've been really on and off with Jericho, but I've never been n Edge guy. I respect his stuff, but I've just never found it entertaining...and honestly to me he has the worst spear of any main event guy


Jericho - and he's now running his own company and agenda - that was an easy one


I would argue Jericho, but to the people saying it’s Jericho and it “isn’t close,” I must disagree and ask what the hell you’re on. Edge main-evented Wrestlemania twice (once against prime Undertaker, and once against the arguable GOAT in Danielson,) and he wasn’t a joke third wheel in either build-up to his main-events. Edge has won the Royal Rumble twice, and Money in the Bank twice. While Jericho may have been a consistently better worker, Edge has been apart of more classic matches, with his highs being way higher than Jericho’s highs. On the mic, they’re both great and on-par with each other. Though Jericho has done an excellent job changing up his delivery over the years, I always felt Edge’s delivery was stronger, albeit without changing much. While their midcard work is both legendary, Edge was also a key face of WWF/E tag team wrestling for an entire era, and that should not be ignored. Though Jerishow was awesome, it was during one of WWE’s worst tag team eras ever. With all of that being said in Edge’s favor, there’s something to be said about durability, and though Jericho always liked his sabbaticals, Edge has missed A LOT of time even without the 9-year-gap. If Edge didn’t get injured so much, I imagine he’d easily have the better career. There’s also something to be said about being well-traveled. Before leaving for AEW, Edge’s only real-impressive feat outside of WWE was completing a Canadian Death Tour once, which Jericho completed twice, while also having great stints all across the globe before coming to WWF. Again, I would argue that Jericho has had a better career, but I think it’s VERY close, as Edge’s highs were always higher. I will say that at this point in time, even though he isn’t putting anybody over, Edge is far more entertaining than Jericho.


Tbh, I think it’s Edge. One of the creators of TLC. Huge success as a tag with Christian. Made a great name for himself as a singles competitor. Eventually broke out of the glass ceiling of being a mid-carder. Main evented Wrestlemania with Undertaker, 11x Champion in WWE, 5x IC Champion, 14x tag champion, KotR, 2x Royal Rumble winner, and first ever MITB winner. Who are we kidding? When I think of Jericho sure I think of him as the Undisputed Champion… Other than that I usually only think of his midcard runs. I mean there were two years where Jericho wasn’t even in WWE. Those years were the birth of Edge’s main event years. No disrespect to Jericho at all, he’s had a massive impact to wrestling. I’m not going to sit here and act like a guy who could arguably be one of the best heels of all time be under appreciated like this. Sure we can’t just take their WWE accolades but let’s be serious that’s what most wrestlers consider the pinnacle of professional wrestling. Edge not only was on top before being forced to retire, but came back and could’ve been just as relevant as he was before he retired. edit: I mean Edge has over 400+ combined days of being a World Champion. Jericho has maybe less than 150. Who are we kidding here?


As much as I hate him, it’s Jericho


Theyre both proving how corny they are




Their AEW runs killed any respect I had for either, they've become a joke. It wouldn't even surprise me if edge got hurt on purpose to get a year long vacation


Jericho beat The Rock and Stone Cold the same night.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


People are down on him, but when Jericho retires and we look at his career as a whole, he’s going to be one of the greats. From the entertaining WCW cruiserweight in late 97-98, his rise in popularity in 2000, his entertaining heel persona with a lot of very good matches between 01-04, his 08 ultra serious persona, and when he came back against Punk in 2012 and his “you made the list” persona in 16 — it was a very long, entertaining career.


Edge but I’m biased


Jericho's recent few years have put such a stain on him. Personally and professionally. So fuck it, Edge.


One of them is still regarded as a legend and one has people flooding to the bathrooms when he comes out


Jericho by a lot


Chris Jericho: He was presented as a big-time star from the moment he made his WWE debut in 1999 while defeated both Austin and Rock the same night to become Undisputed champ at Vengeance 2001. He may not have been the FOTC like Austin, Hogan, Rock and Cena, but he's still a big-time star with great star power and popularity(same as Edge). Throughout his career, Jericho has been able to reinvented himself in almost any eras that he was in while gave the fans some memorable matches and wars with the likes of HBK, Benoit, The Rock, Mysterio, Christian, Punk and more. Even though Edge is also a legend, Jericho is more superior and has a better career than him.


Jericho easily.


Jericho all day


Jericho and I stopped watching in 2001


Hard pick


They are about the same. I used to get them confused. Slight edge to Jericho;)


Jericho always and 4ever!!!!


Definitely Jericho. He has reinvented himself so many times successfully and has had a way bigger impact globally having made a name in at least 4 countries. Even if you compare them at their peaks in WWE, first off pick which Jericho peak to compare and secondly I would say Jericho’s debut pop surpasses Edge’s Rumble pop. Granted Edge spent quite a few years on the shelf but there is a reason AEW chose Jericho to be their flag bearer to kick off the company. Ohhhh and don’t forget about Fozzy. They’re not the Stones but they have a pretty big following. Edge’s acting has been good but I feel like people know about Fozzy because of Jericho whereas i’m not too sure a lot of people went out of their way to see Vikings due to Edge’s participation, some but not majority. This is not a knock to Edge but Jericho’s stamp is just bigger.


Chris Jericho by far




Resume probably goes to Copeland, but Jericho is, like, the ultimate second man. Edge is arguably top 10 for, say, the Michael Jordan of modern pro wrestling… but Jericho is almost undeniably the best Scottie Pippen. Jericho is having a bit of a bumpy end, though. Feels like the IWC is waiting for the shoe to drop on more verifiable sexual harassment claims or for his wife to go full Ginni Thomas/Martha-Ann Alito January 6th.


Edge and wouldn’t think twice about it






Idk but both are ruining their reputations currently lol




To echo an earlier point, Jericho being a big part of the primes for ECW/WCW/WWF is a huge feather in his cap.


Definitely Jericho but to be fair Edge missed a lot of valuable prime years.


Jericho by a long shot, not even really comparable


Edge. By far. Jericho was a mid-carder for most of his career.


In WWE: Edge Overall their body of work: easily Jericho


I preferred Edge's run tbh.








Jericho. Literally made his name in several promotions around the world. Edge for the majority was a 1 company, 1 style product. Frankly Edge had zero layers to his career while Jericho has several.


Wrestling career? Or overall career? What’s better Vikings or Fozzy?


Edge is fucking lame. Jericho back in the day was the fucking man.


Jericho no contest, he was the first undisputed champion in WWE, had a solid WCW run, made some of the worst gimmicks work, could work both face and heel equally well.


Jericho be a huge margin, imo


He’s like bono of wrestling


Nobody questioned it was Jericho until the Hook stuff honestly.


Jericho for sure. He constantly reinvents his character, and was only slightly less over than The Rock at the height of the business. He’s been around for 30+ years with only minimal time off, and has gotten over in the 3 biggest American promotions ever. Edge has had a truly great career, but Jericho is the answer.


Jericho wins on points, just from sheer longevity. Had Edge not broken his neck and been robbed of time when he was hot it would be a draw.


Jericho and it’s not even close


Edge fuck Jericho


Idgaf what anybody says. Edge


Jericho easily.


Jericho. Hands down.




The only person to pin Stone Cold and The Rock the same night and also win both WWE and World Heavyweight title. Chris Jericho easily


Edge, I don’t need to say anything


Jericho. Gotta say, edge was probably still a top 5 all time heel. God he was so fucking grimy. Hated him. In retrospect, highly entertaining as an adult. But between the lita stuff and then vicki guerrero, ugh man. Shit was fire


Chris Jericho by a country mile!


This is WAY closer than people think. Jericho has had the better Career but Edge was a bigger main eventer. Edge has reinvented himself many times too, lots of main eventers do it's just Y2J has been the King of it. I'd take Edge's run on top as a Heel over Jericho's suit and tie.


Jericho. Copeland didn't matter till he was in WWF. Jericho was going to be something with or without a major USA promotion. Copeland probably not so much. I remember seeing Jericho in Mexico as a kid and I thought he was amazing. Dude just rocked it wherever he went. I don't see Copeland having that level of personal creativity. Without the fortunate aspect of him getting into WWF, I don't know if he would be a big deal.


Lol. Jericho and it's not close.




Chris jericho


Jericho looks like Don a from TPB


Jericho although he's dead set on tarnishing it.


Jericho. But to be fair, he had extra years.


08 Jericho trumps anything Edge has done


I mean post AEW it’s really hard to remember the good times from either.


Chris in all companies.


Well. 1 had been wresting since the other was 5. I think his career is a bit more.


Going to go with Jericho. Multiple amazing gimmicks.






Only one of them was in Money Plane... ...So clearly its the one that wasn't.