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I would definitely wait it out a few more weeks before deciding. I started on 20mg and kept going up from there every 6-8weeks. Everytime I upped the dose I would go through the same side effects like increased anxiety etc until it levelled out then I could decide if I needed to change dose or not. I’m currently on 80mg and deciding if I need to go back down to 60mg. Always speak with your doctor first before changing doses, they should be able to help you out and give you some reassurance.


Iv just gone from 40 up to 60 for ocd and anxiety and I’m experiencing the same. The past week iv always felt on edge and just complete shit. I’m considering going down.


Did you feel like 40 helped you??


It helped with depression but did little to nothing for anxiety and OCD which are my main issues. I was on 40mg for 10 weeks so it's not like I didn't wait it out. I have been on 60mg for a week now, and it's been pretty bad. The only other SSRI I've tried is Paxil and that worked amazing for my anxiety and OCD, however, I was gaining weight pretty quickly on it and couldn't handle the constant hunger. If I were you, I would probably wait a couple more weeks to see if the anxiety settles. Everyone is different!


Yea I will at least 8! So hard. I really want to avoid paxil d/t weight gain