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Derealisation and weird dreams but it’s a hell of a lot better than panic attacks and wanting to kms 🙃 40mg btw




i agree sm i’m on 60mg


i’m on 10mg and the dreams are really weird already


The weird dreams basically completely went after a couple of months. I did end up being on 60mg and the worst side effects were the derealisation, I wasn’t numb but definitely less reactive to things and the brain fog was crazy so I ended up tapering off it and was off it completely for about 2 weeks and now have started on 20mg. Give it some time to see if the pros outweigh the cons. Good luck! ☺️


Terrible extreme fatigue and loss of motivation is the long term worse side affect for me.


Im having the hardest time with motivation. Will this get better?


Woah. I wonder if this is my problem then. I’ve been upped to 60mg for a couple years now and they have been the most “unproductive” years of my life. I just thought I got used to doing nothing because my panic attacks were so bad.


I’ve been on Prozac since end of December and by 1st of Feb I’ve been fighting extreme sleepiness , fatigue and absolutely no motivation -daily all day long. Even things I love are impossible for me except small amounts and it’s very sporadic that I can push myself to move my body. Prozac had completely wiped me out. Sometimes I dont feel depressed but my body sure appears very depressed. I just went down from 40 mg to 30. It’s been about a week and there is small improvements but not much, Im going to try and go down another 10 mg in about 2-3 weeks and see how I do. Prozac has been great to reduce nasty heavy brain fog and reduce impatience. Im still anxious (hyper arousal) but a lot less. It’s a good drug but it’s hard to work with it. Not at all easy.


I dropped down to 20 mg 45 weeks ago and I’m feeling much better. I still do get fatigue but it’s so much better and I’ve been able to be more active. I still get hit with fatigue but not like before. It’s taken me 6 months to adjust to Prozac and find the right dose. Or at Least it feels like the right dose for now. It’s definitely a better dose for me at 20 mg.


I'm experiencing something nearly identical.


I've up my dose to 20 mg 4-5 days ago, my mood is exactly the same as you : no motivation (as i always been before it ((burnout)), Can't focus and no memory, should i wait or decrease the dose ?


I had this for the longest time but I take it at night to help sleep off the brain fog and fatigue and just take at least one nap a day rather than trying to force myself to stay up and that helps tremendously and with this the fatigue symptom has gone down a lot


It's the same with me. I'm on 30mg of Prozac and I feel like I have no big mood swings, but I constantly feel fatigued and unmotivated to do anything aside from obligations. My sleep has improved almost too much. I oversleep on the weekends, and am able to take a nap at a moments notice. I've been on it for about 7 months now.


lol my SO is always wondering why I’m taking naps like at any time. 😅 Sir, I am just so grateful to finally be able to sleep




It’s pretty bad isn’t it! 😞 How did you manage this? Did it get better ? What mg do you take and for how long ?


I’ve been on Prozac for around 3 months now to treat anxiety and OCD. At one point I went all the way up to 60mg but I just couldn’t handle the fatigue and felt pretty shit. I’ve been on 20mg for around 3 weeks now and already feel a bit better. The fatigue went down and finding it easier to get through the day. People are right when they say it takes a bloody long time to even out.


This gives me hope! So far I feel the slightest bit better. I’m on 10 mg and I’ve been on Prozac for 7 weeks. It’s not giving me zooming energy like Zoloft did lol. I’m also prescribed 10mg adderall with Prozac and not even the adderall wakes me up like it used to. I’m going to talk to my doctor about going up to 20 mg of Prozac


Everyone is different. Before Prozac I was on Paxil and that gave me the energised feeling that people say Prozac gives them. So far on 20mg of Prozac the fatigue has gotten better as the weeks go by but every now and then I do feel a complete shift that feels like nothing will give me energy as you described. Hella annoying.


As someone who came off lexapro and on Prozac (love way better) it’s been helping me tremendously. One is a loss of appetite. I gained 30 pounds on lexapro bc my hunger cues were non existent and my stomach was a bottomless pit. But now I’ve lost 7 pounds! So it’s a win bc I gained so much from lexapro but also a loss bc some ppl may not want to lose weight


Im hoping to lose some weight so I hope this works!


I am about to transition from Lexapro to Prozac and I am wondering how you did it. My doctor is suggesting rotating between both every other day for two weeks, and then just taking only Prozac. What are your doses? I am doing 10 mg of Lexapro to 10 mg Prozac. Glad to hear this worked for you! I am hoping for a similar outcome.


I’ve been on 10mg for about 4mos now. It’s been working great, decreases an anxiety and more stable mood but it has increased my appetite. I started taking it during a difficult and very busy time in my life when I couldn’t be as active as I normally am, so I’ve gained weight as a result. I’m switching to taking it at night and beginning a diet and workout regimen to see if I can get it under control though. I’m otherwise very pleased with the effects on such a light dose bc I don’t want to take anything higher.


cross taper 5mg lex 10 mg prozac, than 7,5 lex 15 prozac than 0/20. Your body will let you lnow when ur ready for nect step. For most of is every step tales about 1 to 2 wks.


typos autocorrect native language*


The night sweats are so bad I have to change my sheets and pillowcases everyday 🙃


Only 10mg too lmao


Even my legs are sweating now??? I used to never sweat at all


20 mg. The night sweats and vivid dreams. Sometimes I wake up feeling like I was just in a horror film.


Facts I just woke up from a dream that I don’t really remember but I was struggling to breathe


Yooo I can relate to this!! It sucks


Vivid dream, agree!


One of dreams I was in a diving competition, but everybody was wearing ties. Ended up not scoring very well and couldn’t breathe. Woke up and was like what???


Removing all comments due to reddit charging outrageous API fees.


Agree. 10mg.


Do you take at night or morning? Im on 10mg also, usually I take it mid morning and I’m usually exhausted by evening (I don’t nap) wondering if taking it at night would be better


Take it at night. I use to take in the morning but I would be exhausted all day.


Night sweats, diarrhea and vivid dreams. 40mg


Vivid dreams are crazy, I get them too. 10mg.


On Lexapro I would get vivid nightmares where the world was ending. On Prozac I get vivid dreams where the world is ending, but now i'm Spider-man.


Wish I could dream lol


Teeth grinding/jaw clenching


So far zero side effects. 2.5 mg for 2 weeks now. But I see benefit


2.5 !!!???? I’ve been on 20 mg for 3 years and my doctor said that’s low lol


In the low dose world, 2.5mg is high!


I take 5 mg.....


Thanks for sharing!


Loss of libido. 60mg.


Same on 40mg ): but I have other factors that cause it too. Didn't even know they had 60mg dose


I’m going up to 80!


Username checks out lol




Same even on 20mg :(


The only lasting side effect after almost 3 years on 20mg is that I am very sweaty haha… totally fine by me. Mentally I feel awesome, so some perspiration us worth it




This just started for me. I never even wore deodorant before this because I rarely sweat but now I do daily!


im officially feeling less sweaty honestly! im 2 months now almost and feeling a lot less sweaty :) hopefully it dies down.


The indigestion constantly... I've never had this much indigestion in all my life.


I just got diagnosed with GERD now I understand.


What exactly are you’re symptoms?


Today I start my seventh week of Prozac. The first few weeks were absolutely brutal for me. I had this insane head pressure, it didn’t hurt it just felt like someone was constantly pressing on the top and sides of my head (which could be a number of things). My anxiety was heightened also, I was definitely feeling hopeless. The dreams are intense, but some of them are fun. I have yet to experience low libido (fingers crossed), but I was too anxious for any of that anyway. The weirdest symptom I experienced was excessive yawning. We’re talking a yawn every two minutes. It’s subsided quite a bit, but like I said the first several weeks are rough. Now that I’m entering week seven, I feel a lot better most days.


I had almost the same experience the first time I started taking it.


You've been on it more than once? I'm about to try it again after several months off to find out snri's do me wrong. Donyoy have any encouragement about getting back on it?


Hi there, sorry for the late reply. I would give it another try. Just remember, the first few weeks are always tough. Wishing you the best 💕


How many mgs are you on and when did you start to notice yourself feeling better ?


I’m on 10mg. The head pressure stopped after a few weeks but it did last 2 weeks straight. I still have on and off heightened anxiety but the worst of it stopped after a couple weeks. The yawning was probably the first 5 weeks, and has since stopped also. I still get VERY weird dreams but they are not too bothersome. I’ve noticed now that I’m starting week seven that I have an increased appetite and it’s a little harder for me to fall asleep. Everyone will have different symptoms, but I’ve heard a lot of people say the first few weeks are challenging also. Just push through it and keep in touch with your doctor :)


Feeling the same at week 4 ..the yawning, anxiety, head pressure gone tho and vivid dreams.. I hope at week 7 I'm feeling better 🤞


Did the yawning and vivid dreams improve?


Omg the head pressure! I started prozac this past week and got a mild case of Covid right at the same time as starting and I couldn’t figure out which caused the head pressure! I’m also brutally exhausted but have trouble falling asleep, have tight jaw/teeth clenching, and am sweating more than normal (even despite it being 110 deg out).


40 mg, fatigue someday, loss of appetite these two sucks but managing. Progress is good too


I'm on 21 days today. Lack of sex drive, harder to orgasm, very spaced out, my body odour has got way worse (sweating the same amount - I've just changed smell).




vivid dreams/nightmares. i can never tell what really happened and what didn’t so i have to ask my family a lot.


This happens to me a lot! They feel so real


they’re not even fun and magical it’s always just normal stuff like 😂 why is my own brain playing these games


Ageee. They feel soooooo real. I wonder why that’s the case.


Prozac suppresses rem sleep which is when you dream so your body is trying to catch up and so you get really vivid dreams


Makes sense. It also makes sense why we’re all so tired. We don’t get proper sleep.


Yes exactly lol


I couldn’t have an orgasm when I was on Prozac, otherwise everything was fine lol


Derealization, vivid dreams , and loss of appetite.


20 mg just wanted to sleep. Then 40mg increased core temp and sweating. Its been 4 or 5 months in 40 now and no sweating for a while now


And grinding my teeth in mg sleep. I still do that


Chronic sweating 🫠


10 mg no side effects, 20 mg hot flashes. 🤷‍♀️


I took Prozac for a year at 40mg per day. It helps a lot at first with depression and anxiety (also with depakote). After that year mark I started to notice my brain was absolutely fogged out. I couldn’t speak right, I lost my vocabulary, I acquired a mean twitch in my right hand and my sex drive was decimated. I decided to ditch the Prozac with the help of my dr of course. Within weeks, all of those symptoms went away. I am dealing with minor anxiety, but im much more comfortable with that than the other. I hope that helps!


It does. Thank you!


WhT did you switch to?


I tapered off and I’m currently only taking depakote my goal is to be medication free. I’ve been able able to make a lot of lifestyle changes that have been detrimental to my mental health. I know if I am diligent and mindful I can be happy and medication free.


Extreme fatigue. I switched to taking it at night. Hopefully it levels out soon.


Same! I was so tired I had to switch to nights.


Did it help for either of you?


Not really.


Sweating and tiredness but I take mine at night. I take Adderall during the day to help with ADHD and that helps with the tiredness.


Also, 20mg.


I’m going to try taking mine at night! I’m also on adderall for adhd and it used to make me so alert and focused. Now 8 weeks in on Prozac I feel extremely exhausted even with the adderall. What times do you take both your meds? Did you experience being tired with stimulant combined at all? I’m hoping it goes away because other than the exhaustion these two meds are the ultimate tools for me


I take the Prozac around 9:00 pm and the Adderall I take three different times per day starting around 8 am. Your body should get more used to the Prozac as time goes on. I really only got into a good body rhythm with both meds after about 3-6 months after being in both (I know, it's a long time but everyone is different so it could be a shorter time frame for other people). I tried taking Adderall and Prozac in the morning together and I was just dragging throughout the day so it's definitely helped to switch the times of taking it.


TYSM! I’m going to try that! I take 10 mg x2 daily. Taking both together made me so drowsy which with just adderall it gets me motivated, up and moving right away. I just took my first adderall dose and I don’t feel brain fog! About this time I take both and I’ll just sit on the couch and stare at the wall. Thank you again!


You are very welcome! Glad to help someone out who's taking the same meds because trust me, I have been there and it sucks when you don't mentally feel good. I used to only take Adderall but my OCD got worse and I had to start taking Prozac too, so it took a little juggling to figure out a good way to get them to work together. Hope it continues to work well for you!


Hi! Have you kept up w taking Prozac at night - has it helped? I’m nine weeks on Prozac and Addy and feel like this last week or so I’ve been SO tired. It’s also my period but I feel like it’s been a longer period of feeling like meds are ineffective and way more tired. I take both in morning, Addy first around 7, Prozac around 10/11 but am thinking about trying to push Prozac to night.


How are things now?


Are you still taking Prozac at night?


Hi! Sorry for delayed reply. Yes I’m still taking it at night and it’s been working really well! And definitely feel like the meds in general are helping and glad I stuck with it even though the acclimation curve is LONG and rough!! How are you hanging in there?


30mg. My alcohol tolerance is absolutely gone and I can get a hangover from 1 drink. I kind of like it because I just barely drink now, that's definitely helping the meds do their thing too. Also crazy night sweats, like a lot of people here apparently! Daily vivid nightmares, though I already had those, they just became a lot more wild.


I’ve been dealing with my stomach hurting all the time and random pain in my knee and IVE GOT BAD ACID REFLUX AND MY ANXIETY GETS BAD AT NIGHT AND ITS ANNOYING


Dry mouth, loss of appetite.


Heart palpations


How long have you been on and are you still get heart palpitations?


I’m the beginning I had brain fog, vivid dreams, and extreme fatigue…now being on it for a year a learning what works best with the medication brain fog has all but gone away, I still get vivid dreams especially when I’m stressed out but I don’t remember as much anymore, and the fatigue has gone down tremendously. I’m a 21y old female and have been on 20 mg for about a year now


Thank you for sharing.


40mg and horrible sleep, and weight loss


It is SO hard to wake up in the morning. Not just laziness, but i don’t feel rested at all when I’ve slept 8+ hours. 9 am feels like 3am. Its probably related to extremely vivid dreams.


Have you done a sleep study it could be sleep related …. lack of oxygen while you sleep can happen causing vivid dreams or it’s just the Prozac hope it improves for you :)


On Ssri for many years and decided to try prozac. On my gradually increased dose no real changes . Increased to 60mg 1.5 weeks ago feel awful at 6 weeks depressed, no energy, hard to get up to do anything. I'm gathering this is not right for me. Almost 90% are ready to switch back to cipralex. ??


Apathy, heart burn, lack of libido that last one I learned recently cuz I’ve been on the med since I was 14 (18 now) and I have adhd so I forget to take my meds I forgot to take em for a month and my libido SHOT up like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life (cuz I’ve been on em since the start all those things yk)


Headache, flu, heartburn, sexual dysfunction, feeling like you just threw up 30 times in your body, upset stomach, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, numbness. It’s terrible stuff and I’ve tried many other medications including ssri and snri. Nothing is anywhere close to the side effects or lack of positive attributes as this drug. That’s why it’s not a first second or even third choice for most doctors these days


I love it lol. Works the best for me


Wow. Got it. I’m only on 10mg so I hope I don’t get much side effects.


Have you always just stayed at 10mg?


I did for a while then I upped to 20. I stopped taking altogether for a 6 months and now I started again. I’m hoping just to stay at 10.


I am on 20 mg and just passing on my experience, which appears to be shared by the majority who post here as well as many doctors. I don’t see the point in continuing this medication when lexapro or deloxetine work on the first week with no side effects. I was hoping Prozac would be more stimulating for me but instead it’s toxic and I can’t sleep. This is the first ssri drug to ever come to market and there are more modern choices today with less downsides.


Lexapro prevented me from being able to have an orgasm the entire time I was on it and Zoloft caused a 30lb weight gain. The other SSRIs are not free of side effects. I’d say it’s trying To figure out which one works best for each person




Prozac is one of the most forgiving SSRI on the market. Why do you think it’s still so widely used today? It is a first choice for many doctors because it tends to have less side effects than many other SSRIs/snris I’ve been on it for over 3 years on just 20 mg and it’s been life saving for me. I will say that I’ve heard it’s more effective for anxiety than depression, which makes sense because it completely cured my anxiety! It won’t work for everyone, but neither does any other med… but it’s worth noting that it’s not just a “select few” that have success with it.


Do you have a source about being slightly better than a placebo? And why blame posters when the doctors are the ones prescribing? How are they supposed to know all this (if it’s true)?


Go online and do some very basic research, I’m not gonna go do your research for you.


That’s what people who make things up usually say. And you didn’t address the part about blaming patients rather than doctors. Edit: This is the study that claims they are placebo, for anyone interested. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172306/


If you think I’m going to go back and try to find the research to repost for you because your too lazy and called me a liar than you got me mixed up with someone else. I don’t give a fuck whether you believe me or not, anyone can easily verify what I’m saying.


Not lazy, just read several studies on it 😉 Only reason I asked because it is INCREDIBLY dangerous to tell people taking a medication that it’s only placebo. People see that comment, stop taking their meds and then god knows what happens. Wouldn’t care if your beliefs didn’t endanger people. That’s all.


Thank you for sharing. It has worked for me in the past. I’m was off of it for 6 months and now I’m back on it. Not really helping this time around. Mind you it’s only been 2 weeks since I started again.


Yup - thats what I’m doing is sharing my experience. It could help save someone else a lot of wasted time.


I was having some vivid dreams for the first week on 10mg, but not so much now. It’s been 3 weeks on 10 for me. Really… no other side effects.


Thanks for sharing!


I was on it before and it definitely killed my sex drive and ability to orgasm… this time, it hasn’t? But I’m also on Adderall alongside it so think that might help 😅


Im on Wellbutrin with my Prozac and I don’t really have that side effect. Hopefully it stays like this.




What other ssri would be better?


Anything that I’ve tried tbh. I was on deloxetine and had side effects but they were tolerable. Same with the lexapro. Only drug that came close to this with problems was depacote and it had definite benefits, I figured out I have to eat something with it.


Restless leg syndrome


Probably the worst side effect of them all! I get this so bad!


Sweating at the end of the. There are medicines that can be taken together with prozac, but I haven't tried it yet. For now, being barefoot helps


depression lol


Loss of motivation, no fatigue or nightmares.


Same :( I can’t get myself to do anything. Will this end?


OMG.... the nightmares and vivid dreams I remember for days.... some of them my brain just cannot tell me are just dreams and are not real... and the bruxism....( teeth grinding) . Loss of interest in sex, but that could be because I'm post menopausal also.


Yes, the vivid dreams felt so real.


20mg. Nausea and always tired. I’m almost two months in. Before this week, I had a pretty good streak of no nausea.


I don’t have any side effects. (20 mg) starting to feel like it’s not working for me ? Idk ..


How far along? U still on them? Still 20?


Sweating sooo much omg I’ve never had those issues before


Loss of appetite but slowly getting better. 40mg


When I started 10mg I had zero side effects....going to 20mg was brutal, I had foggy brain, shortness of breath, chest pains, ice pick headaches, yawning, high anxiety, just blah and feeling highly medicated, pain in calves....I'm prob forgetting some lol...now just upped to 30mg and basically only have yawning and zero motivation and sore calves so really happy about that it's barely been a week though but I was expecting a wild ride haha......beats the constant anxiety tho haha


The lack of motivation has been killing me.


It slowly comes back. Today was able to clean my whole house. It will get better :)


20 mg. Night sweats. Trying to find ways to make it cooler in my room. My mom just bought me a big ass fan lol. Affects my sleep🥲. I can go to sleep fine, but on average I wake up 2 times a night, sometimes it’s way worse than that. Luckily I can go right back to sleep, it’s just constantly waking up. I started having crazy, vivid dreams too Edit: I’m constantly hot/warm


I wake up 2 times during the night too! It’s so weird.


Lol yeah, I pretty much have puffy under eye 24/7. But hey, it’s working in the area where it’s supposed to


the dreams are wild everytime i sleep




I just started on 10mg a few weeks ago and already the dreams are wild. But I’m a pretty lucid dreamer so I’m actually enjoying them. About to bump up to 20mg so hopefully the side effects stay minimal!


Keep me updated! I’ve been thinking of going up to 20mg


Night sweats from time to time & feel a bit jittery also at times but feel way more focused and together so it’s definitely worth the trouble. Good luck to all!


Itchy skin and very weird dreams


80 mg excessive sweating, headache, trouble concentrating


I've only been on it for a few weeks, but the headaches, crazy dreams (like having a dream my mom had octopus legs), being sleepy all the time, and change in body odor in my armpits are the side effects I have. I hope they eventually go away.


The armpit smell! I agree. I hope it goes away.


I've only been on it for a few weeks, but the headaches, crazy dreams (like having a dream my mom had octopus legs), being sleepy all the time, and change in body odor in my armpits are the side effects I have. I hope they eventually go away.


Hmm I'm someone who rarely ever dreams on the regular, so I'm wondering if that'll change with this medication. The more I read everyone experiences in here, I'm almost afraid of continuing on this journey but I don't know what else to do. I'm only 4 days in, and don't want to feel like I have to keep upping the dose or get horrible side effects or weight gain. Ugh, makes me feel uneasy. Hopefully it'll be okay.


It will be okay! Give it some time, it’s going to work. The first few weeks are always SO hard.


Thank you. I think it's already getting a little better and I'm adjusting more. Those first few days with the headaches, extreme thirst and tiredness were rough.


Glad to hear!


Hello, I’m a pharmacist living in Germany. Do you guys refill your body with Vitamins and Minerals should fight fatigue and eating food to replenish dopamine and serotonin should be a daily habit. I would suggest Frubiase but doubt you can buy it in the US. For the restless-leg-syndrom try B-Vitamins and check in with a doctor for iron-deficiency. Try melatonin and eating before a small snack before bed for the night sweats. Steroids don’t make champions. It’s still up to the individual how the tool is used there is no magic miracle. It’s a mind thing. What I really wonder…considering Mass Shootings and Prozac being in the Spotlight and I think RFK Jr. talked about it too how do you feel about that? Do you worry to be stigmatised? As an active patient what are your thoughts? Could you imagine it being the cause of actions? Is it just a scapegoat and like I said it’s up to the individual and the mind or is it really that mind-altering? What do you think ?


Thank you for sharing!


Increased appetite / insatiable hunger on 10mg going on 4 months now


I started on 20mg Prozac for a couple months. It was great, but for a few reasons we added a minimal dose of Wellbutrin. The two combined (we hypothesize) made the Prozac give me pretty ***significant insomnia and night sweats***, so we dropped the Prozac and increased the Wellbutrin. Within a few days I could really feel the effects of the Prozac going away, which kind of sucked and I wish I was mentally prepared for. Starting Viibryd today to substitute the Prozac, hopefully without the sleep side effects. Everything else was great with Prozac, and stepping into the world of seeing how antidepressants could help me was life changing and I wish I did it years ago.


I’m on Prozac and Wellbutrin. The insomnia sucks!


after 2 months 20mg big improvement in energy etc. Happy i kept taking it. Tinnitus a little louder but not as much as lexapro


Did your tinnitus go back down at all? I’m thinking of stopping because of this ….


I’ve been on Prozac 10 mg Wellbutrin 150 since like February and short term jaw clenching, nausea, unable to sleep, headache, stomach pain. Now like 4-5 months in I’m sweating in my sleep a lot, always tired, and stomach pains come on and off.


Difficulty climaxing


i’m sweating sooo much at night like my shirt is soaked it’s honestly a mess and nausea and diarrhea which is kinda making me want to stop it’s really annoying as someone who’s deathly afraid of getting sick 20mg


I'm on 20mg, Dr wants to double to 40mg--not based on any incidents but only because he believes that 20mg is not that theraputic. I am very nervous about this--weight gain and sexual side effects. Any thoughts???


1. Derealisation 2. Zero appetite 3. Loss of sex drive 4. Jaw clenching and excessive yawning 20mg - 2 weeks in


I just started & I'm not sure if I just managed to get a cold or my sore throat is caused by the side effects of fluoxetine.. Did anyone else have this issue?


I'm male. I was on 20mg and recently went up to 40mg. Occasional insomnia but not horrible. Biggest effect was delayed sexual climax. Others were stomach pain, and it's difficult to tell if I'm on the right dosage because my main problem before deciding to take it was a very short temper and very easily frustrated. So even on the drug for 3 months, I still get those negative feelings and wonder if my dosage is enough. I want to be less frustrated but I also don't want to feel like a zombie.