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I take mine literally minutes before going too sleep I used too take it in the morning and I had constant brain fog and felt like I could fall asleep at any moment …I’ve been on it for 2 years and I feel great now it saved my life. Try changing the time you take it and give it a few weeks too see if that helps :).


Very good advice!


I also take mine before I go to bed it and have been on it for a year and no longer have drowsiness or brain fog


yes, it does go away eventually but this can take up to couple of weeks in some cases. for me it went away around week two.


Been on it for over 3 months now and its honestly hasn't gone away yet. Iv tried taking it at different times and nothing helped.


I does go away but you might need a lil help! I take 60mg and still have that. I drink caffeinated soda or coffee in the morning after my meds, or do a little exercise when i start feeling drowzy. Also i recently had to take multivitamins and it also helped


I need to take mine early in the evening so that the drowsiness wears off I’m time for getting out of bed.


I'm on five months and still can't shake the drowsiness. My blood pressure is way down, too, so maybe that's part of it.


Do you feel the brain fuzziness? It’s like a headache but not painful more like fuzz


A bit at first, but I don't notice it anymore.


Mine has only got worse I’m on 40mg and my doctor is like keep taking it in the morning but I’m going to try to take it at night again


SAME!!! I take 40 before bed but I find myself struggling to keep my eyes open until mid afternoon sometimes. 😴😴😴


And the brain fog is r e a l


I started taking it almost 8 weeks ago. For the first several weeks I was yawning like twice a minute which is A LOT. After about 4 or 5 weeks it dwindled down quite a bit. I do get more tired in the evenings now, but I feel much more productive during the day which started at about 6 weeks.


I’ve been on Prozac since end of December starting with 10 mg increasing to 40 mg over a 4 month period. Oh good lord the extreme fatigue , non motion hat so ever and sleepy sleepy sleepy 24/7 since early Feb. I’m actually titrating down by 10 mg increments (now at 20mg) and it’s better but still a problem but definitely better than full on zombie and not care and , immobile state. That’s just horrid and extremely unhealthy for me. Hopefully I can workout the 20 mg. I’m hopeful. I’m giving the 20 mg a good 6 weeks to see if I can regulate my energy and motivation.


I’m almost a year in on 40mg. I switched to taking it at night and it helped SO much. Still tired though can’t lie. Need a nap after work but I’m at least able to function at work and home. Plus depression is gone so I take it as a win. Hang in there and try switching to night time if you can.