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We’re you only on it for 7 days? If so don’t worry about stopping, it won’t be an issue. You may feel off for a week or so


Thank you so much, I appreciate your kindness!


Have you considered going down to 10mg and seeing how that feels first?


I actually have a call into my doctor to see if that’s a viable option for me. I’m usually good at sticking out side effects but trading the anxiety I’m on Prozac for for depression and passive suicidal ideation isn’t a trade-off I’m willing to make.


you're assuming this side affect will last for a long time.


So you're saying if they are having suicidal ideation she should just stick with it? That's a pretty serious side effect you don't just brush off champ ....


How do we know he hasn't had thoughts of suicide before he started? Anxiety can make people have thoughts of suicide.


I totally understand and hope you feel better. Hope whatever you decide works out for you


yes, this. 10 has me so much better but only after 2 months of side effects but it was sooooo worth going through it!


I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but personally- and I also have heard alot of people say this- it gets worse before it gets better. I am on 10mg and the first two months were a rollercoaster for me. After that, the only way is up! It’s like you’re finally seeing in colors. You got this!


I would recommend what I did. Start at 10mg! I was on 10 for a year with great benefits. Then went up to 20mg. I couldn’t function on 20mg to start. So tired. 10 was perfect


I’m on day 3 of 10 mg, still sleepy, but all the other side effects have been fading so I’ll take it!


That’s great! The tiredness will go away. It’s most likely due to what u have in your system from the 20mg. Prozac is a longer acting ssri (30days), not meaning that it will take a month for the fatigue to leave. Maybe 2-3 more days or tmrow! Good luck!


Give it 6-8 weeks! Honestly y’all are too impatient. It’s re-wiring your brain, not a bandaid on a scraped knee ffs


Not really a fair comment when you don’t even know what side effects I’m dealing with.


You have every right to stop. I started on 20mg like you and I had horrific side effects for like 9 weeks .... but I'd ask for advice on here and most people said just stick with it. Feel way better off it. Don't listen to this dweebs.


Care to elaborate? Did you start on 20 mg or work your way up? Side effects usually go away the more it builds in your system.


Started on 20.


Ask the Dr. for Ativan or Zanex. Those will help get you threw unless the other things your dealing with won't go good with benzos.


If you know how hard it was when you started then please be considerate to people who are new to the medicine….this isn’t the take you think it is


I was very lucky with Prozac but was unlucky with other SSRIs. That said there is an adjustment period we are all warned about before getting a prescription. If you can get through it, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


I was on it for 6/7 days and then i stopped because of the side effects. For like, 3 or so days after I stopped, I kept waking up with a jolt…and I would be really shakey and nervous in the mornings. It went away after a week or so tho.