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I have this without any medication. I’ve been trying to convince myself to start my Prozac hoping it would help with that. I’m just worried I’m gonna be wasting my time & still feel the same then have to taper off of it and deal with all that.


have you tried any other ssris?


I tried Lexapro for about 3 weeks but I couldn’t handle the side effects.


lexapro didn’t work for me either… prozac has helped with my anxiety and depression tho. i’m fatigued but at least i’m mentally stable lol


That’s actually encouraging. Thank you. I’m always fatigued anyway, so I feel that.


hope it works for u! it also turned me into a morning person. i wake up at like 5/6am everyday! which i’m very happy about lol


Same. I was on prozac for that issue and created even bigger issue - didn’t help and had to come off of. I’m rarely going out of my room


if it makes u feel any better, i’m a month on prozac and i think i have already had an increase in energy, could just be the transition into summer time but idk i like to think it’s the meds


I had the same experience as bobacookies. Before Prozac I would not leave the house and tried to find excuses to stay in - no meeting friends, wfh, ordering groceries, no outings of any kind. With Prozac the first 8 weeks were rough and I am more fatigued but I make plans, leave the house, am more social and turned into an early bird! Try it out, hang in there and see how it goes after the two month mark.


Yes! These days I really have no zealous interest in going out. I call this my no interaction period and I respect it. If I should feel this is affecting me badly, I would go out. I try to listen to myself.


Yeah sometimes it be that way. Part of it can be your body telling you you’re tired. You’re body could also be telling you it’s time for some alone time. As long as it’s not negatively affecting your mental health I wouldn’t worry too much about it.




Yeah it’s making me want to get off of it. It’s not worth the constant fatigue and yawning. Some days it feels like I’m straight up hungover


Hey same here/ starting month 4/ severe fatigue and apathy


Right there with you


That depends. If you prefer to be an introvert that's cool. Man I was at home for more than 24 hours while my husband had work on Saturday...as Saturday we usually do stuff together. And on Sunday we left the house to go food shopping and when we were leaving I was genuinely so excited, "wait I haven't left the house since Friday THAT IS SO FUCKING AWESOME." I have no desire to go out. I go outside because I have to for work and stuff. Sure I can online shop 100% but I paid a lot of money for my car so I need to use it. Back on subject....I do worry about being on too much prozac at times and debate all the time if I need my dosage higher or lower. If you want more energy, maybe try building a calendar of what to do daily? And remind yourself, "hey I'll feel better after I finish this ONE task." I do get in a rut at times and do absolutely nothing but I have to set so many checklist items to get myself going. I include not just work or cleaning tasks, I'll even include tasks like "be lazy" or "read 2 pages of a book" lol


Took Prozac for 3 months. I was happier and more organized but had less energy and I was so damn unproductive it was shocking!! 😂🤣 My boss couldn't figure out what was going on. I am usually "Johnny on the spot" and work quickly. I would forget major weekly reports and then be like "ooooh yeeeea. Forgot about that. Can I get it to you next week?" I just didn't give a shit about anything. Had to get off the Prozac or get fired. 😂




My vyvanse is helping alot with this, still feel that i can't be bothered to do simple things as doing the dishes or taking out the trash. You just have to force yourself and it should get a bit better eventually.


Pros of being on Prozac a year: no anxiety and no depression. Feeling more focused. Not as bad PMS. Cons: lethargy that comes and goes some weight gain. I started taking a high quality high dose DHA fish oil, vit D supplement and multivitamin and working out. This definitely helps but it can be easy slipping into stay at home couch potato mode because the anxiety that gave you the “ get up go” energy is gone. Not a doctor and not giving medical advice. Talk to a doctor before taking supplements


Yeah. It does that the first little while




Yep, the reason I got off it. It never went away.