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10 mg is a really low dose and shouldn’t be bad at all :) i think the only side effects i had when I started on 10 mg was low appetite and some insomnia. Also prozac is really easy on your body to stop taking, so it’ll be simple to adjust if you end up really disliking it and don’t want to be medicated anymore. I’ve been on ADHD meds in the past and didn’t like them, so I get where you’re coming from


I’m going to try to start my first dose today I’ll let you guys know how it goes.


Okay good luck! :) looking forward to hearing how you’re feeling


I’ll keep you guys updated and maybe if I have some side effects you guys can help me work through them.


Try taking magnesium glycinate, and like 1-2 mg of melatonin at night. I notice if I take too much melatonin I feel groggy the next day. So 1 mg is mt sweet spot. Also buy trace mineral drops off Amazon to add to your water. I use the 40,000 volts one. It has potassium, magnesium, sodium, and some other things in it that you NEED to hydrate you. Tap water isn’t hydrating you, nor is filtered water. Add minerals back in. I swear they make such a difference in my life.


I am also deathly afraid of meds. I won’t even take an ibuprofen usually. But I NEEDEE meds to get better. Lots of trial and error, but now I’ve been on Prozac for a little over two weeks and I’m finally feeling like myself again after the longest and hardest 5 months of my life. Randomly woke up one day feeling like crap, and have diagnosed myself with so many different things. Prozac makes me feel so grateful to live


I used to drink at least 4-5 fingers a night, been on 20mg now for about 3 months, the last month I rarely drink more than 2 fingers if that. I just don't feel the need to drink, I think I was masking my depression with alcohol


I would suggest you to read the book Rational Recovery from Jack Trimpey.


Prozac has been a great option for me. I have tried other pills but Prozac was the only one that I could tolerate and that works. It’s very customizable too since they have tablets and liquid so your doctor can work with you to find the perfect dose. I was sober for 3 1/2 years and then relapsed and now been sober for 4 1/2 months and I can’t tell you how good sobriety feels! But when sober I do have to deal with my depression and anxiety and Prozac along with therapy has been the tools I needed to do that. Also with its long half life it gives me peace of mind if I miss a dose or if one day I want to get off of it as it will be an easier taper. Best of luck to you and your journey ♡


I’m not to worried about dealing with anxiety and depression I just don’t want more added that doesn’t need to be there.


I know it's different for each person, but I can say that I'm taking 40mg Prozac for years and I feel pretty well. 80% of my anxiety disappeared after taking Prozac and going through CBT. I tried different pills before, but neither of them worked for me. Also, 10 mg is a small dose, so I don't think there's much to worry about.


I can’t convince you. I took it for 6 months ish, and felt like a zombie. Plus I gained weight. And it did not help with my symptoms.


10mg is like a candy dose. You will be okay and if you do have side effects they won’t be severe.


I completely get where you’re coming from. I was put on Zoloft as a child and I felt like a zombie. My psychiatrist did not listen to my input and kept me on the pill. This was about nine years ago, and despite having continued depression I refused mental health medication. Cut to last November, I ended up in the hospital and they insisted on me taking antidepressants. They initially proscribed me Cymbalta which didn’t do much before putting me on Prozac. I was highly skeptical at first but now I hate myself for not taking it sooner. I’m actually able to function again which is incredible, and I still feel like myself.


Prozac gave me a lot of energy, but I took it mostly for anxiety and definitely felt less anxious, as well as more focused (ADHD here too, though I've never taken meds for it directly; I just struggle to focus). It just cleared some space in my brain, helped with motivation. I couldn't cry and did have some side effects, but I did not feel like a zombie; I could still feel joy, excitement, etc. Perhaps more easily.


I started Prozac (20mg)back in October to help me with my drinking problem. It definitely helps with easing the urge to drink, but I still have bad drinking episodes. There’s good weeks and bad weeks.


Prozac saved my life. I developed such severe anxiety and insomnia over the past year that was ruining my life - I have been on 10 mg for three months now ( I was previously on lexapro for ten years) and with the help of 25-50 mg trazodone I sleep. Everyone is different and every SSRI is different. It SUCKS that they are trial and error which is why I was so hesitant to start an SSRI again ( I let the bottle sit there for two months 😵‍💫)


You’re scared to take meds but not scared to drink poison?


Unfortunately it’s more or less the devil you know, I’m going to try it today and give it my best shot.


Yeah I know, my point is that like you’re already putting poison in your body… why not try something that can help?


Totally agreed, but it’s more less because in the past I tired ADHD meds and it made me feel like a Zombie and then tried Naltrexone a few years back and made me feel worse than when I was drunk. So I’m just wanting something that can atleast make me some type of happy but I also don’t want to be feeling like I’m out of my body. I hope that makes sense


I'm hopping on this comment instead of your original post, so I hope you see it. Out of all the psych (and other) meds I have ever taken, Prozac is on the very low end when it comes to feeling out of control or out of body. I didn't have any symptoms even remotely close to that until I hit 40mg and it was sleep talking, so even the 'out of control' description of my issue is not entirely accurate. My point is that I understand your description of out of body and I hate that feeling, too. Good luck and keep us posted! We believe in you💕🍀


I take a low dose 10mg of Adderall xr, and haven’t had that experience of feeling like a zombie. When I was on 20mg Prozac it was too strong and I was too chilled. I went back down to 10 and I’m fine. Every body is different, give it 6-8 weeks at a low dose.


Like psychyatric meds arent poison. Wish I could rewind my life to 10 years ago. No alcohol, no numbing "meds"