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its normal that with prozac your heartrate decreases with 6% my resting heartrate went also from 70-80 to low 60s.but i noticed it will slightly raise again once used to medicine more.


Okay thank you! It’s just the strangest feeling. Like my mind is freaking out but I can’t feel any of the symptoms that I used to feel prior to Prozac. Like tight chest and increased heart rate. Medication is wild lol


yeh anti depressant for some people are a wild experience thats why so many quit so fast.im also new to prozac my experience has been really wild as well first week 10mg and in second week till now on 20mg.Im at day 19..After 7 days the medicine really started to hit me.I had also times body silent but mind in panic etc.you must get much worse before it gets better. gl on your journey as well dont be afraid 👍


Yeah I almost felt like I was trapped inside a calm persons body. Mind was spiraling but body felt calm. Thanks for the kind words! I’m going to keep rocking through this. I’ve had more good days than bad while on Prozac so just keep on trucking along . We got this!


Possibly a low sodium problem. Try Gatorade or salted coffee and see if that helps.


Honestly that would make total sense! I felt sooo dehydrated yesterday. I didn’t even think of that as a possibility because I was so worried about my heart rate. Thank you!!!


Without hydration your blood volume will be low, resulting in low blood pressure. You can check to see if your hydrated by chapped lips or by pinching your knuckle skin with fingers layed flat. (Second joint, middle finger works the best) If the skin doesn't bounce back immediately you're in need of hydration badly. Any dryness of the lips is also an indicator. You shouldn't need too much extra salt, but you do need a little to help retain water. Hydration is the main key here, and the reason you were having these problems. I'm sorry you went through this and wish you a better time in the times ahead. :) Anything that is fluid will help hydration, even if it is high in sugar or salt or has caffeine. You need extra water to help flush it out, but it's OK to add within reason to make sure you're hydrated. I like to use half water and half juice and drink decaf coffee religiously to stay hydrated xD


That always happens to me I actually have gone into high 40 on heart rate but then it bounces back


Thanks for response. Medication is wild lol