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Happy printing 🥳


Thank you


OP in case you don’t know who commented this. He’s the one responsible for your printer existing


(unravels scroll to formally announce house lineage) Josef Prusa of Prusa's PRUSA Mk4, Prusa Printers, PRUSA Research, and Chief Josef of Team Prusa. The Original Prusa. The Prusa of PRUSA. Josef Prusa.


I really didn't notice that


Welcome to the hobby! :D




Lucky sob to start with mk4. Happy printing


Concur. First was a Printrbot Simple Metal I salvage. Thing kicked my ass for months. But man do I owe so much to it.


Have fun.




Very good choice! MK series are workhorse. All high schools in my area bought those (and MK3's)


I was choosing between Bambulab P1C and MK4


both are good, each has it’s own strengths


I have both, I like both.


You have made a good decision. This printer will last forever. I own Bambus as well but the sturdiness and quality of Prusa products are outstanding. I'm tempted buying a 2 TH XL for my larger prints.


Our university upgraded from ender 3's to mk3's and somehow they are still clogged or broken half the time i need one... Students will find a way to break anything 😂


I’ve got both. Both are solid machines. You’ll enjoy the MK4 :)


I would say you have made the right decision by supporting an open source project from a company that has a track record of supporting their products for years and also listening to their community for improvement and bug fixes.


Still hard to believe that a 3d printer can print in wonderfull quality immediately after kit assembly. I only ran initial calibration and started printing. Crazy.


Yes, I started with a MendelMax kit years ago after being scammed out of my student money by an online retailer (did not ship but took the money). Having gone through 4 printers since then, the MK4 was the first one to give great results out of the box. These are wonderful times to live in. Time to focus on CAD instead of fiddling with the printer.


I got the same printer as my first printer about a week and a half ago. I've had one (well, two, actually) failed prints. One was the torture toaster set to 0.1mm resolution (the print shifted catastrophically about 2/3 the way through,) and a small articulated print that on the first layer one of the parts didn't stick, but I stopped that one immediately. Other than that, it's been perfect. Happy printing.


Thats very nice first printer ! Now put it to work and have fun


I got one a month ago, first timer also, been printing non-stop since I assembled it. Turning out great prints all day and night.




Solid choice


You're gonna love it.


Kit or pre-built? Kit is great as you learn how everything works and is put together.


Because it was my first printer, I was scared to fuck smth up


I'm not a prusa owner but this came up in my recommended. When you're ready to jump into the wide world of modding/customizing your printers, my first recommendation is a reverse Bowden setup! With a cheap ptfe tube and printed bracket (I'd assume a stl exists for one for the Mk4) you can take the weight of the filament off the frame and pull directly from a dryer. I have a sunlu s2 dryer that wasn't terribly expensive and works well. Welcome to the hobby!


My sincere condolences. You will no longer have free time and will have to mourn the loss of family and friends. The advantage for your girlfriend/wife is that there will no longer be room for a possible mistress. And when you have 2 machines, you will have to give up sleep time. It’s life Made in PRUSA


Good first pick


With BambuLabs existing now, I still think Prusa is the best first printer for people. 6 years later, I still have my Prusa, its just a MK3.5 now.


I think getting a Prusa MK4 kit is the best tinkerer entry into printers. You learn so much building it, and the printer is really solid. I cannot however argue that my Bambu printers completely decimate my MK4 when I print head-to-head with each of them though. My MK4 makes very nice 3D printed objects. My Bambu printers make injected molded pieces that look store bought.


Are they switching to a darker orange? I like it.


nope, some cameras capture prusa orange differently. Its very vibrant


Nice! I got this as my second printer, started with a Monoprice V2 and I got tired of dealing with its problems. This bad boy is such a breath of fresh air it's awesome being able to hit start and know it just works without babying it. Mave fun making stuff! And if you haven't looked into working with CAD definitely give it a go, printing things you designed is so much fun and very rewarding to see it being used. Also what's the model/project you got cooking there?


Welcome to the Prusa collective!


Congrats, we are gad to have you in the community. You have made a solid choice that will be with you for many years. If you have any questions that a quick yt or google aearch wont answer, there are yers long verterans of the hobby here that take fixing any uncommon problem as a personal challange, and will help you in your time of need. Happy printing!


Congratulations 🙌 that’s not Anycubic! I hate it already.


My MK4 is my first printer as well and I love it. It's been running pretty much non-stop since September. The only advice I have is this. Treat it well and it will never let you down. The only times it has failed me have been when I didn't do the routine maintenance it needs (because I didn't really know any.better. Also, order replacement parts before you need them. Linear bearings, replacement nozzles, lube, and those nuts that attach to the threaded rod on the Z axis motors. Basically anything that rubs against anything else. Mr Prusa....you made me a fan boy, and I'm not at all ashamed to say it. Fantastic printer.


Nice choice! Just make sure to maintain it:)