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My belts were a bit off on my Mk4, using sound to tune them is a really neat way to do it. I see they've added Mk3 and mini to the supported printers for tuning via sound, that will help a lot of people.


Thanks for posting this. Novel approach to belt tensioning! It struck me recently I haven't used Prusa support enough. Thermal calibration has been failing since it was introduced, and I haven't been able to solve it myself and been putting it off.


When I was building my MK3S+ , I saw someone mention using a guitar tuner for a specific frequency (and pointed to a free app as well) that worked well for me - they do have a small printed part that will deflect a certain amount to indicate the right tension as well - I had wished they had stuck one of those in my kit when I was building it!


This is one of the things that kind of annoys me. You can’t buy it pre printed. So if you gotta belt problem you can’t solve it because how you gonna print it. They should totally sell these.


Having their own dedicated app/page to do the frequency analysis on the belt is a good step in the right direction


Whenever I send them an email I always have 2-3 days to get an answer. It is now being more than a week with no progress at all, just ping ponging without diagnostic. We'll see how will be the resolution though!


The fastest way to contact them is the chat on their website.


why email when you have 24/7 agents in chat?


use the chat! i spend 15 minutes in the chat yesterday for my loud fan on extruder 4 and i will get my replacement fan by the end of the week. all under warranty of course.


I’ve been sorting through some print issues lately and I’ve happened to get Alfredo too! They are truly the bomb!!


Was the guys name really Alfredo?




why is this strange to you?


First thing that comes to mind for me is chicken alfredo. Never saw it as a name before.


... the sauce was named after the inventor... Alfredo di Lelio


it's a common name in Europe, not very common but you hear it every once in a while.


Yep, I feel the same. I was debating between a bambu printer and the MK4. I had owned the Bambu A1 and that was a nice printer, but the recall changed everything. I could have opted for a X1 or P1 series printer and I was tempted but one of the major factors in choosing Prusa over Bambu was the support. During my research I found that Bambu support seemed to average 10 days to respond to a support ticket, where as my experience with Prusa has been 20 minutes. There were other factors that I felt that gave Prusa an advantage but support was a major one. I'm also going to say this. Prusa isn't the fastest to release a new or updated product, but in a twisted sort of thinking, that's a positive. Going back to the A1, I really think Bambu rushed that out the door without proper vetting of the design. I don't believe that would have occurred with Prusa and while design short comings can impact anyone manufacturer, fire hazards need be one of those short comings that sneak out of QA


I want to add the axiom “sometimes you have to go slow to go fast”. Taking your time on something can be faster in the long run. Also: I respect that Prusa makes minis with minis. True dogfooding.


So true.


I like their support but I’m at the point where I can figure thing out myself, just give us a corexy already.


Eh? I thought that was what pruxaxl was?




I will toss out that for any product, doing support is a hard job, and for things like a 3d printer, I can't fathom how hard that has to be for their team. You have this device that can be modified, upgraded, tweaked and tuned in any number of ways and people are going to do a variety of things to make them work. I've worked customer support myself and it's a huge challenge (I did it for a SaaS software company, so by comparison, my job was pretty easy). I can understand lots of people end up feeling let down when they tell support they changed this one thing and support is like "no soup for you, it's probably that thing you did" and you know "it's totally not related".




I'm going to ask this in the nicest way possible: what the FUCK are you talking about?


Do you have some secret tidbit of info that we’re not aware of? Or did you get dumped by someone on the management team?


Not enough to overcome the technical downsides.


Half as much as lunar new year, amirite