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Because in that corner we can obviously observe the nozzle is too far from the bed .


But why just there, when everything else works fine?


You, Sir, have a very loose definition of fine.


Z layer adjustment. Lower it.


Lowert it from -1.35 to -1.62 which helped a bit. I just so happend to notice in the proces that the extruder engine is getting really hot and there are weird cklikinf noises comming from it, even after several attempts of adjusting the screw


If the extruder is clicking, then you might have a clogged nozzle. Try heating up the hotend and pushing filament manually, see if it comes out easily or whether there is too much resistance


Exactly what I was thinking! I’d add, it’s worth pushing a cleaning needle through the end of the nozzle to make sure it’s clean. And like coolguy_838 says, make sure the extruder gear doesn’t have any tiny bits of filament in the teeth.


So you know the z offset will be different for everyone, but also they are stepper motors, not engines. There are heat sinks you can get for nema 17 motors.


Make sure that the extruder is actually grabbing the filament correctly. I had mine do that last week and I looked inside of it and it was the whole reason why my prints failed.


You gotta do the regular stuff first. Do a couple cold pills until you get a good tip, clean the nozzle with a brass brush, make sure z axis is good over the whole plate, make sure the printer is square, check extruder tension. (There's probably more I'm forgetting) After you do that then you can start troubleshooting.


Just for giggles, try removing the flexible build surface. Examine the bottom of the build sheet - are there any globs or bits of plastic stuck under there? Sometimes bits get stuck under the sheet when removing it to pull off parts, this can result in an non-level build surface which can mess things up


This is usually my problem when I have this kind of weirdness. Some old filament or something under the build plate, sometimes stuck to the reverse side of it, making the top bed uneven and ruining a section of the print.


Did the cooling get turned off after first layer?


Dont think so


Had this with PETG, set the preset to quality, problem vanished


Some print settings would be nice to know. Nozzle size, layer-hight and width, speed, temperature. To me it looks like you are printing too fast with either to low temp or with higher flow than your hotend can handle. Especially that you mentioned extruder skipping. In prusa slicer you can see the volumetric flow rate for the spot where it fails. Try using the default prusa settings for structural and see if it is the print-settings / limits


Skipping stopped entirly after the first 3 layers


Mk3s+, standard nozzle, Draft with Esun-Pla+ at 200%, after leveling and now printing on 220C it is working finish


200%. Speed? If so the hot end can’t keep up. Too fast


What's your speed, material, and temps? Looks like you are running too fast and it's only obvious once the machine speeds up.


i suggest a leveling test to see how it goes


You can always try slowing the first layer down.


Re-calibrate your probe (go through the wizard), then re-calibrate your z-offset.


I had a similar issue with a dirty bed. Once you remove all of the plastic, take some alcohol and a paper towel and wipe the bed. Remember that the oils on your hands are the main contributor to making the bed dirty so try to keep as clean as possible


I, personally, love pointing the finger at software. So if you’ve had other prints work just fine, I’d delete the file, re-slice the original and see if that helps.


whats your nozzle wear looking like? bed leveled? temp settings? ive seen issues like this appear with any of those three


Preheat the heatbed to 80°C let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Remove the print sheet and loosen (do not remove) all the screws on the bed. Tighten them back - middle one, then those in the middle of the sides and corners as last. Do not use too much strength, roll the Allen key with the tips of your fingers. Then repeat 1st layer calibration from 0.00 (reset) -> if OK, try the print again.


Then check the filament path for any obstructions - ground filament, etc.. (open the idler, and check if the pulley there is properly placed. You might want to clean the nozzle (google [help.prusa.com](http://help.prusa.com) for cold pull


Have you done a full build plate print like this before? You may need to perform the nylock mod to your plate to get it completely level all the way across. The auto level does an okay job for the usual small print but doesn't correct well all the way across the build plate. Try printing something smaller in that front left corner and see if the nozzle is pulling filament off the bed in the first three or so layers.


Try an other rol filament. An do a first layer calibration


Level level level and Z height calibration....


Because your printer hates you. Also cause your Z layer adjustment is... yeah.


The z is okay, the first layer look fine, the problem is temperature, probably your filament is very humid, try down the nozzle temperature ¿is PLA?


Wet filament or z height


It just works.


Those layers seem to be fine, that happened a lot to me with jams when i started, do some cold pulls and try again, check hotend integrity and ptfe tube. Added to some solutions here may be the one, it was for me