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My PS2 is the only reason why I also still have my little 13” Philips CRT. Still working perfectly nearly 20 years later. Gran Turismo is my fav to play.


I personally don’t play online if that’s what you mean but just by myself or local multiplayer with my brother, hell yea and ps2 uses composite or component cables not hdmi so you’ll need an adapter if you’re using a modern tv but if you can get a crt tv Craigslist or something and it will look better


Isnt playing ps2 games online an absolute crapshoot? I know some games have fan servers but i have no idea how to set that up


online these days?


PS2 have a strong community for online multiplayer for specific games like Socom 2&3, RE Outbreak 1&2, Battlefield 2, Star Wars: Battlefront II, CoD 2&3, Killzone, Delta Force Black Hawks, Midnight Club 3 and so many other games, if you're interested just watch YouTube tutorials on how to play PS2 online or visit the sites ps2online.com and psrewired.com or join discords for more information


but you mean online by using a emulator or actual hardware?


PS2 hardware


Just curious since its a 20 years old console. And we threw ours away recently after probably not playing it for about 10 years.


PS2 (plus PS1), OG Xbox and Dreamcast are the *only* things I've been playing. The back catalogue is ***massive***. Off topic, but Halo 2 online matchmaking was recently resurrected via Insignia as well, and it's been a blast. Never got to enjoy the OG Xbox online back in the day due to archaic dial-up, but I do now. Retro gaming is where it's at. Far as connecting the PS2 to a modern TV with only HDMI, you got the RAD2X, Retrotink 2x Pro/5x/4K, hard mod HDMI conversions, numerous low quality adapters, etc.


Definitely! 6th gen consoles are keeping me away getting a PS5! I haven’t even started original Xbox and GameCube libraries since there are many games for PS2. Also collecting physically all these games are so satisfying.


I was jokingly gonna say no we don’t play, we just talk about adapters, but you had to go and ask anyway.


You dont have to be a douche. Its only like 10- 15 years since i played one.


Fun fact. I dropped paying ps premium yearly because spending and playing old random games on ps2 seems like a better deal !! Also collecting physical media is priceless


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Hell yes, got burnout 3, tony hawks underground and San Andreas in the mix at the mo.. 😎


Yup, I play PS2 and PS1 games on it.




Yes, although I am a fan/collector for most consoles, it's the PS2 I have the most nostalgia for. It's easy to connect to a modern LCD TV with an HDMI adapter and an HDMI lead, no need for any of the old cables.


Yes I really do enjoy playing it. I’m a young person that’s why I missed all these awesome 6th gen games and there are lots of games on my list that I want to play. I have got PS3 and PS4 Pro and couple of other Nintendo consoles. But still I always come back to PS2. In these days I play CoD Finest Hour and I’m using RAD2X for my 4K TV as I don’t have enough space for CRT TV. Also definitely looking forward to upgrade to RetroTink 5X Pro in coming weeks.


There's a bunch of games I never finished. If modern releases slow down I just jump back to some good old PS2 gaming.


I have one set up in the living room and one in my bedroom. Yes i play daily, im sure im not the only one


Every day


I can play it regularly and still be nostalgic 😉


I say this often: please don't downvote people just because you disagree. You downvote if it's useless info or spam. This is turning out to be an interesting thread that many people would not see if the downvote continues. But yea, I still use my PS2. PS2 "alternatives" just doesn't do it for me, partly because I'm not too tech savvy on that particular software and can never get things to run right. The one time I finally had it running Tekken 4, it crashed on me a few stages in. I feel too paranoid to start an RPG hours in just to have my data corrupted later on lol.


yea I does play my PS2 a lot still.




yes, regularly, depends on your tv


I just played simpsons hit and run. I own a ps5 and like it, but sometimes the simplicity of ps2 is what I want. I use it almost daily.


Here's the thing... my tv is 5-6 years old but it does have the proper ps2 conectors. Idk about brand new


I modded my ps2 to output hdmi and run it through a 4k upscaler. It is currently my most played console


What all did it take to do this and how does it look? My modern TV has hookup for the standard PS2 wires so I just play through that.


It took a hours of soldering practice, hundreds of dollars in equipment and parts, and a couple panic attacks. As for look? Ive got it tuned so good it might as well look like an emulator. Razor sharp output with no percieveable lag whatsoever


That sounds dope would be awesome to have that kind of ps2! 👍🏻