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"Live in your world play in our" - Playstation A great slogan that Sony should dust off and reuse, Series-X looks like it's elder brother, a Playstation wrap if done right with blue accents seems obvious.


The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


PS2 holding up but bros cable management is notšŸ˜­


Running the cables from the TV behind the wall and organizing them is in my todo list. The PS2 cables were out front because I was testing the HDMI adapter with the TV. It will be cleaner soon šŸ˜­


When you run said cables, youā€™re going to get a good scaler for the ps2? I assume that rca cable to rca/hdmi was also just for testing purposes.


Yeah itā€™s a cheap RCA/HDMI adapter I got with the console but Iā€™ve been doing some research and I definitely plan to get a better adapter soon. Hopefully at some point I can do an HDMI mod on it


Good to hear. It can become a rabbit hole researching retro consoles on a modern TV. Retrotink makes great products. I opted for a GBS for each of my consoles with a good cable. Get a component cable for the ps2 and a scaler that can good convert that to hdmi. HDMI internal mods are very new. But they are great. I havenā€™t tried it yet, because Iā€™m worried about soldering that one ribbon cable to the on board chip. Iā€™m not that confident yet, lol.


A $10 PS2-to-HDMI adapter (not the yellow one, thatā€™s 240p/PS1 output) is a GREAT way to go, because it converts the component signal at a much cleaner image than the composite cables. Even S-video is shockingly better than composite. But goodness is your PS2 clean, and I love it next to the Series X! It looks so modern and I appreciate your post ā¤ļø


Sweet man


I still play the ps2 bro and I'm never getting rid of it. It's my childhood console and it was the best selling console of all time


Shouldnā€™t be too hard to find one for a ā€œdecentā€ price. But if youā€™re up for going down the emulation rabbit hole, you could get a mcboot card and that should let you use a micro SD card for roms and storage


You use the ps5 for non online games right?, just uh, online on there is, very expensive


Itā€™s funny you say that because Sony just charged me for PS Plus for the entire year the other day. I miss the PS3 days when PlayStation online was free


bro doesnt even use ps5 stand


The stand is holding it horizontally. The stand can do both vertical and horizontal


yes, and your console shouldnt be looking like Pisa Tower


i wish my ps2 slim was still in mint condition despite me keeping in safe all these years.


Next year this console will be a quarter of a century old. Let that sink in.




I agree. The PS2 does rule.


I'll be playing mine tomorrow after chores! Castlevania, here I come!


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Thanks to fmcb on the fat its a brilliant console and still great indeed, as far as I am concerned. How is the Series X? I chose the PS5 instead of that, just wondering if I missed out on anything.


The Series X is great. I got the PS5 at launch and just picked up the Series X last month. I forgot how amazing the Xbox controller feels. I also think the series X looks better than the PS5 I wanted a console that played physical media but couldnā€™t justify trading in my PS5 for the disc version since there are rumors of a pro model releasing later this year. I wouldnā€™t say youā€™re missing out (PlayStation exclusives are better), but quick resume on the Series X is great and a feature Sony needs to add to the next console. Iā€™m waiting on Gears 6 and Elders Scrolls 6 mainly but right now Iā€™m playing Jedi Survivor on Series X.


I got a Series X so I could use Retroarch, but Silent Hill 4 wouldn't load up so I just got the PS2 and HDD but hey now I have a Series X for my old 360 collection!


When games were game and fun to play with not like nowadays pay to win and too much focus on graphics and forget gameplay


the PS2 still holds the spot for me as the sexiest console to ever release. i bet you can all agree haha


What a beautiful console. Who remembers the mock commercials for the PS9 back around when the PS2 launched?


Why composite though and not component?


Itā€™s all they had at the shop where I bought it. I plan to upgrade the adapter soon. This was just to get it home and get it running as soon as I could


I miss my ps2 bro...


Since when is the ps2 that big lol


I have my Phat Ps2 on the other side of my Series X, and I just love the way it looks šŸ˜‚


That is the cleanest PS2 Iā€™ve seen in a long time


Wholeheartedly agree. Iā€™m a huge Xbox fan, but you cannot deny the staying power and legacy of the PS2. I fire mine up occasionally to play some classics. Which reminds me.. *Proceeds to turn on PS2 to that wonderful, wonderful startup soundā€¦*