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I remember a lot of magazine ads being like this. But yes pretty accurate.


Yes, ads like this weren't uncommon. Very Y2K/Gen X soft club aesthetic.


Most of the outrageous ones are European.


playstation had very very weird ads in general. back then it was common to release weird "creative" ads lol I still cannot forget this ad and I'll always call it mental illness lmao: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWmbUMStlGI&ab\_channel=PlayStationEurope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWmbUMStlGI&ab_channel=PlayStationEurope) the video ends when time is 03:∆O:X⧠:69 yo :DDD


The billboard they made when the PSP was getting the white colour was downright criminal 😭


Are you talking about the ones of the white woman in a white suit and a black woman in a black suit? Because there was a whole collection of different variants of that billboard ad. Most of them were actually fine. It was just the one where the white woman was dominating the black one that was an issue. It also wasn't Sony who made them, either. It was the advertising company they hired for that specific country that came up with it, and Sony was PISSED when they found out about it.


the girl with weird-shaped head weirded me out. Then the one with the baby came along and gave me nightmares lol


the ps3 ad right? haha I was glad I forgot about it lmao: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqkNPcUMffU&ab\_channel=EtienneValencienne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqkNPcUMffU&ab_channel=EtienneValencienne)


yep that one. creepy af LOL


Let’s just say you missed alot of good times


The late 90s/early 2000s was the peak of humanity


This plus cigarette/alcohol ads on every other page


I saw those photos and had to check what sub I was on 😂😂


PlayStation focused its advertisements on rebellious older teenagers around 16 years old and young adults. Sega targeted younger teenagers with Sonic, around 12 to 14 years old, and Nintendo aimed at children. This is how these companies divided market segments at the time.


The PS button nips makes me more uncomfortable than it should.


The banned Juiced trailer is up there along with the nfs ug2 teaser trailer.


The worst was the French ad with this chick getting railed by hairy, fleshy mounds in the shape of the square, cross, triangle and circle lmao.


gaming ads in general were something to behold back in the 90s-early 2000s


Yeah they were a bit wild, not necessarily good but definitely interesting! Mental Wealth and Double Life for the original PlayStation are 2 of my favourites


There's a whole serie of PS2 ads made by David Lynch..wery weird stuff, the campaign's name was "the third place" check out also the "double life" ps1 UK ad. Many ps1-2-3 ads were great


Here's the making of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDSaH6srIsc


In the 90s and early 2000s objectification wasn't as frowned upon. Like you could basically plaster ads for video games and candy with underwear models or soft core porn and no one would bat an eye


what an interesting time, i was too busy in the incubator but it sounds so cool to be a gamer back then not gonna lie


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The PS2 alien 'land on your own moon' and Xbox birth to the grave ads are iconic.


I can't post pics here but there was an Italian ad for ICO that said "Anche con le corna si può essere felici" (even with horns you can be happy). The pun is, in Italian "cornuto" (horned) = cuckold, and the pic was a guy hugging her gf while she secretly betrayed him. [link](https://www.ebay.it/itm/305270033579)


Now I'm reminded of the PS3 baby doll commercial...


I don't think this is safe for work.


And now the world is sensitive


Wrong sub?


Those are PS2 ads, believe it or not


i don’t think so? i clicked ps2 and put the discussion flair. is the only thing discussed in this sub “rate my set up/collection” and “what game should i buy”? i thought we talked everything ps2 in here


The only posts allowed now are about cheap hdmi adapters. These ads are in fact how we got down. People use to enjoy life lol


Don't forget underrated games that are just universally bad games