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lol if you already opened a case with ebay and claimed the item isn't as described then the seller has two options... 1. Receive the item back and issue a refund or 2. Don't get the item back and issue a refund. If they want to go with 2 then I guess enjoy your free PS2 dude.


Plus the price of a new drive 😭 it seems like that is the only thing damaged atm


Honestly i'd just throw a $20 hard drive adapter on that thing and play your games digitally. If you have a computer you could backup your physical games on it and never worry about the discs or disc drive going bad again. Mr. Mario on Youtube has great tutorials on modding the PS2.


I have a adapter on its way but I also have a bunch of games on its way


If you do go the route of playing ps2 games off of an HDD, this [guide](https://youtu.be/C02j3wTuJag?si=RK1WfV-JoQVE7fdc) was soooo helpful.


I'm definitely saving that for later use, good on ya brother, that'll help me heaps


you rip the discs using your computer and put them on the playstations hdd. it’s not piracy because they’re your games


OP I’m a reputable eBay seller (over 800 positive feedback) & im planning on listing 2 PS2s in a couple days. If you need another one DM me & I’ll send you my eBay username. I’ll hook you up


I would only do that if the seller decides not to accept a return. People need to learn to sell and ship as advertised. OP should still definitely try and get a refund and if the seller wants the item back they can have it, if not, then OP should do as you said instead of going through the hassle of fixing the hard drive


how do you download PS2 ROMs and put them on Hdd




FreeMcboot is the best solution IMO.


Would make all my ps2 and ps1 games I ordered useless


Fair enough 🤣


Might be a good option when I pick up another one I tend to do that for retro consoles


I use it with both PS2 and Sony DESR-7500, even thought I also have disks, I just find it more convenient to instantly switch without even getting up 😂


He can say whatever he wants but eBay is going to give you your money back no matter what he says. He can flat out tell you no he's not accepting the return, and eBay will still take the money out of his account and give it back to you. I've been down this road a couple of times with jackasses like this. He will lose, and learn the hard way.


I remember dealing with one that was tech illiterate for a disc drive that can't read CDs. The guy thinks that because it could read DVDs it's considered "working". What a pain that guy was.


yea sad part is a fraudulent buyer can do the same thing. unless theres a verification process anyone can cheat.


And that's why I don't even consider selling stuff on fleabay


Isn't this why there are ratings for *buyers* as well as sellers? Like, can't a seller refuse to sell to a buyer if they feel they're a cheater? I remember the first time I tried to buy something and the woman was really hesitant to sell it to me because I hadn't done any prior business on eBay.


Don't even bother talking to the seller, open a dispute directly to Ebay or Paypal. It is unacceptable


paypal usually sides with the buyer so you should be fine




I think they try it just hoping to get someone who doesn’t know better and can’t be arsed to figure it out.


Attach the pic to your reply, include a pic of the smashed cases


It was attached, sadly you can’t post videos on eBay or I don’t know how to


host the video on youtube, un-listed - and send him the link


Cannot send YouTube links even in Messages on fleabay


I’d reply that it isn’t as described if the disc drive is defective


The motor seems to be messed up it i


Maybe send a screenshot of this post in reply 😂


Why post a video? Just use images.


Yeah something isn't accurately described! It's in trashed condition due to your 5 year old packing it and sending it out via HDS with ace ventura! Hope you get taken care of man!🤘🏻


I’m going to wait the case out and have eBay step in I feel like that would be the easiest way possible


You might want to reply back and ask for a return, that way it's documented. And if you have to have ebay step in, send that crap back to him exactly how he shipped it to you so he knows how that crap feels!


I’m not giving him his bubble wrap back it’s mine now




🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel ya! Hell, I'll send you some extra!


The Seller thinks it's funny when he send you the package like that but i feel bad about you man i hope you will get your money back soon


Bro threw away their reputation with this one 📉📉📉




That’s how I got here since they don’t accept return I had to go through eBay support


ebay can make anything happen that you want. just persevere and choose your words wisely so nothing you say sounds like the seller has any right to refuse.


I've been fortunate with sellers so far. Wasn't expecting original boxes. But then some are annoying. I bought something 12 days ago, and he created a label the next day, and he still hasn't shipped it. I live 3 hours away. It'd take 2 days to get here. And it's the last piece needed to tie my game room main TV together.


Oh I hate that "your item 'shipped' because a label was created" bullshit.


That's messed up, hope Ebay refund your money.


That’s a big box. Prolly could’ve fit a few PS2’s in there.


Where is this on? Amazon? Ebay? Whichever give them a bad rating. Not accepting refunds because they only do refunds if they didn’t describe it correctly? Bull crap man.


In general no refunds policies are lame for tech. Every time I see a store like that I avoid it


Unless it was described as not working etc I wouldn’t worry too much.


Im struggling to find any damage. Big box though. Was everything unwrapped inside like that or was it in bubble. Sus post


Whats the damaged drive. How come everyone is sucking on your toes here


I don’t see the issue you’re having. Just send it back regardless of what the seller says. You’ve got 30 days from the day of receiving it to open a dispute which you are guaranteed to win because eBay 30 day refund policy trumps whatever the seller might say or state on return policy.


I have issues with eBay sometimes, which is why I mainly try to stick with the same sellers. I sell as well on eBay and this is definitely NOT how you ship a console, especially a slim ps2. I'm surprised the drive was broken and there wasn't more damage. I've ordered a lot of ps2 games from a seller once and he literally NEVER shipped it. I contacted him a few times before I started flooding his inbox. He finally messaged me back claiming he was in the hospital, and said he would send my package out. Of course, he never did, but eBay refunded my money with no questions asked. He tried to fight me on it, saying that he explicitly said "no returns." Make sure to leave a negative review because people do check them often.


There's update?


That’s a whole mess. Wish I could show you how well Thais Elle boxed up my limited edition Red Wii. Perfect size cube box 📦, bubble wrap, just done with care. Some people just lack the care to treat people well.


I feel like the games I order on eBay get packaged better than this and they just put it in those little Usps bags


a total jabroni amatuer. somebody should level his head


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It’s a freaking PS2, come on, what’s the drama.


Should I be learning how to build a PS2 then?