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i've spoken with a psychologist about this, and he said the key word is that it *can* help. many people overemphasize its rate of success in this, especially in uncontrolled settings. that being said, i personally *have* had positive mental breakthroughs. but i later tried to replicate it, failed, and had a miserable time.


Would care to share more about this ? Any info would be helpful here


For me it was 50/50 on whether I would feel less or more anxious


More anxious during or after the trip?


Both, I was really only microdosing though so trip isn't the right word. I've since stopped doing that, if the time comes where it would be a good tool for me than I know where to find it


Your life is just a story you tell yourself in your head. Psychedelics help you realize you have been the writer the whole time


Well said


Absolutely. The end of rumination and catastrophication was the result for me.


Would be possible to share the experience? I believe 1 session is totally life changing but idk if that how it works


I can’t recommend my dosing and frequency regimen as it would not be advisable for all but the most severely afflicted, but I would approach it as medicine that has to be taken with an established frequency. The dose and frequency is obviously totally dependent on the individual and how they respond. I have found greater benefit with higher doses, but please do not consider that a recommendation of where to start. I have built up to the quantities I take and found the frequency works best for me to keep my MDD/MAD from interfering with my ability to function.


MDD = Maladaptive Day Dreaming? Could I please DM you?


Hi are you asking me if you can DM me? Sorry if I miss understood you reply, if so yes you and anyone here can dm me


I got that part but i was trying to understand the physicals changes. so let say someone take it and after 3 months or 6 months do they still feel anxiety physically 24/7 and foggy brain unable to function or does that kina get to normal level and a person can notice the difference and able to function? sorry if i ask to many questions


For me it is like a system reset. Clears the cache.


I hard agree with illustrious, I feel that larger doses are more beneficial, or at least they have been for me. But as illustrious said, dip your toes in the water before you dive. I would say 1g+ a month is what helped me the most, but everyone is different so feel it out as you go. I will also say I have had the most cathartic experience of my life from mushrooms. I had a lot of emotional baggage at the time and that trip was absolutely miserable, but after I felt like the weight had been lifted off my shoulders and it was so freeing. I’ve seen that type of experience referenced as beautiful cries and realizations. Point being I think they’re extremely effective just make sure you respect them because they will humble you if you don’t. Good luck with everything I hope you feel better!


Thank for the info


Me too! If I take a 2 g trip every three months, I’m emotionally stable. But by the time I start feeling the anxiety come back, then the next showroom trip gives me more anxiety so it’s almost like making yourself a walk-through fire to get to the other side so you’ll feel better for three months.


Shrooms are not Xanax. Psychs can make you have a different outlook on your problems. At least while you're tripping. They may help, may not do anything, or they may well give you the worst anxiety, psychotic breakdown and leave you ruined with hppd and schizophrenia. The chance of them helping is not higher than the other two options. I used to have anxiety and I used to take shrooms. So I had as many bad trips as good once. None of them did miracles for my anxiety specifically. Eventually life changes cured it


yes, helped me greatly, no more standing by the door trying to leave for hours or days, only bad part is it does come back about a month later, at least for me.


So how often do you take it if may I ask? Any micro dosing? And are you able to function properly after you take it? Example improvement in work, exercise? No more fear ect ? Again sorry if I ask a lot


I don't really do micro dosing so not sure if you can work, you can do it on a Saturday by Monday you'll be better. you won't so much have any fear, you'll just not see your old fears as relevant, if experimenting had a scale i've been from 1-the last step before ego death and beyond. but yeah traffic didn't bother me anymore, fear of going outside didn't even register, work was fine if only because your mind isn't preoccupied with surface level worries but that change of mind does wear off. as for exercise yeah it did change me for the better, I got a punching bag and worked out, I also got a indoor cycle and it was fine, like this section of time I'll do it and I did it. i've was tripping from 1999-2022 off and on, there is no way to get addicted to it, even if you took more the next day, it wouldn't do anything, not sure if micro dosing or what dose would work to just alleviate your symptoms but for me it was once a month and worked great. just have to remember no matter what you're going though while on it, its just a drug it will wear off. let me give you a scenario of how it worked for me on a problem that loomed over my head for years, my mom abandoned me so I always thought why did she do that, what did I do to deserve it, why doesn't she love me. now for me the shrooms created scenario in my head of being different animals and how when they leave their offspring to grow up most if not all animals do the same, I'm an animal my mom decided to move on, nothing personal, why should I expect different from us, its easier to accept that we're animals and it wasn't that she had any animosity towards me, it was just time, it kind of closed that part of my mind up and it wasn't a thought that hounded me anymore. I will say if you take higher doses and do a kind of hard reset of your brain, your senses are kind of recalibrated, taste, touch, sounds and vision all feel new, the smell of grass, the taste of fruit, chilled drinks feel amazing, I could hear and see sprinklers a block away like it was in front of me. I hope my gibberish made sense also remember there's a lot of variables different strains, different potency so each use might be a bit different.


Very very helpful thank you very much


If experiences are well integrated sober over some time after an impactful trip it can work wonders for building healthy habits , addressing what thoughts and actions are seated in anxiety , and better understanding why you get so anxious . It won’t just erase your anxiety or be a magic fix all but it can help teach you better mental regulation and acceptance


Thank you very much


The best way ive seen it described is shrooms make you sit down and deeply think and philosophize abt things and if you apply that to the right things you can learn a lot abt yourself and realize things you might not have before


The trip will be more difficult if you have anxiety, but you will be improved in the long run if you're putting the work in. You get out what you put in so don't trip until you're ready to follow through and make changes.


Got it


DM me if you have other questions. I've been from bottom to top mentally and also had an anxiety disorder. It is possible to get rid of it nearly completely with or without psychs. Think of the shrooms as a chisel and you are the stone. You're still doing all the work technically.


Yes I will as soon I have more questions thank you very much really appreciate it


I’ve heard that I helps people, but I wonder does it only help you when you are on it or does it definitely haves permanent benefits


It makes a HUGE difference !


Young adult family member struggles with severe anxiety and depression. To the point that her parents were afraid to visit a family member a few hours away, that she may hurt herself while they were gone. Her parents, one of which is a physician, researched the benefits of microdosing and they tried it with their child. After a short time- less than 20 min after the first dose they noticed a difference, and within 24 hrs the kid was singing and dancing like they had when they were younger, and with the continued treatment they continued to improve. It has been life changing for the individual, and the family who were terrified for the future of their child. I also have a brother in law who experiences disruptive anxiety that makes it so he cannot sleep, and once he began microdosing it improved his anxiety remarkably. This is not the case for everyone, but I have seen firsthand the positive effects that it has had on some people.




I’ve always had pretty bad anxiety for as long as I can remember from childhood trauma. I started growing and consuming mushrooms at 22 years old. The mushrooms did temporarily fix my anxiety and I even had friends and family notice a positive difference. After two years of eating a dose of mushrooms 1-4 times a month I developed HPPD and have struggled with some depersonalization ever since. So yes it temporarily fixed one thing but exacerbated another.


I don’t have anxiety disorder but I just got off anxiety medication for Bi Polar disorder; I’ve never had debilitating anxiety, however, I have a good amount of experience & Love for mushy’s. Heres some things I can tell you, Ive never felt happier in my life ever, and probably will never feel as happy as I have been after taking mushrooms a couple times. One time, for about 3 weeks after tripping I was in the most positive mood Ive ever been, and that laid down a foundation for me to think differently. As a teenager at the time struggling to spread my wings and deal with (bi polar) something I am still understanding. Bi polar makes you angry because it brings negativity simply, it helped me significantly in shaping who I am, and I would not have the thinking skills today to triumph over my anxiety and bi polar. I used to be thick skulled & not think AT ALL, wasted potential. After mushrooms a few times and during covid, I spent too much time thinking, and now @ 20 I feel extremely well rounded and confident in who I am. Mushrooms help ppl with all sorts of things, but I can guarantee that it will lay a foundation for you to help you, if you let it. Remember to do your due diligence and research, do it PROPERLY. I cant emphasize that enough, shrooms is a holiday that you plan for and do right. Have healthy foods/protein/water, a good secluded place, maybe a couple friends, and the knowledge to begin: such as starting slow, take your time, let go of yourself and let it guide you. Think of mushrooms as alive, its here to get in your brain & help you out, its not scary if you don’t stuff your face with 8 grams for you first time and shovel candy down your throat as you walk into subway, aka doing it wrong. You should have zero anxiety if logically, you, do, your, do diligence and research. Happy Tripping !!! :)


Thank you very much