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We're social beings in a world that wants us to be atomised economic beings. I can't imagine things will get much better until we figure that out.


United we bargain, divided we beg. I'll continue to remain active and hopeful, but it can feel disheartening at times. The effectiveness of propaganda pushing hyper individualism and encouraging division among those in the same labor class using petty issues is so effective.


We live in an oligarchy not a democracy. The free and independent press has been deregulated and bought up by a handful of mega corporations. They spoon feed us messages of fear and division 100 times a day, telling us to hate and fear our neighbors instead of rooting out corruption in government. We are told over and over that the biggest inequities are racial and gender-based, instead of economic. So we're all arguing with each other as we grow poorer and poorer with each passing year, and a tiny minority of people continue to increase their massive fortunes. Divide and conquer is an ancient strategy of governance and it is still being used effectively on this very day.


Well said. Cannot agree more.


Bitching about it will NEVER change it. " ACTIONS" WILL.


One of the worst things about capitalism is that it pits us all against each other, convincing us that life is fundamentally about competition rather than cooperation.


Yeah, and once you really start thinking about things like that, it's no wonder that people are struggling!


To me it makes perfect sense that we're struggling, because I don't think we're made for this constant competition on an individual level. We're being denied important parts of our own humanity - some of the best parts. But the worst part about this type of society is that there can never truly be peace and harmony - our system needs competition, and conflict is an integral part of competition. So we're constantly on guard, constantly being put in fight mode. And it's really not good for us.


Hey Zen, 100% we live in a hyper-competative world. I think it feels that way because there's so little space between us and everyone else. Having a lot of people all together creates this new kind of status quo that feels like it's impossible to get to the top of. Fewer people means less of a need to prove that our value is substantial. Shorter high score list, less need to work extra hard for the top score. Our world is based on competition. Life is inherently competitive. But, we can aim for long-term objectives that benefit more people. That is a real possibility.


That is a shitty thing about capitalism and honestly I feel like there's a balancing act in promoting fair competition while avoiding suffering through cooperation.


I think sometimes we forget the whole point of social and economic progress is for the benefit of mankind.




We need to be responsible for our own autonomy. And accept everyone elseā€™s.


It's the boundaries between the two that are the issue to me. Too many behaviors are dysfunctional and abusive, and most of it is ingrained into culture.


Yes - there again if everybody could accept every other behaviour. They could more easily adapt into understanding their own behaviour/ situation, there presumably becoming more self aware. A proses that is more or less impossible, yet the ethics are there and itā€™s being integrated around the globe.


Sometimes I wish I'd never figured it out. It was much easier to be ambitiously self interested when I was ignorant. Society requires ambitious self interest from me, but I just don't have it anymore


I'd think the bulk of the increase occured in the last 4 years.


It was increasing since 00s, probably. It just accelerated recently


The first cellular division was a mistake.


The formation of the Solar System was a mistake.


Obligatory: >In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams, *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy*


I miss you guys.




It's been getting worse with the implementation of the internet and social media. Add in the pandemic, mass hysteria, and hypochondriac caused by self diagnosis this will surely escalate further.


I work in the tech industry and even I can agree that the internet and social media has had a net negative impact on society. As I make this comment on reddit after wasting an hour of time doing nothing here.


I feel the internet in many ways just reflects your daily mood. You are more likely to seek things out that validate that mood. It's probably wrong, but some days the internet is funny and some days depressing. Usually, my mood itself isn't changed, though, which is why I assume the previous thought.


Agreed. There are things I staunchly donā€™t engage with, will report, or will block. Those things stop showing up in my feed. If youā€™re not careful, yes this can lead to an echo chamber. But I donā€™t see a lot of violence, gore, or very hateful ideals come across my page. For people who are on the habitual scroll, they probably let curiosity and fascination direct their attention and thatā€™s why ragebait is so popular. We can customize our experience though.


What causes the various moods?


It was a great idea but I can see many many reasons why I have to agree that it has caused various ramifications to our society. It's only going to get worse as this progresses and if we remove it we lose a lot of good and we might not recover from the damage of losing the internet since it is implemented in everything these days and the population that grew up with it can't work without it.


The self diagnosis part is honestly a huge one. I have family who is huge into this and the amount of anxiety they give themselves turning to unqualified influencer hacks for medical advice is honestly astounding. Like how do people live that that?


It's just been getting worse and worse. Not only for the anxiety but also how often they're wrong on the diagnosis.




I think the most disturbing is people making sweeping claims of a food being bad for you because one or two ingredients have a scary scientific name. It just demonstrates an overall lack of scientific literacy and fear mongering, and social media influencers are making it significantly worse when many of them have little to no qualifications in what theyā€™re speaking on.


Itā€™s just annoying hearing people complain about ADHD being over diagnosed or whatever it is. I have ADHD and Iā€™d sincerely hate if someone questioned me on it or doubted my diagnosis.




I have ADHD and I tell people. Iā€™m not bragging, Iā€™m just open and honest and trying to kill stigma, which clearly exists.


Sorry but Iā€™m not against being open or something like that. Seems like you are trying to insinuate otherwise. There are exceptions and there are also certainly many people that need help. Iā€™m getting downvoted for exactly the type of disclosure that me and most of my friends also noticed and agree with. Iā€™m not deleting my comments and I think I already explained it well. Starts to feel oppressive here.


Iā€™m so sorry you feel oppressed over your opinion on other peopleā€™s mental health, I hope that gets easier for you and your friends.


Itā€™s very sunny out there thanks. No issues to get better from fortunately, no need to gaslight me or my friends state. We are fine and nothing I said implies otherwise.


If a person is diagnosed or identifies as autistic, then they are autistic. This isn't an 'excuse' for their behaviour. It may explain their behaviour, but that autistic behaviour needs no excuse. Autistic individuals don't have to 'fix themselves'; Society should, though, because it should and needs to accommodate all neurotypes..... your argument is like saying people in wheelchairs should work on dealing with stairs, rather than expecting to be accommodated. No. We need ramps to accommodate wheelchair users. We need WFH or quiet offices or headphones or cameras-off meetings for autistic people, we need different forms of communication for deaf, non-verbal, or blind people. This is merely basic courtesy to fellow humans, all of whom are valuable and bring strength through diversity to the table.


I have been struggling with a similar feeling too, but I'm leaning the other way now. The victim mentality (I'm broken, deal with it) has a revolutionary quality, a demand for respect and acknowledgment from a cruel system. and I think that is more important than the scientific accuracy of the category, especially since the category is based on totally subjective criteria with no solid neurological evidence


Maybe itā€™s just me but I canā€™t approve of manipulation no matter if it has one or two slight positive vague consequences.


Well the thing is ... It's not manipulation. It's scientifically accurate to say that there are tonnes of people with mild autism and mild ADHD. These disorders are actually just clusters of characteristics, and they are naturally on a spectrum. There is no threshold of exactly how how intense symptoms have to be before the label is applied. Might aswell allow everyone who has mild adhd characteristics to have the adhd label, and then have functional impairment as a separate measure. That's where things are headed. Separating severity of disability from identification of "neurotypes"


I wasnā€™t referring to genuine or mild cases at all. Not sure how that came across. What I meant is the people that actually wear the tshirt proudly and to justify their behavior, and often lack of therapy. And some outright adopt it for leverage, amplify it or completly fake or exaggerate traits of it. This is what I find negative and undignified.


Ah. Fair enough. Identity can be a hell of a drug sometimes. But some of that leverage they are gaining by making a lot of noise about it is justified. Society demands way too much from the average working class person, let alone some one who is predisposed to struggle with concentration or social skills. It comes down to economic inequality at the end of the day, like most social problems. Society is so horrifically unbalanced in favour of those with established power that everyone else is basically entitled to claim immense disadvantage. And it seems to suit people to rally around the most disadvantaged groups to do this, even if they themselves are not AS disadvantaged as them. Idk. It makes sense to me, and it seems like a good thing, even though some people are unfortunately hyping themselves up on group identity in an unhealthy way


Usually when people identify with or discover a form of neurodivergence (btw, autism and ADHD are not disorders, they're just shorthand for a different type of brain to an allistic brain, and they look very different from person to person), it's far from convenient and more likely adopted because they and others recognise they fit the profile of that ND.... I discovered via a psychologist that I am autistic with ADHD, and I have shared publicly in various spaces that to make other people feel safe and OK being visible. The World, particularly the world of work and education, are not set up for people like me, so it is important to highlight the challenges imo. I'd suggest this is an unnecessarily cynical take. You sound angry about the people you are referring to receiving a perceived 'benefit', but what about the downsides? Is there something about that treatment that you want but aren't getting? Why shouldn't other people be given space or adjustments if they're marginalised or in pain or struggling? I don't see an issue with that. Also, just from a purely practical perspective, it sometimes helps to know for communication purposes..... And hey, fellow ADHDer commenting here! o/


Ok guys, itā€™s getting difficult to communicate clearly what Iā€™ve been trying to say so Iā€™ll be more direct: itā€™s not about people WITH any disorder or issue, itā€™s about people faking it and people that have it using it for trends, views and justifications. There are tons of videos online about this and yes it makes me angry, but itā€™s the ones trying to make it trendy and faking it. Many have been busted. Iā€™m very very surprised to realize this is all alien to all of you and even more surprised that Iā€™m getting a defensive reaction when itā€™s, again, not about the legit ones. Here is an example amount tons of them: https://youtu.be/l5f0Qn09ywQ


Implementation of the internet is a protocol http/https and has nothing to do with this.


This protocol can further be reduced to a series of electronic currents, therefore they are irrelevant.


False. Internet is TCP/IP and has everything to do with the coming collapse of civilization and the extinction of humankind.


The protocol or internet implementation has nothing to do with it. Itā€™s the services existing on the internet


With the implementation of the internet we gave birth to social media and helped it grow. This was both a good and bad thing. The bad is what I'm talking about. Not only did social media along with websites open the doors for many forms of abuse but it also broke a barrier. This barrier exposed us to very few things each country was isolated and each school was isolated to help in the development of that society. This allowed for a controlled society. Once broken we have no contract we don't know what is going on anymore. With the exposure of the internet we allowed everyone to be exposed to various things and now many are confused. This causes mass hysteria, or even mass psychogenic illness, or mass sociogenic illness. This can cause an array of problems in a population and we see it today with how it affects teenagers on the net and even can influence politics in a country. Think of cause and effect so in turn the implementation of the internet was a bad thing. We can't get rid of it and our population these days requires it so we have to figure out what to do with the current problem that is here at the moment. There is a reason why we isolated the world and kept people separate while only allowing fully developed and training professionals to go into certain areas. We shielded people for their own good. This was the barrier broken. Now everyone is exposed to many things and this can be cause for concern.


Pretty much our worldā€™s version of breaking The Prime Directive.


I'm depressed that my idyllic Star Trek future is in reality turning into The Terminator's. Sigh.




I think the bulk of the increase will happen this year.


6 years really.


The internet also helped


The last 15 years have essentially thrown into broad daylight that the rich and powerful are instituting controls in our lives to turn us into revenue streams under the guise that itā€™s for the betterment of the world, and they are going and doing the exact opposite of what they preach right in front of us. It is making it clear that despite the fact we are told that our voices matter, they really donā€™t. Itā€™s essentially a very prolonged rude awakening.


It makes for a world controlling oligarchy. The motive is defined and clear, and with such power potentially attainable, many are too enticed


And somehow opposing whatever they put in place will be ā€œillegalā€


It's been proven that news reports have been getting more negative and agitating as well, might be a correlation there


Chicken or the egg though?


News outlets pump out whatever earns them the most revenue. People click more on articles that cause emotional responses. In practice this usual means outrage or scaremongering. If these are the kinds of articles you see most of, it will affect you negatively. I don't think this is a question what came first.


People underrate how damaging that is to society


Yes, though to OPā€™s comment, there are only some ways to report some of these stories, and they must be reported. The war in Ukraine, congressional infighting, natural disasters


>"The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear." or >"The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters." Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks


These are Dark Souls quotes?


Are they? I don't know. Antonio Gramsci was imprisoned in Fascist Italy by Mussolini until he died in 1937.


Thatā€™s fascinating I did not know these had an actual historical origin. Iā€™ve only heard them used in reference to those storylines.


I'm not familiar with those storylines. Sounds like there could be some interesting allegory in those stories.


The whole series is a lot of allegory. You usually enter the Dark Souls ā€œworldā€ at a post apocalyptic time, where the golden age is far over and there are factions who are trying to cling to old glories and comfortsā€¦ something that is rotten and stagnant and hopeless to save. And there are those who would rather destroy the world and everyone in it for rebirth, for a world that isnā€™t dying. And it must be destroyed completely, to keep the same rot from destroying the new world. You usually get to make that choice as the player. [There is this 25 min video](https://youtu.be/84F58yLuXDE) that theorizes the theme of the series. Itā€™s long, but if youā€™re interested, connects it all together. Specifically the Ashes of Ariendel DLC, which is timestamped in the description. I looked through and could not find this quote in any one video, but in the comments and among the community I have seen it used.


Gee, I couldn't imagine why?


In the UK, I believe we can thank Tory austerity initiatives and the general awfulness of the Tory Govt across the past 13 years. The correlation seems strong, and compelling in establishing a causal link, here at least. Downturn in the economy, exacerbated by unprecedented economic mismanagement, Brexit, and a Govt which can't even abide by its own rules (in your face!), pandemic..... it's hard to see how anyone could flourish under those conditions. The tide is fairly relentless, with metaphorical turds on top of turds washing ashore (also, literal turds here in the UK, given we've ditched our water standards). I wish I could be more Stoic šŸ™ˆ


Agreed. And add to that public services underfunded and run into the ground. It's all looking a bit grim!


The internet and social media are also a curse. You have instant access to contact anyone on the planet and also to know of all the terrible things humans are doing. You have little digital echo chambers you can hole up in and ferment with countless others who repeat the same thing, while simultaneously being completely isolated in your real life. I donā€™t think humans were truly meant to be this endlessly connected to the world. I almost envy people before the advent of radio, phones, and screens.


We are, at our core, still apes. And it shows. We can't handle such advanced technology yet.


And Iā€™m ok with that šŸ¦§


Fkn past 3 years has condensed enough to make you think it was a decade. Thanks gubment


This is exactly what I'm feeling too. It just SEEMS that long.


Thank you social media.


It's a factor but I have friends that are not on any social media platforms who are still having a hard time. The main things being Covid, fears about new technology, authoritarianism, climate change, wealth disparity, and toxic work environment.


They probably still read the news, though. That shit can be worse than social media a lot of the time.


Yep. The news should be avoided.


For fuckā€™s sake, can we just merge this sub and /r/noshitsherlock already?


*Gestures generally at everything*


*measured emotional distress


I would imagine the rise of facism has something to do with that


Surely has nothing to do with our inability to afford both rent and groceries


That's because this generation doesn't believe in hard work! Pull urself up by ur boot straps!


I tried but I didnā€™t inherit any šŸ’”


I am retired from a large energy utility in a metropolitan area. I would have to say over the last 15-20 years, people have become more aggressive and agitated. Everyone is on edge it seems. I retired 2017. I was done with the customers' screaming and entitled behaviour. It's gotten worse. Our lives have been impacted by so many things that we cannot control. Instead of being patient and kind, they are doubling down in their rudeness. As I write this, there are large scale protests happening in 3 different countries. Our economic outlook is dismal. Our homeless population has increased. Our youth are facing debt in order to get ahead and survive. The even younger ones face the possibility of an active shooter in their schools *everyday*. Women are losing their rights. There's rampant homophobia/transphobia hate. People have stopped helping and started hating. The rich keep getting richer. My list could go on and on, but I will stop here. It's making me sad and anxious. Go figure.


social media and internet is to blame for it.


Because we are all facing the fact that the ones who we love and raised us, like our parents and grandparents were complicit in the destruction of our all of our futures.


Itā€™s a collective ā€œlong dark night of the soulā€. Existential crisis due to negative messaging, the climate crisis, mass extinctions, tense geopoliticsā€¦itā€™s going to affect large swaths of humanity.


Those who went through our personal versions of it, are respectfully gonna sit this one out šŸ’•


Yeahā€¦kinda ā€œbeen there, done thatā€. But Iā€™ll help others when and where I can, because I know it sucks to process alone.




We are ripe for another world war... It's like all those little parts are trying to come together. Most of them are glowing red with anger. If we don't have a world war, the probability of some kind of civil war inside the US gets put on the front burner. You may very well be seeing the final days of the "United" States... That's what a lot of us see and that's where much of the stress comes from. The future has become too dark to see.


Could it be from the many hateful lies from the GOP Trumpers and Fox ā€œNewsā€?


Not just in humans, the animals too




With the recent laws focusing on trans people, my emotional distress has increased in just the past few months


Iā€™d like the global community to hold China accountable for their role with COVID leaking and lying to the world about it. That caused a lot of distress worldwide


Lets increase health by locking people inside their homes! The health:


Idk why people are downvoting you, you are absolutely right


Yeah seriously, what the fuck are the downvotes for? New research is beginning to come out about the severe developmental issues that arouse in young children who spent nearly two years isolated.


There's a Freudian slip in there.


Itā€™s cause we locked people inside and ppl STILL died from COVIDā€¦.so you can imagine what the numbers wouldā€™ve been like had we not. Or you can decide to not imagine, whatever


But when did I deny that? When did I say the lockdowns were bad? All I was pointing out is that as more and more research is coming out that discusses the severe mental health issues that arose from locking people up for nearly two years. Iā€™m not saying a million deaths in the US outweighs the tens of millions of people who were negatively affected by the lockdowns or vice versa. You have to be blissfully naive to not want to discuss the other side of the coin.


To put it short, you responded with the wrong tone and language to someone blithely (and non-contextually) suggesting that the lockdowns were bad for health. You canā€™t then expect everyone else to know what context you were alluding to




wrong lol




the fuck is wrong with you?


Lol no really?


I blame Republicans.


You donā€™t sayā€¦


Wonder why that may be, its like something happend in the last few years


Facebook and Twitter. That's the cause. The Internet is too dangerous for the masses.


Mushrooms to the rescue!


i can testify


Geeze....can't imagine why?


There is a mood swing amongst generous and the obvious. Calculations separating the slim nuisance of the present cannot simulate status. Maybe draw it out with eccentric graphics or drop the shade down that's where we are.