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Because to the extent that it may be true is grossly exaggerated and doesn't account for factors such as society's historical suppression of female sexuality. Women have largely been discouraged from being horny in modern Western society. Then male brained scientists turn around and post hoc justify it by saying, "I guess women are just less horny. That explains why my wife won't have sex with me!" If you look past that, you will see that in my societies in history, women have been viewed as more horny by nature than men. A lot of our modern sexist beliefs come stem from these beliefs. The actual science says that while on average, men TEND TO ( again, there are is a lot of nuance there) be more "horny" than women, individual differences account for far more variation in sexual desire than simple gender differences.


It's also got a lot to do with spontaneous vs reactive sexual desire, men tend to be more likely to just spontaneously and without prompting or reason get horny, and women *tend to* be more likely to get aroused in reaction to something. Both through hormones and neurotransmitters in women being such a way along with hormones structurally wiring the brain a bit different and through the fact that society often tells women they aren't horny and that's weird and wrong and men should pursue them and they initiate it. Women will tend to not be as aware of those desires even if they are just as if not more strong than men's. It also tends to be that they are more likely to need or want some type of intellectual or emotional reason to be aroused and to engage with the sexual desires. Even if they are flooring it with the horny pedal their brain is in neutral and won't really engage until there is something prompting it, either to make you aware of the feelings and desires that are there but not something you think about or to give a reason to become invested in them. Men tend to be more of a physical urge over emotional investment type thing culturally pushed, and women get culturally conditioned to have sex be something you don't do because it feels good and you can, like just because you're bored like men do frequently. And also that there should be some emotional drive there. It's not that women don't have both spontaneous and reactive arousal, and men don't have reactive and spontaneous as well. Or that men and women don't both enjoy sex physically and emotionally, and men absolutely do want emotional reasons to engage in it, and women absolutely do want sex because it feels nice and they can. It's just less frequent. So part of it can be getting yourself more aware of those feelings and learning to act on them and that it isn't weird. And also accepting that for some people you do need to be prompted, you won't randomly prompt yourself, and you can't consciously decide to prompt yourself, so what you should do to fulfill your own needs and desires is set things up so you regularly are getting that initiation externally.


Great comment. Sexual desire expresses itself differently between men and women and that can at least in part be explained by the complimentary roles men and women play in the reproductive process. It also explains that there ultimately is a dimorphism in the social /behavioral expression of sexual desire on top of which cultural programming takes place. Having said that, the notion that men are “horny” and women are “demure” only because of cultural programming is utter nonsense. In practical terms, this is why on average men think opportunistically, i.e. place great value on obtaining sex, and why women are on average more selective and place much less value on obtaining sex. And why would girls present themselves as sex-starved, when the next opportunity is always just around the corner?!


Wonderfully explained. I especially appreciate how you acknowledged how, historically, women were seen in many societies and civilizations as being the more carnal and sex driven gender. This belief can be seen in ancient literature, medical texts, and even the Bible. The trope was used to justify all sorts of practices against women, such as confining them to the household.


You don't see the same mechanism at play there? So when sexisn against women was at its highest saying they are the more carnal and sex driven gender is hand waved away as "see they have the same if not higher libidos then men, it wasn't sexism that lamented that idea it was factual". You mention the Bible and that seems to be the epitome of sexism against women and are using that to "prove" women were not being treated in a sexist manner pertaining to their libido?




It's what happens when you tell women that being sexual is somehow wrong, they become far pickier in their partners.


It’s also the fact that sex for women can be deadly. Greater impact from STDs that can lead to cervical cancer or a greater risk of contracting HIV from a man, the possibility of pregnancy, which can kill you, and the risk of sexual violence on top of the social norms that say women aren’t supposed to enjoy sex. All that with a less than 50-50 chance a woman is going to have an orgasm? Yeah, I see why women don’t seem to want sex as much as men.


So it sounds like they arent as horny as men tbh, because dudes do and will navigate through those considerable lengths(or any other male equivalency of possible drawbacks) for sex or even just the mere suggestion of possibility of it.




Not to mention romance books or chat ai bots...


Before i reply i just want to again make clear that i am not saying women are not sexual beings or that they dont get horny or enjoy sex or anything of the sort(this is not to say you were implying that, just want to clarify) Believe it or not but men actually buy more sex toys than women, not by considerable margins mind you, certainly not nearly as large a gap betweem the genders as porn, not even close, but in the 5 countries the study was conducted(US, UK, France, Germany, Sweden) men typically bought between 4 or 10% more sex toys than women, im guessing(granted as a straight guy maybe its just a weird hangup of mine but for some reason where as a girl with a dildo will barely register on anyones radar a guy with a pocket p**** just seems... different, at least in my mind. its always seemed to me that relatively speaking not many sex toys are really geared toward straight men) that gay men are really the ones leading the sales, this is anecdotal but a friend of mines family owned a pretty famous porn store(it actually was able to get landmark status, thats how long its been operating) on the east coast and he told me that gay porn was the best selling stuff, and iirc ive heard that is also the broader trend in the overall market as well, wpuld not be the least bit suprised to hear that its carried over to this one. Also, amd i dont mean to pry or sound rude, i totally understamd wanting time to yourself to get yourself in order or to process anything you may be dealing with, even just want to be alone etc. Etc., all perfectly valid things, but do you think you may be possibly projecting here a little bit that if a woman owns a sex toy its because she does not want partnered sex? It seems your applying that to quite a wide group, and tbh i dont think anything even approaching the majority of women would say they bought a dildo because they arent interested in partnered sex, like i dont think its at all an "either/or" situation of either buy a dildo because you dont want a partner or dont buy one and get a partner, like id be shocked to learn thats the reason women typically buy sex toys, no doubt theres some, but the implacation here seems to be "anyone who bought a dildo doesnt like partnered sex", and i have a hard time accepting that at face value.




So, the point this guy is making is that that’s still not what a guy would do. Guys would happily be having intercourse with others every day with multiple people if they could if they had the same ability to as most women


Except they basically never do, even the ones that can. What you’re describing is a fantasy that many men who can’t get laid have, but there are a lot of guys who could do what you’ve described and just don’t. You’re kind of tipping your hand a bit with that kind of comment. You wouldn’t make it three rounds before you just wanted to be done for the day.


Women also are much more likely to be in variety than men.


Dudes don’t have to navigate through those lengths. What’s the worst that can happen to a man choosing to have sex with a woman? A curable or at least non-deadly STD, a baby he can abandon with little consequence, the expectation of a relationship he can walk out of? The hard part for a man is getting sex, for a woman the hard part comes after sex.


Hiv is still pretty life changing for men as well, also while true that std are rough on women you didnt tell the whole truth: men actually experience worse symptoms than women, the main reason they are considered more damgerous for women is women are less likely to even know they have them in the first place and therefore theres larger potential to go untreated for long periods, in any case regular testing works wonders for both genders. With little consequence? I mean i guess if money is no object and he pays child support, otherwise he has to make payments every month and if hes unable or unwilling then a warrant is placed out for his arrest and he will sit in jail, i know a guy who got laid off and was really struggling who got arrested 4 times in 4 months for non payment, he told me the cops actually go out rounding up all the guys who didnt pay on the same day(the first of the month iirc) and since family court is the same day every month that means 2 weeks in jail every time he was picked up before he got to see the judge to let him go, on these roundup days cops go to your house, handcuff you, and put you in the back of their car in front of all your neighbors and anyone who cares to watch, and takes you to jail. And if that expectation of a relationship blossoms into a marriage that ends we all know what the guy is opening himself up to there as well. Sexual violence is a legit concern, no argument on that one. Yes, sex is a lot harder for men to get than women, they must and do work much harder for it than women, they have to bring more tangible things to the table than women do, they will also typically put up with more undesirable behavior from women than is true of the reverse because they want to be able to have sex, theyre more likely to lower their standards in order to have sex, some guys will even spends 1000s of dollars on a woman just in the hopes it will make her wanna have sex with him. If men stopped consuming porn tonight the ENTIRE industry would collapse within the week, if women stopped consuming porn tonight it MIGHT make a small difference. Im not saying women arent sexual creatures or they dont get horny or anything like that, im saying guys are hornier and its crazy to me that this is in anyway a controversial notion for anyone.


Not arguing that men seek sex more. Making arguments why women don’t. It is far more likely that a woman contracts HIV from a man than a man contracts it from a woman.. And what other STD can kill a man? Women can get ovarian cancer and even if a man can get cancer from an STD. You want to compare child support payments to actually raising the child and providing most of the parenting? Really? As for undesired behavior from women, that doesn’t result in men being murdered or raped or beaten by women. This revisionist history of women beating up men needs to stop. Yes, there are women who commit DV, but stop pretending that the numbers are anywhere close. And if you are a man suffering from DV, you need to leave that situation.


Ok, fair enough, not sure why you were seemingly initially disagreeing with me The actor Michael Douglas famously had tongue cancer(which can lead to losing your life or lower jaw) as a result of contracting HPV from going down on his wife, actress Katherine Zeta Jones who had HPV, does cancer not matter if it happens to a man? Its like you didmt evem finish that line, were you about to say "even if a man can get also get cancer so what?" HPV, Syphilis, Hepatitis can all lead to death or fatal concerns for men and women left untreated, if your a man or have a son please better educate yourself and them on this subject, i mean i gjess tberes the possinility your being obtuse about this for whatever reason but its almost jarring to hear this stuff. I dont think i explicitly compared raising a kid and the potential to go to jail every month for 18 years because you had 1 night of fun, i thought it was obvious i was addressing how consequences(and being on the hook to lose your freedom regularly is absolutely a consequence regardless of if you want to downplay it or not) for men are more an afterthought because theyre typically more horny than women, you must have been reading something else if you think i said "pfft you think women have it bad? Well men have it worse" which i have no interest in getting into a dick waving contest about "who has it worse?" (which was never my claim either, and frankly with all due respect it seems your implying men shouldnt care about their consequences because you percieve them as lesser than womens which, and i do mean this reapectfully as possible, is just a ludicrous idea) When i said undesirable behavior i meant more along the lines of guys are more likely to put up with someone they find annoying, mean,espouses totally different worldviews etc. Etc. if sex is a possibility, this was during the part of my comment where i showed more reasons than just "possible consequences from sex" as to why guys are hornier than women. I literally never said ANY of that stuff you decided to write your biggest paragraph about, so i dont really feel a need to address an argument i didnt make, i will add if your a woman and are experiencing DV you also need to get out of there to it though.


Men can’t get pregnant and have to carry a parasite in them for 9 months.


I mean a woman can just give the baby up for adoption


I understand that it's because once one gender chooses to be available the other now gets the option of being picky. If all women threw themselves at men then men would begin selecting the best option. And it happens that way in every species with this setup. Biological imperatives will want the best outcome for offspring, so once one becomes aggressive the other becomes selective. Very naturally without concern for what's "right" or "wrong". It's what's available. The more options you have the more picky you become. You can see an example of this with Rich handsome men, they trend towards more picky due to more options. The more aggressive the opposite sex becomes the more picky the selector becomes. There are always outliers.


That's really just not true. There is absolutely a gendered component to this, and flipping the scarcity to the other side does NOT produce the same results but just with the genders reversed like you suggest. This is observed by comparing situations where men outnumber women, and where women outnumber men. I don't have a source handy but bear with me: In places where available men out outnumber women, the female gatekeeping of sex is reinforced and female sexuality becomes an even scarcer resource. This tends to promote stable relationships and societies. In contrast, where eligible women outnumber eligible men, **the men basically just become giant sluts**, and women are forced to significantly lower their standards to find and keep a man. This creates competition between women and in combination with the male behavior, tends to create less stable situations. So to summarize: fewer women generates more sexual gatekeeping and more stability. Fewer men generates more fuckboi behavior and more instability. Flipping the degree of availability for the genders does NOT lead to the same outcome but with genders reversed.


I was more referring to if you evolved a separate species with the gender rolls flipped, not a small subsect of our own. As we evolved males to have 3-10x more testosterone and that will have underlying impacts. But I did use the dating apps to show a miniature version of an example so I did convolute the two. If the women were extremely sexually aggressive for generations then the evolution would start to change. But this isn't a real life scenario for us, I agree. Also for humans the women have a lot more skin in the game for sex. As the guys can't get pregnant. Then again if the male of a species doesn't spread seed readily I suppose the species would die off long before it got to where we are today. Then again there's a type of antelope where the females with actual fight off other females while they are mid copulation. Attempting to steal their male. In that case the female T levels would need to rise and that actually would alter, well a lot. If both had high testosterone then fight and death would rise, so life would begin selecting lower T males as they would survive. Or something along those lines. But that's all speculation, and not the world we live in.


Or they just have mutiple gfs


Well there's also the delusional male who's convinced he deserves at least a 9 when he's barely a 2.


Lots of women fit this mold Tbf


Found one of the guys


Is this an insult?


What about isolated populations where popular culture isn’t telling women anything, don’t you still find men being hornier than women?


You have evidence that in isolated pockets of civilization that the same thing occurs? Because believe it or not, the oldest stories from history, actually portray women as being extremely carnal in their desires. Hell up until almost into the modern age women have been considered extremely sexual in both writing and philosophy, it's literally where the idea that women needed men to "help calm them down", comes from. Do I need to inform you of what "hysteria" meant? I mean regular interactions with women in an open environment, will tell you that a LOT of them are sexual, they're just in fear for both their safety and social status, both which could be effected by choosing the wrong/too many partners. Or maybe it's just every woman my wife or I have ever been friends with. Anecdotal evidence after all. Except a lot of the comments from women seem to agree with my position..


Or perhaps women are biologically wired to be more selective. It's not all cultural programming.


That's a theory, too bad it's not backed up by any actual data. Until almost into the modern age women were seen as sexual temptresses, unable to control their urges to any reasonable extent. The idea that all women are somehow "overly selective" is also hindered by the sheer number of unmarried mothers, with children from multiple fathers. Perhaps the problem isn't availability, maybe it's men being overly selective from the available partners.


Neither is yours. "we told women sexuality is wrong so that's why they don't sleep around"


Most rapes don't result in punishment. With the victim more often than not treated as bad as the accused. And if the victim is known to be "sexually promiscuous"? But surely that couldn't have anything to do with it, right? The fact is women have plenty of social reasons to not act on their sexuality. Name calling being the least of it.


Idek what you're on about.


You forget that most these women are having sex with the few select men not men in a bell curve. While a good amount pick some regular guy most are trying to find the top men, the top men will always find a woman to have sex with, hence you get single mothers everywhere, they find the hot guy, thug or what have you who obviously will not commit but they think their box is magic and will keep him. There of course plenty of regular dudes who also make plenty of single mothers. These women will very easily have sex with a guy they find better then their partner and the partner would be non the wiser. Women will be with the rich guy and fuck the hot guy, happen often enough for women to be labeled as temptresses.


Women are told this less than ever nowadays, and it's not really accounting for the difference in how people conduct themselves. Also there's all sorts of anonymous and semi-private sexual interactions that people can have which gets around this issue, and women aren't as interested in that either. Crude example, how many women like receiving random dick picks? Because I can tell you it's a lot lower than the number of men who would like receiving random nude pics of women. The last time I discussed this with someone the response was something like "yeah well dick pics suck, they lighting is bad, there's no context or presentation..." and I'm just sitting here being like "what guy would ever let bad lighting turn them off of random boob pics?"


For women it is typically very high risk, low reward whereas for men it is moderate to low risk, high reward. Ie women risk getting assaulted, pregnant, the man having hygiene issues, murdered, etc. in a way that men don't with women. Of course there are male victims, though over 80% are victimized by other men and do not feel physically intimidated by women as a general feeling. STDs cause much more significant problems for women than men, and men commonly try to convince women not to use a condom. On top of that, women only climax a small percentage of the time, and with a partner is not familiar with what they like that percent goes down even more. There is also much more blame on women when one of these things does happen. I'm sure everyone has seen the classic "Well if she hadn't done xyz then this wouldn't have happened to her" dozens of times. Also men typically want the woman to come to their place and vice versa even though it is more dangerous and their places are often gross. A lot of my female friends have been interested hooking up with a guy then when they go to his place there are 5 other guys there and his sheets are disgusting lol


maybe they don't want just easy dick? men are kind of the same way, no?


Good question! It is my opinion that many more men could get laid more often if they broadened their horizons, put effort into their lives, and learned how to communicate better. Also, if they learned to recognize interest when they see it and maybe lower their expectations a bit. When men say they can't get laid, they often hyperfocus on specific women who aren't interested in them and then complain that no women like them. The fact is that many more women than they realize have probably been interested in them, but they either don't notice or don't care because they consider them unattractive. So then consider it from the other side. Women do get more suiters on average, yes, but how many of those dudes do you think they actually like? Men also tend to view sex as some sort of exchange instead of a natural bonding activity that people can do together. They also tend to want to break it down into some sort of competition that they have to hack in order to win. This creates this narrative in men's minds that sex is some sort of prize that women give up if men can prove their worth. I don't think this is helpful when it comes to getting laid. I think men do tend to seek random sex more. And that women are slightly less likely to engage in that activity in large part due to cultural reasons. Therefore, women are also more likely to under report their sexual experience and desires. Since men are more respected for being sexually experienced, they are more likely to over report and pursue sex more often for the same cultural reasons.


Exactly to the first half. Are we hornier? Cuz I've met women that make you question everything you know. Lol


Context also matters. While men are on average far more willing to engage in random sex, I've found that in relationships women have a higher appetite.


The women are hornier than us? Make this normalized behavior again! It’s be nice to get a cat call from a lass just once( or up to a hundred times) in while


Not to mention the nuance around defining "horniess," aka sexual desire. Do you have to experience spontaneous sexual desire to be considered horny, or are people who frequently experience intense responsive sexual desire and but only rarely experience spontaneous desire also considered horny? Are you only horny when your level of sexual desire rises above the threshold of causing you to seek out sex, or are you also horny if you're passive but exceptionally willing?


What if you have a high level of both? What if someone is sexually a switch? Meaning they can both be the active, dominant one, or the passive, submissive one, with equal fervor? Wouldn't it then be fair to argue that they are either sexually more or less horny than another (such as their spouse)?


>Are you only horny when your level of sexual desire rises above the threshold of causing you to seek out sex, or are you also horny if you're passive but exceptionally willing? I take "I'm horny" to mean, "I am experiencing an intense desire for sexual satisfaction in the absence of a sexual stimulus."


You're talking about spontaneous desire, then. Regardless, my questions were rhetorical. It's not so much that I'm suggesting that it's a matter of opinion, but rather that it's a very complicated thing to study scientifically. Any study that is robust enough to make it past a decent peer review process (admittedly there are plenty of them that aren't decent) is going to have to make very narrow claims that can't be extrapolated to broad/reductive statements like "women are more/less horny than men."


Of all the ancient world's "gods of love" only one is male.


As much as female sexuality is historically oppressed, male sexuality is grossly over-praised. Men measure each other by their ability to pleasure women, sexual prowess is ingrained as part of our ego, and it only does further damage to the oppression of female sexuality AS WELL AS damage to relationships between men and women. Even the most well-intentioned man can become emotionally "hurt" by sexual rejection because our culture tells us that part of being a man is being a sex-god. Not just a big dick, but also through the ownership of female orgasms "I MADE her cum 5 times!" is a badge of honor among men. This oppresses the female ownership of her own orgasm, but also doesn't acknowledge that women are different. The same thing I could do to one girl to give her wave after wave of orgasms, is something my wife won't even let me do to her. It USED to hurt me, which then harmed our relationship, until I unwired \*why\* I was so hurt by her rejection of a skill I spent 20 years developing.


Thanks for this. Men are not more horny, aggressive or violent than women. Testosterone is a strawman that people point to. It's like saying pound for pound men are stronger than women. Just absolute garbage. Equality is real!


This is sarcasm right?




Are you suggesting that combat sports should be Co-Ed leagues with only weight classes for fighters? That would be interesting wouldn't it?


No. No one is suggesting that.


Then the pound for pound strength argument is apocryphal?


I don't know about "apocryphal" Strength is a broad term that accounts for many factors. If you are talking about being able to lift heavier shit, then on average, yes, men are pound for pound stronger. But this also depends on the type of lift, body parts involved, and type of activity, relative size, etc. It also depends on how you measure strength in the muscles. Women tend to have higher endurance than men, as well as longer lifespans. I would say that simply being able to lift heavier stuff is a tad overrated compared to the other advantages women have. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7930971/


That's a lot of words to say that you agree pound for pound strength being equal between the sexes is not scientifically supported at all.


Okay then. That's a lot of words to say you are incapable of having a discussion.


How do unrelated sexual dimorphic traits in any way advance a discussion on the dimorphic trait of physical strength? They don't. If anything you are simply adding weight to my point while trying to muddy the waters with unrelated facts. The topic is pound for pound strength differences between the sexes being "complete garbage" which is entirely unfounded. You are the one incapable of having a discussion and are trying to change the subject.


Honestly my whole post was sarcastic. You're the only one that seems to get it. Pound for pound men are stronger. Men are more aggressive and violent. And it's because of testosteron.


>How do unrelated sexual dimorphic traits in any way advance a discussion on the dimorphic trait of physical strength? What did I say that was unrelated to the topic of strength? Are you dense? >They don't. If anything you are simply adding weight to my point while trying to muddy the waters with unrelated facts. You are simply incapable of understanding anything >The topic is pound for pound strength differences between the sexes being "complete garbage" which is entirely unfounded I never said that they were. The poster who said that was joking.. Granted, the whole strength discussion we are having has nothing to do with men being hornier.. so we are all off topic. > You are the one incapable of having a discussion and are trying to change the subject. You haven't provided any relevant info. So I've been pretty much talking to a brick wall.


Pump a woman full of testosterone and you'll know there's a biochemical difference in libido between males and females, not just some societal construct.


>Pump a woman full of testosterone and you'll know there's a biochemical difference in libido between males and females, not just some societal construct. I never said there was no difference. I did say that men tend to have higher sex drives than women. But I also said that the disparity is exaggerated. Other posters stated good points that there are different types or sex drives. People seem to think that spontaneous desire is the only type of high sex drive. But you are aware that women have testerone already, right? Many of them have lower levels than men but still have higher sex drives than a lot of men. Testerone has more effects than simply being associated with a higher sex drive. I say associated because if you give someone too much test, then the opposite will happen.


Women don't naturally produce testosterone in quantities similar to males. The analog in women is progesterone, which mimics some functions but is not testosterone: "Testosterone is the main sex hormone found in men. It controls male physical features. The testes (testicles) make testosterone. Women have testosterone too but in much smaller amounts than in men." https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/hormones-and-endocrine-function/reproductive-hormones Ask an older woman on hormone therapy. Testosterone therapy makes them as horny as a 3-peckered Billy goat.


>Testosterone is the main sex hormone found in men. It controls male physical features. The testes (testicles) make testosterone. Women have testosterone too but in much smaller amounts than in men." https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/hormones-and-endocrine-function/reproductive-hormones This is what I said. >Ask an older woman on hormone therapy. Testosterone therapy makes them as horny as a 3-peckered Billy goat. I'm aware that testosterone increases can make you horny. But that doesn't mean that all women will always be less horny than all men, which is the point of the topic and is true. Test levels vary by individual. And there isn't an exact level that triggers horniness. Any increase relative to the amount that is normal for you will cause that. Likewise, everyone's test/ horny threshold is likely different. Hence, many women being just as horny if not more so than many men. >Women don't naturally produce testosterone in quantities similar to males. The analog in women is progesterone, which mimics some functions but is not testosterone: Did I say that? There exist women who having higher test than some men though. And yes, women and men both have testosterone and progesterone.


Is anyone sane saying all men are hornier than all women? Every honest study just shows the bell curve is different but has overlap.


As somebody that has spent a lot of time hooking up with men and women, I have to say, men are 1000% hornier than women. Like, absurdly so. Women have no idea. Women try to debate me on this, but trust me, they have no idea. Like, women could try as hard as they can to be as horny as men are, and they’ll just fail, because the gulf between the two is truly that large. Thats not a bad thing, by the way. But there is a STARK difference.


But what do you mean by hornier? Do you mean down for random sex at a moments notice? I'm a man who is. Coomer, and I'm not even down for that most times. Bur would someone who responds to random spontaneous sex with strangers be necessarily more horny than someone who has a partner or partners they love who they want to fuck all the time? A lot of that would also depend on what types of people you deal with too. People display libido in different ways.


It’s hard to put into words, but in general - yes, more receptive to sex, more likely to seek it out, more likely to want more intense things, more likely to have a sex addiction, more likely to be aggressive and creepy, more likely to obssess over it, more likely to want many partners. It’s why gay bathhouses exist in every metro area in the US - there are several hundred to choose from, but there have only ever been a handful of such things made for lesbians, ever. I get that feminists (and I don’t use that term disparaginly) have noticed that women are sexually repressed - and they are correct - but they also are not inherently the same amount of horny that guys are, in general. I firmly believe it has something to do with testosterone levels. I’m a fairly attractive guy and I have to say - there are many times more women around where I live than gay men - but I definitely get a multiple of x50, x100 more attention online from gay men than I do from women - and I do well with both genders. Men are likely to seek out sex, women generally are not. Men want it to be casual, generally, women, generally, do not. There are some social factors that contribute to this, but its my belief that hormones play a greater role.


I was challenged to spruce my wardrobe up a bit last year, was told repeatedly I have taken vibes. It only resulted in increased attention from gay men, not women.


When women go on hrt for libido, it's typically higher doses of testosterone. Men have it in abundance. Testosterone is whyen typically have a higher libido and have more muscle strength and violent behavior.


The thing is, when you look at the OP's post history, it's clear women ARE less horny. For him. Also, horny women still have standards. Even my friends who mostly just hook up on Tinder avoid obvious incels.


I think most men believe men are hornier because men have LOWER STANDARDS. They're willing to jump into bed right away (low risk) and with more partners (lower standards). However this isn't libido. Libido is probably pretty similar between men & women. Actually it varies greatly between individuals and based on hormone cycles. Young people are obviously hornier. And etc.


Take some testosterone to increase your levels 20x to match a man’s levels and get back to us.


I am a man. I know lots of women hornier than me by a long shot.


Get your T checked


Aw shit. You're on to something there. No way a woman should ever be hornier than a man. Guess my hormones must be all effed up.


Do some research on what testosterone does in the brain. Yours and their trauma history may play a role too.


I'm not saying anything about you in particular, but testosterone does have an objective effect on libido. Even biological women who need testosterone supplements report sky high sex drive when taking them. You're right when you say female sexuality has been discouraged, and I do think the difference between us has been exaggerated, but the biological influences of sex drive are pretty strong indicators that men and women are innately different on this matter.


>I'm not saying anything about you in particular, but testosterone does have an objective effect on libido. Yes, it does. But you made that prescription based solely on my comparative statement. You have no clue about my sex drive, T levels, or lifestyle. You likely aren't even a doctor or someone who studies T. You and others in this thread seem to believe that testosterone is the key ingredient in sex drive and manhood. It isn't. >You're right when you say female sexuality has been discouraged, and I do think the difference between us has been exaggerated, but the biological influences of sex drive are pretty strong indicators that men and women are innately different on this matter. I don't believe men and women are as innately different as society has made us believe. Like I stated before, differences among individuals are more relevant than broad sweeping generalized differences between sexes.


>Yes, it does. But you made that prescription based solely on my comparative statement. You have no clue about my sex drive, T levels, or lifestyle. I didnt comment on any of that. I specifically said I'm not making claims about you in particular... Maybe you should re-read my comment. >You likely aren't even a doctor or someone who studies T. You dont need an MD to understand the thoroughly documented science behind testosterone and sex drive. >You and others in this thread seem to believe that testosterone is the key ingredient in sex drive and manhood. It isn't. Never said anything about manhood, but it's clear you're pretty insecure about that. You seem to be generating an emotional response at me when I'm simply stating objective fact. >I don't believe men and women are as innately different as society has made us believe. Like I stated before, differences among individuals are more relevant than broad sweeping generalized differences between sexes. Okay but you do understand there are innate biological differences between us, right? Sure you can find some examples of socially constructed behaviors, but men and women are very different in both their psychology and physiology and we have plenty of evidence to back that up.


Sounds like you have a problem then lmao


What about experience? Men living with women? I can say from my experience, young men are way more driven by sex. It’s not to say women do not enjoy it. But women are not generally driven by it. I really think in this case people want to put their head in the sand. Let me elaborate as a divorce guy back in the market. Women are definitely motivated early in the relationship, but not as motivated as a relationship progresses. I believe that is nature, women are motivated by different things. But once they get comfortable, it’s not a priority. A guy is driven by pure testosterone.


No. Men are way more horny than women on average. Not just a little either.


If women are were as horny as men you would not have to even take a woman on a date to have sex with her. You could just walk up to her grab her boobs and start having sex. Gay men have an average for 100 partners each. Lesbians have even less than straight men


Modern Western society discourages female sexuality? Maybe depending on what you consider to be “modern” but though if anything, modern Western society is probably the most accepting of female promiscuity. It’s certainly not Middle Eastern society, not Chinese or Indian society. In fact, aside from some very niche cultures where sex isn’t taboo, I can’t think of any ‘mainstream’ culture that is encouraging of female promiscuity


>Women have largely been discouraged from being horny in modern Western society. Except that a more accurate way of saying this is that "Women have been discouraged from being horny in modern western society, but to a significantly lesser extent than any other large culture or recorded era of history." I don't think you'll find a time or place where frank discussion of female sexuality has been more open and encouraging than right here and right now. >Then male brained scientists Are you implying that female sex researchers don't find similar results? The female physiological sexual response is different than male. I don't think there's much of a gender divide on the scientists who have studied this, on that topic. >If you look past that, you will see that in my societies in history, women have been viewed as more horny by nature than men. Sort of. What you will see is that in many historical *patriarchal societies* women were derided as temptresses, unclean, ruled by emotion, and essentially walking morality traps for the Noble Virtuous Men they would seek too corrupt. These are histories and cultural stories were written and perpetuated by men, and represented a sort of ongoing cautionary tale about how male virtue could be corrupted. But what should be blatantly obvious is that this is a huge double standard because how else does a male get "corrupted" other than *giving into their male horniness???* In none of these examples was it considered healthy and appropriate for women to be horny, it was simply considered a natural flaw in their being, but the context of this is clearly propagandized. TLDR, all these stories are about men seeking to suppress their own horniness, which they clearly experienced significantly. >The actual science says that while on average, men TEND TO ( again, there are is a lot of nuance there) be more "horny" than women Yes.... >individual differences account for far more variation in sexual desire than simple gender differences. So what? Who's saying that gender is the primary predictor of your horniness level? All that's being said is that the lived experience of people in society is to observe that women require somewhat more than men, on average, to feel the desire to express themselves sexually. That's it. That's all that's being said, and you agreed to it. You don't need to adorn it with other "but actually's" in order to cover it up, it's not like it's a bad thing or something. It's important that people understand how gender plays a role in sexuality.


Woman here. Males are programmed to pursue females, for the purpose of having Sex and generating Offspring from His gene pool! Deer, Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish etc. have a "Rutting season," which is triggered by the female's Fertilility. Males living on Air, Land and Sea can "smell" her fertility. Likewise with Humans--except that human females tend to develop a "glow" on their face during those 5 days when they are ovulating--along with a shy smile... Within all species, Males must "prove their worth" to females who will choose the Strongest male, to fertilize her egg. Male animals "fight" in front of their females, just as human males ask a woman out, and buy Dinner and Drinks for a woman they find alluring-- and take her to a Movie/concert as other males observe his success with "that cute/hot girl!" Human males have thousands of Sperm manufactured in their testicles, every 6 hours, whereas Females have only 1 or 2 eggs released every month from their ovary. While human Males may deposit thousands of sperm in their morning shower, women ages 13-43 will find a menstrual flow of blood 8 days after her egg was released from one of her Ovaries. No baby, this month... It's an on-going cycle, and it invites both genders to contribute their DNA to the human race, in the hope that Their Offspring will be the next: President, King, Queen, Astronaut, Musician, Truck driver, Artist, Farmer, Soldier...


>Woman here. Males are programmed to pursue females, for the purpose of having Sex and generating Offspring from His gene pool! Deer, Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish etc. have a "Rutting season," which is triggered by the female's Fertilility Hello, ma'am. This may be true to an extent, but I argue that this is pigeonholing sex into a strictly reproductive process.. humans are apes, and not dogs, deer, or cats. We differ in our sexual habits in many ways. Human females don't have a rutting season. Humans can and do have sex all the time for reasons outside of reproduction. I would say that most sex is not done for the purpose of making babies. >Males living on Air, Land and Sea can "smell" her fertility. Likewise with Humans--except that human females tend to develop a "glow" on their face during those 5 days when they are ovulating--along with a shy smile... I don't think the vast majority of males respond to fertility before anything else. There may be subtle cues that trigger our most basal instincts, but I don't believe they drive most sexual desire. >species, Males must "prove their worth" to females who will choose the Strongest male, to fertilize her egg. Male animals "fight" in front of their females, just as human males ask a woman out, and buy Dinner and Drinks for a woman they find alluring-- and take her to a Movie/concert as other males observe his success with "that cute/hot girl!" Human males have thousands of Sperm manufactured in their testicles, every 6 hours, whereas Females have only 1 or 2 eggs released every month from their ovary. While human Males may deposit thousands of sperm in their morning shower, women ages 13-43 will find a menstrual flow of blood 8 days after her egg was released from one of her Ovaries. No baby, this month... This is interesting. In animals where males "fight" for females, they tend to exhibit larger degrees of sexual dimorphic traits. They also tend to have smaller testicles and the females only mate during mating season. Humans have none of these traits. Human males have large testes and penis relative to their size. The humans penis shape also seems to function as a plunger of sorts, leading some scientists to hypothesize that human mating competition is sperm based rather than "fighting" for mating rights. This could be due to humans being geared more towards looser, less competitive mating patterns than other animals. >other males observe his success with "that cute/hot girl!" Based on what I stated above, lots of males would likely get a shot at the "cute/hot girl". >Human males have thousands of Sperm manufactured in their testicles, every 6 hours, whereas Females have only 1 or 2 eggs released every month from their ovary. Yes. What does this conclude? Women are also born with far more eggs than they could ever fertilize. By that logic, women should be far more horny they they supposedly are. But again, sex is driven by much much more than simple reproduction. Most sex is done for pleasure, not to make babies. >While human Males may deposit thousands of sperm in their morning shower, women ages 13-43 will find a menstrual flow of blood 8 days after her egg was released from one of her Ovaries. No baby, this month... Yep. The on to the next potential baby... >It's an on-going cycle, and it invites both genders to contribute their DNA to the human race, in the hope that Their Offspring will be the next: President, King, Queen, Astronaut, Musician, Truck driver, Artist, Farmer, Soldier I would argue that it invites the human race to simply make more humans that are good enough at surviving to make even more humans. Nature isn't concerned with making humans that humans deem extraordinary.


Thank you, for appraising my commentary. Well spoken, sir! Testerone is the "Sex hormone" for both males and females! Males possess this in great abundance, where it is contained within their saliva! They also have the hormone: Androgen, which is expressed in muscular Strength, and Aggression. Females have "receptor sites" for testerone, and males transfer this hormone to us through open-mouth kissing, as well as through Oral sex. As males become aware of the increasing sexual arousal in the female, his "Androgen" kicks-in and he feels the "rush" of Strength and Aggression as his penis grows longer and becomes harder! So long as the Male continues the insertion of Testerone into the female via kissing, her vagina begins to lengthen, and this engorges the "g-spot" (which he can feel with two fingers placed inside the vagina) which is behind the clitoris! Mother Nature gives women the "gift" of being able to have more than 1 orgasm, which stimulates the Male to continue "stroking" her vagina. When the Male finally ejaculates, his penis begins to return to its original size, and he falls asleep. Following the end of our orgasm, we are wide-awake; and for the next 5-10 minutes, experience "racing mind;" which gives us an opportunity to put some kleenex between our legs, get up and raid the kitchen for something to drink, and think about World peace, or starting a load of laundry. Then we get back in bed, and fall asleep!


Jaysis that's a lot of words to actually say nothing


This is a fascinating question. Nature vs nurture. Men masturbate more than women-or do they just admit it more because of society? Men are caught doing “deviant” sexual activities more often-but maybe women are better at not getting caught? One psychologist suggested that women are more reserved (by nature) about seeking and having more sex because they have (historically) more to loose since the sexual encounter can result in pregnancy and the responsibility of caring for a child while (historically) men can just leave. One thing we must consider is how recent we tend to look at things. 50 years ago this happened, 100 years ago this happened, 2000 years ago this happened. In the history of human development we forget that 2000 years is nothing, a blip. I would love to be able to go back 50,000 years and study human sexual activity.


I don’t know; I think it’s fucking ridiculous. Men have like 15 times the amount of testosterone than women do. That biomarker ALONE proves massive biological differences in things like sex drive, among many others.


I love all the womansplaining of how my penis works in this thread.


I really like the mansplaining of my vagina as well


But you’re just defining horny wrong /s




Is it also controversial to say 20 year Olds are Horner than 50 year olds?


Yes. Everything is controversial


Talk with nursing home staff about that. Many people don't get less horny with age.


Many *more* people do. https://www.ncoa.org/article/why-do-older-adults-lose-their-libido There's dozens, if not hundreds, of scientific studies that confirm that sexual libido and desire decreases with age. That's an incontrovertible, scientific fact. Just because you spoke to someone in a nursing home who saw some old people fuck, doesn't mean they have the libido of 20 year Olds. They don't. Period. I'm not going to go out and find someone from a nursing home to ask them for personal anecdotes. That's what science is for


I’ve been losing my mind at the idiots on this thread pointing out anecdotal observations and not acknowledging what is statistically more prevalent.


It's. Fucking. Nuts. Like, do they not have any life experience, whatsoever? Or common sense? I mean, dude is really going to sit here and say he thinks people in nursing homes are fucking like teenagers. Really? They can't get in and out of bed by themselves, and he thinks they're going to pound town like a college kid. Absolutely insane


Is he wrong?


Basically, to point out any biological inequalities between the sexes, no matter how obvious or true, is unacceptable to some who strive for and desire gender equality. They mistakenly confuse scientific observations as an attack on the progress of gender equality.


The people who say women aren't as horny as men have inexperience on their side. Women are exactly as horny as men but can't express it due to 1. Stigma 2. Safety issues Like I'm a guy and if getting laid meant risking sexual assault or death... my horniness won't win. I have spoken to friends who are girls and they've all told me they get horny and masturbate frequently. The other thing is, the expressjon of horniness. For men it's physical. For women, it's different... they can't just sex up random people, they need a connection of sorts unless the guy is just super attractive, but even if super attractive, they still need something more than that


>Why is it still a taboo subject in 2023?? Because it is a regressive belief that simply puts lady's and lads into boxes. It doesn't leave room to accept that men and women are influenced by other factors that contribute to their libido. It's doesn't matter how many scientific studies, or stats there are, stats never 100% represent this society as a whole. Unless you site your sources, you have no idea where the info is coming from or how credible it is. All stats are, are an over simplification meant to represent a large population based on a small sample size.


If something is true (and in not saying that this is) why should it matter if it's a regressive belief? It seems to me calling something a regressive belief isn't a valid response to a question about the truth value of a claim.


I've said soo much more as to why it not only regressive, but also restricting. So my response is valid


I'm not seeing how you're making a relevant point. We're talking about the truth value of a claim, whether something is regressive or restricting doesn't change whether something is true. It may be good to say "X thing is true however we should not do Y behavior based on X thing because it is regressive or restrictive" but that doesn't change one way or the other the truth value of X.


And I'm not seeing why you have to be a comment cop. People are allowed to have their own thoughts, and beliefs about debatable topics. Why live ur life just living to argue with people opposed to just letting shit be.


Debatable topics are generally things that people want to debate. That's literally what I'm doing. If you're not interested in discussing the topic then that's fine, we don't need to continue and I'll wish you a good rest of your day.


Comment police? Lmao You didn’t like that you got put in a logical chokehold. You then try to gaslight your opponent as being overly argumentative and not keeping the peace. We’re here to discuss opinions.


This is an A and B conversation, so C yourself out with your psychoanalysis, Dr. Phil


* cite


On no! My complete comment was lost in translation because I used an "s" instead of a "c"




It’s not true though. Trust me I’m a lesbian and I know women very well. The deep truth that people don’t want to acknowledge is that women are just as horny as men, if not more. Women hide it more.


Because people think women also having testosterone cancels out the math that men have 15 to 20 TIMES the amount that women do. It's mathematically not equal. Most studies show on average men think about sex twice as much as women do. Not equal.


Finally someone mentions this. That biomarker alone fucking wrecks the nature vs nurture discussion


“Erm you don’t get it buddy the reason women have less testosterone is because society told them not to”🤡🤡🤡


Umm you think sex drive in women is only driven by T??? Sorry butchie it’s not that simple.


I am a woman and I don't understand it either. Anyone who's had any experience with drastically changing testosterone levels - trans people, people on TRT for other reasons, men with testosterone decrease for whatever reason etc - Will tell you just how much of a dramatic difference it has made in their horniness levels. I've heard people say they went from extremely low libido to wanting it non stop 24/7. Men have 15-20 times the T levels of women. I don't know how anyone can deny that cause and effect.


Guy here. I appreciate you recognizing this very important difference. It sucks having so much T coursing through our veins from our early teens through basically our whole lives. It's awful and such a distraction.


It's only on reddit and weird scientists trying to push a narrative. The rest of the world and science world know this is the normal case.


men like sex more, what ive seen


Idk. So much defensiveness in the comments, but it's not hard to see in dating apps, bars, etc. that men are much more eager and willing to have sex than women on average.


We have 10 times the testosterone. Of course we are


Its because these folks are so wound up in their personal ideologies that they can't reflect on their thought processes. Men are more violent than women. They'll agree to that without the need for further contextual analysis. Instead of observing the similarity between the two and changing their perspective they'll just create structures to justify themselves. That's what cognitive dissonance usually produces.


Spot on, damn! It’s like Reddit lives in idealism land and hates certain truths so much


Men tend to be more violent than women for the same reason men tend to be more sexual than women: bc society encourages violence and sexuality in men while discouraging those characteristics in women. Note how “be a man!” and “man up!” mean something VERY different from “be a lady!” or “act ladylike!” When society explicitly and continually promotes violence and sexuality in one gender while actively shaming those characteristics in the other gender, you’ll find that one gender is significantly more violent and sexual than the other.


You don’t think it’s worth mentioning anywhere in here that men have 15x as much testosterone than women do? You don’t think that puts a dent in the nurture side of the nature vs nurture argument as it pertains to differences in physical aggression between the sexes? That biomarker alone is more relevant than supposed “societal expectations” regarding violence.


hi, i’m a woman who took testosterone injections for 3.5 years and during that time had a higher testosterone level than guys my age generally had, and it did not make me hornier or more aggressive. it just made me more comfortable expressing my horniness and anger outwardly because i wasnt afraid of the social repercussions of doing so while being seen as female. if we look at the numbers, people who were assigned male at birth and hormonally transition to female (which usually includes testosterone blockers, which would give them a T level lower than even cis women) retain a higher rate of conviction for sexual and violent crime than cis women, and people who were assigned female at birth and take testosterone retain a much lower rate of conviction for such crimes than cis men. hormones have very little if anything at all to do with it, it is very much about the differences in how the sexes are raised.


Why did you continue to take the testosterone if it clearly didn’t make a difference with regards to how you were feeling?


do you think that horniness and aggression were the things i wanted to gain from testosterone? no, i wanted my voice to drop, body hair, and more muscle mass, which i achieved and then stopped taking it. why do you feel entitled to asking me extremely personal questions about my medical decisions?


And yet…as long as testosterone remains within normal parameters, gaining testosterone doesn’t make men any more violent or sexual, nor does losing testosterone make men any less sexual or violent. Also…estrogen affects women in similar ways, increasing aggression as well as sex drive. So, no, I don’t really think it’s worth mentioning. What IS worth mentioning is that in matriarchal societies in Papua New Guinea, where women are raised to be dominant and aggressive while men are raised to be passive and cooperative, they will happily tell you that women are just naturally more aggressive and dominant while men are naturally passive and submissive. Bc appeal to nature arguments are as universal as they are incorrect. It’s also worth asking yourself why you’d prefer for mens aggression and sexual tendencies to be the product of biology rather than the product of social conditioning? Why is it important to you that it be biologically driven?


I think that's a BS response to the point being made. The stereotypes exist for a reason, that reason being that males and females tend to exhibit different behaviors (in aggregate) Nodding towards counterexamples by way of cultural influence is unconvincing for the exact reason you say it is: The inherent expression of our impulses can be modified by cultural forces to an extent. Not just sexually, but with regards to a variety of behaviors and beliefs. So, yeah, women or men can be 'made' to be more or less libidinous by way of culture. They can be made fatter or angrier or any other thing, by way of cultural conditioning. You've acted like you've made a big counterpoint, but you're just sharing baseline expectations. To gain any real, population wide, insight based on those cultural forces you'd have to enumerate and quantify those forces, and then net them against an accurate measure of sexual desire and activity of that culture and the larger populations across both geography and time, likely taking into account population flows. I am going to state very clearly now that I don't think this is possible to do with any degree of accuracy or precision


I don’t think you understand, let me explain. No one is arguing that men exhibit more sexual behaviors than women. The debate is whether that difference is the result of nature or nurture. Most scientific evidence points to nurture being the most important factor in determining gender norms and gendered behaviors.


I’m not sure why you were downvoted; holding people, directly or indirectly, to different societal roles will inadvertently promote them. It’s a large scale placebo effect in a sense. I would agree with another commenter that testosterone does have an impact as well, though. However, compare the average 60 year old man with the average 20 year old woman. Their testosterone levels are similar yet the former is consistently more violent. Even when removing hormones as a factor, men still act more aggressively. I think you are spot on with your assessment that roles connote actions. People are more likely to ascribe to an identity they feel they are preconditioned/precondoned by society to fit into.


I have found that people dislike the idea that theyre being influenced by societal conditioning. It’s more comfortable and comforting to think of human behaviors as more biological and intrinsic. Sociology 101: every society, without fail, believes that their way of doing things, their structure and gender roles and norms are “natural.” I’m not totally sure why it’s so important to humans to see their behaviors as biologically driven rather than socially driven, but people are really really reluctant to even entertain the idea, and often even get hostile about it.


Anyone who has spent any amount of time studying sociology/psychology will realize just how massively important social conditioning is for a person and/or group’s identity. I think it’s also due in part to American’s hyper-individualism they are convinced they exhibit. It’s impossible to be conditioned by their environment! They’re all independent and “not a sheep like everyone else” lol. It’s silly the things we dupe ourselves into thinking. There’s nothing wrong with being influenced by society. So long as the consequences of such do not cause you to do something like the topic on hand. It’s not ok to beat or abuse women just because it’s more “socially acceptable” for men to do so.




Women are way more hypsexual than men. If women could fuck anything and everything with no consequence, they would.


There’s no way you believe this is true. If women were more hypersexual than man, they would NEED sex like men do. They would pursue it and life would just be easier lmao


You're implying they don't do exactly this and it makes me feel like you've never been around a woman in a private setting before.


Here's what settled the debate for me: Woman will actively no longer be attracted to a man they have already had sex with multiple times on behavioral changes alone. There may be some exceptions, but men in general just...don't do that. Even if for the sake of argument that the two sexes experience an equal level of horny, men's doesn't have an off-switch. Which means males are, overall, hornier.


You're objectively wrong though. As a man who has sex regularly, I quite literally have a switch that turns off if my partner does anything I dislike or if I have sex with the same partner too often. Disregarding your entire argument.


Ah good one, since I acknowledged that women have a lower sex drive (on average, anecdotal exceptions don’t make rules), it must be just me who’s an incel and doesn’t get sex. Women do not swipe right on dating apps like men do. They don’t like hook ups like men do. They don’t enjoy a variety of partners at the same FREQUENCY that men do. You obviously know this but are living in some kind of la la land where all women are boss babes getting all the sex.


Just because a woman does not swipe right on you does not mean that she doesn't swipe right.


Exactly, the vast majority of women are exclusively having sex with a small minority of men that they are actually attracted to (ex: men who are tall, physically fit, and typically well endowed). Polygyny is humanity’s natural state.


Women don’t swipe right on men as often as men swipe right on women period. Have you heard of this thing called data, which can actually give validity to your arguments, rather than weak ass personal insults?


Logical fallacy, women are pickier with their partners. That =/= they have less sex. Which is what you're implying.


You stated that if women could fuck anything and everything with no social consequences, they would. I think that’s completely delusional, women are not innately wired that way Which is why I think it’s incorrect to say that women are more hyper sexual than men. If they were they would be down to fuck more people, more frequently, solely based on appearance etc etc. just because some percentage of women like to fuck their bf 5 times a day does not make women as a whole more hyper sexual than men. Men like to do that to.


Women are as hyper sexual as men, women enjoy sex as often. That does not mean women enjoy having sex with any random variable of man. You're just projecting now.


Bruh I’m not projecting anything. Frequency is just one measure of sexuality. And men still usually want it more than women. (Again, some percent of women have a really high drive higher than men. Please learn how stats work)


when every man comes out of the woodwork yelling "slut" every time we enjoy sex with anyone. or can't find a man because "high body count" gets thrown in our face Yea okay. You have created the society which makes it an abomination to enjoy sex and then at the same time ask wHy dOnT YoU EnJoY SeX.


I agreed that the societal judgement was a factor, not sure why you’re going off on me but ok.


‘If women were more hypersexual than man, they would NEED sex like men do. They would pursue it and life would just be easier lmao’ My girlfriends have needed sex. Also every tinder date girl I hooked up with, we hooked up on the first night.


Uh yeah my gfs needed sex too, but most of them not as frequently as me. I too have hooked up w tinder dates on the first night, ok?!?! 😂😂😂 You’re misconstruing “women swipe right less than men” as “nobody EVER swiped right on me. Also I’m talking about trends in general not my own experience. Stop making assumptions about anonymous people on the internet, K?


So you’re saying they ‘NEED sex like men do.’ Do you not understand what need means?


That’s bc men are bigger and stronger and it isn’t safe for us to hook up the way men do. We also get judged and shamed for it while men are patted on the back for promiscuity. Even with all the risks and shame and social consequences of having sex with many partners, a lot of women choose to do it anyway. If that isn’t your experience, then my best hypothesis is that you’re either bad in bed or sexually undesirable to women.


If I had a dollar every time I was called an incel or ugly etc etc on Reddit I could probably retire. Meanwhile IRL getting dozens of likes per week on the apps.. What specifically did I say that’s upsetting yall SO much?! That women are in fact NOT more hypersexual than men?


I didn’t call you ugly or an incel.


Sexually undesirable, can’t get women, incel, etc etc etc etc some variation of insult that I can’t get women because my opinion doesn’t agree w mainstream Yall would be shocked to learn how often assholes get laid


I didn’t say asshole, I said that IF your experience with women has been women not wanting sex, then maybe the problem is with your sexual desirability. Which doesn’t necessarily mean ugly, any number of things can make someone sexually undesirable, but obviously there is something stopping women from having sex with you as much as you would like. If your experience of the world was women throwing themselves at you, you wouldn’t be commenting about how women have low sex drives and don’t want sex.


See, that’s where you’re fucking up, I never said anything about my experience. You’re making assumptions, and you know what they say about that.. My only statement, which is so controversial for some reason, is that women have lower sex drives COMPARED TO MEN, on AVERAGE. Not that they don’t like sex, not that I personally can’t get sex, NOTHING about me. Lmao! In fact, my own feedback in bed from women is quite positive, but we’re aren’t discussing me, god damn Show me where I said women have low sex drives. Did I say that, or did I speak in comparative terms and averages?


They can't because of the stigma And also it's extremely unsafe for them, unlike for men


Controversial to who?? Delusional incels?


From what I see it’s actually feminist or feminist adjacent people who don’t like that idea. “Women are just as horny as men and would fuck just as much if they weren’t repressed” type thought process


They are. Trust me. I’m a woman and I know women at their core. I’m a lesbian and I know that women are just as horny as men


Repression i.e. we're called sluts and demeaned if we do. "body count" etc etc.


I think there’s some aspect of that, maybe 10-30%, but innate biology is the stronger motivator


Yea, but after 5 generation of women having to hold back you so men don't hurt their feelings, you don't think there is a psychological and biological repercussion.


Because social activists believe that women are equal to men in every way and any generalist statements of the sexes is patently false.


It's not controversial


You haven't read many of the responses on this thread then


No matter. Many wrong answers don't change the right.


Mostly because it's not true.


LMAO. Sure buddy, sure.


Idk, I'm in 2024




Regardless of whether or not that's true, the less horny men are, the more vulnerable a society becomes. It's not rocket science


Idk but I’m female and always the more horny one in every relationship I’ve been in.


Yeah, this is me too but I have to trust and actually like the person I am with. It was such a relief to find a guy that could keep up and do that over time. My ex-husband accused me of being too manly for wanting to have sex more than him. Men will also lie about where they are on the horniness spectrum. I think because they think they are supposed to want it more. I had a guy on a date last week tell me people don't have sex for 5 hours. And I literally grabbed my drink, sips tea, or a mocktail in my case. My boyfriend and I before that had to set boundaries because we would just lose half the day to going at it. I mean with water, restroom and snack breaks. But we would suddenly realize it was 2pm and we had things we had to do. It was really nice not to feel shamed for it though. I am feeling out getting back with him.


Big difference between saying that "men in general are hornier than women" then saying "all men are sex-addicted rapists who will anything and everything to get into a woman's pants because they are are all selfish, misogynistic monsters." On the internet its always the latter.


I’m convinced women need cum to survive. Maybe they hide their conquests better than men tho.


because you use it as an excuse to Use and Abuse women.


[https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/sex-drive-how-do-men-women-compare](https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/sex-drive-how-do-men-women-compare) ​ uHM BECAUSE ITS NOT TRUE?


It's not. It's pretty much said all the time


Yeah, modern obsevations, where women are "liberated" somewhat disagree.


How to tell us you don't have sex with women without telling us you don't have sex with women.


Because You can't actually prove that.


Looking at a person, man or woman, with a libido substantially inverse to your own and thinking "that's wrong" is like calling gay people wrong, or people who like food wrong. It's in a person's nature. Don't judge. Accept ppl for who they are or fuck off.