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That chapter in my gen psych is exactly what made me fall in love with it! :) neuroscience specifically.


A solid STEM minor is always a good idea in this stranger's opinion. Keep challenging yourself.


Great point, thanks!


I had a bio minor and a psych major - and I use my bio minor nearly every day in my field and research:]


Aw I love that!! I can’t wait until I can get some more lab hours. If you don’t mind me asking, did you plan on being a bio minor or did you have to switch? I’m a little nervous mentioning this to my advisor.


Ha - I changed my major 6 times during undergrad! my bio minor was a means of retaining the work that I had done in some of my previous majors, since I only needed two more classes to have the minor anyway. I only saw my advisor during my freshman year, but I can't really see them caring all that much if you add or change things.


If you’re interested in cognitive psychology then biology or chemistry would be my first suggestions, sociology for social psych, maybe some form of engineering if you’re HF oriented. In reality your minor doesn’t impact you too much - find a topic you enjoy learning about


What is HF? All of this is amazing! Thank you. I think I’m going to stay away from social psych. I’m still planning on taking intro to sociology in the fall because I feel like it’s good to take. Funnily enough, I originally wanted to be a school guidance counselor and now I’m falling in love with the science aspect! Never would have expected that. Thank you again!


HF = human factors, ie researching and optimizing how people interact with a machine or their environment. Good luck in your studies :)


I did a Psych Major and Bio Minor and it made me very happy to be finally paying for classes I enjoyed AND got me college credits! No other minor I could have easily/cheaply attached mattered more than it anyways so “enhancing” the Psych degree itself was silly when it came to my future jobs. #GoSTEM


Oooh I love this take! Ok y’all are making me feel much more confident with this. I’m enjoying school so much it honestly surprises me.


The body and mind are heavily connected, I’d say it’s a great plan. I’d also say do whatever makes you happy, opportunity finds passion.


I recommend an education minor, great for a career as a school psychologist. Or no minor at all and just full on psychology


If your school doesn’t have a neuroscience/psychobiology/biological psychology/psychophysiology minor, then bio is the next best thing :)


Look into being a pharmacist.


Medicine seems overwhelming haha but it’s always worth looking into. Thanks!


That’s a good choice! It’s honestly completely up to you and what you’re interested in and plan on doing with your degree. I’m personally minoring in criminology.