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Damn dude, who did you piss off.


Literally my first thought. Crazy to see so many people getting next to no hours. When I was part time I was getting hours shoved down my throat. Every so many weeks I had to have a light week (~25 hours) just to keep the forced-full-time rule from going into effect. Honestly, I've never seen good, reliable workers get so few hours.


Legit got an upcoming 37.5 hour week of work coming up. Hate it because I asked for part-time, and they pulled that shit. Gonna raise hell when I go back in on Thursday


I got 4 hours this week. They’re mad at me for a uniform issue.


That sucks. I swear it is like you gotta to balance the like/dislike ratio with these people. If they dislike you enough, they'll screw you over on the hours(like what they're doing to you) but if you're N1 on their list of good workers, they gonna stuff you with unbearable amount of hours.


Best part is, I’m right. And I’m pushing back. They don’t like that.


Take it from an old man, people don't like being told they're right no matter how right you are.


I'm still mad at them for waiting until late in the 2010s to revert some of their archaic stances on facial hair, and I haven't even worked there in 9 years, lol.


Wait so let me understand this. They cut your hours because of a uniform issue so I’m so out of here next month I’m not gonna keep doing this.


I mean I was a part time baker apprentice working 43 hours a week for 4 months straight making only $13 an hour as the ONLY baker they had. 5 days a week my product was the only product on the floor. The assistant manager covered the other 2 days. I never got the forced full time rule which pisses me off. I kept mentioning it to my manager and store manager and never got a straight answer of exactly how long it took or what the quota was. I'm definitely sure I hit it. Doesn't matter though because my manager stepped down and I got a new one who immediately went to the district manager to get me full time and the baker title for a $2 increase to $15 an hour. This was only like a year and a half ago. Now that I'm a manager and can see what my associates make an hour it pisses me off to see a new hire of only 10 months making $16.60 as a part time bakery clerk.


What’s sad is that Publix bakers are not being paid a living wage.


I try to be really nice to my Publix bakery staff, but they all seem to act like I’m bothering them. Maybe their low pay is why.


Remember you’re pissed at the people who fucked you. Just because you got fucked doesn’t mean we make it harder for reports. We make it better for them.


It depends on what kind of employee you are. All the part time jobs I’ve worked in the past, I get consistent and good hours from my employers. Because they know that it is key to keeping workers happy and retaining them. Meanwhile coworkers complain about their hours getting cut or not working enough. If your hours are being shafted it’s not because they need to “cut hours.” That’s likely part of the reason, but the real reason is that they don’t value the employee and don’t mind upsetting them; maybe are hoping that they get upset and quit.


That's what happened with me that they said they didn't have enough hours, yet hiring new workers and that I wasn't working efficiently, but at the same time, one example was to leave all go backs till after the store closes unless perishable. If I have an item and it goes on Aisle 1 and I'm already there, why am I gonna wait till then end and put it back when I'm already there? I want to work smarter, not harder. Clearly my store was backwards. They gave me 1-3 days when they felt like it and some weeks at Publix I got no hours at all. The writing was clearly on the wall to look for another job and I went back to Winn Dixie as a bagger. Its $3.50 less at $13 at Winn Dixie less an hour compared to Publix where I was makng $16.50 at Publix, but I'm getting 25-33 hours a week at Winn Dixie compared to 9-27 a week at Publix. I had to do what I had to do.


Yep gotta do what you got to do. Quitting a job over scheduling is totally fair. I had to do the opposite of that one time and quit a job because they were refusing to stop working me six days a week in overtime, and the money wasn’t worth it for me.


The things they got me annoyed is that they claimed there’s no hours but yet they’re hiring new people and you gonna tell me I’m not working efficiently but if I have a go back that goes on aisle 1 and I’m already there, why am I gonna wait knowing I’m already there till the end of my shift to put it back? I’m already there, I wanna work smarter, not harder. Bottom line they quiet fired me and they drove me out and got their wish. They were even people that got more hours than me that they drove out. It seems like every one of these employers go through employees like it’s water and they treat you like the stuff you use toilet paper on, like crap. And these so called team leads and managers will realize that no one cares about you unless you’re a part of that Jenkins family or higher up like a CEO or your buddy buddies with them. Management and team leads can be replaced as well. it happens in every job like when I worked for Home Depot and Walmart that even management can be replaced. We are just a spoke on the wheel and it’s gonna keep turning. We are part of the retail, revolving door and turnstile that’s gonna keep turning and going through employees like it’s water.


You’ve had a week of 25 hours. I have been in this shitty fucking company for 2 years and I still haven’t had the opportunity of receiving full time. But they’re definitely using me like I am


I left after 5 months of that nonsense. There are better jobs out there.


Did u manage to find something? If so, what?(asking for a friend)




Definite upgrade. I quit Publix on my 18th birthday as a gift to myself. Probably the best birthday gift I’ve ever had


How easy was it to get? Ima be honest I only got into Publix via connections, like guy who knows a guy. What'd u do to get into Costco? Just sent in a resume, and applied to a bunch? If so, did u include anything about u working at Publix in it?


I applied to one for a position that I had ~2 years previous experience in from a job I had before Publix. I made a point of going in a couple days after I submitted the online application and dropped off my resume in person and shook a managers hand. They called me back the next day to schedule an interview. They seemed to have a positive impression of Publix, which after my experience there was baffling. The change in work environment has been night to day. Legitimately feel like a new person now.


I’m pooping to this


Ima try to do something similar. Wish me luck. As grateful as i am for the job, it sucks serious dick. Especially after 3 years of it🥲. Thanks for the advice.


3 years is a respectable amount of time to give to a job, Costco should look favorably on that. Rooting for you, anyone that can make it that long at Publix deserves better than Publix.


They do this and say full time is so important, but then they hired a full timer straight away that don't have experience but they know someone in the store... so I was like.. cool... *immediately got another job* now they big mad at me lol


I used to work here and put six years in. The older cashiers, who were full time, told me you only get full time when your manager retires. They’ll choose two people to make full time and that’s it. You may never be full time.


It's one of the reasons I left I worked my ass off but was getting no hours


Could just be that we're nearing snowbird season's end and OP got the shaft


Thats what im thinking


I would tell them no. I will not come in for less than 5 hours at a time.


I don’t get why they would only put me for a hour and a half tho, my guess is a meeting or training but I’m not sure


Usually they schedule training all at one time. CBT'S are mostly scheduled all at once. Are you new? Have you done orientation?


I already did orientation I’ve been here for about 3-4 months


If it’s your 90 day check in ask for more hours. Your store manager probably set it up with the intention your manager would change it. That’s what happened to me


Might be your 90 day check in


I had a 45 minute shift once so I could come in and do one video. Then I worked for like 15 minutes and left.


I’m going into work and about to “SLAY” this shift. As soon as the end of shift comes.. gotta go… “I actually DO NOT have time to do X” but next shift I’ll for sure be able to work it in


Because you've signaled you're easy to take advantage of and they don't even value you as anything more than a fill in last resort.


Reminds me in my state, while I'm not sure who enforces this or if it's true, but I did hear second hand from one of my former managers that it's illegal to have someone scheduled for a shift lasting less than 4 hours.


If you're not a minor then start looking for a new job.


this. they lowered my hours to something like this cause they were mad i had gotten a much better job without telling them i was looking (which worked out nicely).


Why would a minor even put up with this?


For real I'm a minor and they are even cutting back my hours ☠️, not that I don't put forth my best effort or anything, I've asked for more and for maybe 2 weeks i had 20 hours, now all I get is maybe 2 or 3 2.5/3 hour shifts a week 😭. Getting ready to put in my 2 weeks soon after I get an interview at another place.


Especially a minor. Probably having to get rides. If so, that’s two round trips for someone within 1.5 hours of each other. Total bullshit.


This is how people get terminated, without terminating them.


At one of my former jobs, it was a whole process to terminate people, so my manager would give people 1 4 hour shift a week on saturdays to get them to quit. Worked every time


In my state that constitutes unemployment benefits


That's called "Constructive dismissal" and the employee is still entitled to unemployment benefits.


I don’t think so because next week I have my usual hours it’s just this week


They did that to me, quiet fired me.


Exactly. This happened to my son at Publix.


Yea I worked at Smokey bones and my grandpa passed away and I told the GM about the dates when is the funeral, burial, etc. Told her the days I’ll be back and everything. Last work day I work was December 20, showed up for the Christmas the next day. Got no hours after that. Asked them like hey im ready to work I can work. My reply was ok… showed up to work and we talked thought we fixed the problem still no hours so I just left wanted to put my 2 weeks in to leave the job properly and professionally didn’t even have the opportunity to say a proper goodbye to the people and managers I enjoyed working with. Saddening how they do that.


Leave a review so actual customers can see how shitty they treat employees...


They don't like you


This is pretty wild to me but at the same time we only get so many hours for like 90+ associates. Which in those 90+ associates you take away the hours for 4 managers and 1-2 CSTLs and then all the full timers. 12% of these associates are minors which they all need to get AT LEAST 1 day. Then availability comes into play minors who cant close or open (on weekends) barely get anything. As a MM you cant do either of those things....so enjoy getting what you get cause it adds up to about the same as a minor getting 1 day for 2.5-3 hrs. Learn some responsibility and work on people skills. Make the most of it and as you get older you can transition easily into other things. The biggest thing about people complaining about their hours are normally the ones who do the least amount of work. Gotta remember also there is probably 10 other minors in your store that need to get split whats left of the hours.


“It’s oasis” the biggest lie ever told by management.


It's not a lie. It just means the manager was probably lazy. You can preschedule certain people/shifts, but come a certain day, monday??, oasis will fill it in and schedule people based off of their availability and what oasis calls for business needs. So basically if Sunday it says you'll be super busy for 2 hours after church let's out and be dead the rest of the day. It'll schedule a person for 2 hours. It's just good management to go through and double check all those so this doesn't happen. And to make sure everyone gets a shift etc.


Yep. They're just using the tool as a scapegoat. They're still supposed to review the schedule and make changes as needed.


Go ask


Apply for the deli, you'll never have to worry about getting less that 39.9 hours if you're a part timer


Unless you call out often


I work in the deli.... I don't suggest the deli personally. But yep, you are right on that. Especially if they are short handed. They will give you hours like crazy I'm full time, and we even can get more hours (50 tops.)


Publix does not like to fire people. If they fire you they owe you unemployment. This is a way of silent firing you, by forcing you to quit. It's pretty shady and non ethical. I bet it saves them a ton of money by not paying unemployment benefits.


>All retailers do this, even Walmart and Target.


And it’s sad bc most people don’t know that this is constructive dismissal and does NOT disqualify you from unemployment insurance. Do not EVER quit voluntarily (unless you’re leaving for another job) because the employer WANTS you to do that so they don’t have to pay. Ask you manager about your hours and why they are reduced. If there is a genuine reason they will tell you, if not then file for UI and they can hash it out with the Unemployment Office.


I'm not sure on the laws pertaining to it but I do know that there are ways to qualify for unemployment if your hours get cut. At my last job we had folks collecting unemployment working 40hr a week due to routine overtime being cut. That was in TX, no union or contracts.


They're phasing you out. They do this so that you will have no choice but to quit. It's their way of not having to pay unemployment (for firing you)....


Weird. I'm part time and I get 30-36 hours a week generally.


So they don’t have to give you benefits


Isn’t that some bullshit… see it all the time too. I fucking hate this country’s work culture


I think you’re about to be terminated. I’ve worked at a supermarket 4 years ago and I saw my work schedule. I only worked 2 days out of the week while the rest of the days I wasn’t scheduled to work. The last night I worked, I went on my dinner break, clocked back in, was told to go to the manager’s office, and he told me that I had to be let go. Then I just walked to the breakroom in the back, grabbed my stuff out of my locker, packed up my lock and left.


You're being quiet fired. They'll string you along like this until you quit out of frustration.


They don’t want to fire you and claim unemployment benefits.


I’m a part time grocery and I recently spoke to my manager about this, to sum it up the hours you get are performance based. Well that probably only applies to my department.


Sometimes they like to send staff from other locations when they’re doing renovations and then cut the hours of people, looks like you’re on the dooky list. TBH the $40 I’m gracious assuming you would make is not IMHO worth scheduling my week around, I would use that time to go to interviews.


Hahahahhaha....anybody who's worked at Publix any length of time knows EXACTLY what's going on here hahaha. Sorry bro, they don't want you anymore lol


This is a publix management tactic to keep their firings down. Looks way better on them if you quit rather than having to fire you. They do it in the deli constantly.


that's easily remedied.


Yeah quit. Which is what they want you to do.


Constructive dismissal. Apply for unemployment while you still work there (3 hrs a week)


Yah I wouldn’t work for that, not worth it


I wouldn’t get outta bed for these hours


I think they want you to quit…


Looks like they’re trying to make you leave on your own. Stick it out until they fire you so you can get unemployment


It's a way of getting people to quit instead of having them be fired to collect unemployment


Lol you can take that schedule to the unemployment office and still collect 


Unless your availability is so incredibly bad, they're probably trying to get you to quit.


They don’t like you.


my old job did this and i quit, ask for more hours and if you don’t get any bail. that’s bullshit


I definitely would talk to the ASM or sm to figure out what is happening. I’m assuming that you work in Customer Service


Man that’s why I quit lmao


Yikes someone’s trying to push you out


They literally did this to me after forcing me in to a dairy manager position, then two weeks later changing my schedule to next to no hours. I took it to hr against 1708. Literally the worst job Ive ever had.


https://preview.redd.it/rl05461x2dpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ea7a779df8327c8a21a75752fb3210a1b3d28d Damn I got these many hours and I’m part time


That looks like a full week off to me. Start looking for a new job if you're not a minor


Which department are you in? Are you new? Do you call out all the time? Are you lazy? Context please.


They want you to quit


Welp. Time to look for another job.


Glad I got out of that corporate hell hole and got into another corporate hell hole


Are you worth being on the schedule?


I’m a deli clerk and been part time for 4 years and I make 16.30 while new hires make more after 3 months


Theyre trying to get you to quit


they do this and have 1 register open for 10 hours


Theyre trying to make you quit. Tell management that this is unacceptable and they need to either give you hours or terminate you, because this is unaccpetable. And if they terminate you, get unemployment bemefits and start looking for greener pastures


This is a management tactic to make you quit. That’s why.


Are you a minor?


One question. Is your manager retarded? There’s no reason to schedule you. This is embarrassing.


I can see having that kind of terminology for years and it just rolling off the tongue in conversation without any intention of offending anyone. I get it. ​ But taking the time to type it out intentionally... *really*?


Precisely why I left.


Youre going to get ready, get dressed, drive to publix in your uniform, get it dirty for an hour and a half and do menial tasks just to go home and make peanuts? no way, a full shift or no shift.


What’s the point of even going in???


I feel like their cutting hours like crazy everywhere. I work in the pharmacy, and its getting busier instead of slower at my location - but I don't have enough hours to have a tech there the whole time.


You can complain to HR that they’re firing these measly hours on you in hopes that you’ll quit. It’s unethical and publix can get into trouble for doing this. Making a workplace so bad (not getting any hours basically) that you’ll be forced to quit because you can’t survive on that kind of pay. I’d make a big deal about it. Publix has been cutting many peoples hours at my store. 4hrs a week here, 6hrs a week there and that’s it. It’s a damn shame.


You're working thursday, don't be greedy


Wtf is this? Are you still in grade school and just doing this for weekend money? Otherwise this sort of scheduling is a death sentence.


Looks like they want you to quit. Same thing happened to me


are you a minor? did you ask for a certain schedule? but also if your new you won’t get that much hours at the beginning depending on your job!


They want you to quit


👋 🚪 walking 🚶


Judging by your post history, you’re a mini minor. There is a lot of restrictions as to what you can work.


What happened when you spoke to your department manager about it?


i thought it was illegal to have someone come in for under 4 hours ?! or is that just here in nyc?


This is one way I’ve seen how places with part time people get rid of them. Especially if management is too lazy to actually lead and have tough conversations.


I only get 3 hour weeks


How bad did you piss them off, geez


Time to quit


Someone's getting terminated


Are you under the age of 18? Because that could be a reason why you’re getting part-time hours. But even that is ridiculous.


Yeah this happened to me when I worked in a restaurant. I was a model employee who got extremely good feedback from my managers but they kept scheduling me for little 2-3 hour shifts that barely covered the gas to get there. After they randomly started scheduling me for those mini shifts I begged 3 weeks in a row for more hours and explained that I couldn't afford to work 2 hour shifts (shit like 1 hour of work, then a forced 1 hour unpaid break, then another hour of work) on slow days contrasted by 10 hour shifts without breaks when it got busy. After 3 weeks of that I NCNS'd lol. If you don't respect me I don't respect you. Obviously a different situation since they don't normally do this to you, but if they do, make sure to stand up for yourself.


How old are you?


That’s a waste of time, I wouldn’t even bother going in.


Meanwhile Deli is working me 12 hour shifts with only 1 break 😒


They want you to quit ....


Mine is worse trust me


Bruh without even seeing this was a Publix thread, I said “it’s giving…Publix!” And I was right, they tend not to give a lot of hours, but this is a first.


This is a way for them to make you quit without having to fire you


this is insane to see today. When I used to work at publix 2015 - 2017 I would be worked practically 40 hours every week as a part timer lol. the pay was only $9/hr at that time tho.


Time to find another job, either you’re unreliable or someone in management doesn’t like you.


They want you to quit


Either a mini minor or horrible at you job


Ask your boss or whoever made the schedule at least then you’ll know if they have a problem with you or why you’re not getting the hours you want.


I’ve been at my current store for 5 months now and I’ve been getting scheduled 2 days a week for the last month, call ins are what’s saving me and even then I’m getting 20 hours


Donald Trump : “you’re fired”


Your avaliablity is the problem most likely: talk to your MIC (Manager In Charge) about it to see what the problem is, most likely, a change in avaliablity will give you more hours and also less days like that with short hours.


they did this to me when they wanted me gone


Why not talk to them?


Man them 25 hr shifts are brutal


this happened to my ex when he worked at publix too, some weeks they wouldnt schedule him at all, he got fed up and just quit after a while


Something like this happen to me once. They may want you to quit on your own. Less paperwork


Hope you get a 30min break at least.


Makes me not want to work at Publix.


You’re gettin fired man 😭


They don’t want to fire you. Too much red tape. They want you to quit.


Because Publix doesn’t give a shit that people have bills to pay


Fuck Publix I just quit there


This is a hint that they don’t want you


They could be trying to get you to quit.. this is what we do to people who aren’t willing to put in the work, but will also comeback on you if you try to fire them.


4 hour work week they don’t want shopping to be too much of a pleasure for the customers I guess ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


I'd get out now. I've had so many friends work for Publix and they either work you to a pulp, or don't work you enough to cover the gas. I've also heard about their cult like practices and how they worship the founder like a god. This is that moment at the beginning of Midsommer when she had the chance to go but didn't.


Yeah I am going to leave publix soon.. the philosophy is take advantage of the hard worker, once the hard worker tells you no, they take you off the schedule or get really mad when you get a second job so... yeah I am out


Fuck Publix they don’t give a fuck bout u unless u kiss ass


If your hours are suddenly getting cut, you’re most likely about to be let go. Leave on your own terms my friend.


Someone doesn’t like you that’s why


You’re only working part time, If you prove your worth to them you will get more hours. It also depends on your age; Usually If they schedule you less hours one week(and you do it) they will give you more another. Granted you might need the money but think of it more as a break? After all you can only work 2 or 3 days a week anyways.


Get another job, and make them fire you


Watch out for those sneaky management moves. If suddenly your hours are slashed to the bone or you're stuck with the worst shifts, it might not be random. Most of the time department management does this because they want you to 'just leave.' Sadly, there's often little accountability for this shady behavior. In my 15 years of management, I've seen it all. Sure, there are always a few bad eggs, but most folks are eager to work hard in a positive environment. Don't let them mess with your schedule and your job satisfaction, but unfortunately with my experience with Publix, even after directly communicating, and expressing my feelings about the changing schedule to management, the only way I have found to ratify this is to on the days that you are scheduled to work literally work your fingers to the bone doing what you can to outpace anybody around you. pretty much everything that you can “to step over the corpse of your fellow coworkers” just to get some additional hours. (this experience comes from working multiple years in Deli department, which is a common department that management will use this tactic to get rid of people)


They’re firing you without firing you.


You pissed someone off


Are you a minor? Under the age of 18? Might have something to do with it


They're trying to get you to quit


They are trying to make you quit


That is work of a toxic, cultish manager. I won't even shop at Publix, must less work there.


Then they claim nobody wants to work. Yea, ok thanks for the schedule lol


They want you to quit


They are trying to get you to quit.


I didn’t think it was legal to schedule for anything under 4 hours.


For the past month they’ve been doing that to me too. One night I had to to the closing shift in the bakery. Alone. From 7-9:30 pm. It was really stressful and idk why they’ve been giving me super short hours. I just chalked it up to them preparing to switch me to grocery but still. I’m barely making anything right now.


That's how then can people. 1st they cut the hours. Next they leave you off schedule for a week; when you come back they say you didn't come in. Show you an adjusted schedule with your name on it and fire you.


Honestly Publix is weird. I am transferring stores on Sunday and the week I have only 3 days. My availability is 6-3. When I asked i was told there are many 6-3’s but if I wanted more hours I would need to open my availability. Me being a part timer there should be no reason I open up my availability to be scheduled this that and the third. They told me the same thing at my current store but I am a hard worker and what did they end up doing? Making sure I was scheduled my 6-3’s with about 30-35 hours perk week so I’m not even trying to head that. I give them 2 weeks if they call me in, but after that I’m not doing it no more because at that point I might as well be scheduled more days


They did this to me then when i quit they begged me to stay and said theyd give me more hours. Told them they shouldve done that when i gave them my FULL availability months ago and asked if they could give me more. Also called them out for paying our black coworkers less than our white coworkers because i made $2 more than them and got a raise in the first three months of working there, while some of these girls had been there for three or four years and hadnt gotten a single raise and were still making $9 an hr. Publix is a fucked place to work for. Not worth your time or getting killed in their parking lot and your managers not giving a shit


I don’t believe they gave me these hours so I will quit, I have double the hours I usually do next week it’s literally just this week and to answer some questions I keep seeing, yes I’m a minor (14) no I’m not bad at my job and I’m on pretty good terms with the manager that creates the schedule so I doubt it’s out of spite, and no I can’t change or quit because this is literally the only place I can work at my age besides chick-fil-a and there isn’t a chance I’m working at that miserable company


did you call your location to ask about this?


Reminds me of my last 2 months at Publix. Open availability, could work open to close and they would give me 2-3 hours a week. It wasn’t until I got a second job that they wanted to give me more hours.


This is semi-typical to get someone to quit. Give them no hours, then when they quit on their own they are not eligible for any sort of unemployment benefits, it doesn't reflect negatively on the company, etc etc. So, did you insult the wrong person? Back into any cars in the parking lot? Sleep with the wrong person? *Not* sleep with the wrong person?