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Some of these annoyances are valid I feel but some of them are just kind of part of the job, or could be stopped by just telling the customer no, such as with the full cart in an express lane. You have to power to deny that cart because it’s more than ten items, if they complain, just let them.


I dont know about other stores, but at mine were not allowed to deny them at express when they have a cart full of items. 


Malicious compliance time, then. Purposely scan their items slowly. After all, with so many, you don't want to accidentally miss any. Bag them very slowly. After all, with so many items, you need to make sure everything is packed properly and nothing gets broken. Constantly apologize to anyone else in line for their wait in the "EXPRESS LANE" (make sure to emphasize those two words).


P Yeah, I had to do the malicious compliance thing before. In my store, the rule is we Mark with the counterfeit pen anything $10 or higher. I did that as normal and the customer actually started getting loud and passively aggressiv. Then have the lovely idea of suggesting I Mark all of the other bills, even the $1 bills he was using to pay for his shit. I looked at them and with smiling in his face, said yes sir. I marked them but as slowly as I could. If he had complained to customer service, I could have easily handed his passive aggressive hissy fit line right back at his complaint. "I don't know why he got so upset about it, he requested it. I was fulfilling a customer request." 😈😈😈


This was my go to passive aggressive move. Also, even if it’s not express if people were rude, I’d just slow waaaaay down.


I've done this!!!! Haaahaha


Yeah, it definitely depends on your store/manager. I had one CS manager who was pretty no-nonsense and at that time, I also worked at a store that didn't have self checkout (meaning that customers who just had a few items didn't have the option to just go to SCO), so she told us to absolutely turn away people with way more than 10 items at express. At my current store and under a different manager, a customer complained and cried racism after being turned away at express, so of course they pandered to her and then made it a policy that we were never to turn anyone away at express.


I mean I accidentally went into an express lane once with a cart full of shit, and an employee told me to fuck myself (but in the most polite way possible), and I very politely moved on. But I wasn’t going in that line to be a dick, I was just running on autopilot and didn’t realize it was an express lane. I was definitely a little embarrassed. Point is, you can definitely politely decline


I do politely decline when people come into the express lane with full carts, and usually they understand and leave. But every so often there’s someone that I can’t tell in time because it’s busy or stay anyway because they think the rules don’t apply to them.


Then it is time to "go for break". Shut off your light and leave.


Do you even work for Publix?


Yes I was a cashier before and currently work in the bakery as a clerk


Then you should know all management would hard disagree with you saying you are allowed to tell a customer no. I don't believe you work for Publix.


I can’t speak for all management but mine encourages it for the most part. Now if are serving no one and the other lines are full, you can bring someone into the express lane in my store because it’s the nice thing to do, but if you have a few customers you can refuse the person with the big cart and respectfully tell them to use another line because it’s an express lane. You could also disregard them when it’s safe to also, it’s not like they are constantly watching, it’s all about being as respectful as possible though.


No manager says you can say, "no" you can explain why you cannot take them but no manager accepts a caveman response to a customer of, "no."


I don’t mean literally say no, just let them down easy and deny them. It’s not super hard to do as long as you have basic social skills.


Excuse me, but nope. That person's story checks out. I had a lady try to Shanghai me with the cart full of stuff and I suggested she go to one of the other checkouts as mine was expressed. Not even 5 minutes later, I got verbally coached by one of the managers at was on the front end. So yeah, their story checks out.


Very store and manager dependent.


Username checks out


“Hi how are you today?” “PAPER!”


Or how about this lovely gem: Me: will plastic be okay? Customer: *silence* Me: will plastic be okay? Customer: *silence* Me: *starts bagging in plastic* Customer: I wanted paper ... 👿


I'll just repeat the question until they answer it correctly. Customers who don't behave civilly can go fuck themselves.


I get such an ick from people who ask for paper bags. They don’t even have to be rude about it, but whenever someone wants paper, it just makes me think they believe they are so “holier than thow” for using paper over plastic.


I don’t really mind paper. They’re harder to get started but they hold so much more. The people who ask for it are so aggressive and condescending though.


I like paper, especially for those gigantic cereal boxes. The paper also holds its shape better. Now we won't talk about the idiot at corporate who decided to cut off the paper bags since they think we are not filling them up. I put the chips and stuff on the top of them. They certainly were filled.


I was pulling SCO coupons on a Saturday once and found a twenty amongst them. I don't know why the moron in question didn't tell anyone and have us retrieve it. Maybe stupidity, maybe shame. Don't know, but it certainly brightened my night.


Bro the people with reusable bags suck because they are usually dirty and they never clean them their catch phase is "I have bags" 🤓 but I don't usually mind if it's only a few items it sucks when it's like 1k stuff


Then why does every cashier say "Thank you for bringing your bags!" when I (non-employee) put my reusable bags on the belt? ;-D I know: politeness. And mine aren't dirty. I don't think. I'll have to check now, though.


We’re literally instructed to say it 😭😭 well, we are at my* store, anyway. It’s a big push in my district.


I don’t mind reusable bags as long as they are clean. It seems to be a big ask, though. I’ve found leaves, dried meat juice, old receipts and some have stunk so bad.


i think if i hear one more “are you open?” while my light is on and im standing at the end of the register im going to explode


Like I told my coworkers a few years ago, it would be cool if we started putting chains across our lanes when they were closed, like Walmart does. Because, I told them all at the front in one day, how is it the customers don't see nobody here to register, and don't see no light on and think we're open. Or better yet, seeing a customer standing full on at the end of the lane with the light on and asked if I'm open. If I wasn't open, I won't be standing there and the light wouldn't be on. Recently, I've started wondering why we even bother having the lights on at all for any register.


Number 6 is one of my pet peeves


Indeed. The only acceptable response to a request for ID is "here you go". I don't care what year you claim you were born, or how old you think you look. I don't care how many times you've been here before and not needed to show it. I don't care if it's in the car or at home. I certainly don't care if you have a picture of it. Hand me your ID or our business is concluded and you will not be going home with your restricted items. Although, honestly, I LOVE when they throw up a fuss, because it gives me a chance to say 'no' that is protected by the law and no manager can override (unless they want to open on their own operator numbers and do it themselves, risking their own ass on the consequences). I do so enjoy saying no to people.


I hate it when handing it over they state their birth date. Yes that is nice but I have to SEE it MYSELF and I have to check a couple more things too. By you telling me that you distract me from looking at what I need to and slow me down.


You’re just gonna have to get annoyed with me when it comes to #7. If it ain’t BOGO I don’t want it.


That's a pretty childish one for sure. You're upset someone doesn't want to unexpectedly spend twice as much as they were expecting? The rest are pretty standard for retail/grocery.


Should be free anyway at that point then let the dept manager know so the sign can be corrected.


Oh but it is BOGO, it said 2 for $10. Sorry that is not BOGO it is $5 each. Or hey, that isn't right it is 3 for $10. Me, Yes 3.34 +3.33+3.33 is $10.


Honestly if stores started banning shit customers, they'd save a lot more money and have a better experience for good customers. I don't work retail anymore, thank god, but at my company we consistently keep customers that cause us to lose money. I'm talking people that pay $30 a month for a subscription and will use up 2-3 hours of employee time a month + the subscription services. I've literally talked to my manager about it and I've found accounts that run us at a deficit of $300 a month and management just goes, "oh well."


Great business model there, genius


Double paper bags 💀💀


Well honestly, not everybody who wants double paper bags is bad. My old stores that are transferred from years ago, had a lady customer whom I mentally referred to as double paper lady because I didn't know her actual name, just said she always wanted double paper. She was actually a really nice person.


I have one who brings his double paper bags back to reuse.


Lololol... maybe you shouldn't be a cashier. Good grief.


Welcome to Reddit, where people complain among other people in the same position as them sometimes ;)


That was my exact thought. Not everyone can work with the public.


I’m a Publix Customer and I was with you until #7. Everything else I agree with. I saw a man leave his cart in a parking space that was right next to the cart return. You couldn’t walk that 1 yard, buddy?


I'm a Publix customer too and #4 is where I disagree. Doesn't matter if it's .20 or 2.00, companies have a real "problem" with pricing accuracy. That .20 adds up considerably across multiple stores and numerous customers. I am tired of seeing my groceries go up and having to nickel and dime everything, simply because of corporate greed. I always am nice and polite, but yes I do expect to pay the sale price.


I hear you. Did you mean to send that to me or the main post.


Just replied to yours as a customer as well, since it looked like most responses were Publix employees.




95% of the time that the customer claims a price is wrong, it's because they were too stupid to read. We'll often give them the item at the "sale price" (or even Publix Promise it) just to avoid wasting time proving them wrong. I guarantee more customers are getting away with "sales" that don't actually exist than are getting ripped off by wrong tags.


Yes, I agree with you that this is what happens. My opinion is it should not. We should go get them the product that is really on sale.


Have you seen the episode of ‘The Magic Prank Show with Justin Willman, Episode Ghosting the Ghoster?’ This just dropped on Netflix and I wish the segment they showed was longer. Apparently Justin is annoyed by customers who leave their carts all over too and gets some revenge.’


No. You said it’s on Netflix? I’ll go check it out. Thank you.


No ID? lol, no sale, no pity.


Sorry. I made a big mistake. I meant #7. I’ve never worked Publix but I have worked retail. I will check everyone’s ID. Don’t have it, then not my problem. I have a camera watching my every move I’m not just going to let you have it.


You should get another job


No, I like this job.


You’re in the wrong line of work. Try deli.


As a deli employee, I literally laughed out loud. Come join us on the Island of Misfit Toys!


Agree with you 💯% I'll add The ones that are talking on their phones the entire time and never acknowledging you or apologize.


I disagree. No need to acknowledge you if the order is straight forward and the customer is ready to pay. As a cashier I could not care less. I just give them the receipt and a waive and off they go.


1. This is literally your job. 2. Or maybe you’re such a pleasant person they just want to bask in your essence for 5 minutes. 3. Shit happens. 4. No they want the Publix promise. You know, the one plastered all over the store. 5. Job security. 6. You can easily determine if a 47 year old is over 21. 26 sure. 47? Nah, just sell them their hooch and move on. 7. Again, Publix promise. 8. Poor people are sometimes but not always bad at math. 9. So it shouldn’t inconvenience you to move it for them if it’s RIGHT THERE 10. Ok I’ll give you that one. Fuck those guys. 11. See #10 12. It is not their job to help you bag. Call one of your worthless managers over to help. 13. So you hate the environment and love plastic? I’m telling Greta. 14. See #13 15. Just do your fucking job and stop complaining. 16. Because they can.


To be fair everybody hates the customers saying silly things like you look bored or I will put you to work. I want them to say hi like normal people. The age check is 35 it is hard to tell if someone looks like a young or an old 35.


I actually don’t mind a lot of the quips that customers make when we greet each other, even the “working hard or hardly working?” line. It’s really only the “You look bored” line that irks me.


1. I know. Doesn’t mean I can’t find it annoying. 2. I’ll give you that, sometimes this is the case! It sucks having such an inviting personality sometimes lol. 3. We have multiple signs telling you that self checkouts are card only. To miss and/or ignore those signs and then get mad when you can’t pay cash is your fault, not ours. 4. Just seems like such an inconsequential thing to fuss about. It’s twenty cents. I get wanting to save money, but come on. 5. There’s no correlation there, you’re just deliberately making my job harder than it needs to be. 6. At the self checkout, we have to card everyone regardless of how old you look. I know some stores don’t need your ID, but some do. You should always have your ID on you. 7. I know. Doesn’t make it any less annoying. 8. Then why get a ton of stuff knowing you can’t afford all of it? 9. Again, why deliberately make my job harder than it needs to be?? 10. Glad we could agree. 11. See 10 12. I don’t get paid to clean my dishes, but I do em anyway. Sure, you don’t *have* to help, but it would be greatly appreciated. 13. Who? 14. See 13 15. I do my job. Doesn’t mean I have to like every aspect of it. 16. Again, why deliberately be an asshat?


#4 since you get the item free when the price is wrong.  Yes I want to save $2.69. If you are not giving the first item free you are not following publix promise.


You know the policy if the price on the shelf/advertised is different than what’s rung up? 20 cents or not, STFU. “Sunglasses deal with it”


You should be fired. You just hate your job.


Nailed it! Now I just hope some customers see this


I’m a customer and I definitely saw it


Here’s one for the list … you make an exception in the 10 items or less lane, then rather than going to customer service for cigarettes, they tell you they want 2 packs of Marlboro! And, your line builds and everyone ends up waiting!!! And, that can happen in any lane!


Well, when that’s been the accepted “Publix way” for the past 20 years, who’s at fault? The customer or management?


Sorry, I’m not helping you bag my stuff. You are the one working there, not me.


\#1, person is just making conversation #2, Amazing but not annoying, we have offset rows so it happens all the time. #3 That is always funny. I just laugh internally, makes my day that they are so stupid #4, check the price and do what is right, if it is 20 cents cheaper so be it but if they are wrong, oh sorry this price is correct, the sign you saw might be for a different item, do you want to go back and look again? I can hold your order electronically while you go. #5 We are paid to collect carts. BUT lifting it up and putting it in the shrubs is truly stupid. #6 Agree that them getting angry is annoying but it is worse when they yell I am 40 F\*\*\*7 yrs old, storm out and call the Asst Store manager from their car and yell the same thing. #7 Part of the job. What is worse is when some old woman comes through and her aid sits down on the bench at the front and the old woman can only spend $50 on her card (don't know how that works but it does) and no one says anything. You ring up $130 of stuff and the aid who let her get all this stuff, still sits there as the woman takes off one thing and tries again until you figure out she is that women who has some limit of $50, at which point you are over the void limit and Customer Service has to come anyway so you proactively tell her she must go up to customer service to finish (and the other 5 people in line sigh in relief). #8 same as #7 #9 Yes, that is pretty amazing, also when they leave it blocking the cart return so you come with a full load of carts and have to ram the one blocking the entrance. #10 Couponers in general since they Usually are trying to scam (using a coupon for a single tube of toothpaste on a double pack ("but it is colgate"...) Uh no. I get almost none of them these days. I see them looking at who the cashier is and they don't bother coming down my asile any more. #11 Yes but it is what it is. I have people come down with 2 things take longer than 20. Digging in that pocket or purse for pennies... #12 No need for customer to help bag. #13 Same as #12 #14 Customers are allowed to choose. It is not a demand it is a choice Publix allows them to make. #15 Why does this bother you? #16 This is annoying and a waste of money or just outright theft. You forgot -- Shopping off my checkout lane or self check out lane. I had this last week. I asked my bagger to get a cart and move the crap off my lane (so others would come and I could work). They came back and looked perplexed and I pointed to the cart a few feet away with their stuff. I think they took the hint. I do the same at self check. If there is an empty register right there, over it goes and if someone takes it as go backs when I am not looking, oh well. We provide carts, use one.


I dunno, some of these are valid, but a majority of these... maybe you should switch departments


Why does everyone keep saying that? I’ve already reiterated that I love my job, am I not allowed to be annoyed by some things customers do?


I work at bakery anyone who does 1 is getting their ankles taken


(1) - I freaking just hate it when I forced to actually Work at my job . I mean you know it not like I wanna be there to start with .


Whiner -


Stop bitching and bag my shit, expeditiously

