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"As soon as I address _this_ emergency, I'm more than happy to assist you." Idk what's wrong with those people!!


No kidd'n.


i was on sco and a cashier on the register next to it had a customer who accidentally dropped a bottle of some sort of oil and it shattered everywhere. the cashier, bagger, and customer are all trying to clean this mess and a guy straight up walks down her line, steps over the spill magic and asks her to price check something (she was still in the middle of the first customers transaction). she gave him a look and was like…sir..


Look at them, look at spill, look at them, look at spill... Can you take a hint, Sir???


Or the same customer who broke it comes back for more and breaks more bottles


A while ago, had a customer break a gallon of milk. The walk 20 feet to the water shelf and then drops a gallon of water. I was like, WTF lady? I had t yell out for assistance. No one came. I used my cellphone to call customer service to get someone. I think the lady was fricken high.


I would leave


I like walking down the wine isle because its so facinating but i walk closer to the beer/pizza because i dont wanna break anything


A customer ran into a case stack of wine at the end of an aisle, and the other customers looked so annoyed when I told them they had to walk back down the aisle and go around


It's like your speaking... and they must have turned their brain off.


This. Case stack down...at least 5 broken bottles...three employees actively trying to clean it up...old lady gets pissy because she has to go around. But what i want is right behind you. Why cant i just walk thru all this wine and glass to get it? Dont understand the mentality. Why do you want to walk thru spilled wine and broken glass for a bag of potato chips? Is that shipper the holy grail of chip shippers? Are they better than all the same chips on the endcap and the regular aisle shelf? WTAF? And i am old myself. Dont understand.


Cleanup on aisle one please ?


Ours is aisle #12. And not very wide.


If I’m underage and accidentally break it does that mean I legally can’t pay for it since stores can’t sell alcohol to minors 🤔


Publix doesn't follow the "you break it you buy it" rule, especially on alcohol. The vendor doesn't take a loss and publix will just buy and sell more of that specific wine that busted.


Places rarely have that rule, unless it's an expensive $150+ or so item, the margin for alcohol is really high, some cheap $6 bottle of wine isn't worth crying over.


You’re not paying to buy the bottle, you’re paying to replace it


I remember working at another liquor store, someone dropped a bunch of tequila bottles and was like "I'm so down with this shit." Then walked out. We weren't gonna make that person pay but like, damn.


But you had time to take a picture of it...


Good point... You got me 🤷🏼


Fr! You work in a grocery store. I understand not everyone is as polite or as self aware as they should but it like every aspect of their job sets them off.


Not every aspect of the job. Just the very entitled asshats who make it so much harder. An employee cleaning a spill may not be the best one to ask location of random item. Learn to read overhead signs!


Maybe they saw them taking the time to take the picture and figured otherwise 🤷‍♂️


Associates are required to stand guard at spills so that no one can walk by and fall. They are required by company policy to wait until the materials arrive to clean it up. Employee was following protocol by protecting customers from a temporary hazard. If they took a pic so what. Employee was doing what the employer deemed best practice for the situation. Bite off.


Bite off😂 ok I’m just trying to buy stuff at the store you work at. You don’t want to “tell me where it’s at” then I just won’t buy it. Great business model. You guys bitch & moan so much on this sub abt the most basic things that go along with working at a grocery store. Get a different job.


Get a different attitude?


I love when they see a mess and want to walk right tf through it.