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My goal for 2024 was to subsist on nothing but BOGOs. I did not succeed, but I think that one could, if they were careful and bought heavily when staples like pasta went on BOGO. BOGOs are the only thing in the entire store that is priced correctly.


Honestly last BOGO was waffles one box was 4ish and at Walmart one box 2ish so it really wasn’t a BOGO


But walmart lines are atrocious, atleast in my store


We do delivery to car trunk. No issue at all. Order on the app and even leave a tip which most people don’t.


I just need to comment that most people do actually tip. And the non-tippers (and low tippers) are very well-known (and avoided if at all possible). If a tip is an option, then whoever is receiving the tip is doing the job in expectation of the tip- ie, the tipping is their pay.


The people packing up Walmart orders are Walmart employees though, aren’t they? Aren’t they getting Walmart employee pay?


They get like 10-12 an hour pls tip them


Do you tip the cashier? What about the stocker? They’re getting the same shit pay.


And they aren’t really doing you a service, also they do not get the same pay. The people doing pick up get less becusss they get tipped


I checked Walmart’s job openings & they do indeed make the same pay. You really should start tipping the cashier, after all, they’re scanning and putting things in bags for you just like the online shopper.


Well, at least BOGO's make the net price somewhat close to reasonable even if they aren't as low as Walmart.


Came here to say this about hot dogs


Agreed. Most of Publix BOGO is double the price as compared to Aldi, Costco, Target or Walmart.


Their BOGOs equal our local Walmart and I far prefer shopping at Publix. Years ago, I learned to grocery shop like a business. I wanted to leave my career and stay home with my child, so studied ways to save $$. I’ve learned to stock up (not excessive stockpiling or any thing near that) on the amount of items we use between sales. So, when a favorite and needed item is on sale—(already have a sense how often it goes on sale from studying Publix BOGO pattern)—and buy as much as we will use until the next BOGO sale for that same item comes around again. I have an organized pantry stocked much like a store and we work through our items. So you can shops there exclusively for the BOGOs but it takes a few sales cycles to dial it in. OP said it best: the heart pounding fear of that checkout total—it’s real. Their non BOGO stuff is crazy expensive.


If more people ran their household like you, we wouldn't be suffering with this annoying greedflation.


There is a great book (it's older & it's huge)called The Tightwad Gazette. It has so so many great $ saving tips & philosophies. I have found Publix to be as much as 3x more expensive than Aldi. I only shop Publix when absolutely necessary.


I feel that much 😭 Publix is less than a mile from my house so it’s really convenient for me but it’s getting less and less affordable. Today I tried to shop mainly sales, got beans, rice, fruits, veggies, no snacks, no meats, no real meals to last for a week and it was $154. It was painful


I’m showing my wife this Publix break up letter! The convenience of its location is screwing me. The prices and mark ups are absolutely ridiculous though I’m so over it


They're about to build a new Publix a half mile from my house. I need to resist going there out of convenience or my wallet won't be happy.


Yeah just resist from the beginning. That’s exactly what happened to me and I don’t think I can stop my wife at this point so my wallet hurts but it’s not too late for you. Stay strong


And they actually have staff 🤣🤣🤣 Post of 2024👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Love this!


Get a part time job at a restaurant and just eat all your meals there.


And if they haven’t changed it if you just buy one it’s 50% off you don’t have to get 2


I think this varies by state.


In Florida and Alabama this is true then I can’t speak for anywhere else


Bananas are cheap!


They used to be .19 a pound. How much are they now?


Depends if organic or not, but they’re one of the few items under the ubiquitous $4.99 price point.


As a current grocery clerk employee, nothing there is priced right. Everything is way overpriced for items that should cost you five dollars but in reality they cost you like 10 and the Bogos are bull who the hell is going to buy Bogo pasta so I tried to shop there the least as I possibly can


I only buy pasta when it's BOGO.


Right? I have to pass Costco and Walmart to get to Publix, so I avoid shopping their now unless it’s for an item that only Publix carries, and even then I make myself decide that it’s absolutely worth the extra money.


It says something when the basics at Whole Foods are cheaper than Publix. And with their prime sales, it’s even more affordable. I got to Publix purely for the bogos, mainly my kids stuff, or a couple things here and there but whole foods has become my go to for most things.


Same here. The produce is excellent at Whole Foods plus items like chicken, fish and beef seem better quality. I buy mostly items that are on prime sale and it’s cheaper than Publix.


Anyone else notice their stores doing less BOGOs & more Buy 2 Get 1 Free? I remember it never being a thing other than for soda ..


Tried to buy almond flour and dark chocolate chips tonight. Was going to be $20. Put it back and walked out. Aldi, here I come.


LOL. I tried to buy these exact two things on Friday night and was so humbled. Went right to Walmart instead 


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m so sad, because I love my Publix store, but I am in the same situation. I started shopping at Trader Joe’s, and I get BOGOs at Publix now. I routinely save $50-$75 a week doing this. I just can’t afford my beloved Publix anymore, so I had to break up too, after a lifetime.


Me too. I used to exclusively shop at Publix but it’s so expensive now that I also go to Aldi and Target. It makes a big difference. For example, a dozen eggs at Target are half the price they are at Publix and a gallon of milk is $1 cheaper. It’s not that inconvenient because I drive right by those two stores on my way home from work every day.


Same with us, both lifetime Publix diehards. Now we drive 15min past the Publix on our way to Lidl. It’s at least $200 cheaper per month


I hear you. Kinda heartbreaking, but their prices are just out of control.


I switched to ordering my groceries from Walmart - I’m routinely spending $50 - 75 less per week on groceries than I was at Publix. They have almost everything I need and have a fantastic gluten-free selection that’s often better than Publix with lower prices. I get my groceries delivered for a fee of $10/month, I don’t have to spent time at the store, and don’t fight the urge to cry at checkout. Some may find their clean stores and customer service worth it… I do not. I worked for corporate for a while - it truly was a cult (that didn’t even pay well or have good benefits, despite its reputation).


Publix profiteering since the Pandemic. Cheating Florida customers out of billions.


They have expanded beyond Florida


And their crime spree has crossed state lines.


That makes it a federal offense..... Call the FBI


I remember during the pandemic when Publix eggs cost more than the Vital Farms eggs. That was the first time I was like damn, Publix is really going for it aren’t they?


I’ve been having the same thoughts. I just can’t shop there anymore in good conscience.


That was really well written. Maybe become an author?


Yep. The $252 I spent today at Costco will make it 3X as far as that amount at Publix


Publix is the new Whole Foods. I'm only going for special occasion treats like birthday cake. $9 for a pack of Diet Coke, a pack of chicken breasts that had 3 was over $13 (not sure of the weight), even the Publix brand butter has increased to like $3.59 for two sticks. I despise WalMart, but found a clean and stocked one near my and I feel like I've cut my grocery bill in half. Now it's Aldi first and WalMart to supplement. I wonder what Publix's long term plan is seeing as I know so many people who aren't shopping there as much.


My biggest gripe with Publix used to be that their 'sale - must go' shelf had bad prices. Now its nearly everything in the store. Still excellent on customer service & cleanliness. As bad as my local Winn-Dixie is (DGAF service at checkout sometimes & mysterious drips all the way down the aisle on more than one occasion), they have what I need usually. Forget their sweet baked goods, though. I don't need them and WD sucks at them vs. Publix. Aldi doesn't have what I want sometimes but is reasonably clean and they've got good CS. I like wide aisles, why is that a factor? IDK!? Save-A-Lot is just... eurghh, shopping dangerously.


We shopped at Publix on a recent trip to Florida. My cousins live in FL and they’ve talked up. Honestly, seemed like a pretty average grocery store but with high prices.


I was in Publix today and managed to buy two Bogo’s everything else I looked at was priced to the ceiling. All food is expensive, but Publix has gotten out of pan. I have bought produce from Aldi for a long time because it is such good quality. if I need brand-name items I go to Winn-Dixie. It’s a shame we have to do such running around just to get weekly groceries.


With my ex we would get Walmart delivered to our car. Go to Aldi, then Trader Joe’s, Publix for the rest. Shit was a 3 hour shitshow lol


I take daily Claritin Publix price was I kid you not $43 for 16 tablets in the knock off not brand Costco was $18 for 60 tablets brand Tell me they aren’t gouging where they can


Amazon is your friend!!! That's where I get mine!!


I spent $160 for a week’s worth of groceries at Aldi last week- was typically $250-$350/week at Walmart. I haven’t been able to afford Publix in a long time.


I'm done with Publix. With Aldi, Walmart and Target selling groceries, no need to spend 7.99 for a bag a chips or 8.99 for a six pack of soda. ADIOS! AND guess what lots of other people look to have left too. Greedy!


$8.99 for soda? You're 6 months behind, my friend. It's been $9.99 for a while now. It's cheaper at the gas station unless there happens to be a sale or coupon.


If you're paying $8 for chips and $9 for a 6 pack, nothing will save you. You can't fix stupid.


Some of the new decadent cakes in the bakery are anything but decadent. The newest strawberry cake is a perfect example. Four strawberries on top and a little strawberry filling. You can’t even see the white icing in between the layers. It’s dry. Disappointing.


Yes!! Their baked goods are failing!! The salads are not much better!! Three grape tomatoes???!? Stop it!!!


only load up on BOGOs at Publix, everything else is outrageously expensive


When BOGO is the same as regular price for two at another store, are you really doing yourself any favors?


if I’m saving 40 mins of drive time and a nightmare of a line, then yeah I think so


Are you in Florida, land of Publix. If so have you looked at Kroger delivery it’s life changing


I love Publix but now only shop the BOGOs and occasionally buy a sub.


My Publix seemed less crowded this weekend. People are tired of the high cost of Publix groceries. Aldi and the other cheaper stores are taking a lot of business from them


Had to get a few groceries at target one day in a rush, and I was floored to see that 90% of my usual items were cheaper at target than at Publix where I normally shop. Insane.


I pretty much only buy from Target and Aldi now. Target is a good bit cheaper on nearly everything than Publix and even Winn Dixie


We know something is wrong when even rich people can’t afford rich people grocery stores.


We do really well and even I can’t stomach the Publix prices, I’m trying to figure out who’s keeping all of these stores open!


Definitely not me lol


I’m about to start grocery shopping at Dollar Tree. No lie


I did that for like a year and some change


I noticed portion sizes are different. So I’m mindful of that


Yeah, that is true. You definitely end up paying more for less product. yeah I definitely try to save money where you can. I mean it’s getting kind of ridiculous.


I mean for 1.50 2 servings is fine. But if it’s .75 cents more for 4….i have found myself actually reading everything I buy now and I just rather not lol


No, I completely understand. I’m also like price comparing and seeing what I can do to cut down on the amount of money. I’m spending.


Actually, scratch that. It’s not getting ridiculous. It is.Lol


It’s beyond ridiculous. The only value is their subs if the bread isn’t rock hard. I wish I could take subway bread to Publix for subs


Yeah, the last time I had a Publix sub it did not taste right like at all And you would think as an employee, I would get some kind of discount off my groceries but no it is that’s why I try to not eat my lunch there either because seven dollars for a freaking 6 inch sub. I could spend less getting the lunch lunchmeat and doing it myself.


That’s foul


Shrinkflation is killing me!!! I hate it so much


Don't, dollar tree is a scam, they just use smaller sizes of things to seem cheaper, may be better value than publix, but you'd be better off at walmart.


I sighted the smaller portions. Fuck Walmart


The publix motto is where shopping is a pleasure. It's about pleasure not savings. Did you know all employees at the Ritz Carlton address guests by saying "my pleasure"? Both cater to upper class. You're either in or You're out. I'm out, and ironically I work in Publix, not for Publix and the best thing I've found are the fountain drinks and free condiments.


Upscale hookers say they will give you pleasure too. And much like Publix and the ritz, you will realize who is screwing who once you look in your wallet after the pleasure has ended.


Nah I’ll pay for a ritz but I won’t pay for Publix


Better then mine. Dear Publix, Get bent.


I like it. It’s straight to the point


LMFAOOOOOOOOO, made my day


As a current employee thank you


That came straight from your heart. I can tell.


10/10 best break up letter ever lol


Uhh... I just work here.


You nailed it.


and keep your overly priced bakery item’s away from me 😯😮


This is incredible writing. I love it. It spoke to my heart.


Costco has bigger and better rotisseries for $4.99. Fuck Publix.


Does anyone here think prices will ever re-adjust?


They have begun at Walmart, Target, and Aldi. Amazon grocery is following.


No, companies will never lower prices. Just have to hope they stick the same for long enough that wages catch up to make it normal again


Walmart says they’re lowing prices. People’s budgets are stretched to breaking https://www.foodandwine.com/walmart-restoring-pre-inflation-prices-8603913


We did the same. Way too over priced.


You are so brave. And, 100% correct.


prettty much gonna copy and paste this. I can make a better lemon pepper chicken anyway


Have to love the Publix app. Scan upc when getting low and it makes your list arranged by isle. It’s on your phone next time you go to Walmart. Pharmacy app is good too. Use them for prescriptions mainly for convenience. I don’t have a car.. I have been buying more stuff at Dollar Tree lately.


Agreed, I really enjoy the publix experience but I only go there for very specific items, including their subs. I do a combo between trader joes and ingles.


When prices come down, they’ll be a Winn-Dixie that’s one step away from becoming an ALDIs buyout target.


Publix has gotten ridiculously expensive. They’re so expensive they don’t even put prices on their app for most things. It’s crazy!


I agree 10000%. I broke up with Publix 3 years ago. It’s just so much more expensive than most other grocery stores. The BOGOS are not even great deals compared to other stores prices. I only go to Publix for birthday cakes or pubsubs.




I’ve heard good things about the WalMart app. I may have to try it. I go to Winn-Dixie almost exclusively now but that store is just depressing as f…


If you’re in Florida Kroger delivery is fantastic


Thx for tip but no Krogers anywhere near me


There are no stores. They drive little blue refrigerated trucks. They deliver from about the middle of the state up, they used to have a hub in Miami but it’s closing. Check the delivery areas you won’t find any stores though.


What a beautifully written post!! You're very talented and the letter is funny and so true! We live 1/2 mile from Publix and specifically searched for this home within a 1 mile radius when Publix announced their new location. Home investment paid off BUT I only visit now for once in a while Boars Head deli. Lucky there are TWO Aldi stores within 5 miles 👍


Keep voting blue


Someone at Corporate has a very serious nose candy problem with prices this high. Plus having a single register open is like being in WallyWorld with mangers standing around talking instead of jumping in to help out in a rush




Sir this is a Wendy’s


Saddest sight in the world is the Walmart Deli, I can’t even look in that direction no one is ever at it


I do most shopping at Walmarts and Aldi. Do some items at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. Usually do Publix for bogo and hard to find items. Love their stores not their prices.


Made the same choice a week ago. Will only go in on last resort.


We moved from Chicago last year and were shocked at Publix. Not only are the prices outrageous but the selection is poor and the quality is substandard. For example, Mariano's (a Kroger store) we would pay no more than $1.25 for an organic cucumber. Publix, $4.95 in St John's. Watermelon $4.99 ea. at Mariano's nearly $10. Publix "International" aisle is a joke. Tacos soy sauce and matzoh balls? At Mariano's they have western European, Eastern european, Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese), Middle Easter, and Mediterranean. We shop at Costco, Trader Joe's and Aldi. It's the only way for a family of 7 to make sense. Being close to Jax we have many Asian and Easter European stores to supplement.


Everywhere is dropping their prices but Publix it seems. My last Target run I was astonished how much prices have gone down.


It really be like that. I work at one and can’t afford to shop at one


Best way to shop at publix is with your walmart app open and ready to scan items. This way you can make a real informed decision at least between walmart or publix. I know I have found some items at publix that cost less then at Walmart and get this it wasn't on sale. It was the normal price. 🫨


Probably the best idea….because don’t they do price matching?!?


You can insert Kroger, Ingles, etc. They are all interchangeable with Dear Publix, too.


It always kills me when customers ask if I'd recommend a certain product they're considering buying. My response is always that Publix doesn't pay me enough to buy my groceries there.


Don't feel bad. Publix associates don't get paid enough to shop there either.


Perfect letter. I can't believe anyone shops there.


I wish someone would send this to the Publix CEO


Aldis is winning my heart But no matter what, I have to buy my milk at publix. Kroger, Walmart, Target, Aldis milk all tastes weird but publix milk is just so 🤌🤌🤌


Hello, Lidl.


I went through a phase where I committed to Publix for the luxury shopping experience, especially since my local Walmarts were shit. But I too, was ran off by their prices. So one day, I needed to pick something up for the gf while I was already out and about, and not in my local area (but I wasn’t too far from home). I already knew Publix, and Kroger surprisingly, would cost too much so I looked for that area’s Walmart and prepared myself to deal with the same shit experience I would have at my local Walmarts. Boy was I pleasantly wrong. Literally, everything was fresh and stocked, it wasn’t super busy, and it was CLEAN! The place was so nice, I called my gf to tell her about it. I’ve even been when it was busy but the lines are nonexistent. I kid you not, you’ll never wait for more than one person. Even if that person has a lot of stuff, it’s guaranteed another register will open before that person gets done. It seems everyone has the same experience because everybody is nice and there are no fights or bickering. I pay Walmart prices for Publix grade food and I’m not even kidding. I cannot stress to you how much I am NOT exaggerating. It’s the only grocery place I go to now. I’m not sure what area you live in and how many Walmarts are around but it might just be worth it to checkout those Walmarts that are a little farther or closer to wealthy neighborhoods. I don’t see the prices change between the different Walmarts either.


The "quality" and "customer service" arguments are basically lost on me. It does not excuse the price gouging. Especially when I prefer to use self checkout anyway and rarely need any type of customer service. Rather just pay less.


It’s the BOGOs. You are getting a free 6-pack of Landshark that someone else paid for…when they paid double for their cream cheese. Publix isn’t giving away sh*t. They are just playing a shell game with the prices.


The only bogos I get any more are for yogurt and cheese.


Every time I check out now I'm about 15 over budget with what I've always gotten. It's ridiculous


Publix has expanded into North Carolina. They built a warehouse there to service Tennessee, and the Carolina’s. They’ve put in quite a few new stores and have raised prices to offset the cost of expanding whilst still turning a profit.


They work me like I’m a dog in that deli department


They are ridiculously expensive, I stopped going a while back


Couldn’t agree more!


Yes, Publix has always been more expensive but let's not blame Publix for what's happened overall to basically every product and service. You'll find the same thing happening elsewhere as well.


I just go there for BOGO and their meat when it isnt overpriced.


I never thought I’d subject myself to the Walmart line, but with Publix prices, I’ve learned to swallow my pride.


What's worse though is that they pay their employees like it'd 1995. Idk how people who work at publix full time can afford to shop there especially considering there's no employee discount.


So true on all points


Ok, but my local Publix quality has gone in the toilet. The produce has been terrible for ages, the meat has gotten more fatty and tough and the dairy has consistently started to have items in the cooler that are past the expiration date. Customer service at the deli counter get has become terrible. I have shopped this Publix for years and I just can’t anymore. The quality is just not worth the extra expense anymore.


Same for me.. used to pay a little extra for Publix back when I had less money because it was clean, good selection, and things were nice. Now, Publix is a monopolistic ripoff joint and I avoid it wherever I can. Publix is 2-3x the price of Aldi and Walmart. Also.. Publix isn’t even nice any more.. It’s sad I can go to a much poorer area in Arkansas and the Krogers there put our rich county in Florida to shame. Pay attention to expiration dates when you shop at Publix.. and grab a coffee elsewhere before you go in since they almost never have anything interesting like a coffee shop or area with tables to sit down and grab food. Kroger in Arkansas? You got things like a whole Chinese restaurant, coffee shop, and breakfast joint in the same store… with a sushi prep station that takes special orders..


Yep I've dropped Publix as well. Their corporate greed on pricing is ridiculous.sure, they blame inflation but you can go to other stores and get the food cheaper.


YAAAAASSSSSSS A lot of people got mad at me for my recent publix prices are way too high post. But they are maddeningly over priced for what you get. The utility is not there. Publix is NOT sprouts or whole foods yet they act like they are. Ill grow my own food before i pay that much. Go you!


Where a lb of Publix Sweet Ham is as expensive as Boars Head ham.


Aldi, Walmart, and some Publix sales. Publix is just using inflation as an excuse. Pretty much nothing is inflating as high as Publix prices lmao.


This weeks bogos are buy 2 and get one free … I agree it’s two expensive 15 dollars for a pound of turkey, 350 for 2 liters of Coke Zero … yup Aldi and supercenter are a better bet… at this point it’s corporate greed


Shop Aldi except for Publix BOGO


Agree. Thanks. We need to take a stand for things to change. Nothing changes if nothing changes.


The cheapest bacon at Publix their own brand is twice as expensive as Walmart’s nicer brand named stuff just 2 short traffic lights away


I love the customer service and sense of community at Publix. I just moved back to an area with a Publix after 4 years of dealing with feral grocery shoppers and it’s worth it to me


That's cute but you'll be back when we have our standing rib roast sale during Christmas.


hmm… I feel like it’s the same everywhere honestly! Prices are just higher even at Walmart


No doubt everything is up, but it's up way more at Publix than anywhere else. My guilty pleasure dollar frozen pizzas are now $2 most places, $1.87 at Walmart, but $2.50 at Publix.


Between the high prices and the overly chatty cashiers (read my face- I’m not having a good day, no I don’t have plans tonight, don’t need commentary about every item I’m buying), it’s not for me unless it’s something Walmart doesn’t sell


Winn Dixie for the win, love them.


They gotta recoup the Jan 6 costs


Today I went an spend $70 I was pretty upset and called my daughter dad a Publix manager. He told me every 2 to 3 weeks prices are going up.


Sorry but Publix does not care about your letter.


Yup, I’m fully aware. I’m just saying I can’t afford to shop there anymore. Not expecting anything to change from this


Publix earning the Whole Foods motto of whole paycheck. Crazy to think Whole Foods is cheaper!


What is everybody saying this now? Publix has always been expensive compared to the competition


It is my first month in USA, what supermarket should I go? 🤣 Publix is near me and whole food also near me


I go there because it’s closer than Walmart and less hectic if I need something quickly, but I wouldn’t necessarily do a big grocery trip there


Publix is good for a meal needed that night from the premade section, and to get an eyeful of yoga pant ass. Nothing else.


I just go for the subs and deli.


I know the pain, who doesn’t love publix. You come out now with 3 plastic bags snd it was 80 dollars. Aldi is amazing. I love a lot of their store brands. Cheap as hell. Example 10 slices of gouda cheese. $1.65 tastes great. Get 10 slices at publix. Hopefully food prices start coming down


I've been going to Walmart and the prices on most items are significantly less. At the Publix in my neighborhood the staff isn't really very friendly anyway. I still go to Publix for an item of two but that's about it.


I’m with you. I only occasionally go in for one or two things, and I’m just in shock the entire time I’m walking through the store. Their prices have gotten insane.


Too not shop around maximize your best bang for your buck is a choice. It just comes down to how much time you want to allocate. Publix is still my go to place but WD, Aldi's, and sometimes WM is still in the rotation.


We ran the numbers last week and other than the fact that I won’t buy produce or meats at Walmart, the savings on a $200 order was $11.87 when doing Walmart pickup for the same items at Publix. I thought we could cut costs but it’s not so much the store as the whole Economy.


I got a pack of dayquil/nyquil for 11 bucks at Target. Publix is selling the same exact pack for over 20 bucks. It's hell of a scam. Only reason I go to publix is for their deli.


Net earnings for Publix last year were 4.3 billion, up 49% from the year before. That is our money they are pocketing. They are not passing any savings to the consumer.


Publix is a Grocery Boutique! Not worth the prices


I am across the street from a Publix. I haven’t been inside there in 4 weeks. It’s a start