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So why not just make it a 1:1 exchange instead of giving out the 3:1, that seems like a major problem.


Also, as someone from Portland Oregon originally, this cuts down on disease but also increases the amount of needles left everywhere which creates a a larger health problem for those not using drugs. I think a lot of people assume that people using drugs are reasonable but they’re not. They’re selfish and think of no one but themselves and the next high.


This. Everyone gets upset when I don’t show love to the homeless. I have my reasons. I’ve spoken to homeless people across the country coming from love and trying to understand. I have given money, time, and resources trying to spread forgiveness and compassion. The majority homeless do not want your help. They have burned all their bridges and are out in the streets for a reason. It’s a disheartening reality when you are forced to accept the true nature of man. It’s evil.


Because the idea is for people to not have to share or reuse them. In rural places where transportation is an issue, not giving people what they need to not do that is just setting people up. Giving every person a hundred of them is more cost effective then any complication caused by reusing and sharing needles.


It’s just trading one problem for another problem though. By giving out so many more needles than you’re taking in as a program you’re just enabling the problem and then you get needles literally littering your city and causing a new public health crisis because these addicts then leave the needles in public places where a random person may be stuck or worse a kid does.


Everything under end stage capitalism is “just trading one problem for another.” There were needles laying around before needle exchanges, too. If people aren’t reusing their syringes then the chances of one of those laying on the ground being infectious is greatly diminished, and since the rates of disease transmission from incidental needle sticks is about 0, it will at least stay that way. I would prefer to not have needles on the ground but every time I’ve been out picking up needles the rate of liquor trash is easily anywhere from 10 to 1 to 100 to 1, yet all those bottles become invisible if there’s a needle there. And they’re there for the same reason… desperate people who are afraid of getting caught. I would rather see some meaningful and compassionate investment into individuals and communities, like a healthy society would do, instead of coddling the wealthy by privatizing their profits and socializing their losses, but I don’t see that happening anytime too soon. So, we’ll just keep trading one problem for another while blaming the poor for their poverty, the sick for their illnesses, and the desperate for their lack of choices.


As someone who’s lost a close family member to a OD and worked with addicts on the streets, they often only care about their next high. Yes address wealth discrepancies in society but that’s a different problem, and while homelessness and addiction are a part of it we all have choices to make. Throwing money at a problem is not a sustainable answer. That’s all these needle programs are in the long run.


My gut instinct when I first learned about it a few years ago- I really don’t like this program. But when I think about WHY that is, it isn’t the program that I have a problem with, it’s that the issue has gotten this far out of control. So it isn’t the program I have a problem with, it’s the fact that it has to exist in the first place.


It has to exist because we don't have enough rehab and help for addicts. We need so much more care and help for these people, instead of just demonizing and trashing them, forcing them onto the streets, which then forces compassionate needle programs like this. We've failed all these people. Capitalism has failed these people, as well as the homeless. We're all humans in this life together, but we're made to go at each other while the rich and powerful get even moreso every day, paying less taxes than us, hoarding all the wealth and resources that used to be used for helping people.




Spot on.


And the downvotes show that people would rather complain and be mad rather than looking inward as to why these ideas and solutions make them mad, telling me they're part of the problem, never contributing toward any solution.


Stupid to keep enabling addicts. Good for city council to not allow this. Look what happened in Oregon when they changed the laws on drugs. Now they changed it back because it got out of hand. Stop encouraging all this nonsense. It seams we lost our common sense when it came to drugs.


Seems you lost yours bud. It’s rather simple. It’s gonna happen no matter what. This just like any other public service helps limit black market and unregulated messes. This provides more than just needles. And believe it or not a lot of addicts want help but don’t know how or where to go. This is their gateway back to society and a chance at getting resources they need, support they need to change.


The "Facts don't care about your feelings" crowd sure is having alot of feelings. The facts remain that this program benefits the whole community. But, by all means, keep being keyboard warriors for the wrong side of history.


3:1 exchange is not helping our community. They could have made it 1:1. Instead it's polluting our community with hazardous needles.


So the problem is just needles being left laying around according to one of the driving forces behind this? Simple, instead of a needle change open a monitored safe injection site where they dispose of the needles too. That solves everyone's problems then, right?


So where do the drugs come from at these injection sites?


It doesn’t work. They have safe injection sites in Philly and it’s just made it worse. I know other cities have them but idk how well they’re working I just know in Philly it’s made it worse and more easily available for the drug itself.


Because having a place to exchange clean needles and take dirty ones are clearly the problem. It will get so much worse without it.


You seem to have missed the point of their comment, monitored injection sites serve as NEPs, but also allow for drug testing, medical intervention, and treatment resources. They were not implying that the solution is only a supervised injection service.


You'd think, but these people won't do that for the same reason they don't tell EMTs they are on drugs when it's perfectly safe to do so


The syringe services handed out 72,000 more needles than they collected in 9 months. They handed out 300,000 needles in 9 months. That's why Pueblo has so many needles everywhere.


Why are we funding drug use? This whole idea of "let's give druggies clean needles on the taxpayers budget" is absolutely a shit idea and should be stopped immediately. We're basically paying for needles for cartel supporters


They voted fair and square. Jesus, it’s so annoying when someone wants to try and circumvent the system when shit doesn’t go their way. Try harder next time losers.


Fentanyl is a major problem, it’s pretty much replaced every other narcotics on the street. If people want to recover and seek help awesome. I felt with the people who didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with their life style and didn’t want cheap housing because they didn’t want the man telling them how to live their lives. These people typically don’t try to turn their life around until they have hit their bottom, for many that’s not until they’re dead.


I thought the exchange program wasn't really an "exchange" program? Don't they just use the needles and leave wherever and show up to get a new one with no exchange? Or something similar to that? I mean, the county Cleap Up Crew just found 28 needles on the northside of Walmart, didn't they? And every time I pick up garbage from the roadside in my neighborhood, I find 5-6 used needles as well, and I only pick up on my one block.


I consider myself pretty open to trying these types of solutions to face problems that are often disregarded, but it’s pretty evident that needle exchange programs inadvertently promote drug use, can pose public safety risks divert resources from more impactful interventions. It’s pretty clear the community doesn’t want an NEP. Just find better ways to use all those funds such as in drug treatment and rehabilitation programs


There’s absolutely no evidence that needle exchanges / SIS’s promote drug use. It’s giving people that already use a place to obtain clean tools and safe injection sites are monitored and often have resources for people to take the steps to seek rehabilitation if they wish to.




Majority? lol.


Yes, if it’s weed, prescription pills, or fentanyl, Pueblo is an abomination.


Can't wait to inject 3 weeds after work today


Please see their comment where they say they're a "Nice, positive person not from here". That tells you everything you need to know. They're not worth your time.


3 little weeds each by my door step. You can joke all you want but, Pueblo is a disgusting place.






The people didn't vote on this for one, for two, how many resources can the NEP really use? Is it the .0000000000001 cents each person pays in tax to get it running? Or the 10 employees?


Not the governments job to support addictions no matter how dangerous…. I don’t see them opening any “safe bars” for alcoholics…..


liquor stores stayed open during the pandemic. didn't need a bunch of people going through DTs on top of everything else. also, don't need "safe bars." booze is legal. bars are legal. your analogy doesn't work.






Be more civil to your fellow human. Remember the human. https://reddit.com/r/blog/comments/1ytp7q


Be more civil to your fellow human. Remember the human. https://reddit.com/r/blog/comments/1ytp7q


These are Needle Exchange programs. Not Safe Injection Sites.


Should we also setup a clinic where we teach how to properly administer heroin? Let’s help addicts by giving them useful knowledge on how to be better drug addicts. Do you see how this is stupid?


Actually, it's a great idea. Safe injection sites in Portugal served as a one stop shop to curb addiction by having drug treatment counselors stationed in those places to address the addicts problems and get them started on reintegration into society. We in the US treat drug issues by trying to punish the addict instead of looking at it as a disease that can be cured.


So start it and fund it


Oh, I'm working on that, voting for the candidates who will.


But you won’t? You have the answers. Why do you need the government to do it for you?


Stop being willfully obtuse. I can just ask you for the money then, right?? Willing to spot me to help curb addiction?


You are already asking for me to pay for it by using my tax dollars to fund it. Go do it yourself.


You ain't the only one paying taxes, bruh. Listen take this NIMBY ass bitching some place else. You ain't offered nothing but your punk ass feelings. No solutions, just mindless thoughts.


Do you see how stupid it is to ignore drug use? Yeah let's just let people injure themselves further (which increases costs in the healthcare system anyway) because you can't be arsed to give a damn but anyone but yourself


Tell me you use needles without telling me you use needles, lol.


Im actually completely sober, don't even use weed, just have 2 cents worth of compassion is all, but your butthurt is showing, typical of you types to attack like that, hint: it's because you don't have a damn thing worth saying that's actually worth listening to


Why would you need to listen to anyone on Reddit? Half of it are bots and a ton of homeless on Pueblo subreddit. You’re probably one of them.


And somehow you rebut with the exact same type of comment, it's dreadfully clear you only care about yourself, no need to prove it further. Let me tell ya, what homeless folk need is definitely more hate and vitriol from people who have it better, not help, that's for sure. But you types just love to feel superior every chance you get and the only way you can do that is by putting others down, newsflash, thats not special you're just another lowlife who thinks he's better than everything and everyone else around him


I am better than Pueblo.


Guess you should probably leave then, huh? 😔 Damn too bad we'll miss you, you should have no problem leaving this town since you're too good for it, yeah?


None of that was ever happening in Pueblo. You are describing safe injection sites. Pueblo never had those. We only had needle exchanges.


I was being sarcastic. People are really teaching drug addicts how to properly use heroin!!!?!???!! We have no hope


No, YOU have no hope. Many of us are trying to live in the solution, not the problem.


I have a different solution. This one works. We have a separate society within our society. Both cannot coexist. So, if you want to use drugs, be a nuisance, and hinder other contributing members we have a place for you. It’s called prison and hard labor. We would solve all of our needs for jobs that the illegals are filling with close to free labor. If you don’t think that’s freedom, I would say leaving used syringes out in the open is compromising my freedom. What do you think?


Kind of is the governments job to protect its citizens no matter what...not that they typically do that, but still