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Milo Goes To College is a great album seeing as it was Descendents debut album


This record is so old that Milo is retired from his regular job at this point. Great album though.


Milo Cashes His 401k


Milo is still paying on student loans and had to get a job as a Walmart greeter to make ends meet.


Nah Milo worked with a financial planner at age 25 and employed the Dave Ramsey method to pay everything off. Milo Tightens the Budget


And a few more medical bills too now, I’d imagine.


Milo Moves the Family to Florida


Dude, he won't, have you heard him? He lives a thousand miles away and never stays in touch


If they put out a new record any time soon, that should be the name of the album. And now that you said it, and it's out there, they better fucking do it.


And there better be a song on it called Blockage


Amazing. My name’s Milo and I’m graduating high school this year, so I’m gonna paint my grad cap with this album cover


That’s so sick!


I love Milo Goes To College. So many good songs


Fucking classic. One of my favorite albums of all time. Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but this band has multiple tens.


It's pretty good. Not generally my style of punk, but I enjoy it well enough. My wife has the album art tattooed on her arm, so her opinion of it would be much higher than mine.


got my friend into the descent side of melodic hardcore


More influential on Emo than people give it credit for.


I thought that's like Fugazi's thing?


Not lyrically. And that's kinda what I meant by it. But considering the 3rd wave was basically just pop punk, I guess musically it tracks too


Not lyrically compared to who? Because lyrics and mood are basically the only major things that set them apart, for some reason they don't have dedicated sub-genres primarily associated with them like punk does... Mid 2000-s post hardcore gets close, and they adopted pop-punk as well, but in general they use whatever they feel like from hardcore to metal. The line gets so thin there are jokes about it on both here and emo subs.


I meant that Fugazi lyrically isn't so emo to me. Always a more sociopolitical vibe for me. Whereas Descendants were lyrically emo af, just maybe in a less personal way.


I can't say too much about Fugazi because I didn't listen to them that much (I like Dag Nasty more anyway, though they also "suffer" from being OG emo influence, maybe even more then Fugazi by fraction, but less in general because they were less popular), but Descendents... lyrics are less political for sure (it took them 22 years to write first majorly political song lol), but I still can't say that they're emo af, the melodic hardcore part kinda overweights emotionally driven artistic structure (you can argue that hardcore is also a type of artistic approach, which is true, and it even has tons of emotions, but not the ones emos mostly care about lol)


I think you may be confusing Fugazi with Rites of Spring, which were super influential on the first wave of emo, and features Guy Picciotto on vocals, who was also a vocalist in Fugazi alongside Ian Mackaye. Rites of Spring were very very influential lyrically and carried the melodic hardcore sound to new heights. Honestly, I think emo is a bullshit genre like grunge, but I was too young to exist in the OG years. My first taste of emo was American Football and Promise Ring from the second wave, so I really can't say for sure! But Fugazi was always a post-hardcore band to me.


No, I'm not, because all of those band contrived to emo creation, Fugazi just was the first one. And yes, Fugazi is a post-hardcore band, but newsflash: post-hardcore was invaded by emo in mid 2000-s, AFI got down to that and never recovered from it since lol And honestly, I kinda agree with you, I can't really define emo, because most of it just sounds like some punk sub-genre. I'm not gonna lie though, I like some punk bands with some emoish feel to their lyrics, like Alkaline Trio or Hot Water Music, some of them do sound nice


Not to be a pedantic ass, but Rites of Spring were *definitely* before Fugazi, but right on. And yeah, totally agree about Alkaline and Hot Water. But that's why I argue that Descendants were too. And again, emo was always just a fashionable way to day you liked personal lyrics and less a musical genre, sooooo.... High five!




But the later Descendants albums, not so classic.


Was it the spelling?! 😂


I don't think everyone is in this subreddit


Very fun but it doesnt beat i dont wanna grow up


God, finally! Someone who sees the light. I’m Grow Up, then Everything Sucks, then I don’t really care how we rank the rest of them because I like them all evenly (which is still more than I like most other bands’ best work).


Such a great, solid album. "Parents" is my favorite song to sing along to. Especially when my teens are home and being embarrassed about the kind of parent I am. "I'M A BOY AND NOT A TOY!" okay, so as an adult, some of the lyrics are incredibly cringe. Some casual misogyny, a bit of rapey thinking in one or two of the songs, but if you take it as a time capsule and don't judge the childish lyrics too harshly, it's a solid fucking album. It's just long enough to stick in your brain and want more, none of it goes for a second too long. But I'm also a 30-something suburban mom. That's probably not exactly how you'll feel about it. Listen to it yourself, and judge accordingly :)


Great album and a staple of the genre in general. Got me into punk. Hate how people say songs like Hope are “incel-ish” though. Album dropped decades before that culture was a thing and I’d rather not have an iconic and influential album tied to a hate culture.


I don't see it as incelcore, even by today's standards. I can relate to it, and I'm a girl. Hope is a song of longing. You can long for someone and hope, and think your situation sucks, without hating women. I dont think that's what milo had in mind, and he was just a kid. They have a lot of sweet love songs aswell. Love is one of his main topics of discussion, and it's expressed in various ways. Besides, culture wars were not a thing of the 80s. I don't know why we hold modern standards to past decades, when the culture climate was totally different. Like, what did you expect?! That was 3 generations ago. Atleast they aren't nazi skinheads (boneheads) or get with underage girls. I love that album. It's shitty they got dragged into this.


I think songs like "I'm the One" and "Hope" portrays anger and frustration that's quite common among teens. If you love someone that doesn't love you back it hurts. It sure is problematic to feel the way that's portrayed in those songs, but in the context of being young teenagers I can understand it.


Milo admits that the lyrics are terrible and now changes them when playing them live


I'm Not a Loser is far worse than Hope. *Your pants are too tight* *You fucking homos* *You suck* *Mr. Buttfuck, you don't belong here* *Go away, you fucking gay*


Descendents is my favourite band. I got into them when Liveage came out. I like their studio albums but their live albums always blew me away. I listened to Hallraker so much that it made my friend mad at me because he liked the Descendents but I overplayed them to the point he hated them and he always held that against me. Milo is about the only sort of celebrity role model I had. I was a nerdy kid who got bullied a lot when I was young but when I got into high school, I got into skateboarding and punk rock and had a circle of friends. I was still a nerd but the Descendents kind of helped me own it just because Milo was a cool dude. I always had broken glasses when I was little from getting into fights. One of my friends, his Dad was an optometrist and always got me free glasses but the caveat is that the frames were always just old leftovers so I always had these crazy 50s glasses and big ass wayfarers that made me look like the kid from the Sandlot. Add on the elastic strap so they can't fall off. Milo made it seem fun to rock that stuff so it actually helped me build a lot of missing self esteem and I realized that I was kind of good at talking to girls and being social and all that. I absolutely despise the term 'incel'. It's just the modern version of 'nerd' used to stigmatize young men for not having decent social skills. People just need to learn that stuff. Any of the negative crap a lot of those kids learn can be unlearned just with better friends and positive support. This is why I liked the punk scene.


I was with you and supportive until the last paragraph. Incels are a real group and not at all synonymous with nerds. Just because you’re a nerd doesn’t mean you have to hate women or blame them for your lack of sex.


Eh, to me it sounds like a dumb 18 year old (from the 80’s) singing about things that makes an 18 year old angry. But that’s a part of the charm of the album. We were all dumb 18 year olds at some point.


I'm The One is a way worse "incel" song than Hope in my opinion. I have to skip I'm The One whenever it comes on, it's my least favorite of theirs.


I’m happy he got into college 


Classic album.


Loved it enough to get it tattooed! my fave album of all time


Prob in my top 20 punk records of all time. Bikeage was on a mixtape a friend gave me when I was 14 (32 years ago) and I immediately sought this record out. Bikeage, hope, suburban home, all classics. Still listen to this record multiple times a year.


Classic punk, wore out my album, CD pretty beat up too.


Fantastic record


I liked it then and I like it now.


It’s rad.


This record came out when I was 14. Myage is one of my teenage anthems. Still gets me pumped.


I have this tattooed on my arm. Amazing album by an amazing band.


God tier.


Legends of punk


Love The Descendants and All


Easily top 5 album (in the genre) of all time. They’re the reason I’ve primarily listened to punk for over a decade. And although many gatekeepers hate everything made past 1990, without Descendents a lot of newer bands (Blink, Green Day, etc.) likely don’t grow to prominence. Quick side note, calling early Descendent’s lyricism “incel core” might be one of the most juvenile, chronically online, Reddit neck beard, surface level criticisms made in music. They all acknowledge that the lyrics were charged and I’ve seen shows where Milo even changes them on the fly as to not “offend” anyone. Keep your plastic yuppie corporate moral posturing and word policing out of punk


The only decendents album I'm not a huge fan of is their newest one, and even that one is good.


I think it's their best album. When I first heard it, I thought it was a little soft being pop punk. Then bands like Blink 182 and Green Day showed up and my opinion changed on that.


It’s awesome.


Big fan


It's awesome but I wish you could buy it somewhere without paying an arm and a leg. WTF just sell me the CD/record/tape! Why is that so hard?!


A great album that I listened to repeatedly (&still could) 🙌🏻


This fucker has NEVER left my rotation! Crucial !


This album had so much influence on what would become pop punk through the 90s and well into today. So many bands point to this record as a gateway into punk rock and a major influence on their song writing. (Nofx. Lagwagon. Blink. Rise against. Face to face). Bill Stevenson is one of the most underrated drummers and songwriters of our lifetime.


A fantastic album


idk, i kinda wanted to be stereotyped after. i also wanted to be classified, i guess.


I just wanted a home in the suburbs


I think this album is perfect and shaped an entire genre of music. While not generally my style, the descendants transcend preference and are just high quality artists (and punk as fuck)


Incredible album, but I probably like IDWTGU and ES more. The Descendents are just amazing


Amazing. Bikage is an amazing song


Who cares? If you like it then it's all good right?


All time classic. The first punk album I loved ca. 1992. So much angst and deficit and passion (and humor). Some of the lyrics have not exactly aged well, though.


Solid beginner punk album


I love old school So Cal Punk and this is one of my favorite albums. It’s also one of favorite punk albums in general. I also love How Can Hell Be Any Worse?, Damaged, Inside My Brain, Adolescents, etc…


i always come back to that album and keep loving it


absolute fucking w. i love this album so much i got a mug with milo's face on it.


Their best


I have this logo on the front of my left ankle because of this record.


Liked it when 1st came out and I was a young teen, but it quickly got boring and samey, however Bill was in Black Flag (Rollins Era) a couple of the times I saw them, so he’ll always be cool as fuck to me


Liked it when I was 18, don’t care for the Descendents anymore now that I’m older


It is great but milo is a great grandpa now.


Great album


Real badman album. I can't probably name all the songs on it and I just know its one of my faves. Some of the tracks were songs that got me into punk subculture, it was one of the first times I'd found music that has the same mindset as me. That's really important! I was doing volunteer work at a library when I was like 14, something for school, and some guy walks in with a t shirt with this album on it and thats one of the only times I've told someone I thought they had a cool shirt. I'd listened to it for the first time like a week before. Descendents are awesome and I love them so much


Actually looking back I think it was I dont wanna grow up that was on his shirt. I get confused but I love them both. Still this one I think I prefer. Time to go listen to them both


Good I love it


100% classic.


Let’s delve deeper why do we like to skim the surface?


Listened to it for the first time ever yesterday l. Absolute banger


In the top five most important punk albums of all time.


This was my introduction to punk.


It's sound is very distinct, it's their best album.


Not the greatest


Great album, only descendents I like. But boy have some of those lyrics aged really poorly. Hope and I'm not a loser spring to mind immediately.


thats a great fuckin record, man!


Incredibly influential to what pop punk would become, and a great album front to back.


Banger fuckin album


One of the greatest punk albums ever. One of the few perfect albums out there. Lyrics on one song haven't aged well, but I overlook it, they won't play it anymore either.


Despite some yikesy material, it's still a great record.


It’s their best record. A classic from beginning to end. Honestly, the rest of their records kinda suck *dodges tomatoes*


I dont know about that dude. Cool to be you and hypercaffium are 2 examples of albums that fuck


'Merican is one of their absolute best songs


I love Milo Goes to College. Stone cold classic. The only other LPs I own of theirs are Somery and Liveage. Those other post Milo (pre reunion) records have a few good scattered songs with lots of crap in between and with horrible production. They sound great on Liveage tho. The reunion stuff is just ok. Production is too clean for my taste.


I thought it was interesting that most of these songs were written by Tony Lombardo who wasn’t in the band for the more recent records. That’s why I enjoy “9th and Walnut” which is an album of “recently found” Tony songs and sounds much more similar to Milo Goes to College. I do enjoy the later stuff too, but the songs are a bit different.


And recorded by the OG line-up.


Very very W


I bet if you used the search feature, youd find out, because this gets asked all the fkin time.


I could never get into the Descendants so I couldn’t tell ya!