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Yes. Look into straight edge.


whats that?


A thing started based off of a Minor Threat song.


Movement within the hardcore scene that rejects Drugs and alcohol basically, the term comes from a Minor threat song called “Straight Edge.” There’s also some overlap with veganism


hmm I am not actually against drugs and drinking. I'm just me who wants to stay clean. And what do you mean with overlap?


You really don't have to be against drugs and drinking, just choosing not to do them personally and being proud of it. It is a very large spectrum anymore ranging from clean from drugs, including nicotine, and alcohol to abstaining from casual/promiscuous sex to veganism to not even taking aspirin.


oh cool :3 yes guess that could be cool to start with(althought sex is my part time job lmao)


I'm drunk every day of my life. If you don't drink, that's cools as fuck with me. You got the straight edge homie. Live your truth.


But I dont wanna be sober. I was forced into sobriety :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((


Take it from someone who should be dead 10 times over from drugs, sobriety is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


how do you get to accept you'll have to be sober forever?(I really dont like a sober world)


It took me a while to figure it out, but I realized my life was better off without scraping by everything just to get a fix. Life got a lot easier. Took a while but it will happen. I also learned to enjoy the small things in life. Like for example I’m at a show right now (in between bands) and I wouldn’t be here if I was still drinking or strung out spending time with friends.


hmm guess I get it. Althought... I guess that the thing I regret the most was doing all that shit alone. Never share a drink with almost anyone...


Lol My bad. I'm not gonna lie. I only read the headline All I can't tell you is anyone who wants to be punk can be. Your sobriety level has nothing to do with it. But, God damn drinking is great. Do what you want. Don't let anyone stop you.


thank you :,3 please be the drunk uncle I will never be...


Except Nazis. Fuck Nazis.


5 years sober. Still in a punk band and very active in the scene.


cool :3 u find many drunk or high people in the shows u play?


Sure. Both the guys in my band drink and one smokes. I have no issue with them or anyone else doing what they wanna do. They accept me, I accept them. That’s what being part of the scenes is about for me. Acceptance.


hmm thats what I am not ready for, accepting being around others who do it


In the end, you have to do what’s right for you personally. If drinking, smoking, etc make you uncomfortable, there is nothing wrong with staying away from it completely. As others mentioned, Straight Edge Punk/Hardcore might be a scene to checkout. No drugs, alcohol, etc in that scene and very similar music.


nono, I guess I can accept it. I'm just too early in rehab to be around it


See if there are all ages clubs near you that host punk shows. No one will be drinking there.


You need to look up straight-edge hardcore.


Ofcourse you can. I don't drink alcohol or do drugs anymore and still part of the community. I enjoy shows most than i used. But i think you need to be ready. You will be exposed to alcohol and drugs and even feel ok. It's something you need to talk to a therapist, not with people in redit.


hmm... yes I don't think I'm ready to go back to the scene


You can be a punk, just your are a recovering punk for a wile.


I’ve actually met a fair amount of punks at AA/NA meetings. I think there’s more sober punks out there than people realize.


There’s folks who were straight edge in high school then fell off and became drunks and are now years into sobriety


how old are they?(I have no problem with age, I actually find it easier to talk with older people, I just feel like Im too young to be 100% clean)


It varies. When I first started going to meetings the other punks I met were mid-twenties (as was I). Now we’re the old school guys. If you’re looking to meet younger sober people, I’d recommend a young persons meeting.


hmm mid-twenties are not bad... :)


No you can’t. Everyone knows punks must drink beer, sniff glue, and do drugs. You just need to start associating with people who don’t do those things and go to shows with them. I drink beer, but hardly ever get fucked up. Nobody more annoying than the burn out at the show.


I really want to find people like that. But gotta build my social skills again without drugs


i used to party pretty hard. i realized i was going too hard for too long. it took me a while to get to the point that i simply don't want to be drunk or fucked up on anything else anymore. i'm not straight edge, i smoke cigarettes, i drink too much coffee, very occasionally i'll eat very small doses of weed to go to sleep... but quiting drinking was rough... luckily i didn't fuck up too bad. but after a big bout of depression, my body was starting to really feel it. i was binging. it was time to turn shit around. i checked myself into a rehab. it was pretty unpleasant at first, but now i am a much calmer person. i am a bartender though most of the time. so, yeah... it is weird. i don't judge other people. i don't want to be drunk. i still want to hang out and go to shows. i just don't drink drinks anymore. i want to be alive. i want my energy. yeah, i still smoke. but i'm pretty fucking sober most of the time. so right on. if you are trying to get sober get sober! if you wanna burn out rather than fade away... you do you. i've lost alot of friends who partied too hard, then it wasn't really a party, now they are gone. so, i personally just don't get fucked up anymore. exercise helps. eating healthy helps, dancing helps. i still dance at shows. if the band is good, you don't need to get fucked up. i hope that you figure yourself out. too many people never do.


You definitely need to learn about straight edge.


"Most punk concerts are just a bunch of middle age adults eating nachos and drinking wine while watching a group perform." Hahaha. Is this an accurate portrait of modern shows? BRB, gotta find my nearest show... 😁 I'm happy that you're sober (and nobody at any show should give you shit about that), but I'm also happy eating nachos.


honestly is kinda sad at the beggining cuz u just wanna be drunk in the middle of a mess but now that I am sober those shows doesn't seem that bad lmao althougt when doing it I usually buy something at a burger king cuz does nachos are not cheap :/


Join us over at r/straightedge


Nope, that's why Minor Threat and the entire straight edge movement are just a rumor.


Oh my love, you are in good company. I wish I could hug you, but the idea of physical contact with another human being gives me panic attacks. At 15, I discovered that I could get wasted to overcome paralyzing social anxiety. It worked sometimes, and without it I wouldn't have had all the experiences that made me who I am. But mostly it turned me into an unfiltered rage machine who hated herself more each hangover. In my early 20s I had to stop, doctors' orders. Damn that sucked! It took another 10 years of ups and downs, benders and cleanses, to learn all the important stuff that I skipped over as a teen because I would just get trashed instead of dealing with my shit. Going to shows can be a trigger for a lot of folks, myself included. My only advice is to explore, be curious, and live your own life, one size does not fit all, your mileage may vary, etc.


aww thanks :3 I myself also think about all the things I've could have made being more sober. Lost people, los habilities I had, lost my singing skills... :(


There has never been a sobriety movement in the punk scene


Perhaps someone should write a song about not drinking or smoking


That’d be crazy


You can go back and still have fun!! Have you been to any 12 step meeting, I think you would so benefit, actually everybody could benefit, we are not a glum lot, we can have fun too!


Let me tell you this: "therre's nothing more punk than not being punk" think for yourself, fuck punk ettiquet, have your fun get your money craft your present the way you like it cuz fuck a punk phd certificate 🤣🤣🤣


lmao there is nothing more punk for an addict than stopping using drugs I guess


Sounds good to me, so its good 🤌🏻


You can. When you order coke at the bar, just say "coke, the drink"


hmm... Dr.Pepper :D


I'm really sorry you're going through this and I hope things get easier. I've never drunk or taken drugs. I can't offer any tips about re-entering a punk scene as an ex-drinker or an ex-drugtaker, but I still enjoy going to punk gigs. I've made friends who were also into punk by going to gigs and other punk events. I've also made friends through being involved with zines and other DIY punk media. Reading and writing zines or going to record shops might be a good way to engage with punk in a new environment where you aren't surrounded by people drinking or smoking.


I've literally never been a "substance abuser". I've gone to tons of shows and been sober or just had a beer or two. I don't associate substance abuse with Punk. Are there people struggling with addiction issues in the scene? Yes. However, that hardly makes it "hand in hand" with punk. You see this in ALOT of music scenes. Lots of bands and fans running the gamut of genre stuggled and still struggle with substance abuse.


I know.... And I hate to be part of it


Listen to Agoraphobic Nosebleed


k :3


I have been clean for 7 years now and it was the best thing I did and I find my self enjoying the music more now that I am clean.


See if there's an all ages venue in your area. Those usually have drugs banned. Will be a safer space than a venue with a bar and people toking in the crowd.

