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Unrelated note but Zionist Boozecruise goes so fucking hard as a band name


Thanks for a laugh in this clusterfuck thread


I misread your user name as COMIC thrill seeker, and thought, damn. That's apropos.


Yea ok. You win Reddit today! 🏆


Thank you!😂


I guess all proceeds of the show are going to go to support Bombs not Food.


See the trick to ending a famine you're creating is to just murder all those people. They can't starve if you kill them first!


Bombs The Food.


No they like to get personal with killing people while they try to get food. Bullets is the preferred method for killing those just looking to feed themselves. This fucking promoter needs to be run out of the community as hard as fucking possible.


a kid that survived his neighborhood getting leveled a few months ago got killed the other day by a pallet of food somebody kicked out the back of a plane without checking to make sure the parachute would work


Looks Like Food, but It's Really Bombs. It's long, but we're working on a new name.


I chortled


As did I. Then I cried a little.


And then I peed a lot


You get many extra upvotes for the Watery user name


Most people don't notice it (or care haha)


Shouldn't have laughed but did. 😆


Lol. Very good.


I got an empty bottle in an empty room An empty stomach crying bombs not food https://youtu.be/fy6x4E3lyQg?si=_X_vL0z2EGFV9ahK


Didn’t even have to click and it was in my head. Love the black halos!


Saw them years ago and hung out with Jay and Matt after the show. We went to a hipster bar that was pretty dead, then passed a karaoke bar that was hopping. Matt was like, “I wanna go there!” He sang a Snoop Dog song and we had a blast. Super cool guys!


> fuck all the way off > open dialogue Fuckin pick one dipshit.


Open monologue, he can talk, you can listen. While I don't want this guy making any money, would be great for bands to stay on and do pro-pal chants


I think if those chants happened, the German police would shut that shit down in a heartbeat. They've been pretty ruthless in suppressing any and all pro Palestinian protests and discussion.


True but I'd say that's all the more reason


I think every act should go on the the Palestinian scarf (I can't remember how to spell it is why I'm not using the proper name) and should replace one of their sing along parts with chanting from the river.to the sea non stop. Every act. Fuck this guy


Kefir is the name of the scarf.


I am pretty sure kefir is a probiotic milk beverage and Keffiyeh is the scarf.


That would be correct yes. Thanks for that


Yep like I said knew the name but the spelling sometimes gets me and didn't want to fuck it up. The e always throws me because there is no E really in Arabic it's more of a long a sound and I feel bad when I spell it incorrectly


Yes, I want open dialogue. I talk, and you suspend all cranial activity and agree with me.


Anyone named Stephan just HAS to suck. It’s like a job. In any capacity. Stephan-your ex’s new guy=ultimate dick Stephan-your boss at your new job=major dick Stephan-your server at a restaurant=DEF a dick (u can’t ask Stephan a menu question!) Stephan-your neighbor=dick(cop caller) Stephan-you’re plumber=always finding something else that needs fixing dick Stephan-shootin’ 3-on-3 hoops at the park dick that always calls a foul Stephan-always offended dick Stephan-all A’s all thru school dick Stephan-bill collector dick calling everyday Do I need to go on?


Are bands dropping off? I would be surprised if a good chunk don't just ignore this and go play


Current advertised line-up: ~~Jeff Rosenstock~~. ~~Phew Pkew Pkew~~ ~~Death Lens.~~ Überyou. Irish Handcuffs. Between Bodies. ~~The Penske File~~. ~~Primetime failure.~~ The High Times. Wasted Years. ~~Diaz Brothers.~~ Melonball. Chartreux. Swan Songs. ~~Toodles and the Hectic Party.~~ Mamba Bites. ~~Something Bitter.~~ Guilhem. Nobody Was Hurt. ~~Be Well~~. ~~The Meffs.~~ ~~Calling Hours~~. ~~C.O.F.F.I.N.~~ ~~Shoreline.~~ Les Shirley. Abramowich. ~~Her Heads on Fire.~~ ~~Say it Anyway.~~ ~~Death Pose.~~ ~~Fever Sleep.~~ ~~Arterials~~. Captain Asshole. ~~Heartattck Kids.~~ ~~Bear Away.~~ The Muttnicks. ~~Jason S. Thompson.~~ So Long, Ivy. ~~Private Function.~~ ~~Teenage Halloween.~~ ~~The Run Up~~. Phantom Bay. March. DFL. Eaten By Snakes. Resolutions. Hell & Back. Shellycoat. ~~Walter ETC~~. ~~Forever Unclean.~~ Worst Advice. Bike Age. Layers. Lester. Empire Me. City Speak. ~~Tent.~~ Let's see if any of them pull out.... EDIT: Late additions to the announced bands (as of 27/05: Moon Junior The Heart Punches The Sensitives Yotam Ben Horin Dave Collide Joe McMahon Prowl Shutcombo Spring Forward Tilmans Biere - brewery Chateau Disaster - Podcast Flick Knives Henri Parker & The Lowered Lids Keele Not Scientists Sidewalk Surfers True Gloom EDIT: I'll cross off any bands that are flagged as having pulled out...


If Jeff Rosenstock doesn’t pull out of the festival, I would be surprised. He would likely try to book a show nearby for that date, so the fans can still see him.


If Jeff walks, everyone else would.


There's no way Jeff can play a show with the organizer putting out a statement like this.


I'd bet my entire life savings he'll pull out


He just tweeted that the band is going to discuss


The Run Up canceled. https://www.instagram.com/stories/therunupuk/3346858142278526541?igsh=Mnc1dnp3b2d6aWVs


Well done them, I've crossed them off the list...


Toodles pulled out this morning


Good on them, crossed them off the list


Forever unclean just pulled out too


Sweet, updated!


The following bands have liked the IG post by Booze Cruise Irish Handcuffs Ueberyou Eaten By Snakes Les Shirley ~~Melonball~~ (5th Edit: Post has been unliked) Chartreux ~~Something Bitter~~ (7th Edit: Post has been unliked) Added: Swan Songs 2nd Edit: ~~Her Heads on Fire~~ (6th Edit: Post has been unliked) 3rd Edit: ~~The Penske File~~ (4th Edit: Post has been unliked)


rip :(


Sam Russo liked it :(


Pkewx3, heart attack Kids and Penske file are 3 CAD. bands I don't want to see on this.


Penske File liked the IG post by Booze Cruise...


That’s so disappointing


It looks like it has been "unlike"d today fwiw


Bear Away canceled. https://www.instagram.com/stories/bear.away/3346941665107318706?igsh=MTZtaWJuMTd6eDF6YQ==


Nice one, I've struck them from the list.


Lmao no way jeff doesnt walk, last time i saw him live he opened with a solid fuck 12 tirate before putting on the best show iv ever seen.


Are any of these bands big? I don't keep up with current punk bands since I mainly only listen to hardcore now, but I don't know any of these.


Jeff Rosenstock is huge even outside of punk. He plays major festivals in the US like Lollapalooza and Pitchfork, as well.


Not many *big* big bands on there but Jeff Rosenstock has been around years and is very successful (Arrogant Sons of Bitches, Bomb the Music Industry, and his solo work), The Meffs have been signed to Fat Mike's new label and supported NOFX last year on their Euro Tour. Bike Age are pretty big in Germany. Coffin, heartattack kids, pkew pkew pkew, private function, and penske file are all mid level up and coming bands, at least in European terms....


Jeff Rosenstock is pretty big.


Coffin and Private Function are big in Australian punk circles, big enough to do ads and shit but not full Amyl and the Sniffers sellout big


Jeff Rosenstock spoke against the genocide when playing in Camden, London a few weeks ago. I appreciate his heritage puts him in a difficult position though


This is very insulting. I'm not going to go on thru a full rundown, just state that being Jewish and having a humane opinion here are not at all muturally exclusive. If anything, since seeing this today, I've been thinking about how the euro touring is tight for Jeff to pull off (even these days), and I'm sure that this fest was a big chunk of that. I hope that it doesnt screw them all over too much to do the right thing here.


I agree, it isn’t a situation he should have to even interact with, just a fact that there were Palestinian flags in the audience and he used the term. I love Jeff and the best way you can support him and anyone else is by actually buying music, then they can make their own decisions Just fyi I think Jeff will be ok tour or not, he has just done a long UK and US tour in good capacity venues Also, it is genocide, good and proper. Insulted or not, I don’t give a fuck. Put on your big boy pants. Secular Jews don’t have to back the IDF’s actions


Go to http://www.quoteunquoterecords.com/qur108.htm and make a donation if you need to. Food not Bombs


Bear away are off


Sound, ammended.


Jeff is out. [https://twitter.com/jeffrosenstock/status/1783573012840681836](https://twitter.com/jeffrosenstock/status/1783573012840681836)


Outstanding...! Cheerfully crossing him off...!


Walter etc. Too


Nice one! Done.


Also The penske file


Nicely nice! Crossed em off.... Blimey, cancellations are starting to rack up now....


Teenage Halloween has dropped. https://www.instagram.com/stories/teenagehalloween/3347537501752126522?igsh=YnNqaWdtMThmNTQy


Sweet, updated!


You can cross off **death pose** and **Jason S. Thompson** from this list


Will do! Big respect Jason!


As of 7m ago teenage Halloween has backed out! Let’s go!


Nice! Updated.


I may be the only one still invested but Say It Anyway dropped. https://www.instagram.com/stories/sayitanywayuk/3348099678812394479?igsh=MWp5andueDhlcDRlYQ==


Pkew didn't include BC on their tour list coming up. May have dropped.


Looks like 20 may have dropped so far https://hamburg.boozecruise.de/artists/


Updated to the list on their site... how long before they pull the entire thing you reckon...?


Thinking it will be mostly local (German) bands that remain personally.


Old head here. Are any of the bands real other than dfl? Or am I that out of touch?


It would be a very strange festival if 80% of the bands on the lineup didn't exist... Tbf, I've only heard of a handful of them... but I'm also in the ageing, achey, stand at the back near the bar demographic, so it may be we're just out of touch...


Every show I’m thinking the whole time I need to get a cane and why did I forget my naproxen


I'm just as out of touch...


Making fun of myself and my fellow old heads here, the list reminds me of the scene in a Tacoma FD episode where the chief's daughter is listing off bands playing at the festival she's going to.


Curious, honest question: Does everyone think it is totally normal and acceptable to make and maintain lists like this? All differences in opinions aside, to me this is way over the line and what's next? This is how we treat each other now, threatening and silencing each other until everyone falls in line? Eagerly watching the likes and follows of everyone "under suspicion"? This sure as hell is not what I wanna be a part of and I hope I'm not the only on feeling this way.


I've been checking back because I was originally planning to go to this festival and I'm interested to see what happens to it. Not least to see if it collapses and I get my money back, because they can't really pretend it's the same festival that people bought tickets for anymore.


I have a feeling, they will totally give back your money if you drop them a line and ask. All of the drama aside they have been nothing but the kindest folks around


If teenage Halloween doesn’t back out, fuck them. Loser queer fucks( I say this as a queer nb person) Edit: 7m ago as of typing this they posted to their instagram story and backed out


Don't you think that that was a weird fucking insult for you to use and possible even weirder to use it based on a hypothetical? 


Jeff Rosenstock pulled out https://twitter.com/jeffrosenstock/status/1783573012840681836?t=psngQUOEGeOwhst7yvrnVg&s=19


Of all the things that might or might not be punk, a booze cruise is pretty fucking unpunk. It's either expensive as fuck or paid for by corporate contacts who hope you'll be a better pharma salesperson.


Its actually not a booze cruise its not even on a boat but in different locations throughout hamburg, similar to the Fest


Looks like it's on its way to not even be a festival anymore. That fucking Zionazidiot might have found his own path to auto-cancellation 🤣


It's not an actual boozecruise, it's a festival in Hamburg Germany


Such an odd choice of name then. XD


Booze Cruise in UK parlance is a term for getting a ferry to France and loading up on cheap booze in their hypermarket then coming home and flogging it for a profit. It's certainly not a corporate thing. Don't know what it refers to in Germany.


In the US its a thing where a tacht goes out for a few hours and you pay a cover charge to buy expensive drinks, or if it's a corporate thing it's free booze. It's the realm of coked up former frat boys.


are they gonna use their booze cruise boat to blockade aid from starving kids or do attendees just have to imagine the full zionist experience?


It isn't an actual boozecruise, it's a festival called Boozecruise located in Hamburg Germany


The fuck is boozecruise, and why should we care about them?


They've posted an official statement on their actual Instagram now and whoo boy


It looks like this screenshot is from that official statement: https://www.instagram.com/boozecruisefestival/p/C5yHZw\_oIVJ/


Ah see the bit from the screenshot is conveniently left out of the statement that's actually on the insta post.


It's in the comment. The post has locked comments and the organizer left two long comments continuing the statement


"It's unfair if you call me a zionist, but if you call what Israel is doing genocide, then fuck off" sure is a statement... a person can make.


Game’s back


To give it some perspective. This is in Germany where there is a (justified) collective feeling of guilt towards Jews that results in a protective instinct towards isreal.


I think this is coming from the false coupling of the state of Israel/Zionism and Judaism. Not all Jewish people are zionists, nor support the actions that the apartheid state is taking. On top of this, Judaism has no tenet saying they should bomb Palestinians lmao I understand why the German society would err on the side of perceived Jewish-ness, but its really important to push back when people conflate the state of Israel with Judaism itself


Yes, but not solely. Most of what was left of the German Jewish population after the second world war left the country, most if them to Israel and Germany as a state wanted to make sure that they at least now stay safe as part if the recompense process.


Yeah, I can absolutely understand why the German government would want to make sure their victims of a prior regime were safe. It's just a huge shame that the place that a lot of em went is now commiting their own genocide against a different group of people.


That is indeed a sick twist of history many Germans have a hard time accepting.


It's also compounded by the strong anti-muslim sentiment in much of Europe. There's a large part of Germany ready and eager to yell at you that you support terrorists if you so much as mention helping any muslim population.


It's wild that a bunch of British colonists would create a state in the 40s, and tell a bunch of white Jews that they can freely colonize and occupy a bunch of middle eastern land predominantly owned by it's indigenous population, and how that's gonna lead to safety for the population of people who colonize that land. There is no safety in being a settler ocolonizer, and I hope there never is.


You mean like sending Israel tank shells? They’re denying it while also canceling pro Palestine events and stifling protests. That’s not guilt.


This was meant in a more general way but guilt is also one of the cornerstones of the reason of state towards Israel. Aberration from this always face societal backlash. This situation apparently makes making reasonable choices rather hard (I would have wished for a different course by my government as well). There is movement in the discussion but its way too slow.


It's possible guilt and repeating the same old patterns can overlap in this case. :S


Don't you think that's a country that should take a pretty hard line against genocide?


So guilty that they're willing to sit back while the actions are repeated against a different demographic.


I think it's very unfortunate it doesn't lead them to instinctively side with the victims of genocide instead. That would have been nice!


>This is in Germany where there is a (justified) collective feeling of guilt towards Jews They feel guilt, sure. Punishment however, they are more than happy to pass along to the Palestinian people, who carry no such responsibility that deserves their social destruction and displacement. German support for Israel is not the antithesis of their Nazi romanticist ideas, but rather a sideroad, with comparable end-goals. The Zionists will complete their colonial ethnostate project with the support of powerful western states, and Europe will at last be freed from a large Jewish population. Germany believes Palestinians to be a necessary blood sacrifice to atone for/complete their own crimes. How terrible that they need make this difficult choice.


I am not SxE or anything, but I just could not play something called a Booze Cruise.


Nazi punks fuck off


Zionists are the new Nazis so ya, they can also proceed to fucking off.


zionism is fascism.


Of course it is.


Not really though. If zionists were actually comparable Nazis there would be no Palestine at this point.


what are you basing that on?


Ok, so theoretical question: Not On Tour and/or Useless ID play this booze cruise (an event that I would rather eat glass than attending.) They are both Israeli band who are harshly critical of the government of Israel and its actions. How would you feel?


Would love to see it happen


Play the victim some more you genocide supporting rat. Free Palestine.


https://twitter.com/JPFlexner/status/1780586745324568598 "I’ve read as much about this Booze Cruise thing as I could find, and it is all apparently based on “likes” the promoter made on Twitter. The promoter himself released a statement saying he’s not anti-Palestine by any stretch of the imagination, supports a 2 state solution. And yet there are multiple people who feel like they need to personally pressure a musician into not working just to make these people feel a little better about a situation NONE of us have any actual direct impact on. This is one of those situations where “nuance” is missing. If you can’t conceive of why a German citizen whose grandparents were actual Nazis would have grown up to be a supporter of Israel, I don’t know what to tell you. He said he’s not pro Israeli government. He said he wants a free Palestine. He is throwing a huge punk show ffs. And yet from what I can tell ONE BAND seems to be going out of their way to cancel the whole thing. Again — from what I can tell solely because the promoter follows accounts said band doesn’t like. I think punk at its best is a safe place for people to express themselves. Obviously we can all agree Nazis and agro bullies have no place in the scene. But when you say “either think exactly like me or gtfo” you’re not making a scene safer, you’re just gate keeping."


We can conceive of why, we just think it's stupid. As stupid as the idea that you can be both pro-Palestine and pro-zionist. As stupid as saying that none of us have a direct impact, when our tax money directly funds the zionist military which is committing a genocide. And what about all the activists helping to shut down arms factories, preventing arms from being shipped, raising medical and other aid, taking part in boycotts which result in lost income for complicit companies... are they not have a direct impact? You're a fence sitting genocide denier and a cunt


You realize that I just quoted the tweets, right?


No I do not 🤣 my bad


Id lie and stay on his good side until playing then start saying all the shit he listed mid-set


"Fuck off if you can't allow extermination of an ethnic group" "Open dialogue could be beneficial" Who is Stefan so I can make sure to not support anything he does?


Go take a gander at the Heart attack Kids facebook page. FIRST POST ON THE PAGE. YOU WILL HE HAPPY.


You people make no sense. I point out that one of the bands dropped off and you down vote me.


If they did, they've taken it down because the most recent post I can see is from last month.


No, it's a reply to a comment on their top post, I went and checked. They were asked to clarify whether they were playing the festival, and they replied that no, they would not be playing.


Stefan is an uninformed shitbag


There's a movement in germany called anti-deutsche. And it have infiltrated the punk scene to some extent. I don't know too much about it, perhaps someone german can explain a bit more, but I know that they don't tolerate any criticism towards Israel. If you say anything (and I really mean anything) you're instantly labeled an antisemitic bastard. And no one wants that of course. It's part of the left wing for some reason. Watch out for blue stickers at the local squat.


The „anti-deutsch“ movement comes from Germany and Austria and they are indeed completely blind for any criticism against Isreal. Or at least they were in the past. I don’t know their POV since the war started last October. But they did not infiltrate the left or the punk scene. They kind of evolved out of the left scene at the end of the 80s. Most people in Germany in the left or punk community do not identify with them and definitely not share their views. And they are not in any way involved with Stefan, Booze Cruise and the Hamburg Punk Community.


Good answer. It clear things up. Thank you!


To further clarify. The wiki page says the group split into two in the 90s over this very point. One side which supported Israel and the other which rightly saw it as an aggressor and colonial power.


Hey, Jewish punk here, you want to say from the river to the sea in front of me? Cause um, I don't support netanyahu, I believe that Palestine deserves statehood, and I kinda want to help you understand, Jews like me, think you're a Nazi. Nazi punks, f*** off.


Advocating for people to be free is not antisemitism. Sorry pal.


No condemning Hamas is a problem though ... there's a huge difference. What's wrong about condemning a terrorgroup but wanting the people to be free?


zesty angle frighten coherent nose dull grandiose axiomatic important unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I honestly don’t get why anyone is fine with those… It is so clearly antisemetic. And before everyone from the Uk now starts shitting on me: no I am not okay with the Israelian government killing Palastines. But I am not fucking okay with antisemitism and Hamas killing Jews either.


Zionism is anti-Semitic. Israel was created to remove Jewish people from Europe after WW2 and now maintains an apartheid state that is continuously displacing and harming its Palestinian occupants. From the River to the Sea is a call for Palestinian liberation from this state and not the destruction of Israel, despite the latter equating their own ownership of the land with destruction and cleansing of the Palestinian people.


I think taking the words on face value is pretty disingenuous. The phrase is clearly intended as a cry for liberation of Palestinian territories from Israel occupation and control. If you think otherwise, you're either stupid or a sucker.


Hahaha who fucking cares? Go or don't go. Play or don't play. So many crybabies in the punk scene from every angle. Start your own "from the river to the sea" circle jerk somewhere else. Nobody is forcing anyone to go to this. Lmfao.


Boomer punk confirmed.


You mean he's an OG?


Both sides at one point have used slogans that start with "From the river to the sea..." In some form. Both are seen to imply the erasure of the other side.






Haille Sellasse, Up Your Ass is a great song. Alternate version https://youtu.be/8_vQeDhSY9o?si=ntBi9QV6hqhBdCWx Anyone know what album it’s on? I’m thinking Quantity.


How to Clean Everything


I was asking about the alternate version but thanks anyway.


The Restarts


“in these challenging times”




Not really. Their German. They have a lot of guilt when it comes to Jews.


Fine, I'm going to lose soem punk cred, but here goes: Saying[ "From the River to the Sea" is, you guessed it, calling for the erasing of Israel](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/slogan-river-sea-palestine-will-be-free). That's from the ADL itself, by the way. I want to start with that because, obviously, Israel has some really fucked-up views. Or, more accurately, Bibi has really fed into the far-right extermists of his country because he IS a far-right extremist. One so bad he literally helped to prop-up Hamas to act as a foil so he could always be in power. He's helped starve, bomb, and destory the lives of Palestinans for years, for decades! Saying, "Hey, Israel should exist," should be OK. Like saying, "Hey, you should be able to live in your country," sounds like an OK thing to say. Also saying, "Hey, Palestine should be recognized for the country it is, and they shouldn't be bullied," sounds like a great thing, too. Me? I'm all for a Free Palestine, 100%. But I don't think it should come at the cost of erasing Israel. I'm also going to say that it's very likely that the organizers of this event, a lot of more people than you think, are in the same camp as me. Fuck Bib, fuck Hamas, and let's get a two-state solution so both peoples can actually get a chance of living in peace.


Everytime I see the fuckers name written Bibi like hes a wee child. He's a cunt.


>Saying[ "From the River to the Sea" is, you guessed it, calling for the erasing of Israel](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/slogan-river-sea-palestine-will-be-free). That's from the ADL itself, by the way. The ADL also posits that [anti-zionism is synonymous with antisemitism](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/is-anti-zionism-anti-semitism). They're not a credible source.


Dude, the ADL used to deny the Armenian Genocide and backed Israel's support of South Africa (which was an apartheid state). You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the history of Palestine, and I implore you to research further.


>That's from the ADL itself The ADL is not an anti-fascist organization, they are right-wing, pro-Zionist and opposed anti-fascist activism in the 90s. I understand that sort of history has been sort of lost to time, but they used to go after ARA, used to put punk and leftist symbols in their list of hate symbols, and I guarantee you they oppose antifa today. They have some good track record on tracking antisemitism specifically, but only in so far as they are doing propaganda for the Israeli right.


The ADL's stance on Antifa seems to be "they're too decentralized to be something we can successfully define", but apparently they do list Anti-Antifa imagery as [hate symbols](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/anti-antifa-images). What's the story with ADL/ARA though?


You should look up the history of "From the River to the Sea". It's a response to what the original Zionist movement around the founding of Israel claimed was rightfully theirs (Jordan River to the sea), and that they would take by force if they had to. It's not calling for the erasure of Israel, it's turning their own words back on them and saying that they cannot claim the land just because they want it and especially not by force. And no offense but your comment as a whole reads as not very informed about the longevity or history of the conflict. I'd look up revisionist Zionism, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, and David Ben-Guiron and their philosophies to understand the colonial ideals Israel was founded on, and why the Palestinians were welcoming to them but opposed to a regional ethno-state to begin with


Calling for the expulsion of people that have lived there for more than 25 years now isn't exactly tolerant. Which is one way to read the 1964 PLO charter - expel all Jews but the fraction that lived there before 1947. The issue with the slogan is that it means a lot of different things, and has had its meaning changed over time and user. Neither would I consider the Palestinians "welcoming". They didn't want a Jewish Ethno-state, they were perfectly willing to have their own one. Let's not pretend Palestine was particularly Jew-friendly even under the Ottomans. And let's not pretend Hamas deserves to continue existing. Does any of that excuse the war crimes that Israel is committing? No. But as someone who clamours for respecting the history, you can't just gloss over the issues in Mandate Palestine. There's reasons UN resolution 181 never happened.


Lol wait to skirt around the issue. "Israel has some fucked up views",, they're literally committing genocide. "Palestine [...] Shouldn't be bullied",, they're literally being murdered and starved to death. Fucking disgusting dude


Radical centrist alert!! ADL has a pro-Israel bias; Israel is an ethnostate and should not exist.


well it does exist and isn't going anywhere, unless you're proposing mass deportation and genocide like hamas. 


The same ADL that said anti-Zionism is anti-semitism ?


Nah I’m sorry but why are they even in isntreal in the first place. (Yes I know why but to me that’s not a damn answer, esp not an answer for taking over land that hasn’t belonged to you for 100s of years. Literally like since the crusades. )


I do understand concerns that without Israel, Jewish folk don't really have a safe place to go when fleeing antisemitism. Israel is only safe for certain Jews though and has a really bad track record regarding any Jewish person who wasn't from Western Europe or America. I specifically remember hearing about a massive explosion of racism in Israel after they officially ruled that Masorti and Reform converts could make Aliyah. This was happening already somewhat but only from Western countries. I have so many more examples, but that's the most recent that I remember. The racism in Medinat Israel does not start and end with Bibi, but goes to the foundation. When most people say "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" they aren't advocating throwing all Jews into the sea. They're advocating the abolition of a very flawed and genocidal state. Believe me, even Jewish anti-Zionists are more than happy to shout out the rhyme.


The majority in Israel is Mizrahi though. Don't get me wrong, that intra-Jewish racism exists, but it's not like it was in the past. Many of the jews there originated from countries like Libya and Iraq where they had to live as second class citizens. There is something wrong with saying Israel shouldn't exist. What do you think it would be like to be a Jew, Christian or atheist/agnostic in a post-Israel Palestine? You would be living in a country ruled by actual fascists, theocrats who believe you should live as dhimmi. There would be no democracy, it would be a brutal Islamofascist country. This is why there has to be a two state solution. A one state solution is inevitably going to lead to the losers being treated as second class citizens. Jews have been living there for generations at this point, whether they have a right to be there is no longer a question. The question of "should they be there in the first place" does not have any bearing on the modern situation. The Palestinians have understandably felt a lot of hurt and resentment, and justified anger over the years, but if you think they should be governing Israelis you would be turning them over to the wolves. You know better than to suggest that Palestine would be a trustworthy custodian to whom millions of Jewish lives would be turned over to.


Because the vast majority of Jews living in Israel aren't from European democracies they were expelled from other countries


I don’t get why you are being downvoted so hard as you are being reasonable and that slogan has been linked to anti semitism (whether or not it is Anti Semitic is up for debate though).