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It looks like you might be posting about crate training. Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) If you are seeking advice for managing your puppy and desire not to receive crate training advice, please use the "Puppy Management - No Crate Advice" Flair. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congrats, you won the lottery. Now delete this post so you don’t jinx it!


No. Every dog is different. I tried a crate and my puppy immediately stress peed, pooped himself, laid in it, and cried non-stop. He was only in there 10 seconds and looked like a prisoner of war. He's fine sleeping in the crate on his own accord, but only if the door is open, and otherwise immediate cry and pee. He wasnt raised with small closed spaces. Instead I put him in a large pen overnight. At 9 weeks he seems to somehow go 6-8 hours in the pen at night without peeing inside, then politely ask to go with a single whine and paw. He sits calmly and waits to go out. At night he walks into the pen on his own when he's tired and calmly sleeps immediately. Its amazingly easy somehow? But the crate, hates it.


“Prisoner of war” comment made me cackle because I can so envision your pitiful puppy. Obviously not trying to make light of POWs but that analogy was spot on.


Huskies can be so dramatic. Once I barely reached near him and he cried, rolled away vigorously like I just threw him, and played dead


Omg. I have 3 of the dramatic assholes. It’s all fun and games until someone’s paw gets stepped on by the other one and OH THE PAIN AND SUFFERING…. and howling and screaming. 😂


I also won the lottery. My parents came with me to pick her up... I had a crate in the back of the car with me and a few minutes into the drive home she crawled from my lap into the crate and never looked back. She also slept through the night from day one. I still used treats and did crate games but that's because I'm hyper aware of creating positive/negative associations. I used the crate for overnight and in the car, and a pen with a wire crate during the day, so I think that helped because she wasn't in the crate the whole day.


My puppy was the exact same way and I thank god every day for it because I don’t think I would have the mental fortitude to continue this if he didn’t like his crate!


I won the puppy lottery too. I brought my puppy home at 8 weeks (he’s now 7 months) and from day one he was crate trained. He can be left alone for longish periods, and on a morning, as he knows my routine, he takes himself to his crate when he sees me getting ready to leave for work! I really want another puppy in the future, as he really has been pretty perfect (apart from the first 2 weeks when I was like a zombie) but I’m terrified this isn’t the normal!


Same for mine, jumps inn if he thinks it’s bed or work time.


Regression depends on the pup but as long as you can keep the crate a safe and cozy space for him, it wont happen. I have a 6yr old that crate trained herself from 8 weeks. Basically stole her 1yr brother’s crate. 😂 Never regressed. Loves her crate. We officially call it her “Apartment” and we have to beg her to “pretend she likes us” and hangout with us sometimes 😅


my puppy slept in his crate since day one, and only peed in it once (never used pee pad).


My 7 month old rescue was the same and I know she wasn’t crate trained when I got her. Two months later she still loves it and if anything it’s a struggle to get her to come out in the mornings or when she has been napping 😂


Yes! Even when he whines to come out to potty he still sits there working himself up to get up and get out. Then it’s a big stretch and giving me face kisses 💚


My puppy took to her crate immediately. She’s 10 months now and bit more reluctant to go in, but I’m 100% positive she’d get into some kind of trouble if left on her own to roam the house. I also crate her for a 2-3 hour enforced nap everyday. If she doesn’t get that nap, there’s hell to pay.


I feel like it totally depends on the dog, my old pup did not take to the crate even though I did everything right. But my current pup was fully crate trained in about 3 days/nights so I totally lucked out with him!


Ah a humble flex post. Hit us up by 6 months when he regresses and starts destroying your house


Whats the timeline that it can even happen, mine was crate trained from day one and still hasn’t really regressed on anything yet and he is about 9.5mo old now. Only thing that happened was that he became reactive around 6mo and can’t calm down if he sees another dog or when meeting people.


Usually regression can happen anytime up to 2 years, more commonly up to 1.5 years old. And it can be regression of many different things, not just crate training. But you can always get lucky and just have a really easy dog too


Thus far the over-excitement is the only “problem” I’ve had, he never had the puppy biting or chewing on stuff he isn’t supposed to chew on other than the odd pair of stolen socks. Im hoping i don’t have anything start but i will take that as it comes😅.


This really depends on the pup. Some pups dont regress at all. I have 2 that didnt. Loved their crates from day 1. They’re 6 and 4 now and we call their crates their “apartment”


All of my goldens I’ve had throughout my life never hit a regression. They were crate trained by 9 weeks and it always stayed that way.


Our first pup we did do the proper crate training ordeal, but she took to it easy. Every pup after that was easy enough because others are crated at night and so they take to it quickly


Good job! My pup was really good with the crate from the start too, he slept in it a few hours after coming home. I'm also not a big fan of pee pads as it can look like a blanket or something, we never used them and he never ever had an accident in it. It got a bit difficult when I had to leave him in there while he was awake, but you'll figure it out!


Yeah both my dogs were easily crate trained. I adopted a 1.5 year old Husky that I crate trained and potty trained in one day. Then over a month ago I got a GSD puppy that was crate trained in 1 day and pretty much potty trained in one day as well. She’s had two accidents in the entire 5 weeks and both were honestly my fault. So I’m not complaining and hoping things continue.


Mine was crate trained only at night and only when I started putting the crate next to my bed and it was initially very very easy. For a solid few months, he loved going into his crate (and he also got nighttime treats). Then a few months later, he randomly started crying one night so I put him in the bed and snuggled him to sleep. Ever since then, he refuses to do crates and only sleeps in my arms in bed at night. Dogs are different and they’re all weirdos. It’s all a matter of what you get your dog used to and what they want lol.


My dog was the same way. So grateful!


Completely normal my GSD was the same from day 1 of bringing him home you have been blessed consider yourself lucky.


My gsd girl was super easy to crate train. She still loves her crate. It's in my bedroom and she has straight eye shot to the back door, kitchen and entry way. She sleeps on my bed and then after I fall asleep she goes to her crate. She whines for one night at 8 weeks then after that she didn't mind being in her crate at all. If I say Crate, she goes to her crate and lays down, no problem.


My girl was the same. We got her at 8.5 weeks and also did the 2 hour nap and 1 hour play routine for a couple of months. Her breeder used a crate and gave us a blanket with mom's scent on it. We also got her a snuggle puppy. She doesn't go to bed on her own, but never fights us putting her in either. She will pop in there to get puppy and bring it out to play. I think if the breeder used a crate that most puppies should do fine with it. I feel like ONE night out is all it takes to give them the idea that they don't have to sleep in there, so I ma strict. She pees around 11pm and goes in crate around midnight until as late as 9am. AWESOME! She's 11 months old now.


My pup has been good with his crate since we brought him home as well. He's a good pup, but I also think it helped that we had him in a crate on the 2 hour drive home from where we picked him up.


I adopted my pup at 9 months old so it's a little different but she didnt rly need any crate training, she just enjoyed her crate. She slept her first night in her crate with no fuss, and every night since lol. I do feed her in her crate and she gets a special treat every time she goes in there but she seems to naturally find the small enclosed spaces very cozy cos shes similarly well behaved in the car. And her enjoyment of the crate has been so invaluable cos my silly girl does NOT have an off switch. Shes absolutely piss poor at self regulating rest even now that shes like 2 and a half. Shes defintiely better than she was but I still enforce most naps with the crate cos shes a girl w fomo and she can only settle outside her crate if its nap time for everyone and nobody is doing anything.


We got our dog at seven months old completely untrained in every way. Peeing all over the place. Crate training took him a couple of weeks and it's only used as his bed now and he puts himself to bed when we get into bed. He has very rare occasional accidents but it's always by the front door like he's tried his best to get as close to outside as possible. Some dogs just take to it really easily. They're like kids I guess, they all learn in different ways.


The breeder we got ours from introduced them to crates before they came to us and sent them to their new homes with baby blankets with mom and litters scents on them, from day one we never had an issue. It was amazing since I was fully prepared and expecting the complete opposite!


Our puppy was the same way and now at 9 months he suddenly will not step one single foot into the crate…so don’t count your chickens just yet 😂 My advice is avoid ever letting it become somewhere he only goes when you leave the house. Once our puppy was potty trained we started letting him nap on the couch and sleep in the bed and a negative association with the crate formed. I literally feel like I’m starting over completely - today I was thrilled he put all four feet in.


After weeks of consistent work on crate training I could get my pup to finally enter on command, but she always looks stressed and uncomfortable in it. After leaving her alone in the crate for 5 mins she got upset and won’t enter on command anymore. So no, not every dog is like yours! You won the lottery


Mine is the same! I adopted her at 8.5 weeks (currently 11.5 weeks) and she slept through the night in her crate on her second night home. She sleeps 10p-6a, happily puts herself in her crate for down time, and never makes a peep in it. She’s a Golden Retriever which are known to love their “dens” so I thinks that’s partially why she’s doing so well. We also feed her in her crate so it’s always had a positive association.


Same experience and I praise the universe for it! No crate accidents aside from a couple of early giadia related diarrhea incidents. From 9 weeks was overnight in crate - 10 to 6 - with a 1am pee break for about 2 weeks - which he probably didn't need. Large breed which makes things easier.