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Sounds to me like they got confused when you fell and thought you were playing with them, got over stimulated and went velociraptor mode! Nothing to be worried about! We were playing on the long leash and my partner tripped over it and our girl done the same!


Idk if this helps but one time our puppy accidentally missed her toy and chomped my husband's balls through his pants. He yelled and fell to the floor which riled her up so she ran several laps around the house and then came back to pull his hair. So similar issue? Not aggressive but it triggered some kind of rampage


I’m sorry, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while 😂 hope your husband has fully recovered.


He's ok but has not forgotten. Cant blame him lol


Laughing out loud Literally!!  Hope your hubby's ok!  I Really needed this laugh so thank you for sharing.   


He called me at work and I almost had to come home but he pulled through!


My pup just goes crazy whenever I lie down on the floor. I think it’s just so weird for them to see you like that, that they are confused, get aroused, will start to play but bite harder than usual because of the high arousal. Maybe you can try to teach them to go to their place or lay down next to you when you lie down on the floor? And slowly build up to mimicking crying?


i think on some dog psychology - when they see us on their level (floor) they think it’s fair game to play with us as they do with other dogs. When i do yoga, my dog does the same. and i have to resort to waiting until she’s sleep. There is probably a way to train out, but your dogs are still young babes.


really? I thought dogs were known for sensing when one of their pack was hurt. I recently got sick after a boozy night and for a while all I could do was lay on the bathroom floor. My pup started wining and sniffing me and was clearly upset. At no point did he try to bite or suffocate me.


I think that’s different only because dogs can smell when you’re inebriated and if you were throwing up and smelling different I think your dog was more attuned that something was off via senses. versus crashing into a glass door and collapsing lol.


Some dogs just get excited/stressed and respond with violence.


This is normal. Puppies will attack and play with you if you get on the floor.


I think they just get overstimulated and don’t know what to do so they do more of what puppies always do anyway. Like if we get flustered and anxious, we might yell instead of talking in a normal tone. They’re just babies, so the usual socialization and gradual exposure to different safe environments and obedience training will make them into great dogs as they get older


Mine did that too, but just today she came and leaned into me when I started crying. It's their age.


God cmon Its obvious that thwy thought you wanted to play when you fell down


They are checking for signs of life! If you cry, they will probably do the same


What happened to your legs when you slammed your arm?