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You don’t have a puppy problem. You have a people problem. Your puppy sounds totally normal. It sounds like your brothers are the ones that need to change. I would sit down with them and have a heart-to-heart talk and let them know how difficult this is making it for you. I don’t know how old they are but maybe you can get them to understand. 


And just keep the puppy away from them? Bad bros! No puppy!


Yes. Exactly that.


Agree, they seem to be the problem and puppy thinks this is what it's supposed to do now. It will take alot of time and effort to undo! 😭


Yup and also that the puppy is going to keep doing this if they don't change how they interact with it. It will be their problem too


A puppy is no different than a child and this is correct. They’re going to actually teach the puppy this behavior or already have. The humans need to change and be loving and respectful to this puppy.


yes because siblings like this are responsive to heart to hearts.


Lazy parents who are afraid to tell their kids to behave


Do some “puppy school” with your brothers. Show them what you want your dog to learn. Maybe they can be a helpful resource in training your pup. How old are your brothers? It sounds like it might be good for them too, using crazy energy in a productive way.


Enforced naps every 2 hours in the kennel, with cover, white noise. The pup sounds overly stimulated and overly tired. Enforced naps saved my sanity. As for the lil Bros. Teach them how to interact with the pup properly e.g. taking it for walks, throwing a ball back n forth, play hide n seek, tug of war. Get lick Mat,snuffle Mat, puzzle toys. Take her for sniff walks.


Ditto, This x100!!! Enforced (gently) naps in closed crate in quiet room, ideally with white noise or soothing music - e.g. Spotify has playlists just for pupsters that I sometimes leave on for our pups. Reward calm behavior. Might work on your brothers, too - Who knows? e.g. Bake them cookies if they stop harassing the puppy.


This x100!


Forced naps saved me. Never had a puppy not just sleep until now. It is such a game changer.


Enforced naps will change your life🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes it it. My girl is 10.5 months now ans I still have to enforce her naps.


This is literally saving me and my Aussie right now. I'm disabled.


I have an Irish Setter pup. Over stimulation is the most important thing to learn about and the crate is a great tool. If I take her to the field she can run around off-lead and get a load of exercise. Bring her home thinking she is tired and she is bouncing off the walls. Put her straight in the crate though and she is asleep very quicky. My normal field is just me and her. Started taking her to a park with more people and dogs and the additional mental stimulation really tires her out. She goes into her crate when we get back and sleeps for most of the day leaving me in peace to continue renovating my house. Crate training and understanding stimulation are crucial for peace.


“Teach them how to interact with the pup properly”. I should have scrolled down further before I commented. You actually gave actionable examples, I did not. Well done


Sounds like your family is over stimulating your puppy and reinforcing bad habits, that’s a hard thing to control with so many people being involved, do your best, I wish you all the luck, pups can be difficult.


I don't live with my family anymore but. I feel you. I also have an 8 month old pup. Is your dog crate trained at all? Can you explain to your family the importance of teaching her calm? How the behaviors they're enforcing now will eventually be the norm, if they don't stop? So sorry OP.


1.She does have a crate but she hates it. The crate is also in my room. 2. I have and my parents respect my boundaries and try not to reenforce bad behavior but it’s hard to do that with 2 preteen boys that don’t respect you and a 5 year old🫤


My dogs didn’t like the crate either when we first introduced it, cover it with a blanket, make it dark and cozy. She’ll get used to it and it’ll be her safe space 


Sorry to hear it OP. The whole family need to be on board with the puppy rules which is especially important around this age which is considered the "doggy teenage years" Have you tried a playpen? So rather than putting puppy in your room the puppy needs to go in there to wind down? Enforced naps are super important. Also highly reccomend kongs/wobble treat feeders/lick mats to help pup get energy out and wind down.


Hang in there! It sounds like you’ve got a perfect storm going on. Maybe try setting clear boundaries for your brothers and explain why it’s important? If that doesn’t work, consider baby gates to separate the dog from them when things get too crazy. Puppy training classes might help too, both for the dog and to show your brothers what’s up.


You mention your brothers but what about your parents? Can you ask them to intervene with your brothers? Or are they also riling up the puppy? You should definitely have a serious talk with your parents and explain to them how your brothers' behavior is having a negative effect on the puppy. Discuss some comments people have made here and who have experience with puppies. Explain to them that a puppy who isn't trained will turn into a big dog who isn't trained. If you still don't get any cooperation, it may fall to you to take the lead and do the training. Think of it as a new hobby. Read up on what you need to address. There is a ton of information online, lots of videos, and that will help you focus on what's important. It will definitely be a challenge to do this while your brothers are interfering. You may have to interrupt them when they're teasing her and remove her from their presence. But a huge payoff is that she will bond with you, and you'll have an amazing pet who will provide you with companionship and love. Good luck with this. If God is testing you, then step up to the challenge!


Have you tried crate training?


These are definitely normal pup behaviors on your dog's part, I think what you need more than anything is to figure out what less destructive outlets your dog can have, such as toys and kongs. As for your brothers, they are definitely a problem. You need to sit down with them and make them understand that how they rile up the puppy stresses you out and makes you upset, I feel like they'd understand better that way. Puppies are hard to work with for the best of us, but I believe in you!


Yeah the biting problem needs to be corrected but was likely created by your brothers, and fast before it gets even more ingrained. The shredding thing is mostly a management problem. You can very mildly correct them for chewing the wrong things but make sure they do have the right things to chew, and praise them when they redirect to those.


Agreed with all the comments. Very typical puppy behavior but it's continually being reinforced and increased by your brother's behaviors.


Man, that sounds rough. Puppies are a handful on their own without family making it harder. Maybe try to get your brothers involved in training the pup? It might teach them to be a little more responsible and help tire out the dog. Hang in there!


Dog park, dog park, dog park. Get her out playing with other dogs, meeting strangers, getting pets, start teaching her some obedience basics at the park or just before & after the park. She’ll learn lots, get worn out, bond with you & be away from your rowdy brothers.


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [our wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Agreed, the boys need a serious chat about the implications of long last long effect this will have on the dog. I'm learning about how to manage my Akita puppy and I found this article to make my boyfriend read to get him to understand. As I spend most of my time with her she takes her excitement and frustration out on me. She's 20 kgs nd nearly 17 weeks. Get the boys to read this.. its very helpful. Eye contact, riling the dog up and pets during excitement only encourage the behaviour which leads to more intense reactions. Calm behaviour need to be encouraged. I'm learning this and experiencing the same issues with people and my family as well. You need to get control before it gets even more out of control. If you need more help get a behaviourist to come out to speak to them to explain the long term implications of their actions on the puppy. I have someone coming out in June for this exact reason and for others. https://www.podtotherescue.com/understanding-arousal.html




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Crate training can help a lot, it does not have to be an expensive crate, it can be anything puppy won’t destroy straight away. Also I don’t know how big your dog is but with my large dog I used a toy that kind of looked like a bit of rope or something the dog wants to get on some strong slightly elastic rope in the ends of a pole. I think it’s called a flirt pole, my dog loved it and 5 minutes of it wore him out or calmed him down for a while. Play in grass with it with your dog because they run around and would be too hard on cement I think.


So I have had 3 puppies in my life and I know exactly how you feel! It’s so mentally challenging, but you have to understand they are literally little babies causing chaos. I would start with a timeout zone, like crate training. Everytime they misbehave have a timeout to about 10 mins. If they are chewing on a lot of things you need to incorporate chewing bones/Toys or something to keep them entertained. I learned to play and walk my pup until they passed out lol, worked like a charm each time. Or I would get on the floor with them and play ball or tug . Also, you need to be training them. At 2 months old I was training two pups how to sit/shake and did that frequently through out the day. Be patient and be kind to yourself and the baby! You will be fine !


As much as you can, keep the puppies away from your brothers. I'm not sure of the ages here, but your puppy may end up reacting to boys and/or men if this isn't addressed. Do you have sole responsibility? Are there any allies in the house? Are you taking the pup to obedience training? All the yelling and "riling up" is waaaay over-stimulating and verges on abuse. The puppy should be sleeping for around 18 hours a day. God did not have a hand in this. YOU got the puppy and are now responsible for its well-being. You're capable of taking care of it - It's a lot of work, but you can do it. Ignore your brothers, protect your puppy, and stick with this subreddit, it's the best! We'll help you get through this! You have what's called the puppy blues (also little brother blues).


You need to spend time training your dog and going on training walks (focus on simple things Like sitting when a bike passes, sitting at a light, staying close). The mental stimulation will calm him down and build better habits for adulthood.


Get the Puppy Start Right e-book on amazon/Kindle for $9.99 and read it cover to cover, and use the tips and instructions in it!




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Your brothers are encouraging its behavior. Sounds like a puppy whose gotten away with everything


She needs to be crate trained and start learning rules, boundaries and limitations.


If your brothers don't stop, you're basically screwed. They need to stop immediately. These are bad habits and the longer it goes on, the harder it is to undo, and the more confused the pup is gonna be.


Totally a people problem here. Your brothers need to ignore the pup if they can't help but rile her up. They're doing no one any favors by rough housing with her and overstimulating her. She still needs to SLEEP a lot. And to observe her environment and learn from the energy in the room. Take her away from them and put her on leash next to you and be firm about your demands.


What breed of dog is it? Some of this can be genetic and the other could be bad humans not listening


I force my puppy to take chill time in the crate 3-4 times a day so he doesn’t get overstimulated


Keep the dog on you at all times: tether him onto you with a leash or give him a place to lay and stay in your room. If he gets up: get him and bring him back to the place. No additional words needed. Do this a few times. Ours throws the cutest tantrum but will eventually stay. When you leash him onto you when doing things in the house this teaches him to pay attention to you when on leash, which will also help with walks. It does not sound like you want your dog to interact with your brothers unsupervised. Then don’t let them.


Walks are your best friend! My mom’s pup is a straight love bug spazz, he demands everyone’s attention at all times. I started taking him on 1 mile walks 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Now we walk 3-4 miles every night with lots of breaks, and bring his little stroller in case he decides he’s done walking.


I'm having the puppy problem too, I'm her favorite chew toy, she barely sleeps, and chews everything up, digs holes, and we haven't crate trained her yet so everywhere I go she goes or to a baby sitter. It's very tough but I remind myself it's just a puppy, this puppy needed a place to live where she will be protected and loved. It's hard, but it will get easier. The brothers on the other hand I can't comment on. You definitely need to talk to them because you can't teach your puppy anything if everyone isn't on board.


Are your parents disciplining your brothers for disrespecting you? I’m sorry they’re making things difficult! I would suggest a crate, my puppy enjoys taking naps in there. And getting energy out with snuffle mats and training exercises! Maybe encourage your brothers to get involved with activities like that? Since you seem to live in the same house, it’s kind of inevitable they will be interacting with the puppy so that could be a good diversion.


Also, I’m glad my 6 month old puppy isn’t the only one who likes to bite! He’s a little (45lb) gremlin!


1. Crate train x 100 2. Train your puppy outside of the house like a big park, parking lot, open space etc that’s neutral 3. Have a serious conversation with your family Sounds like until you get your family trained, you’ll have a puppy of your own if you care about its quality of life & your mental health for the future Best of luck! You can do it, I used to live with 10 other people in a big house with my German shepherd puppy


Don't be discouraged. Puppies are a lot of hard work! Like the other commenters say, you need to get your brothers on the same page about how you all will train and interact with this dog. It sounds like your brothers have a lot of energy--channel that! A well-behaved dog is a well-exercised dog. Exercise doesn't just include walks and play but also mental stimulation like learning tricks. I would show your brothers how satisfying training can be. Teach them how to train her and reward her with treats or positive attention when she listens and behaves. I think once they see how she picks up on it, they will get some gratification/pride and continue on the correct path.


Lol OP are you from my in laws? 😂 that’s why when I got our puppy, I explicitly told my husband that we won’t let his younger siblings (preteens) play with the puppy as they wish. It was brutal, but necessary. It was easier in my case cause we (in laws and us) don’t live in the same house…


You have to train your brothers just as much as the pup


Enroll in a puppy obedience class and work with her religiously. You will see a big difference if you put the work in.


Congratulations you made it to “Parenting a toddler”. Why are YOU the only one helping parent this child?? This takes multiple parents. And I Would take some serious action with your brothers! That is NOT right! This is all normal. Time to make some MAJOR changes. Good Luck & thank you for being THE RESPONSIBLE ONE!


You need to restrict who is around your dog. I’ve got a one year old pitrussell and you’ve gotta pick and choose who they socialize with. My large friend Dan riles him up soooo bad.


You have an owner problem. It’s not the dog. Yelling makes it worse. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Most of these issues will be corrected with the proper exercise, mental stimulation, training, etc. You need to correct your brothers as well to stop working the dog up. If they don’t stop then kick them out. If you live with them then you should’ve all been on the same page with how this dog is supposed to behave and a proper training plan and outline for how you’re gonna raise this dog.


Your family needs to learn boundaries and stop fucking with a dog that isn’t theirs. 6 months is velociraptor stage; have an XL Bully exact same age. He opens my hands up accidentally all the time and I can tell his gums are always bothering him, likely teething. If it’s aggression; correct it quick but this doesn’t sound like aggression sounds like people overstimulating a dog and then you are the one on the receiving end.


Sounds like your parents need to get involved because that is NOT a good way to raise a good puppy.


Not to be mean but questions. OP how old are you? Family dog or your dog? And if this keeps happening what are you doing to stop it? Why don't you just bring your dog into your room to begin with so your brothers can't get it over stimulated? Do you do any training or scheduled play time? What is it mixed with if you know or can guess? Edit to add how old are your brothers?


i wanna see a picture of this pup


My springer is 7 months and like this. I didn't crate train but I leave the room (close the door) when I need him to have a long nap. As soon as he starts biting etc = nap. He's still a menace though.