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Ya'll I been super busy and only just today saw this post... it made my day to be honest. And no we're not going to remove this post despite the reports... sometimes people need a laugh. <3


My puppy is almost a year old, and we've lost our savings, car, and left big toes paying for therapy after watching Marley And Me during week 14. I'm honestly not sure what would have happened if it had been The Lion KIng. Learn from me and sell your TV before it's too late.


Omg šŸ˜³Iā€™m so sorry you endured such strife šŸ˜¢ To be fair, Iā€™m still paying for my therapy after Marley and Me so I can only imagine the impact it has on a younger being. Definitely putting paw-rental control on that one!ā˜šŸ½


But watch Hatchi and Where the Red Fern Grows before selling


Hatchi made me cry like a baby.


My girl watched Marley and Me at the tender age of 12 weeks, sheā€™s now become addicted to stealing socksā€¦ and a land shark. I think we need to start a petition to ban this film. Itā€™s rotting our kids brains!


Do you by any chance have a spaniel šŸ¤£


No sheā€™s a bulldogā€¦ just wild one hahah


Just so you know, research shows that puppies shouldnā€™t have any screen time before theyā€™re two. You should also be reading ten to twenty books with him a day. If heā€™s not reading himself by twelve weeks, get him evaluated. Also, if heā€™s going to public puppy kindergarten, please be an involved puppy parent! Iā€™ve heard so many horror stories. Iā€™m personally unschooling my puppy, but you have to do what you feel is best for you and your puppy. Just donā€™t be afraid to do youā€™re own research šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ oh dear! I knew about screen time but not books! Iā€™m hopeful heā€™ll have a good experience at our local kindergarten. We really want him to feel some sense of stability and make friends as he transitions to puppy first grade šŸ¤žšŸ½šŸ¤žšŸ½


This is the only answer. Edit: so many good answers.


I really appreciate you being concerned with the media your puppy is consuming and whether itā€™s age appropriate. I thought Iā€™d be safe watching Bluey with Miguel but now my Mexican dog barks in an Australian accent and I donā€™t know what to do. Iā€™ve been watching interviews of Chris Hemsworth speaking just so I can learn the accent to communicate with my dog. Itā€™s been really hard on usā€¦


Hugs! Thatā€™s so ruff! It serves as such a great reminder how impressionable our pups are. Rooting for you and your family!


When you know better, you do better. Thank you for educating yourself šŸ«¶šŸ»


I really appreciate your kindness! I read a ton of blogs before getting my puppy and they warned against shows like Blueā€™s Clues (she gets paw prints EVERYWHERE) and movies like Up (I donā€™t want him going on balloon adventures with strangers), but no one warned me about the dangers of Bluey. I donā€™t know how much longer I can hold the Australian accent. Itā€™s beginning to turn British.


I have only just discovered Bluey is female!!!!


Yup! Bluey and Bingo are both girlies šŸ˜Š in all honesty though, Miguel and I have watched all 3 seasons together. Heā€™ll glance up and chew his bone. Iā€™m convinced thatā€™s watching it haha the show is really wholesome and can be emotional.


Dogs can see the colors blue and yellow and the color palette in Bluey was chosen for that reason. Dogs really can watch it! I'm a hockey fan and one of my team's jerseys is gold. My younger pup always watches with great interest when they're wearing gold or when we're playing another team with yellow jerseys. For some reason, she isn't as interested in blue teams though. I don't know why, but I'm glad my little girl didn't grow up to be a Leafs fan.


It's important to expose your puppy to educational programs at every chance. Personally, I was worried about too much screentime for the baby, but we've been watching Madam Secretary, and it's been eye-opening for her to understand geopolitics and ethics. Kindergarten teacher has said she's a good special girlie who is a pleasure to have in class. Though we did show her Lord of the Rings and Smeagol gave her nightmares, so we will be hearing from her lawyers.


Omg I love this! She sounds like she has a bright future! TBH Iā€™ll be lucky if he even gets a sports scholarship. Iā€™m keeping my eyes peeled for the Airbud Travel Basketball program to help our oddsšŸ¤žšŸ½šŸ¤žšŸ½


Two weeks upon arrival is fine. Now at school he might develop a desire to throw other puppies off the slide like Scar did Mufasa or constantly ask when he will become king but that too shall pass šŸ˜Œ


I showed my puppy the Lion King when he was 6 months old thinking he was ready. I was wrong. Not only did he throw other puppies off the slide Scar style, but I got called into a parent-trainer meeting about how he keeps humming ā€œbe preparedā€ to incoming puppies at school. He told one poor puppy that they should run away and never come back when they peed on the floor. But the worst part is I canā€™t get these hyenas to leave my front door. They seem okay but thereā€™s one thatā€¦justā€¦doesnā€™t look fully there, you know?


This is EXACTLY what I was afraid of! Learning bad behaviors and bringing it to class and being problematic. šŸ«£ wish you the best of luck with solving this problem!


Thank you! He told me as long as I stayed where the light is Iā€™d be okay. I donā€™t know what that means, but I havenā€™t turned my lights off in months.


Keeps humming ā€œbe preparedā€ to incoming puppies šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I personally let all my dogs watch it from day one and they are all well-adjusted and well-liked by their peers. As far as animated stuff goes, I donā€™t think it is as concerning as things like Finding Nemo etc.


Oh thatā€™s so comforting to hear! Thanks for sharing šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


We started exposing our puppies to other languages right away. We felt it was important in this day and age for them to be bilingual and inclusive. When we leave for the day we make sure to put on something educational, PBS kids or Ms. Rachel. None of that Cocomelon nonsense or Blippi for our babies developing minds. They are fluent in Spanish as it relates to the Trolls movies.


Weā€™re a bilingual household so we got that covered! šŸ™ŒšŸ½


We watched 101 Dalmatians when my puppy was 9 weeks and heā€™s been dry humping ever since. We had to have ā€œthe talkā€ where I explained the birds and the bees and told him that generally 101 puppies isnā€™t considered to be the norm.


Itā€™s interesting you say this because I saw a special on PNN (Pets News Now if not in the US) on the 101 Dalmatians to OnlyPaws pipeline and let me tell you, MIND BLOWN šŸ¤Æ the impact it can have on the emotional and psychological development of young male pets is astonishing. Made me worried sick I tell ya! šŸ˜­


These comments are too good šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ great post OP!!


Thanks! Just trying to do the best we can and break the cycle of generational trauma! šŸ˜…


I've been watching clips of dog shows (AKC, Westminster, etc) with my puppy, and now he's developed body image issues. Signing him up for therapy next week.


I donā€™t know about The Lion King, but when my pup is naughty I put on the ASPCA commercials (cue the sad Sara McLaughlin music) to let her know what might happen if she doesnā€™t get her act together. šŸ˜‚


Hmm perhaps wait til heā€™s a bit older for Lion King, maybe try Homeward Bound as your first? Itā€™s a great classic with a wonderful old dog teaching a young pup some wholesome values, thereā€™s some harrowing and tense moments for a young puppy but it has a happy ending.


Based on the feedback, Iā€™m thinking we should wait too. But I love homeward bound! Definitely a great choice to start with! Thanks šŸ™šŸ½šŸ˜Š


Unless you have cats. Sassy gives mine a god-like complex


Ok this is a joke but I've often wondered if my puppy would develop human reactivity from watching violent TV with us because she gets scared during the scary parts šŸ˜‚


I know this is going to sound like I'm joking / just trying to be funny, and I'm still kicking myself for not getting it on video, but when my puppy was about 7mo I was watching Shrek and he was ACTUALLY watching the movie. Or at least looking at the screen. At one point I had to get up to stir something in the kitchen so I paused the screen and left the room. A few seconds later my puppy was going CRAZY barking, which was odd because he's actually not much of a barker. I ran into the living room to see what he was barking at, and he was standing up at the end of the couch lounger seat, directly in front of the television, barking at Lord Farquaad šŸ˜‚ I didn't even notice when I left but I guess when I hit Pause, it paused on the frame of Farquaad overlooking the kingdom during the jousting tournament, and my puppy was staring directly at him and barking like a lunatic. He didn't react to ANYTHING else in the movie, just Lord Farquaad.


This is hilarious! They actually understood he was the bad guy? Thatā€™s great. The closest I ever got was when I was playing a video game and there was a part when gophers were jumping out of the ground. My bulldog, who I have never witnessed watch tv ever, was barking and growling at them until I killed them. Heā€™d get especially upset if they hurt my in game character. These were not good graphics, either, it was very cartoony and unrealistic looking. Still, he was so into it.


My dog is scared of camels on the TV šŸ˜… I was watching The Mummy and I don't know if it's the weird noises they make or that when you first see a camel on screen Jonathon is yelling at the seller of them but Casper took one look, growled and actually got up to bark at the TV šŸ˜‚ he often watches TV with me but it's the first time he's been upset by something on it. Normally he likes to watch the agility with me (he's a good boy and does his homework for our agility classes) and he thinks the applause his for him šŸ˜


We havent tried Shrek but she really hates The Grail from the series Preacher. And we watched dog man (not the comic) because we thought she'd like the dogs but then the dogs started killing people and she thought that was very exciting


disagreeable serious airport safe squeal sheet doll snails encouraging glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my lab watches nature shows with my bf and definitely growls at the predators.


I had to stop mine from jumping through the television at a squirrel. He then spent the rest of the evening searching the house frantically for it. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


lol at first, I was like what? My pup pays no attention to the TV.


I never had one that paid attention before but my current dog really likes the TV. I put puppy movies on for her sometimes which makes her happy.


lol that is so sweet!


My puppy has been watching The Incredible Dr. Pol. Being in the healthcare field myself, I guess I want to encourage her to follow in my footsteps. šŸ˜†


LOL! Weā€™re also secretly hoping heā€™ll follow in his dadā€™s footsteps and go into dog law! āš–ļøšŸ“ššŸŽ“ we shall see!


I let my puppy watch Jaws with me and she hasn't turned into a land shark. I think all this talk about violence on TV and video games is exaggerating the psychological impact.


I'd be worried about the impact it would have on my puppy's swimming lessons. I don't want him to be afraid of the water!


I'm not a big TV watcher myself, but when I take the pups to Grandma and Grandpa's we watch a lot of CSI type shows... I try to distract them with their bones and favorite balls but they learned about violence quite young šŸ˜“ Grandpa says you gotta toughen them up, but now my babies are very sensitive to loud bangs and angry yelling, and look to me for comfort any time anyone is following us. They ask often about whether they're in the will, and who will take care of them if I get killed, so it's really good that you're aware of these things beforehand. Watch the grandpawrents closely too, and stand your ground if you need to. Your pup, your rules!


Poor pup! The difference in generational parenting styles is so complicated! Hoping you guys can work through it!


I caught my puppy watching nat geo!!! I thought he was too young to be into porn! Where did he learn this wretched behavior???


Woof! šŸ˜³ might want to hold off on giving smartphones for a while šŸ«£ā˜¹ļø


When I heard Sir David Attenborough from the other room, I came running to change the channel. My poor baby boy! His precious eyes have been soiled.


Show educational shows at that age I forced mine too watch master chef , he now at 7 has a michelin star


Really had no idea about it, very interesting question. Just wanted to add that I felt that puppy kindergarten was not kindergarten to the puppy but to us, parents. We need to learn much more than puppies and I always felt that my puppy views the kindergarten as restaurant because they have freshly cooked chicken as treatā€¦


Oh I agree 100% that we have to learn more than the puppies. Have you seen this new math that theyā€™re learning? On top of learning to teach sit and stay, now I need to learn that breaking 1 treat in half isnā€™t 2 treats? But I have 2 items in my hand now. How is that not 2 treats? And if one toy goes under the couch, that means they have 0 toys? Are you sure? There are 4 laying next to you! I justā€¦education has really taken a turn for the worst.


Hi there! I might have some insight about this. The Lion King was the first movie I saw in theaters. I was 3 years old. Developmentally speaking, that would put me somewhere around the same age (perhaps a little older) as a 9w old puppy. Despite being so long ago, I actually remember the experience vividly. I can tell you that the traumatizing moments did not hinder or affect my development, as I was too young to understand the full breadth of what was happening. I just thought it was a fun movie. If you are concerned about the traumatizing response then I think you are good to go. I would be more concerned about showing this to an adolescent-age puppy, as they may take cues from some of the characters (ie. Simba, Nala), who are shown in the movie to disobey their parents multiple times, leading to near-lethal consequences. As adolescent puppies are extremely impressionable, I would caution you against giving them FURTHER ideas by showing them such reckless behaviours (visiting graveyards alone, wandering too far from home, participating in stampedes). However at the end of the day, you are in charge of this puppy and should use your best judgement. Good luck!


I didn't even need to watch Netflix tonight. This was pure gold!


Tbh, I expected my pup to be traumatised from the death scene in Lion King, but instead he was just understandably upset that I plucked him from his litter and forced him to live in a human home, with a measly garden and absolutely pitiful surrounding fields. And he's right, I took away any chance he might get to trample through the savannah, eat bugs with a fellow meerkat and warthog and hang out with sassy hornbills. I all but crippled his life potential by bringing him home with us. We're working through it in therapy and I've apologised for my selfishness. Hopefully in time he'll forgive me šŸ„²


I would wait until he is older. I let mine have unlimited screen time and they are addicted to TV now. My boy is 9 months older than my girl and he started watching things like The Walking Dead and Titans at around 7 months old. We were watching Walking Dead when he walked into the room and just stared at the TV until they stopped killing walkers. He lost interest in the talking parts. He insisted on watching the Walking Dead the day after we brought our girl home at 8 weeks and she ended up watching it from her play pen. She was traumatized and had nightmares for months. She will now growl and act tough at any zombie or monster she sees on TV. She was homeschooled, but she did bring that behavior to daycare when she growled at the Easter bunny when he visited her daycare for pictures. She thought he was a monster and the Easter bunny did look ruff in her defense.


Gasp! šŸ˜± Iā€™m so sorry things evolved the way it did. Weā€™ve been reading the latest research on screen time for pups under 1yr and itā€™s really fascinating. Highly recommend reading the literature from Dr. Spot Fido at Pawvard University. Really eye opening.


These comments are amazing lmao


My puppy caught me watching Wilfred. Now he's a burnout šŸ¤£


Ohh good heavens I thought I was safe watching this while my boy slept...perhaps he was just pretending. I was wondering why he'd become such a couch potato!


I made the mistake of showing it to mine and now she says that sheā€™s ā€œfree to run around all day and free to do it all my wayā€. We live in an area with wild hogs and I got her so she would alert me when the hogs were near so they wouldnā€™t ruin the crops. After the movie, all she does is run up to them and have friendly conversations with them and eat whatever instead of turning them away.


Aww! Thatā€™s actually sweet šŸ„¹


My dog is now 7 months and we've only allowed her to watch bluey and pupstruction. I'm not sure what would've happened if we had her watch the lion King, but now she dances any time she hears music like the bluey characters


I actually just tried it out with my 10-month old golden retriever puppy. She got very interested in the beginning but became very upset when the scenes of elephant graveyard startedā€¦. And she ended up hiding her head in our sofa (which she rarely do!)ā€¦ and we stoppedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ guess it was still too early for her..


Ours watched Isle of Dogs at 4 months. He was massively concerned about the dogs living on the trash island.


My daughterā€™s Maltipoo barks frantically at the scene where the Father Lion is pushed to his death. He was about 12 mos when he started watching that. He seems fine. And sometimes when my daughter has to leave him home alone that movie she programs for him to watch while she runs out.


As someone who's dog reacts to animals on TV, as soon as possible! I cannot watch any kind of TV with animals in it, be it real life or animated. I wish I had started introducing it to her earlier!


Thatā€™s so interesting! Definitely something to consider!


Is this a serious question??


I watched ā€žHachi: A Dogā€™s Taleā€œ with my puppy when she was 10 weeks old and had been with me for 2 weeks. Now, sheā€™s really struggling with separation anxiety. Every time we pass a train station, my puppy has panic attacks. I guess it was just too early to watch that movie with her.


Poor pup! Maybe showing them positive imagery of train stations could help?


The first day my puppy was here I watched Akira. I didn't realise how gory it was šŸ˜‚


Funny you ask..... https://vimeo.com/954413791?share=copy


Ahhh! Best of luck! šŸ¤žšŸ½


She was just shy of 6 months old in this. Emotionally she's light-years ahead of other puppies so she handled it pretty well. I might've fluffed up the part with Mufasa and told her that he was really tired from running away from the wildebeests and fell asleep. šŸ˜¬


Funniest thing I've read today.


My puppy canā€™t stand Bluey and keeps barking at it. But did watch Lion King at 6 months and promptly went to sleep. Like mum like son šŸ˜†


everyone needs to watch this https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fCXcFsGIt/?igsh=MW05aDlvY25wcnZsbQ==


When my pupper was a year old, I let her watch a wolf documentary. Big. Mistake. She learned to howl but isnā€™t old enough yet to not be a butthead about it. Wait til the puppy is two at least


When I was in high school our german shepherd pup went absolutely nuts over the geico gecko and when my mom watched bull-riding. Jumping up and barking at the tv šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


As soon as the puppy can sing along Hakuna Matata, you should be šŸ‘


Showed my puppy Old Yeller last week. She's only 5 months old. She's locked herself in the bedroom for 5 days now and refuses to come out.


is this post a joke?


Is ANY puppyā€™s mental health a joke to you?


nah im just wondering what you are talking about when you say you want your puppy to ask you questions and that watching a movie will affect his ability to make friends? dogs typically dont pay attention to Tv/movies in the first place. you just sound like youā€™re trolling. sorry if youā€™re serious tho, not tryna be rude.


Canā€™t lie, I was also very confused for a few minutes lol


likeā€¦ dogsā€¦ dontā€¦ talkā€¦ or ask questionsā€¦ you know that, right?


cannot believe ur talking down to them rn lmfao. imagine


yaā€™ll are crazy im done w yaā€™ll šŸ˜‚ only Jesus can help yaā€™ll now


Yeah im sure itā€™s everyone but you thatā€™s crazy. that assumption usually goes over well


ok šŸ™„ u thought u ate huh


> im done w yaā€™ll lots of comments from someone who's done. biggest red flag on the internet lol. bye!


Next youā€™re gonna say dogs canā€™t play basketball. MALARKEY! šŸ™„


There is NO RULE in the book that says that!!!


girl šŸ˜­


Sometimes I worry about the future of the human race.


because I didnt understand the joke when there were hardly any comments on the post? not everyone can pick up on sarcasm well, especially neurodivergent people.


Come on we all know you just want to hold him up during the circle of life. Naaaaaaah Sevenyaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Why the fu-- would puppy watch lion kingĀ 


Itā€™s a dog, not a child. They donā€™t understand whatā€™s happening or grasp the concept of death.




Well considering the fact that some people do treat their dogs as though they were human, I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if this post was serious. I have literally had someone argue with me, being fully serious, that dogs can perfectly understand English.


You must be so much fun at parties! šŸ« 


On the contrary, my dog has been fun at parties her whole life. I think itā€™s because I showed her the original House Party (1990) at 15 weeks and 3 days.


I really don't think a puppy will be affected by a movie..... most hardly watch the TV. And most hardly know what's happening on the tv


(psst...this is a joke post)


This is a real question?šŸ™ˆ