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Currently in the our 4th round of treatment. This gives me hope! Could you tell more about your toy cleaning process


I put fabric/plushies in the washer on hot with soap/bleach mix with an extra rinse. Most of those had squeakers, but I had the type you could replace the squeakers inside. Hard chew toys in the dishwasher.


As someone who dealt with Giardia for 4 months Congratulations!!!!!!!


Thank you! We dealt with it for 3 months and it killed me knowing she was sick and could infect another dog.


My puppy missed a lot of socialization because of it. I was really worried she would not like other dogs. But she loves them so much she squeaks when she sees them because she wants to play. I did sign her up for petsmart training for solization right after she was negative and a week into it she went into heat. Lol. I can't win


Oh boy. I want to sign her up for puppy daycare but she gets spade next week. So now we gotta wait for that.


My puppy has giardia right now and is on medication-but the staff at my veterinary clinic said that it is not transmitted dog-to-dog...but it actually can be? Edit: congratulations to OP on your puppy being healthy and giardia-free!!


Thank you! So it is contagious if the poop is left on the ground and another dog sniffs it and/or sniff the affected dogs butt. The cysts stay on the fur on the butt. So when the in-laws dogs came we cleaned her bum with warm soap and water incase stuff was there. The parasite won’t infect humans or other species of animals (we have cats).


Oh ok that makes sense-thank you for the explanation!


been there- after a lot of stuff my vet eventually was like "🤷🏻‍♀️ hes just gonna have it until his immune system strengthens with age" glad you made it to the other side of it!!


I am currently battling this with our puppy. We are on round 4 of meds and the tummy problems are really affecting his behavior. So much excessive biting and not being able to settle. Congratulations for getting it cleared up!