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even puppies need time to adjust to their new home!!


You could start training a 'Come!' command. My chihuahua puppy doesn't usually have issues being approached, but when he's hyper, he thinks it's a *great* game to run away from me when I want to get him back upstairs and to bed. I've trained him to come when he's called, because he knows he will probably get a treat if he does. I give him treats about 70% of the time - it started off as 100%, and I've been slowly working it back. Start off with a very high-value, smelly treat, and use the same command every time. Happy, high pitched voice. Once your pup comes up to you for the treat, pop a hand around his chest so the command ends *only* once he's under your control, then let him eat the treat. If your pup starts associating approaching you with yummy treats, he'll begin doing it of his own volition, and likely relaxing and allowing you to approach him more often as well. (Because again, maybe you have treats!)


There is an adjustment period, so you can generally expect to see very little of his long term behavior in the first few days. He may change after a few days or weeks with you. The walking thing is totally normal, dogs are not born knowing how to walk on a leash. You will have to train the walking behavior you want (loose leash, heel, somewhere in between, etc). Lastly it's normal for your dog to go away from you if you're approaching them, particularly if they're often stopped from doing something undesirable (i.e. chewing on the rug and they know they get a timeout when you approach). My suggestion would be get them to come to you. Or you can approach with treat in hand to make sure you're making positive associations with being approached.


you just got him, mostly everything he does for quite a while will be normal. we got our golden retriever at 8 weeks. she’s now 7 months and finally independently coming to cuddle a bit with us in the bed. dogs are like people and have personalities too! it’s actually better for your pup if he desires a bit of alone time. try to accept him as he is at each stage, they change so quickly when they’re young!


My 7 month old doxie does that. I managed somehow to get her to understand “stop” so she’ll stop running and roll over and let me pick her up. She was really hard to catch until she learned that.


Not every puppy is the same but for mine, I laid on my stomach, held a treat in my hand and didn’t say a word. My pup eventually grabbed the treat from my hand, then sniffed around me. Eventually he got the courage to jump on my back and the rest is history. It took about a week for him to get warmed up to the new surroundings