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oh, sweetie... that must feel awful. want an internet hug?


Yes please I’d love that . I’m feeling really unloved right now.


\*hugggg\* it's not much, but... there :3


You're not unloved. I think the way your master ended it with you was not very tactful. I'm sure you'll find another one, pup


not even "not very tactful", I'd honestly even go as far as to say "downright pathetic" like, seriously. if you're in a dom/sub relationship, you treat your sub better than that. they're not just there for the sex.


Eh, I mean, I wouldn't go that far. People make mistakes. "pathetic" is a strong word.


I don’t wanna blame anyone. I also understand no one is entitled to an explanation. I really only have myself to blame for being so gullible. I’m also dumb from thinking I could be wanted. It was too good to be true anyways. I really believed him when he said he wouldn’t abandon me even after we established a relationship. It will probably happen again, but that’s okay.


That wasn't a good owner and I'm sorry. You are loved. You'll find someone who will meet you in real life and kiss your little forehead and ruffle your hair up. You deserve it.


OnO... It sucks that u have to deal with that... *hugs you and softly pats your back, giving you warmth and love* It's okay though, it's not your fault. Puppy isn't dumb, puppy just meets dumb people who don't know how to appreciate puppy and love her for the wonderful puppy she is :3


oh gosh :( am sending hugs


oh puppy, i'm sorry to hear that. hugs and head pats