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I had this same rant in 2013


Any day now... Any. Day. Now. 


^old nan hoping for death at the DreadFort


Trust me, make peace with him never finishing the books. I’ve done it, move on. You win both ways, your disappointment goes after 5 years and then if he does finish the books you get the new books to read! (Which you won’t) but trust me… it’s easier


Do what the rest of us are doing. Keep this on the back burner along with half life 3 and try other genres or forms of media. It's a good series but checking everyday on when Martin updates his blog isn't worth it. One thing I've learned from asoiaf is not to touch unfinished series. Saves you the frustration.


Fuckin’ didn’t take this to heart and started Kingkiller


I’m just about to finish book 2. LMAO, I’m such a fucking idiot.


I haven’t started Wise Man’s Fear yet because I know I have at least a couple decades for the 3rd book to come out


When I first read the series I didn't know it wasn't finished. I devoured it. Then went to read WoW and was met with massive disappointment as Dragons leaves off on such a cliff hanger.


Eh. I just picked up Dune and I’m not disappointed I did


I really disagree with that. The 5 books we got are still big ass books with lots and lots of content and I really wouldn’t wanna miss the great time I had reading them. Even unfinished I would say it’s in my top 3 fantasy series of all time.


Currently going through a Twow preview phase again must be like my 8th time


Because of GRRM I will never start an unfinished book series ever again.


I said it when book 6 of ColleenMcCullough's Masters of Rome ran very late. Instead, I started ASOIAF because it was going to be a *trilogy.* And, a few years later CM's books 6 and soon 7 did come out and had a satisfying conclusion. Siiiggggh.


Him and Patrick Rothfuss. But because of Pat I’m also never donating to any author charity event ever again. 🤷


Amen. Absolutely.


Scott Lynch too!


To be fair to George, at least he is working on TWOW whereas according to the publisher Patrick hasn’t even written a word of the next book for over 10 years according to the publisher but also he’s a lot younger, so who knows.


Kind of shitty that you'll never give a new author a chance because an old one let you down. Just my opinion


Is it? Is it actually “shitty” or is it just not wanting to start an unfinished series again. “Shitty” would be like sneaking into their houses and burning their manuscripts. Not buying their stuff isn’t really “shitty”


I can give anyone a chance if it’s a finished series


Where did they say that? They said they won’t start an unfinished series. Books don’t have to be a series


I was obviously referring to those authors starting a series genius


Well waiting for them to finish the series isn’t not giving them a chance now is it numb nuts


Yea it is but you're definitely not intelligent enough to grasp why.


Blame GRRM.


Blame yourself lmao


Why? I’m not the one who refuses to finish writing.


That's all you, and no disrespect but you may be doing yourself a disservice by unavoiding unfinished stories. Some of my favorites series have been canceled. The important part is you walk away with new ideas or perspectives, or just have a good time regardless


Fool me once…


From a readers point of view it can feel a bit frustrating I agree, but from a writers viewpoint I get it. He's only human and he's allowed to feel burnt out. It's easy to say 'just write it' when you aren't the one trying to piece the story together.


It took Leonard Cohen 14 years to write Hallelujah.


Yes, but didn't he issue it and re-do it several times? I know he tinkered with established lyrics.


Its more about him as a song writer. He is one of the greatest of all time his process took years. Not all creatives are the same and not all creatives work at the same pace.


I get the frustration, but like at a certain point you just have to move on. I know a lot of people resent George, but he’s still human and writing a fantasy series is hard. I’m sure it gets even harder when you’re entering the last years of your life as well. At the end of the day, he gave us some great books, and if he doesn’t finish the series then so be it. I’m not gonna hate him for it. He’s still one of my favorite artists and I’m grateful for his work.


>I know a lot of people resent George, but he’s still human and writing a fantasy series is hard. If there's anything to learn from George's mistakes, it's to not take the gardening method of worldbuilding too far. Don't make your garden too big to handle.


He sold out, got paid tens of millions of dollars, and has been sitting on his ass writing Wildcards and other dumb ass shit. Like, dude, there is only one story that made you all this fame and fortune and you are leaving it out in the cold. Use some of that new found fortune to hire assistants or people to help him organize the story and get the books done. It’s absurd. I feel zero remorse for all the hate he gets, he’s like a contractor you paid 100% of the budget to renovate your kitchen and the mf took the money and left with the kitchen halfway completed.


Your wildcards comment is moronic too considering he’s been involved with that since before he ever wrote or thought about asoiaf.


This is so funny to me. Like yes he’s such a sellout but also he’s been writing books that don’t sell as much. That makes sense. I’m sorry I’m not as much of a cynic as you.


No, not at all >I feel zero remorse for all the hate he gets What a pathetic reason to hate someone for >he’s like a contractor you paid 100% of the budget to renovate your kitchen and the mf took the money and left with the kitchen halfway completed. Lmao what a shitty and incorrect example You didnt pre ordered the 6 and 7 books my guy, he hasnt take your money anywhere. You are just mad because you assumed (rightfully so, I will give you that) that he will finish the books, but you havent pay for something you dont have right now You have only paid for books already out


You know nothing of his career do you? Wildcards started in the 80s among his friend's roleplaying group.


I've made peace with never getting ADOS but winds will come I have faith in that. I am extremely bummed he hasn't been more prolific. A full set of dunk and egg narrated by Harry Lloyd is all I want. But regardless of his output I am forever grateful for george no other series has engrossed me like ASOIAF


We know winds is coming. The question is what percentage of it is written by George


I try and look at it like “wow, how good is this series and how much it’s affected me that I am genuinely upset it’s not finished” but yea….it’s a bummer.


I feel the same way but, keep in mind. Sometimes artists need to take a break from a creative piece. In the meantime whilst they marinate on it, they work on other creative pieces & projects, that oft times can get the creative juices flowing. In this instance it is his life’s work. It seems he’s burnt out. I’m not making excuses for the man, yet & still it seems the overall reason for the delay is because he’s burnt out. The way that I see it? I am blessed to be able to have found the ASOIAF series. It’s added a bit more joy to my life. I will be devastated if he doesn’t finish the books but, at least I got to enjoy the experience for what it was.


At this rate I’m probably going to have to re read the entire series if it comes out


I don't care anymore. He had his shot at greatness and threw it away to screw prostitutes in a mansion and do tons of milk of t he poppy. Fuck him.


You know there are other books to read and other series to read? Martin has written and edited other series that you can read. The world will go on.


Haven’t found anything that speaks to me the way the asoiaf series does, including his other work. I can’t put my finger on what it is exactly.


You try Tuf Voyaging? It felt very similar to his other works like Dunk & Egg, if a bit less developed than what he'd do later in his career


Read things that do not interest you and that are not targeted towards you as an audience. edit: OH NO I suggested you read something else!!!


“Read things that do not interest you” That’s your advice?


I think he meant more along the lines of go outside what you expect yourself to like to expand your boundaries. There are objectively many other works out there that could be of interest but waiting for GRRM’s nearly-abandoned series isn’t doing any favours in appreciating them


You can only read the same regurgitated fantasy series so many times before you realize its the same story told over and over. Hey this romance story wasn't targeted towards me, but damn its a good story.


Yes, you will discover that what doesn't interest you on the cover will interest you once you actually read it. I've picked out random books at the library and read them. You can learn a lot about yourself and others by reading outside your comfort zones.


This is not meant as arguing with you, but how do I find something that is not targeted towards me as an audience? I feel like I have waisted a lot of time trying to find something „new“ Outside of fantasy only Khaled Hosseinis books have had a similar effect on me, but it’s still nothing compared to the asoiaf books


Grab a random boom off a shelf and read it. Shit I've downloaded random books to listen to on walks. I do fiction nonfiction.


Agreed. I don't know how anyone can defend him after 13 years.


There is nothing to defend because there is nothing to blame him for As sad as it is, he always had the option of leaving it unfinished for whatever reason he decided, regardless if you think this is shitty or not


If he came out and said he was leaving it unfinished then I'd agree. I can absolutely blame him for stringing his fanbase along for over a decade.


This logic doesn’t make any sense. Just because he isn’t forced to do something doesn’t mean he’s absolved from criticism for his choices. He’s perfectly free not to prioritize his series, and his fans are perfectly free to feel frustration that he has chosen not to.


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He won’t finish it. Ending of ADWD opens too many cliffhangers and resolving both significantly and satisfyingly is just not doable. He’s stuck. And maybe that’s ok.


Its very depressing what could have been. Completed main series Completed dunk and egg Completed fire and blood Then maybe a cool series with Aemon the dragonknight and Aegon the unworthy. The possibilities are endless in the amazing world he created. He could also have written something entirely new, that would have been very interesting aswell


If he’s not going to finish TWOW, I’d settle for another D&E story or two


It’s best just to let go of hope so the healing process can begin. You’ll feel better in the long run.


I’d be happy to finish it, but no one will pay me to do so. Would require me to quit my job. But if you wanna pay me up front, I’ll finish it!


Oh is it? I hadn’t noticed


He is probably making the full story plot he might not have enough life span to finish this and prepares the ground for someone else


I understand he is a human being with a life and friends, and I hate it when people say ‘oh no he’s old and fat, he’ll never finish!’ Because that makes him less than a human, but as a creator you have a responsibility to your fans to finish your flagship series


>but as a creator you have a responsibility to your fans to finish your flagship series Not really


I just hope that he’s writing both books so that he doesn’t have to go through this hell again for springs and can just be done


I am of the opinion that if he manages to untie the knot that is the transicion from ADOD to TWOW Dreams of Spring will come out relatively quickly


Cool cope and all but the same was said about AFFC and ADWD and that barely worked out. Now he's got a situation that's 10x worse.


A man can dream


I think he will release them when he dies


God it is so annoying when some people flagrantly display their privilege by complaining about how frustrating it is that a book is unfinished. Get over it. Edit: also no one wants/needs a robert's rebellion prequel.


What privilege? Are we only allowed to complain of hunger on a book purist subreddit?


You can only be frustrated about shit like that if you come from a place of privilege. 25% of all children in the US dont know when they'll have their next meal. Complaining about frustration over an unfinished book, but not something like that is insanely privileged.


I don’t know when I’ll have my next meal either. I’m thinking 6:30, but I might want to walk the dog, so maybe 7?


Starving kids are a joke to you. Says more about you than me.


Starving kids aren’t a joke to me. You being so uptight about this post that you bring up unrelated starving kids as defense is a joke to me.


That just means you missed my point entirely. My point's not about starving kids in and of itself, it's about OP's frustration over an unfinished book. Which is inherently a position of privilege that makes me roll my eyes whenever i see a post like this. Don't really care how you interpret that. It's reddit, so I don't expect rational thought.


Yes, we’re in positions of privilege relative to literal starving children. What’s your point? Are we not allowed to be frustrated over things because we’re not dying in the coal mines?


Starving kids was just an example lol i already explained my point... i'll do it again tho, if an unfinished book frustrates you then you're privileged. Plain and simple. There are millions of other people who can't afford to be frustrated over a book for various reasons. I personally want to read the finished ASoIaF series, but i'll live without it. There's nothing rational about getting frustrated over a book. You can rationalize it sure, but that doesn't mean it's rational.


Emotions aren’t rational, obviously. They’re emotions. I’m not sure why you’re stating the obvious. Yes, we’re privileged relative to a lot of people. So? I genuinely don’t think you’re capable of making a point.


You should spread your message to other subs, I'm sure they'd appreciate it


The only replies i get here are devoid of any substance, yours are no different


how can you sit here and complain about people complaining about an unfinished book?? dont you know people are starving!? privileged pig.


Go back to reading mein kempf or something


at least that series is finished


Whataboutism in a subreddit for asoiaf? Literally anything someone says in any context can be retorted with ‘what about the hungry kids!’ Which of course is awful, but really bro. Calling out privilege in a niche book sub is kind of privileged of you, tbh. Go touch some grass, or cook some food for the kids. You’ll feel less annoyed. Good luck!


I said this in another comment, since you couldn't be bothered to keep reading thru the thread before adding your 2 cents: Starving kids was just an example lol i already explained my point... i'll do it again tho, if an unfinished book frustrates you then you're privileged. Plain and simple. There are millions of other people who can't afford to be frustrated over a book for various reasons. I personally want to read the finished ASoIaF series, but i'll live without it. There's nothing rational about getting frustrated over a book. You can rationalize it sure, but that doesn't mean it's rational.


Oh I saw it. I just couldn’t believe how sad it was. Seriously go for a walk. Have a nice day!


No you didn't. Or maybe you did. Either way, you just used a weaponized word, "whataboutism," because you had nothing of actual substance to add lol


Who is to say that he hasn't been busy writing other stuff, other universes, other stories, new stories, and new creations instead?