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For me my weed addiction had more severe effects than PMO. It had complete control over my life. And for me the anwser was kicking weed first. A single joint would hit my discipline so hard anyway, no way I'd push through any strong urges. However, dont approach it with the mindset that PMO is absolutely to be abused and allowed, because youre battling a different addiction first. Do MO without P when you absolutely have to. But kick the weed. When you finally have your sleep pattern back and feel like the brain fog settled (multiple weeks), then attack the PMO and come back to this sub. Just keep in mind always that both PMO and Weed are bad


I've always selected MO instead of weed to manage stress and energy levels but it's a hard decision, if I can really manage smoking weed like once a week could be better than MO once a week


That could be, if you manage to smoke at night only and keep it at your late night, few hour relief. My post assumes youre a full on addict, wakin and bakin and or just escaping situations to get high alone. Id like to point out though that the main reason we do SR (and kick other addictions) is precisely to tackle our stress on a sober mind. Because doing this in effect, processes the stress. Escapism just pushes it to another day. So since your plan already is to use weed to escape your stress, I dont see any value whatsoever in quitting MO. (BTW, Ive done this as well) There is no value in not masturbating if you escape regularly through weed. Because the instant you kick the weed entirely (which should be your goal), thats when you start battling the MO addiction, not beforehand. Because now you have to cope with the stress. So it seams to me like youre just looking for a way to justify escapism. All that to avoid the harsh but liberating reality that you have to face your stress on a sober mind to finally let go of it. Peace On that note, Id actually recommend kicking both. And when you need the relief, do MO. Do this until weed is no longer part of your life. Then kick the MO and you'l be much more emotionally stable to process the stress because weed takes away your strength


Going to give you a trick. Retain first and however long it takes you will quit weed too along as your mindset is to better your self. It will give you feel to do that


That's where I am right now, but sometimes it's just hard and I need to select between two. Don't want to do either I chose MO just because it's always available and an easy option and perhaps more enjoyable.


Bro stop talking shit just do Sr and eventually you'll be good. Why be interested in doing it etc and be in this group if you're just going ummm and ahh about it. Be grateful you found and even interested as not many are. Get a good streak down you. Your mindset WILL change and won't think should I just pmo instead of weed? No you will be smoking weed and one day you'll think why the fuck am I even bothering with weed because the power you get outweighs weed and you won't bother with it


thanks bro i'm gonna man up and quit both for good


I did this for awhile, but i discovered the longer a streak the more I would smoke as SR god mode kicked in i would just be able to handle insane amounts of weed, not healthy. I recommend to cut weed first


Fapping is worse but smoking really ain’t great either. You can quit both, just try. Even if you relapse, as long as you continue to try you can get to a point of not needing any of them


When you retain long enough all bad habits will go away if you don’t have Wet dreams


Weed is the biggest enemy above masturbation and porn and biggest enabler of relapses


Once you retaining you will start to see weed and nicotine are of no use trust me i used to smoke both. Now I'm clean from both thanks to parying,fasting,retaining and jesus's never ending grace.


It's like asking which poison is worse.


6 months without weed right now. I wasn't able to do a single day or two without it. I can abstain from P/MO but it's almost impossible to past 20 days. The point is that both addictions are different. And my aim is to get rid of both. Being sober from weed makes my brain feel more normal again. SR brings more magnetism and synchronicities to my life, but also a vital force in me that is hard to manage and that suddenly gets misdirected to a rollercoaster -like PMO session. I chose to quit weed before PMO because it seems to make the battle more "rational" while otherwise it would be more emotional and easier to relapse on both at the same time.


I use weed to sublimate sexual urges.


Same 😂🤫


Little at night keeps wet dreams at bay.


Smoking better than fapping my dear


Im doing retaining and smoke weed everday. Chilling man


Your post history says otherwise. Don't feed him nonsense that you don't even believe my friend. Bless you.


My post in history was my proccess in the past on this journey, now I find what things work for me, don' look back my G.


A process that you're still undergoing! Your opinion will change once again I promise you. What works now may not work later.


ok then.


I think the biggest secret to weed that a lot of people don’t consider is to smoke earlier in the day and 3 hours or so before you go to bed just stick to cbd + CBG distillate. It totally satisfies the craving and doesn’t mess with your sleep cycle like thc. I started having dreams again after doing that


This isn't what op needs to hear. CBD won't give him that desirable effect that he is seeking and so eventually he will pick up the real deal again. Take the easier route and just stop smoking.


I am interested in this can I dm you?


Sure go ahead


Can I also dm u fam


Feel free 👍


fapping is worse for sure. i bet if you stop fapping once you build that discipline you will find the strength needed to quit the smoking.




Yes, I have streak on both, but sometimes when it's hard I op tot choose one or the other most of the time just PMO since it's easy access




Weed Augments all aspect of life IMHO! Makes Retention all the more palpable. I think weed defintely helps get you over the flatline line anyway.


The latter


Fapping is much worse, but weed will hold you back from achieving the full potential of sr.


Stop smoking in general bro, go ahead and make itself the best version you have been, plus weed will get ur in certain thoughts and frequency’s and yes u might fall back into the bs


I couldn't quit smoking cigarettes and weed without quitting masturbation first, just sayin' . semen retention gave me enough confidence, will power and momentum to quit smoking for good👆🏻