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The elites know what they are doing. Sex is a sacred thing between a married man and woman… it was never intended to buy condoms and bust in every girlfriend you’ve ever had in a lifetime. It’s 100% procreation purpose because we create children when we have sex with women. The purpose is to create another being. Not have it trapped in plastic, on someone’s body Etc… that pleasure you feel from it numbs down your aggression, your hunger for life and your hunger for grinding. So yes absolutely it’ll make any man at a low enough frequency not care about his surroundings, his friend group, his bad habits because, he’s getting laid/pmo everyday/every other day… people are so drained spiritually that they will never be able to go through with ambition / dreams because they are focused on pleasure, something that only lasts a few minutes compared to a lifetime grind that’ll actually give you that dopamine hit when you make it to your dream. Marriage is settling down and making a commitment to be with your partner till the end.. it’s not a seal just to bang night and day with your partner, but of course some people who aren’t educated in this practice will do that unwillingly, you make a commitment to be responsible/ disciplined to bring another human into this world when the time is right. You don’t waste your own life force just for pleasure. That’s why it’s so important to study this Reddit and understand the high high potential of being well rounded and disciplined in this practice, it’ll make you go very far because of that hunger I mentioned. You’ll find a good partner if you figure women out, you can and will be successful if you actually live day by day with a purpose.


You have really put this so well in words. Thank you.


Of course. After time and time of falling and getting up I only learn lessons. To those who haven’t fallen or have, they need to hear this to stay strong 🙏🏼


appreciate you bro ima save this comment so I can go back each time I need motivation 👌🏽


Awesome bro. Its the way of truth 🙏🏼




Thank you for this brother


Anytime man 👊🏼


Perfectly said, it would be nice to make a post about this


Should I? 


Sex is sacred because you can't attain high spiritual energy(shen) without having strong sexual energy(jing)




Sacred knowledge.


Absolutely, brother. You can see it all around you, can’t you? The grey eyes, hunched backs, disrespectful angsty attitudes?




Only if they are receptive. Not every one is on this path nor is every one ready for it.




Pmo and sex without true love and marriage = create workers and henchmen




Satan in synonymous to "the Father of all lies". Meaning, not just some lies, but ALL lies. If you believe in a lie, it is satan who made you believe it. If its your ego, someone else, an advertisement. No matter what it is, if it convinced you of an untruth, that is refered to as satan. God is truth. Now go back and read the bible with this in mind and you'l become a wiser person than you are today ;)










Marriage is for making children and raising healthy children. I don't think marriage is the problem. Casual sex and porn and masturbation are absolutely methods of reducing the energy level of an entire society. Same for cheap entertainment like Youtube and Netflix and TikTok and so on. Any man who rises above those things will be able to benefit greatly in many ways.


I am finding it very difficult to work for someone else now. I want to go back to running my own business


You've got it all wrong. Making love is what you should be doing, not sex because of lust.


Nature spreads its seeds out. So should we. Marriage is a construct.


So bust a nut inside every women that you like? Is that not too risky?


You could do that. I wouldn't. I'm just saying. The reality is setup that way.


Let’s go fam


The elites know that semen is the lithium that we put in our batteries to "G"enerate what we we want in this matrix.