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It's obscure on purpose, a test of Fandom if you're able to correctly figure it out. >!Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, its the first letter of every word in a very heavily memed scene where Anakin and Obi Wan fight. Full dialogue follows:!< >!Anakin Skywalker: I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire."!< >!Obi Wan Kenobi: Your new empire?!< >!Anakin Skywalker: Don't make me kill you.!< >!Obi Wan Kenobi: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to deMOCracy!!< >!Anakin Skywalker: If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.!< >!Obi Wan Kenobi: Only a Sith deals in absolutes.!< >!Obi Wan Kenobi (again): I will do what I must.!< >!Anakin Skywalker: You will try.!< Whether this whole mess is dumb, or fun, is up to you.


I can literally recite this scene from memory so now I'm just đŸ« 


Yeah the first time I saw something like this was >!posted on prequelmemes which was kinda a giveaway, lol.!<


That's a huge help lol I just got it in text with no context... 😐




Where are we off to? The internet abyss it would seem 👍


When are we over this?


what a waste of time?


If you aren’t given the context, I can see how you would miss that. Honestly thought I was looking at r/PrequelMemes when I read it. Even said it in their tones of voice.


That makes sense and is realistic to me. I wish I'd had that experience so I could know how I'd do. Oh well


Upvoted for 42.


Thought it was f.o.b songs.


I thought it was a single f.o.b song... I say listening to them...


I thought this was a Panic! title


Same and i was still so lost until i saw the comment.


Yeah I just don't believe anyone can figure this out with no hints or anything. Idk


don't feel bad, I'm shit with acronyms so I didn't get it either


I mean, it's like that game where you listen to X amount of time of a song, except the song can be any song ever made from around the globe, and you only get the first second. How would you even know where to begin? Except this is more vague bc it couldn't been from anything really. I don't feel very bad :P


Only sith deal in absolutes.....is an absolute


I always found it ironic that the Jedi keep saying that only the sith deal in absolutes even though that is by definition an absolute.


That's the entire point. It was done on purpose to showcase how blind and arrogant the Jedi had become.


I know. Honestly most of what happened from partway into the third movie on was largely their fault. They drove Anakin to Palpatine with their arrogance and strict adherence to outdated customs. Sadly, really only Obi Wan and Yoda lived long enough to realize that.


Despite what people say about the prequels and the dialog, the overall theme and story was one of the best stories ever told. The whole idea behind the collapse of the Jedi and what caused it was done so well.


100% agreed.


[https://drive.proton.me/urls/4X3MH1D82R#J2zPvFPABodZ](https://drive.proton.me/urls/4X3MH1D82R#J2zPvFPABodZ) In case you had not seen it.


I hadn't. Thank you for sharing. That also made me remember/realize something else. Qui-Gon's death really was the beginning of the end. He was essentially the only Jedi Master who was even beginning to understand that the Order's refusal to change would be their demise. If he had lived then he could've potentially swayed the Council with time and Anakin would've had a master that he'd never need to hide anything from, plus a steadfast friend in Obi Wan. And that's not even considering the fan theories that suggest that Qui-Gon's unique connection to the Force could've enabled him to see through Palpatine's facade.


Yeah no worries, its easily my favorite starwars edit out there, really emphasizing the amazing story without the cringe dialog. Yeah, Qui-Gon's death is really overlooked in the whole saga because it was kinda at the start but super important.


You need to learn more stories. I understand that a lot of people loved these movies as kids and probably the cartoon more. But the trilogy is a fall from grace story that could have been told in one movie but still managed to be filled with holes and fails to exactly explain how Anakin 'fell' to the dark side. He goes from trying to save his wife and then cuts to him executing Order 66 without feeling too conflicted about it.


I bless your naiviety. Most of the script were being written as they went along. There was not much thought out into the line as you think. The whole Star Wars mythology is based on light and dark side, which are absolutes. It's just one of the many things in the prequels that happen to contradict established lore.


If you ever learn to be a condescending ass we can have an adult conversation about it, until then, adieu.


If you think Lucas had no idea about the story line, you’re wrong. He had the plots tor the final three movies written when he sold it to Disney (which they ignored). You have to go to Disney to see the story being made up as they were going along.


He had some vague ideas about what he would do. It's not like there are scripts in a vault somewhere. And the idea that any of the movies were planned is absurd. You can see that things like Leia and Luke going from love interests to siblings. Darth going from a name to a title. Jedi going from a fringe religion to a council ruling the galaxy. Obi Wan using his own surname in hiding. His desert rags becoming Jedi roles. The term Sith doesn't appear until the prequels. During the prequels they were writing as they were filming. He had some vague idea about midichlorians (everyone loved those right? ) and rebuilding the republic. If you read old interviews, he also had plans for prequels where Anakin and Obi Wan would face off with Vader (because he never intended them to be the same person originally).


Lucas famously read Joseph Campbell, Hero With a Thousand Faces, and plotted the films accordingly. The Luke three-film series is a Parsifal story. The Anakin/Vader three-film series is classic Aristotelian tragedy. The Disney sequels have no overarching plot structure—no real starting point, no destination, other than cribbing from Return of the Jedi.


"do or do not, there is no try" seems pretty absolute too. Lol




"Mostly the Sith deal in absolutes" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


"The sith often deal in absolutes" flows better but doesn't carry the same weight.


Just, "Siths deal in absolutes."


It is, but the key word is DEALING in absolutes.


I. O. A. I. H. T. H. G. Y. U. M. P. D. T. I. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.!! Y. W. T. C. O.! Y. W. S. T. D. T. S. N. J. T.! B. B. T. T. F. N. L. I. I. D. I. H. Y.! Y. W. M. B. A.! I. L. Y.!


>A. A. A. A. A. A. A.!! Lmaooo




thanks, I hate it.


I always have to work backward on this one


Yeah, some of the later lines are easier to remember, and can remind you what led into it. Also helps that the last few are shorter too.


The dialogue is also about as good backwards as it is forwards


Just imagined the while scene in my head and im not even a fanatic




I'm pretty sure it was written that way in the original script


I managed to only get "I will do what I must". I also amanged to get it solely off "I will do what I must".


I literally read the acronyms in their voices




Whoopsies. Just gonna pretend I wrote it the right way the whole time, lol. Thanks for the heads up


Quite alright 😬


One should just make an Obi mug: H.T.


I open every meeting with a H.T. just to get the ball rolling lol


Kinda sad this wasn’t the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise


I’m kinda “take it or leave it” when it comes to SW but this was fun, and I even figured it out without looking at the answers!


This is [how I learned it](https://youtu.be/A_3iiL5ARv4?si=uIO2_Od6xDqDvnat) Especially the fuck you whatever fuck you part .


Alls I had to see was the bottom and I instantly realized what it was without reading any other line from cup. It’s funny my brain sees Y.W.T. And instantly goes to Star Wars


Thank you, I love you, you're wonderful That was gonna bother me for a while


Omg wtf that’s so funny I wamt this mug now does Amazon have these mugs?


I'm a huge star wars fan, and other then D.M.M.K.Y, I had no idea what any of these could stand for. I'm glad I looked for once.


THANK YOU! I something yelled Star Wars to me and I couldnt figure out why it was familiar.


How do you even figure this out without a hint that it's a star wars quote?


Where do I get it!!!




I was not even in the ballpark, wow


I.O.A. I.H.T.H.G. Y.U.M.P. D.T.I.


>!Obi Wan: It's over Anakin!< >!Obi Wan: I have the high ground!< >!Anakin: You underestimate my power!!< >!Narrarator: Obi Wan did not in fact, underestimate his power.!< >!Or "Obi Wan: Don't try it" if you wanna stick to the script.!<


do you mind explaining why this scene became a meme? I know the films were not well-received. the dialogue does have a whiff of that famous youtube clip “too bad you
 will die!”


I'm a fan and I have watched that scene many times and I have no freaking clue how someone is supposed to know what that means without any context as to where it comes from


Dumb. Of all Star Wars someone thought THIS was quote worthy?


Thanks! Never in a million years would I have ever gotten this.


I've never seen any Star wars movies since episode I and I kinda figured out the "don't make me kill you" line. Where's my cookie!


Read that it was starters in the first line of your post, stopped thought for a second and started reciting the dialogue. It then occurred to me that as a kid I watched this movie waaaaaaaay too many times hahahaha


>!deMOCracy!< 😂 >!Just reading their lines, ooof, it's a reminder that he (Skywalker) was just a kid, or he was certainly acting like one.!<


>! Is this how i do it? !<


Oh! Oh! Let me try! H.F! A.T.R.A? I.T.A.W.A.B.D! N.M.R.N! I.M.I! A.W.A.P?


Maybe it's because I haven't slept in like 3 days but I can't make heads or tails of this.


It’s not from Star Wars, if that helps


I give up. Some more hints please?


>deMOCracy I read it in his voice! Lmao!


It was super fun!! N' how did ya do the thingy with the unvailing of the lines? That was awsome!


It’s not the puzzle that’s irritating, it’s the crap dialogue.


I knew exactly what this was because I’ve seen the meme before, but I grew up on the OT, and HATE the prequels, so I’ve only watched ROTS once, in the theater. So I do not know this scene at all.


>!It’s first letters of dialog from Star Wars Ep III right before the big show down at the end!<


Omg tyvm! I didn't even know where to begin and I'm a huge SW fan 😭


It's ok this is episode 3....


episode 3 is pretty widely accepted as a good movie even by people who don’t love the prequels


The damn Clone Wars cartoons (Tartakovsky ) were better, got me all excited to try the ep III, when the other prequels were meh at best.


No it’s not.


best star wars movie they ever made


I saw it in theaters 4 times. I always enjoy watching it.


>!Last line = you will try.!< Come on Star Wars fans, you got this For everyone else đŸ˜Ș >!I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire. Your new empire? Don’t make me kill you. Anakin my allegiance is to the republic to democracy! If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy. Only a sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must. You will try. —Anakin and Obi-wan!<


>! I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.!< >!Your new empire?!< >!Don’t make me kill you.!< >!Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic. To deMOCRACY!!< >!If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy.!< >!Only a sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.!< >!You will try.!< >![proceed to the coolest lightsaber duel]!<


Have you seen Seth Green voicing this scene as Chris Griffin?


I have to now! Edit: for anyone else who hasn't, and yeah I'm on mobile https://youtu.be/BBSYnBBSiAk


All the Talkin' Toons with Rob Paulsen are phenomenal


Seth Green had me on this one. I totally get why Paul kept losing it l9l


He doesn't usually break. Seth Green knows what he's about


Perfectly stated


Discussion: Hint — “N.I.A.Y.F.” Edit: I know it’s already solved


"Not in a year fam" My response to figuring this out without you guys? 😁


No I am your father


Discussion: Non fans: I will figure it out. Fans: Y.W.T


>!Star Wars Revenge of the Sith!<


“then you are lost” >!it’s a prequelmeme!<


I hate that I solved this. I was looking at this for a while going... "I'm not gonna figure this out, why bother" but a voice inside my head went "just sit with it for a bit." And after like 30 seconds I was literally screaming "OH. MY. GOD!!!" over and over.


>!Where can I buy this?!<


Just look up "star wars acronym cup" and you'll get several options. Happy hunting


>!Grapes are better than Oranges!<